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    Friday, April 17, 2020

    Morrowind Hippity hoppity Argonians are property

    Morrowind Hippity hoppity Argonians are property

    Hippity hoppity Argonians are property

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Where's my skooma pipe?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Some fancy Indoril armor I decided to draw

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Nature Calling

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Waiting for the next OpenMW version to come be like..

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Which Great House is your favorite?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    Mine is House Telvanni because they have characters like Fyr and Neloth, also they live in fucking mushroom towers and I like the fact that if you get killed, the killer won't be punished because only the weak get killed

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/spirtomb1831
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    Netch on the loose

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    How many LEGO pieces would it take to create a to scale model of Vivec City?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    I have a dream. Also by "to scale" I mean in terms of a mini-figure.

    submitted by /u/Platinum2505
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    The Weapon Master - a roleplaying idea I've been obsessed with, help needed.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    The idea for this build came to me when I've been studying the base classes. Looking at the warrior preset, it has almost all the weapon types in game, minus hand-to-hand and short blades, which goes against everything I've learned about class creation. No rational person picks more than two weapon types, doing so makes you sacrifice more beneficial utility skills.

    Fortunately I am not a rational person, and I am determined to make it work and, even more have fun playing it. Meet the Weapon Master, an ultimate warrior and an idea i've been obssessed with the past month. I write this post as a sort of build overview, with explanations to various aspects, and I will welcome any suggestions concerning the build itself, but especially I'd love to see some roleplaying ideas to spice the playthrough up with.

    First things first, I am taking it a step further from the warrior class - including short blades skill. Weapon master is proficient with all kinds of weaponry, even daggers. I decided to not include hand-to-hand, because fighting weaponless is not what this build is about.

    I. Skills and attrributes

    Specialization: Combat

    Attributes: Strength, Agility

    Major Skills:

    - Long blade

    - Spear

    - Block

    - Short blades

    - Axe/Blunt

    Minor Skills:

    - Blunt/Axe

    - Marksman

    - Armorer

    - /an armor skill/

    - /Athletics/

    Now, there are 2 (or 3) points that I am not sure of.

    1) The inclusion of athletics

    From meta-gaming point of view, it would make sense to get rid of it, as there is no way to control the levelling of it without hopping around like an armored kangaroo. From role-playing point of view, a weapon mater should be fast on his feet and fit enough to carry his equipment without slowing down to a snail's pace. Would athletics as a minor skill mess my build too much?

    2) The choice of armor

    The warrior preset has heavy and medium armor as major and minor skills, respectively. I've been tempted to keep them both to retain the pure warrior feel, but this build is already constrained by all the weapons skill; keeping both would mean sacrificing the few empty slots we have.

    Going heavy would mean carrying a (duh) heavy suit of armor, along with an already sizeable arsenal of weaponry, which would mean that early game would probably be a painful exercise of juggling inventory space and crawling everywhere. Good armor rating though. Medium armor offers nice balance of protection and weight, plus it has some damn sexy armor sets like indoril, orcish and adamantium. However, there are less unique medium sets in game and meta-gaming wise Light armor is better all the way into late game. Concerning Light armor, it would solve the carry weight issues this build will probably have, but I am concerned about survivability of a build with an armor skill in a minor slot. It's not going to be a strictly dead-is-dead build, but I would like it to be viable from the get go. Going unarmored would be the ultimate role play: a weapon master running through a battlefield in a flowing robe like a medieval jedi or some generic shounen anime protagonist. Would probably die a lot early on. Which would you suggest?

    3) The presence of marksman

    The only stealth skill and also the only ranged weapon skill in the original warrior preset. An archetypal fantasy weapon master is not known for using bows or crossbows. However, throwing weapons are an interesting weapon type that still somehow fits the idea the concept, and would make dealing with those pesky cliff-racers much easier.

    II. Races and birthsigns:

    Any race would work, really. Redguard, Nord and Orc would proably be the strongest choices early. For giggles I've been toying with the idea of making him a Bosmer - a race eccentric enough to produce a member that would dedicate their life to something like this. Plus the 15 point bonus to marksman make the skill viable early on even as a minor skill. The caster races would be the most painful early, and Altmer with their weakness to magic pose additional challenge. As for beast races, the lack of closed helmets and boots could hurt, but they could offer additional roleplaying flavor, and their spammable night-eye/water-breathing would offer some utility to otherwise single-minded build.

    Same goes for the birthsigns. The Lady ensures an easier early game and personality boost never hurts. This build has plenty of ways to rise endurance, so it's not such a great deal as with other builds, but extra endurance is always nice. The warrior fits thematically and also mechanically - the fortify attack effect will make levelling all those weapon skills much easier. Same goes for the Lover- although the paralysis power would make some fights less than honorable. Then there is the ultimate role-playing sign- the Tower. Maybe the weapon master is on a mission to collect all the magical weapons for his private collection? This would help him in it.

    III. Factions and guilds:

    As focused and straightforward this build is, the only real candidates are the Fighters guild, the Imperial legion and house Redoran. Any other would require to train miscelanous skills and strain the concept from its core. Depending on characters philosophy, the Imperial cult or the Temple could also fit in, and also maybe Morag Tong - depending on whether the character is a heavy armored juggernaut or agile light-armored killing-machine.

    IV. Gameplay:

    A few rules I've already established:

    - No inherent magical powers outside those of the base race and birthsign.

    - No alchemical knowledge to drink his way to victory.

    - Found enchanted scrolls and potions are okay, if they are needed.

    This is a warrior, plain and simple. He will cut his way through the obstacles. The hard part will be to find the way to make using various weapon types fun. A build like this could get old really quickly and I would welcome some roleplaying rules and ideas to make the game intersting throughout. I am open to all suggestions. Thanks in advance and sorry for any spelling mistakes I might have made. It's getting pretty late here and I'm falling asleep as I'm writing this. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/SelfDiagnosedSlav
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    Best time to play expansions?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Is there a particularly ideal time, narrative or difficulty-wise, to start on Tribunal and Bloodmoon? Would they best be left after I beat the main quest, or done some time before that? For reference, I'm still very early in the game. I've been focusing on guild quests so in terms of the main quest I've only just initially met my handler in Balmora.

    submitted by /u/Mouse_Familiar
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    Is it safe to uninstall morrowind comes alive midgame?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    I keep getting attacked by +10 npcs among other problems

    submitted by /u/dirtydev5
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    The armies of Gaenor march on Mournhold

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Act I, Part XVII: Operation: Hidden Blade (The Telvanni Girl) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Part XVII: Operation: Hidden Blade

    By Agent Miron Hlaalo, Office of Redoran Intelligence

    I do not know why General Serano requested I be assigned to his taskforce for this mission and I can say without reservation that I'm glad that I don't know, as after all, the first rule that every agent is taught in my line of work is that information security is paramount. All information has power and the kind of information that we deal with is the kind that should be restricted to a need-to-know basis and why the General asked for me is not something I need to know, it's just something that I need to comply with. Still though, I am a touch perplexed as to why he asked for someone with my skillset to be attached to a military operation, and more so why he asked for me specifically, but, like I said—these kinds of things are need-to-know and I'm not in the group of people with a need-to-know.

    On another note though, I did get the opportunity to meet with the team I'll be attached to during this operation and I can say that I'm impressed; they're not the slavering idiots I've come to expect most soldiers to be, they actually are quite articulate, well-spoken, and they each carry an air of professionalism that gives me confidence that I might just make it back after all of this. I'm not putting too much stock in that though—not yet. Not until I've seen these men in combat. They might just be parade soldiers and while I would like to have confidence in the General's judgment and good sense, my faith in soldiers is roughly on par with my faith in the Tribunal—non-existent. Still though, I wish I would've had the opportunity to go over their service jackets before meeting them, but I suppose it doesn't matter at this point—I'm here and we're leaving tonight at dusk.

    I did get a chance to meet Councilor Sarethi who said he would be joining us to oversee this operation personally and I must admit that I feel a bit disappointed to know that this is the Athyn Sarethi who so many enemies of the House have feared over the years, but I suppose it is plausible that in his old age he has lost his touch. But still, I can't help but wonder how much his legend differs from reality. He seems to be a disheveled old politician, who, for whatever reason, wants to try to relive his glory days even though they're long behind him. I just don't know why and unlike why Serano picked me—this is something I need to know. I need to know why someone in his position would personally oversee a military operation that hasn't been officially sanctioned. It doesn't make sense. Nothing about this makes sense and when I look at him, I wonder what he's hiding from the rest of us. I'm no field agent, but I'm not some slavering soldier either; I can tell when something's not right and no other Councilor would be caught anywhere near something like this—there's too much risk. This is the kind of thing that gets people brought before the Council and facing execution, or even exile. It just doesn't make sense to me. Nothing about this makes sense and though I find myself unimpressed by him, I in no way doubt that he is a threat—I just don't know in what way yet, but I'll be watching him.


    I will also be burning all of my entries, including this one. I wouldn't even be writing them, but I need some way of composing my thoughts and this will have to suffice for the time being.

    -Agent Miron Hlaalo, Office of Redoran Intelligence

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Honoring dead fans and developer-fan relation

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    When I played yesterday I went to some random ancestral tomb, in which there was a named urn with ashes of (name here) along with a badass ring.

    Quick wiki revealed it was in memoriam of a fan, a regular on TES forums, and there are two more like that.

    This made me wonder how different things were back then: seems like developers and fans were much closer to each other. Or maybe it was all on smaller scale: both the Internet and TES as a series.

    Do you remember these times? How has it been changing throughout the years?

    submitted by /u/PsychologicalFault
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    You thought you were strong.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    The only thing that I hate about morrowind...let me pass!!!!!!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Two lore questions for my RP

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    I'm semi-familiar with Morrowind. Started often, never finished.

    Just started a new play through, going (mostly) vanilla. I'm role-playing an Imperial Nationalist, really puts the empire first. Not an out of the way asshole to other races, but really loves the Empire in a lawful good kind of way. Helps those he can, but will always put the empire first... okay I'm rambling.

    I'm assuming House Hlaalu would be the one to join?

    What's the empire's view on slavery? Just passed my first ones and wondered if a lawful good citizen of the empire would free all slaves? or just ones being trafficked but not on farms?

    submitted by /u/theflyingbaldman
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    Training glitch

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    It's been almost 20 years since I last played, but aren't you only supposed to be able to train 5x/level no matter what you train? Or is that only in Oblivion and Skyrim? My character is a level 1 and really hasn't done anything with major skills yet enough to level up; but I've been able to train misc. skills like 15 times. Is this normal or one of the best "features" I've found? Xbox 1x special edition for reference.

    submitted by /u/Silver-Coyote
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    Quick question on Tamriel Rebuilt and Reputation

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    So except for my first two games, I always made sure I got up to 50 reputation by the time I got to the Cavern of the Incarnate so I can skip the annoying parts of the main quest (3rd and 4th trials I believe?).

    This is the first time I've played with Tamriel Rebuilt, and I know there are quests on the mainland that increase reputation. I was wondering if the requirement for the skip was still 50?

    submitted by /u/Seafroggys
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    Not becoming telvanni hortator.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Ive got a vote from Aryon, Neloth, Dratha, Therana, And killed gothren yet im not getting the quest update saying i got all the votes. Am i missing something?

    submitted by /u/CreamyMCcheeese
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    Miniature Luminous Russula. How to make

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Miniature Luminous Russula. How to make

    ![img](t1poxjl1z5t41 "You will need: 1)Acorns; 2) Cotton buds; 3) Giue or silicone; 4) Acrylic; 5) Phosphor; ")

    Step 1: Take the acorn hat;
    Step 2: Cut off the tip of cotton buds and stick it in a hat. If you stick with silicone, you can draw mushroom plates;
    Step 3: Paint;
    Step 4: Apply phosphor

    Full photos: https://imgur.com/gallery/okOYQiJ

    submitted by /u/Deloto51
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    My very first mod

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    I've just released my very first mod called Crassius Curio Splash the mod adds in 1 Crassius Curio themed splash screen. It would mean a lot if you could give me some feedback (positive and negative). Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Endify
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