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    Thursday, November 12, 2020

    Morrowind Morrowind Modding Madness 2020 - A Team-Based Modding Competition!

    Morrowind Morrowind Modding Madness 2020 - A Team-Based Modding Competition!

    Morrowind Modding Madness 2020 - A Team-Based Modding Competition!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Morrowind Modding Madness Season 5: The Modders Strike Back

    A Team-Based Modding Competition Starting December 1st ~ December 31st

    Register Your Modding Teams in the Comments!

    Need help finding a team? Stop by the Morrowind Modding Community Discord or the Morrowind Modding Madness Discord and let people know you want to join a team!

    Morrowind Modding Madness is back for a special 2020 pandemic round of juicy Sheogorath-filled insanity to take your mind off this already mad year! After all, the patron saint of all modders, Lord Sheogorath, still hungers for new creations to feast upon, and he won't be sated until a new set of tributes brings forth a plethora of new modding goodies! As such, Morrowind Modding Madness has once again been proclaimed, and will begin December 1st and end on December 31st! Modders will have to form teams, compete in modding challenges, and rise through the ranks to make the absolute best mods they can and claim the throne of Madness as the ultimate modding champions of 2020!

    Given that this is our fifth season, doubtless many of you are already familiar with our competition, but for those who aren't, Morrowind Modding Madness is a team-based competition in the vein of our annual Modathons (which are held in May), but with a twist where modders have to form teams and face specific modding challenges by coming up with, designing, and releasing an entire mod in a limited time frame.

    I've included a breakdown of how this competition works, how you can register and signup for the competition, as well as some of our potential prizes down below.

    But first, for those familiar with Morrowind Modding Madness, this year will represent a few notable changes over past competitions. One of the constant themes of Madness has been the principal of multiple challenges over short periods of time, but we're doing away with that this year. Instead, there will be only one challenge for the entire month, and teams will have all four weeks to build the best mod they can using a randomly generated theme, to be announced on December 1st. There's a few other changes with this year's setup, but you'll find more about that down below.

    Don't know how to make mods? Check out our Let's Mod Morrowind tutorial videos! You can still signup by December 1st!

    How It Works:

    1. Form and Register Your Modding Teams

    This a team-based modding competition, that means you need to form a modding team and register it in order to enter the competition, and given the timeframe of this competition and the number of veteran modders involved, you're going to want at least one partner to share the load with!

    Modding teams can be composed of a minimum of two modders and a maximum of five modders, and ideally, you'll want to gather a team of modders from different fields in order to make the most creative mod possible. Making a quest is always a good way to boost your mod, but what if one of the opposing teams has a talented modeler? Certainly you can outmatch their innovation by just using vanilla assets, but do you really want to take that chance? Likewise, a professional scripter will make your mods come alive, and that might well give you the edge in this creative battle of wits and madness. Whoever you pick to be on your team, you'll need to work together, collaborate, plan out your mods, and successfully release them on time in order to win and claim the top prize.

    In order to register your modding team for the competition, you need to first make sure you've got a list of your fellow modders who you want to team up with and who have agreed to work with you, then you need to come up with a team name (nothing offensive, I will rename your team if you submit something inappropriate!) and submit that team name along with your list of modders in a post either here or on the Nexus Forums by NO LATER than the end of the day December 1st. New teams CANNOT apply for the competition after December 1st, that's when the competition starts and we need to have a firm list of participating teams by then!

    Once you've got your modding team assembled, be ready to start on December 1st with the first and only challenge for this year's Madness!

    2. Meet the Challenges and Rise Through the Ranks

    Normally, Morrowind Modding Madness has two or more challenges for teams to compete in, but this year, we're reducing that down to just one challenge, and each team will have to make a mod that fits the challenge criteria in a single four-week timeframe. This year's challenge will be a randomly generated set of themes and criteria that each mod will have to meet in some possible way, and this could mean that we'll see some truly bizarre theme combinations that will hopefully lead to some really creative results.

    Now, alternatively to releasing just one mod, teams could also choose to release a series of smaller mods designed to work together, keeping in mind that, collectively, they'll still need to match the randomly generated criteria.

    In addition, this year we're introducing randomly generated optional objectives, which teams can pursue in order to secure extra prizes (though these optional objectives will not affect the end score judging). These optional objectives could be things like; adding a quest with multiple branching outcomes, building a telvanni tower player stronghold, adding a new tavern or shop to the game, or any of a number just random objectives, which may or may not fit in with the core themes and criteria that each mod must meet.

    In any event, in order for your mods to count towards the competition, when you release a mod for one of the challenges, remember to include a line at the top that says 'Part of the Morrowind Modding Madness Competition' and a line right below that with your team name like "Team Cliffracer" or something like that. Your mod will automatically be entered into the competition and be sent to our judging panel for scoring. You must upload your mods to Morrowind Nexus in order for them to be counted for the competition (we'll alternatively accept other uploading sites, assuming you send us a link to where we can find the mod).

    At the end of the competition, all mods submitted by each team will be featured in one big finale showcase video, so all mods will receive roughly equal attention on Morrowind Modding Showcases, regardless of when you submitted your mods.

    Keep in mind, you MUST release your mods by the end of December! There's a 24 hour grace period to account for timezones and uploading issues, but no mods released after January 1st will be accepted!

    Special Note: Just to be clear, you can submit both MWSE and OpenMW mods for the competition! There are no restrictions with regards to MWSE, Lua, or OpenMW development!

    3. Earn Points from the Judges

    Once again this year, we'll be using a completely judge-based scoring system, with scores tilted in favor of creativity. At the end of the competition, judges will go through and play each mod for the next 7 to 10 days, and the results of their scoring will be posted publicly.

    And to go detail regarding the scoring, each mod (or collection of mods) can receive a max of 100 points for the competition, broken down into three categories.

    Here's the criteria that each judge will be looking at for each mod:

    1. 20 Points for Mod Functionality (Mod does what it's supposed to and is also clean of GMSTs/Dirty Refs)
    2. 50 Points for Mod Innovation (Is the mod original and creative?)
    3. 30 Points for Judge Preference (Did the judge enjoy/like the mod?)

    4. Prizes

    As always with these competitions, we have a fairly large set of prizes set aside for modders to win, both for the overall competition, and for any bonus objectives that modders might try and meet. Besides the fame and glory of coming out ahead of your fellow modding teams in gladiatorial creativity, the top three teams will get a set of Steam and indie game prizes that they can choose from, not to mention the overall competition winners will of course be declared the Ultimate Modding Champions of 2020 with all the bragging rights that entails!

    Without question, 2020 has been one of the greatest years of Morrowind modding in recent memory, with over 1200 new mods released for Morrowind so far this year, more than all of 2019 combined, and more than at any point since 2005/2006! While a pandemic may rage outside our doors, inside this community, we're in the midst of a golden age for Morrowind modding, and I certainly hope we'll be able to keep that momentum going through the dark months ahead with yet another exciting modding competition!

    Best of luck to all of the contestants, I hope this competition can be a fun, distracting, and exciting event for all of you, and may the best modding team win! Happy Modding and May The Best Games Never Die!

    submitted by /u/Darkelfguy
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    my love...

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:25 AM PST

    red year blues ��

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:21 PM PST

    Armor collection.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:13 PM PST

    *sad dagoth ur noises*

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:40 AM PST

    I tried to remake the Stilt Strider in a Minecraft way

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:51 AM PST

    Finally Got Around to My First Playthrough and I'm floored by How Great This Game Is

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:17 PM PST

    You ever play an RPG and say, "This is well-done, super fun, but it's just not interesting to me?" That was my take on the Elder Scrolls series for so long, and just kinda left it there.

    I played Daggerfall, but not till the late 90s, and by then I was into Diablo and Starcraft and didn't have the attention span to delve into the Elder Scrolls universe and get super immersed. Plus, the medieval/fantasy vibe of the series wasn't my cup of tea, as I usually played sci-fi or cyberpunk games.

    But Morrowind is so different from my experience with Daggerfall and Skyrim!! I'm so happy I finally it a shot, because it feels like THAT game-- the one that scratches every itch when you look at your library wondering what to play.

    After goofing around for a while, I started a new game and started paying more attention, and holy crap. It's incredible. From the alien-like flora and giant bug-caravans to the weird humor and it's labyrinth of in-depth mechanics-- it's so fun!

    I snuck my way thru Vivec and raided the Rendoran Vaults, and was ready to head to Caldera for the very first time! Then I was attacked by a Dark Brotherhood Assassin and was determined to give their boss a piece of my mind for trying to murder-for-hire my poor Sneak Witch.

    ...I unfortunately did not realize that an underground paid-murder-cult would have so many members, as I only remember the Skyrim's DB roster of like, six assassins. I also did not know that they regenerate.

    So my poor Level 1 Character desperately ran from the caverns like their heels were on fire, obviously. I'm probably gonna go back at a higher level and whoop their butts, but is there a point if they regenerate every few days?

    Also, I've been playing it with no mods or patches, just DLC, and it's been fine, although people have said it's prone to be an annoying experience, it's hasn't been a problem. Just a few enemies clipping thru the floor when I rest lol

    Is the unofficial update patch necessary? I haven't really looked into it, as the experience so far has been great!!

    And finally, my character is already leveling skills, and the ease of combat is noticeable, but Im sick of getting whomped by easy enemies with missed swings. Are there any caves/mines/quests that aren't as daunting as diving right into the DB headquarters? Like somewhere I could train up my skills and get some choice loot at an early level?

    submitted by /u/InformalCap
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    Morrowind Synthwave Stickers - Why walk when you can vibe?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:25 AM PST

    Anyone know what this means or how to fix it? I’m on pc but I use no mods

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:01 PM PST

    DB Assassin not liking me?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:41 PM PST

    So I've recently just finished Bloodmoon and have been trying to start the Tribunal DLC for a awhile now. My character is level 37 and I've been trying to trigger the event where the DB assassin attacks you while you you rest. I've tried multiple locations and multiple times but he never attacks me. I'm playing the GOTY edition on the Xbox just for some context.

    submitted by /u/KaleidoscopeCertain4
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    Light armor progression

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:31 PM PST

    So I have a level 21 dark elf mage character who uses light armor. I have chitin armor and have killed many dark brotherhood assassins, but never wore their armor because it seemed op. Is there anything better than chitin, but worse than glass or dark brotherhood armor?

    submitted by /u/yaboycell
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    Is it possible to change the fatigue systemin Morrowind?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:41 AM PST

    I have never had a problem with fatigue in morrowind until I tried Elder scrolls 2 Daggerfall. For those who have never played Daggerfall, you get a lot more fatigue in Daggerfall which can last most of the Daggerfall day. It runs down more quickly when your active, and when it is out you pass out! This leaves you extremely vulnerable especially at night in the wilderness as more powerful creatures could attack you while you were asleep. The only way to recharge fatigue was to sleep and maybe potions.

    What I enjoyed about it was is it made the night and day mean something, rather than a seamless continuum. You needed to find a bed to sleep in at the end of the day, as if you slept outside, especially at night, you could be attacked and killed by creatures. Knowing what time it was became important and so getting up at 5am to travel in daylight when it was safer was preferable. You almost needed to plan where you would head to that day so you would not end up in the middle of nowhere when your fatigue ran out. When your fatigue was getting low you needed to find a tavern or safe place to stop. Also all the shops shut after a certain time making night time less useful and therefore made day/night meaningful.

    I wanted to know if it could be possible to bring this kind of system into morrowind. In morrowind I never rent a bed and sometime go weeks without sleep, except to level up. If shops would lock after 9pm and more powerful levelled creatures came out at night I think that would make for a more interesting game. It would certainly make lower level characters think twice before just wandering about at night.

    I just thought I would put this out and see what the Morrowind community thought of it. Maybe there is already a mod like this, if so let me know its name.

    submitted by /u/InverM
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    Load time report

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:22 PM PST

    I can with great pleasure report that the loading times on the series consoles are amazingly quick.

    submitted by /u/lierofjeld
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    I wanna play a new character but I wanna finish the game+expansions. I wanna make a light armor character with illusion

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Right now my character is a Nord with heavy armor and combat focused with a magic accent

    I make a test redguard with atronach sign and illusion and it was pretty fun.

    I don't think I wanna play atronach for my next major character and I'd prefer not to be a human race but I'd love to hear any builds based around illusion+light armor. I think I might want to be a bosmer female for the eye candy lol

    submitted by /u/Seraphofsongs
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    I composed a Morrowind-themed song based on Dagoth Ur for my Dungeon Synth project Caverns of Crystal. And its featuring the voice of Vivec! Thought you guys might appreciate it.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:35 AM PST

    Anyone know the source of these dialogue bugs and how to fix it potentially?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Basically, I have 2 annoying dialogue bugs that I can't quite put my finger on.

    First, all NPCs have the "Nord" dialogue option regardless of Race and respond with:

    "We are a hearty, boisterous people. If we have a reputation for being foolish or imprudent, it is only because we are too likely to speak our minds. I know my candor is to blame for many difficult situations I had found myself over the years."

    Secondly, all Ordinators respond with:

    "I'm an officer of the Imperial Law, move along."

    Anyone have any suggestions on how to potentially fix these? They aren't game breaking but they as heck break my immersion.

    I'm going to probably try disabling all possible dialogue mods one by one to see if the options change or disappear if no one has any hard-fixes.

    I realize the impracticality of finding 2 minor dialogue bugs that aren't game breaking, but I'd thought some other people may have run into it as I followed the Thastus mod guide on the side bar.

    Some major dialogue mods I have installed are: -Django's (disabled this and it was still there)


    -Great Service

    -Idle Talk

    -What Thieves Guild

    -Nastier Camonna Tong

    Here's my entire mod list if anyone wants to do some digging:


    submitted by /u/dankappledrank
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    Help with next character

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:25 AM PST

    I want to play Morrowind again but dont know what type of character i want to make.

    submitted by /u/Vaultoldman
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