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    Sunday, September 13, 2020

    Morrowind After arriving there I also realized you can just take a boat from Hla Oad.

    Morrowind After arriving there I also realized you can just take a boat from Hla Oad.

    After arriving there I also realized you can just take a boat from Hla Oad.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Came out the same year I was born but some how it’s the best game I ever played

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:54 AM PDT


    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Morrowind: A practice collection

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    This isn't morrowind but damn sotha sil is tall

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    I miss him already

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I just got back from having my corprus disease cured (well not cured but you know what I mean). And Caius just told me he's been recalled to the Imperial City. He gave me some of his stuff and told me the house was mine until he returned. I went out to buy some alchemical ingredients and when I came back to make some potions he was gone. It's so weird to walk into the house and not see him there waiting to give you your orders. I really liked him, I miss him already 😔

    submitted by /u/bluetundra123
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    Bug: NPC won't let me tell him to wait.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    I'm doing Tribunal and am at the part where the NPC named Urvel Dulni needs to follow you to the shrine beneath the temple. I am at the shrine and there are 5 Profane Acolytes which all summon Greater Bonewalkers when you enter combat and Urvel runs straight into battle and gets immediately killed every time. When I choose the topic "travel together" it prompts me to choose whether he should follow me or wait but it only lets me exit dialogue when I tell him to follow me otherwise it repeats the same prompts again whenever I choose wait causing an endless loop unless I choose follow me. Do I have to reload a save from before I asked him to follow me for the first time or is there some fix for this?

    submitted by /u/Serpentbyte
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    Dres Warrior visits Almas Thirr for pilgrimage.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    Into the great unknown

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    Arguably the Top 3 Daggers of Morrowind?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    My top 3 best daggers are as follows (no particular order):

    -Fang of Haynekhtnamet (Thrust of up to 30 damage, and 20-40 shock damage on touch)

    -Black Hands Dagger (Thrust/Chop/Slash up to 20 damage; Absorb 10-25 health for 30 seconds, and Blind 10-50% for 30 seconds on touch)

    -Daedric Dagger found on Queen Barenziah (Damage Health 50 points on target)

    I am eager to hear your favorites.

    submitted by /u/nightstalker_55
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    Daedric Pool Party!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    First time Morrowind player here. Could use some advice

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Like the title says, I'm a first time morrowind player and could use some beginners advice. I'll say I have had some experience with this game before my computer decided to delete the files for it. I'll also say I have had countless hours in Oblivion so the graphics aren't an issue for me.

    Anyway, thank you in advance for any advice you can give me

    submitted by /u/Jacksbackbaby008
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    Pretty excited to see the new Morrowind port to California, the ash storms look so real!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    The Skooma Diaries (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    The Skooma Diaries

    By Anonymous

    Day -47: I saw my reflection in the mirror today and I didn't recognize the person looking back at me; I just saw some stupid s'wit. I used to be somebody and now look at me. I'm a washed up burnout who nobody wants to bother with. I was gonna go places. I could've even one day been on the Council, but now, after the Egg Mine situation—I should just get forget about it. I should forget about all of it.

    Day -39: Today was the worst day of my life. I thought I had a chance at redemption, but I'm just a stupid, stupid, stupid s'wit! I HATE IT! I HATE MYSELF! I HATE EVERYTHING! That fetcher sent a messenger to summon me to his office only to let me know that my services to the House will no longer be needed. This was my career, no it was more than that—this was my future! And it's gone. It's just gone. I just want this day to be over. ALMSIVI only knows how much I want this day to just be over.

    Day -32: I just moved to Balmora on the South Side. Apartments are cheap here and I was able to get a job across town at some restaurant called Eight Plates. Honestly, I don't even know who I am anymore, but I'm making it work. I just wish things were different. I really wish things were different.

    Day -31: I met my neighbor the other day—he's a Cyrod, I think, and he said his name is Caius or something? He seems alright for an outlander and is pretty nice. He even invited me over for drinks and I think I might take him up on it.

    Day -25: Today was a great day. Caius and I, we had a good time. A really good time actually, but he didn't just drink. He smoked something, but it wasn't Hackle-Lo. It had kind of a sweet smell to it and I asked him if I could try it and he told me I wouldn't care much for it, but he seemed to really like it. He 'really' liked it.

    Day -17: I spent more time with Caius today and he finally told me what it was that he was smoking. It was Skooma and I couldn't believe it. I've never even the stuff or anything and he just kinda shrugged his shoulders about it like it was no big deal, but I don't even know what to say to him right now. He's a lot of fun to be around, but I don't know if I can be friends with someone like that.

    Day -9: Caius was busy with some other outlander, says it had to do with his job I guess. I don't really know the details and I don't really care but work was a nightmare. Was. Ha. That's hilarious, as if it's not always a nightmare. I used to be somebody and now look at me? I'm bussing tables and taking food orders just so I can keep a roof over my head. I'm truly living the dream.

    Day -3: I went over Caius' today before work and he was smoking like a chimney. I almost asked him for a little puff given I knew my day was about to be a big bag of guar dung, but you know. I don't use that kinda stuff. Yeah, that's not for me.

    Day -1: Today was the second worst day of my life, the first being the day that my career was jerked from under me and this being the day that somebody who used to be one of my assistants saw me as some waiter at Eight Plates and couldn't believe it. I've never wanted to crawl in a hole anymore and die anymore than I did right then. You know what? I'm gonna ask Caius to pass the pipe next time he's smoking and I see him.

    Day 1: I ended up puking my guts out in the street right after I took a deep puff from that pipe, but I can say that I've never felt happier than I did right then. Everything in the world, everything, it was all just—okay. It was good. Everything felt right, like, it was all going to work out. I've gotta try that one more time. Just one more time.

    Day 7: I didn't puke this time and it felt good—really good. Caius tells me I need to be careful with this stuff, but I'm being careful. I've only done it twice and I'm only going to do it one more time. It's honestly not that big of a deal even; it just feels really good, like, maybe life's gonna be okay and like I can hang on. Okay, just one more time.

    Day 12: Caius told me that that was the last time he was going to let me hit that pipe of his, but damn, I love that feeling. You know the one. The one where everything feels okay and your eyelids get kinda heavy and you start to nod off a little bit and just life is good. Life is real good.

    Day 30: So, I've done it a few more times since Caius stopped letting me hit his pipe. Not a nig deal. Not even a thing. My boss over at Eight Plates has actually said that she really likes this new me and she hopes it sticks around for a while. Man, Skooma's changing my life for the better—I just don't get why everybody made such a big deal about it? Like if this is all it is then why isn't everybody doing it?

    Day 72: Okay, so I use everyday now. It's not a big deal. I still feel okay when I smoke up, especially before work. I feel like—I don't know. I do miss the first time I did this though. It was really good back then. Really good. It's not bad now—it's just—not the same.

    Day 80: Tonight was slow and I didn't make a lot of money. It's fine. I've got enough money to get me through until tomorrow.

    Day 81: Damnit, damnit, damnit! It was slow again tonight too! Slower even and now I don't have enough money! Damnit. Whatever, I can get enough to get me—right? Also when did this start getting so expensive? One shallow hit off Caius' pipe a few months back had me puking my guts out and now I'm dropping some serious money on this stuff.

    Day 83: If there is a Hell, then I am in it. My guts are in a state of revolution and it's coming out both ends. I'm exhausted. Every bone in my body feels like it's being slowly ground to dust. I want this to stop. ALMSIVI, Boethiah, Mephala, Azura, anybody, make it stop, please, please make it stop.

    Day 84: Caius heard me thrashing through the night during what little bit of sleep I got. He brought over his pipe and he let me smoke and suddenly everything felt—okay. Yeah, everything felt okay. I can't get sick again. Not like that. Never again like that. Never ever.

    Day 97: I lost my job today because the slow period hasn't stopped and they 'allegedly' caught me skimming the coffers. They don't have any proof though, even though I did it. Still. Least I'm not sick. Yeah, I've got that going for me.

    Day 113: Caius had to move back to the Imperial City for some business or something, it's whatever, but I was hoping he'd go clean when he left. The n'wah took everything with him, his rig, his gear, his everything. Typical n'wah. Should've never wasted my time with him

    Day 116: The boys and girls over at South Wall Cornerclub ain't so much a fan of me these days. They don't like people just taking things without being part of their club, but wha choice do I have? I ain't got nothing left to pawn, so I've gotta get something because I can't get sick again. Nope. Not getting sick.

    Day 132: I just got sentenced to six months at Fort Moonmoth because I got busted with hot merchandise. How did my life end up like this? How? Just how? I'm so afraid to get sick, but I guess this is one way to get clean—I guess.

    Day 312: Free at last and I'm keeping it that way. That was the worst time of my life and I mean, I sweat out the sickness, but I can do it just one more time, right? Just one more time, then I'll quit for good this time. Yeah, just one more time.

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Morrowind Survival Mods: Which one is for you? (take the quiz)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Please help me! Some textures aren’t changing while others are. So confused atm. I’m using wrye mash as an installer and pretty much following the modding guide on the nexus. I’ve tried using tes3cmd trick and I have the archive set to 0 in the .ini. Any help would be appreciated.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Who killed Nerevar?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    Ik it says vivec killed him, but it also says that sotha sil and almalexia also helped? im confuse. Also, isnt almalexia his wife, so y wud she kill nerevar? I only recently bought morrowind for my xbox.

    submitted by /u/TygoFTW
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    Mod/tool to import character stats from save file to new game?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    Basically the title. I've been thinking of starting a new game for nostalgia, but being in my mid 30s and having life obligations I really don't have the time and patience anymore to deal with all the tedium before you get stuff leveled a decent bit. I realized I still have my old save files from like 16 years ago with hundreds of hours and basically god like even on hardest difficulty. Hoping there is a save editor or some other way to copy all the stats from that save into a new game. Don't care about items or anything like that, just my starting skill/attribute levels. Anybody have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/mixeslifeupwithmovie
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    Can't get Apel's Fire Retexture to work in OpenMW

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    I'm even loading the folder for last in the openmw.cfg, just to be sure, in case other texture packs are replacing the same things. My guess as to why this isn't working is because the textures contained in the download (Apel_fire_01.dds, Apel_smoke_01.dds and so on) are named differently from the vanilla ones, and since this pack comes pluginless, whenever the engine loads the textures it's only able to see the vanilla ones.

    If only I knew the exact name of the textures this is trying to replace I could try and rename them myself.

    But what's puzzling me the most is why nobody else seems to have the same problem as me. Shouldn't be an OpenMW problem since this mod is even endorsed by this curated list of mods compatible with OpenMW https://modding-openmw.com/mods/apels-fire-retexture

    If anyone could help me with this I would be most grateful.

    (this is basically a copypaste of the comment I left on the nexus page of the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42554 but on a second thought I opted to ask here too since this sub is probably a bit more... frequented)

    submitted by /u/LuckeeStrikee
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    Found the mod I want. Computer throws a HissyFit.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    Morrowind Code patch Addresses all my issues. it is the only mod I think I need. However, when using ZipGenius to extract it, My computer says "This APP can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, contact the Software Publisher" Any suggestions? I've had a blast going through everyone's advice, has been fun.

    submitted by /u/switchflex
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    How do you find people and places?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    Hey all, this is my very first Morrowind playthrough - sorry if this question is a bit dumb. Right now I'm supposed to be escorting Rabinna, the khajiit slave, to Im Kilaya. The problem is Rabinna hasn't told me where this person lives, nor have I found anybody else that can tell me about him. Am I not asking the right people? I also had the same problem with finding Hla Oad and in the end I just looked it up on the internet.

    submitted by /u/palpebromalar_groove
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    I have improved my dagoth ur impression

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Picture of an Imperial soldier one year in the Ashlands in Morrowind.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    why is there such a massive frame rate drop after installing TR?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    I usually get around 50-60 fps but after installing Tamriel Rebuilt it's running at like 12 fps

    submitted by /u/danger1954
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