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    Friday, July 24, 2020

    Morrowind Get Jiub to the front page of Reddit!

    Morrowind Get Jiub to the front page of Reddit!

    Get Jiub to the front page of Reddit!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Fargoth Ur is the only god worthy of the front page.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Those darn birds

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Why walk when you can ride?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Here's something meta-- fanart of u/Callistron's "Vacation Nerevar" design!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Karma foragers be like

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Took a few tries for this game to “click” as someone who started with Skyrim, but Morrowind is something else!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    My bday present just arrived

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Just installed Morrowind on my phone.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    For you, our thanks and blessing, our gift and token given. Come, take this thing from the hand of god.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Nerevars House Mod - Updated to v1.6

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    I dont want to be on the front page, just show me what youre working with.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    [XBOX] First time playing since I was 9 in 2003! I made a cozy apartment for myself out of the Ald'Ruhn Mages Guild. Loving the game so far!!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Much Sad God Time

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    Guys I can’t take it anymore

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Where the hell is my weekly Warlord Jeebilus update? I have way too much pent up sexual frustration.

    submitted by /u/Johnsonwilliam977
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    The disrespect is real

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    After 900 hours on Oblivion and about 300 on Skyrim I thought id give morrowind a go. I’m getting my butt kicked by absolutely everything even with accurate attack mod. Any tips for a noob?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Edit: I was just being way too cocky about the game, already in mournhold after a couple hours and getting whipped by the guy at the play and then heading back and getting beaten by thugs on the road 😂. Ive gone back to seyda neen and cleared the slave cave with no issues so ive seen progress now. I'm still on level 1 so some patient leveling up will follow!

    submitted by /u/BigOlNoob
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    The sadrith of my dreams (except it's in Molag Amur, the dustbin of Vvardenfell)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Weapon Sheathing not working (MWSE)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    I installed everything as stated:

    Visual Studio x86 is already installed with a different version

    MWSE is on version 2.1

    MWSE.log says "hooked" + "Found MGE XE ..."

    mgeXE.log says "MWSE.dll injected"

    The mods animations + meshes folder have been added to the Data Files.

    There is no effect from the mod visible but I cannot find my mistake. I tried it with openMW, which worked flawlessly but that option is not suitable for my purposes.

    Any idea what I might have missed?

    submitted by /u/Bronco-Merkur
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    Who is the sexiest man in Vvardenfell? Daddy Caius or St Jiub?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    How to level speech in Morrowind

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    A Lost Tale Involving A Necromancer, Some Smugglers, A Betrayal, Lots Of Undead And Some Good Loot...

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    During the Zanib Nerevarine Quest Of Main Questline, You would be asked to clear Nereno Ancestral Tomb of A Vampire named Calvario. If you are normal gamer, you would have probably gone there, killed the Vampire and came back to Ashlander camp for further tasks. However, if you are gamer with the soul of an explorer (like myself), you would have definitely explored the tomb more...

    There lies something in the tomb which hints towards a hidden untold story. When you explore the tomb, you would see some dead guys named Moris and Ursine. You would find a Note from Bakarak with Morris. Read it and you will get to know that this Morris was friend with someone named Bakarak who sent this note with Ursine as messenger as an alert to his friend. It appears that these people were a bunch of smuggler who made some deal or did some work with some Necromancer named Goris. However, Goris to trying to get back all the payment he did to these smuggler via surprise attacks on their hideout using Undeads. The undeads had already killed some of their partners in Dralas Ancestral Tomb (Go there and see the dead bodies of Yanniss and Nelux Fly-Breath). However, one guy named Luven survived and returned to Nelas Ancestral Tomb (supposedly Bakarak's hideout at the moment). Bakarak seems to be planning to move to out of Nelas and want to meet Morris at some "Rendezvous Point". He also mention something about there being a "snitch" amongst them.

    If you are intrigued to go deeper into this story, search Ursine's body and find a key. This key opens some very high level locks (100) which can be found at Indalen Ancestral Tomb. Go to Indalen, Unlock the doors and find that you are quite late. Three dead smuggler can be found there - Jonis, Pegasai and Tyronius. You would find another node with Tyronius' body. It details how the three of them along with Luven were surprised by an attack from undeads (even though they checked the tomb very well before). The note describe how each men fell to the attack, elaborate on the deal with Goris, and mention Goris' tomb location and the key to open it. It ends with the appeal to his "Brother" to avenge their deaths...

    You know what you have to do - Take the key from Tyronius' body. The tomb mentioned here is Venim Ancestral Tomb. While you go there, give a thought to the following facts - Bakarak thinks there is a "snitch" amongst them who is helping Goris plan surprise attack on the smugglers. From Dralas Ancestral Tomb, who was the one guy who survived the hordes of undead? In Indalen Ancestral Tomb, four smugglers were hiding buy you find just three bodies - Who is missing? If you can answer this, then you already know who you gonna find jn Venim Ancestral Tomb, beside Goris (whose full name is Goris The Maggot King - Which is amazing name for a necromancer btw).

    The Answer - Luven! This guy snitched the Dralas hideout to Goris and got his friends killed, then came back to Nelas as if he survived the attack. Later, he also helped Goris attack Nereno (sometime after Ursine reached there) as well as Indalen. He was either on Goris' side from start or turned his back on his friends later on after the deal went sour.

    Now as soon as they see you, Goris the Maggot King and the snitch Luven will attack you. Kill them and you will find pretty good loot from their bodies as well the chests present in the tomb. Finally, you avenged the deaths of numerous smugglers whom you never knew and who never knew you (along with the knowledge of fact that you usually kill smugglers, not help their souls find peace but whatever). However, everything is not over yet - There is one place we forgot to check. Remember from where Bakarak had written the first letter? Go to Nelas Ancestral Tomb.

    In Nelas Ancestral Tomb, you find... Well, nothing relevant. It is a typical tomb with nothing seemingly related to this story. Now a lot of questions arise - Where is this Bakarak? Is he dead? If so, where is his body? He mentioned in his note to change his hideout - Was he able to do that or did he fall victim to Luven's betrayal? I haven't been able to find any Bakarak in Morrowind, dead or alive. Maybe he is one of those unnamed corpses lying in one of those caves, whom we just ignore... And what was that "Rendezvous Location" he mentioned? Was it any of these tombs or is there still a secret location waiting to be discovered?

    Note From My Side: Though this is nothing more than a simple hidden content in a videogame, it gives me a perspective of sort. How many times have we come across something or more importantly someone whom we just ignored or misunderstood without knowing the background story? Many of us often ignore or underestimate our old parents or grand parents, thinking them as boring people with boring lives. Sit with them sometimes and listen to their life stories - You may find that they had a very interesting life in the past. Same goes with our friends and loved ones - We may judge them wrongly without knowing the story hidden deep. Remember, it is always good to be explorative and curious, to take interest in the world and people around you...

    submitted by /u/hds_bunny
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    Canonically, what happened to the Thieves Guild

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    "The best documented case of a Thieves Guild was found in Morrowind. For a brief time Gentleman Jim Stacey ran a ring of thieved that robbed wealthy merchants and nobles all across that island nation. During the recent Nevarine incident, the Fighters Guild and the shadowy Morag Tong eliminated this band of thugs. The final fate of Jim Stacey himself is not known.

    The Morrowind Thieves Guild did have a financial structure and a leadership structure. It satisfied many of the conditions of a true guild. However, it was short lived. Public knowledge of Stacey's group lasted for only a few years at most. Although the Fighters Guild has claimed credit for wiping them out, some historians believe the group merely went deeper undercover." From Myth or Menace? - a book in Oblivion

    Seems like Sjoring Hard-Heart won in the end canonically. Also, Nevarine.

    submitted by /u/fuckingretard1
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