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    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Morrowind I Hate Modders that completely destroy the lore of the game, this green tint is just way too much ! completely breaks my immersion

    Morrowind I Hate Modders that completely destroy the lore of the game, this green tint is just way too much ! completely breaks my immersion

    I Hate Modders that completely destroy the lore of the game, this green tint is just way too much ! completely breaks my immersion

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Welcome, Outlander

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    What a world!!!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    I can finally stop modding... for now.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Morndas (re-upload)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    The required magnitude of Calm/Demoralize humanoid/creature

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Command humanoid/creature is set to certain level, but calm/demoralize humanoid/creature requires magnitude.

    The Frenzy humanoid/creature is easy, just a 100 for 1-2 seconds will anger NPC enough to start attacking and then it is valid target.

    However, Calm/Demoralize humanoid/creature requires a longer duration spell and thus the magnitude is becoming important.

    Anyone knows what are required magnitudes for various uses? UESP or internet search proved not to be very fruitful (except existence of bug, but I am running openmw anyway, so this should have been fixed).

    submitted by /u/Unicorn_Colombo
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    Help: I killed Divayth Fyr’s daughter by mistake

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    During a house redoran quest I killed one of Divayth Fyr's daughters by taunting her into initiating combat without being aware that they were particularly important. Now I'm doing the main quest and Divayth attacks as soon as I initiate dialogue. I've tried stopping combat and setting disposition higher using console commands but he still attacks when I start dialogue. Is there a fix for this like console commands for changing quest journal status? If not I may have to rage quit this game because I will lose 10s of hrs of gameplay if I were to reload an old save.

    Thanks for any advice/help.

    EDIT: Just copypasted this from an old forum post and it seems to have worked. Posting for anyone who googles this.

    Journal "A2_3_CorprusCure" 50 player->addspell "common disease immunity" player->addspell "blight disease immunity" player->addspell "corprus immunity" "Divayth Fyr" -> Cast "Cure Common Disease Other" Player "Divayth Fyr" -> Cast "Cure Blight Disease" Player player->removespell "corprus"

    Kinda annoyed I don't get to go hang out with the dwarf guy in the basement but I'll just look the dialogue up probably.

    submitted by /u/m3dli
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    Act I, Part XXI: A Meeting with a God (The Telvanni Girl) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    Act I, Part XXI: A Meeting with a God

    By Gandosa Arobar, Daughter of Miner Arobar

    Ald'ruhn has always been a place with a lot of people coming and going, so many so that nobody really notices when someone not born here comes or goes—it's just that there are so many people moving about that it'd really be impossible to keep track, but there was a man who caught my attention a few days ago. Normally I don't much notice the outsiders, but this one I did. He carried himself with a dignified grace—a sense of purpose—but yet he seemed invisible to everyone around him as if he was a phantom.

    At first I thought nothing of this 'phantom' as he were until I returned my quarters within the Union Hall and found him there waiting for me. He was tall with penetrating red eyes and a voice that flowed like honey, not like the rasp of most Dunmeri men from Morrowind. I wanted to call someone, but I couldn't. I went to scream and no noise came out. I tried to open the door and it would not budge. I tried to slam on it, and it was silent. He had an amused smirk as all of this transpired and even laughed at me. "Dearest darling, I only wish to take a few moments of your time—after all—you did ask for it. Actually, if I recall correctly, you swore your fealty in this life and the next."

    I stiffened at those words and I could tell he could see the look of horror wash over my face.

    His smirk widened as I stood there silently for what felt like an eternity.


    He stood there for a moment, his smirk turning into a scowl briefly before recessing into a frown as he spoke. "What, Child? You prayed to me because you knew that unlike those dogs that have taken m—our place in the eyes of your people, I would answer. Did you not want me to answer?"


    "I have watched how you serve the people so diligently, so faithfully, and I must say, I admire your commitment because this is the natural end of that commitment, don't you think? This is what happens when good people obey: They get left to rot and it takes a person like you who is willing to do anything to save them to restore the natural order."

    "You're right—you're absolutely right, Lord Boethiah."

    "Of course I am, Darling, and that's why I've come to offer you the key to your people's salvation."

    "What—what is it, Lord Boethiah?"

    "A pendant and guidance to a place forever marred by a tragedy that can never be forgotten, no matter how much they may wish to erase it from history."

    "Where is this place and what are you even talking about? What tragedy?"

    "I speak of a place called Kogoruhn. Long lost is it to most, but I can feel your soul being called to it. The Great Houses existed before the Battle of Kogoruhn, and if the people of Kogoruhn had just been complacent, they would have lived full, somewhat happy lives. It truly is a tragedy though how Hlaalu, Redoran, Telvanni, Indoril, and Dres stood united in their massacre of these people for daring to speak out against them and the Great House system. It's—my greatest mistake, really."

    "What do you mean they spoke out against it?"

    He shook his head and stared at the ground for a moment, before finally speaking, "They were people just like the Egg Miners who believed that there could be a future where everybody was equal—where there would be no division between the Aristocracy of the Great Houses and the lowborn, and they were killed for that. Each and every one of them was murdered in cold blood for believing in a future where everyone could be equal. For fighting for the exact same future you're fighting for right now."


    "Be calm, Darling. I made the mistake of abandoning them once, but you, you are my redemption and you will be the Avenger of Kogoruhn. You will realize their dream of a world where all are held equal under the Law and there is no division between Redoran and Lowborn or any other house and commoner, just people, and that is why I am here."


    "Because your heart beats for justice. Your entire life you have fought injustices at every turn within your sphere of influence and now I ask of you, will you be my champion and destroy the greatest injustice of all: The Injustice of Inequality?"


    "We will see, Gandosa. Tell no one of what it is you are to do, for if anyone finds out, they'll kill you. This is your moment, the one I know you've been waiting for your whole life, and I know you won't fail me as I did those people all those years ago."

    I stood there in a stunned silence as he got up and walked towards me, fading with every step until he was gone entirely before he reached me and I didn't know what to say or do or really think. I still don't. I'm sitting here thinking it over and all make sense! The Houses would never allow someone to threaten their authority and if I lead these people to war with the House as it stands, they'll die, but I know Boethiah wouldn't lead me astray—I know that Kogoruhn will have the answers I seek! It has to! It just has to!

    And when I do come back from Kogoruhn, we will march on the Council and we will seize this city, and the next, and the next, until all of the Great Houses have been left in ruin just as they did to these people. There will be justice for Kogoruhn! There will be justice!

    -Gandosa Arobar, Avenger of Kogoruhn

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I've been going through Bloodmoons main questline and I'm at the point were I have to go through hircine's maze, the werewolves are really powerful, too powerful, they 2-shot me. I've already completed the main quest of the regular game, so becoming a werewolf myself isn't really an option anymore. I've mostly been using spears up to this point, but I've been using long blade as well (to increase strength). Some advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/shaun4519
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    What factions are there?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    So I'm still new to morrowind and I know this game has alot of factions I just got to belmora and talked to the shirtless blade guy (forget his name )I'm playing a mage character and I feel like I should join the mages guild but I don't want to be locked out of any faction I haven discoverd yet

    submitted by /u/west2055
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    Guys which is better for windows 10

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Bethesda launcher Morrowind or steam version

    submitted by /u/Agentmlp412
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    HELP--- MSVCR100.dll not found

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    I have since resolved the issue in the title but I've now encountered the logfile issue for the morrowind code patch that some other people have encountered in this sub

    the message reads : See the logfile E:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\morrowind\morrowindcodePatch.log for details' help please

    submitted by /u/Government-sheep
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    Acrobatics broken?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Is it just me or is it really easy to train acrobatics by spamming jump whenever you go up a set of stairs?

    submitted by /u/NemoDaEmo41
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    Can NPCs talk to you?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    So I've been noticing something lately... It feels like some NPC can talk to me on their own, what I mean is that the dialogue box will sometimes open by itself as I get nearby them, without me pressing the interaction button. It feels like this has suddenly started to occur randomly but since I interact a lot with NPCs, maybe that was present from the begining of my playthrough. Is it normal behavior or is my game broken?

    EDIT: I should have mentionned that I'm not talking about NPCs that address the Nerevarine dreams. I guess it's normal that those NPCs can interact with you. I'm talking about random NPCs nthat are not related to any quests in particular (I'm still at the begining of the main quest).

    EDIT2: According to suggestions in the comments I've launched the game and I just walked around near NPCs and noted down the names of those who talked to me: Dralosa Athren, Dralsea Arethi, Darvame Hleran, Mehra Milo, Tolvise Othlaren. But I had this happening with many more. I'd say that 1 NPC in 20 open the dialogue box spontaneously. I have the following mods installed:

    - Code Patch

    - MGE XE

    - Landscape retexture

    - Better dialogue Font

    - Morrowind UI revamped

    - Better bodies

    - Better clothes

    - Westlys Pluginless Head and Hair Replacer

    EDIT3: I did a test that maybe could help identify the problem. Because my savefiles have been corrupted before (loosing a character lvl 26), I decided to be more careful with my saves and back ups. Not only I have a new savefile ingame everyday, I also make everyday back ups of all data files. If I load the savefile named "18/06/2020" (that of 4 days ago) with my current data files, I get the glitch: the save file loads in balmora mage guild and Ranis Athrys opens the dialogue box spontaneously. BUT if I load the samed savefile "18/06/2020" with the back up data files of 2 days ago (20/06/2020), the glitch is not present: Ranis Athrys does not open the dialogue box when I get near her.

    submitted by /u/The_Unchosen_Hollow
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    Interesting. Did not know that going to Almalexia TR can get you into the Tribunal expansion

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    I was testing shadows and textures in Almalexia, because it is a huge FPS killer :) , on my new laptop and just noticed that going up the main ramp to the top top top and walking through the big doors up there moves you into the Mourhold Tribunal expansion thing.

    Very cool! Did not know this at all but that is really awesome that they did that.

    submitted by /u/reddragon72q
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    FPS Problem?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    I reinstalled Morrowind after a long time because I got into studying alot for exams and now I am chilling. I installed OPENMW as many people said its very good and will give you a better experience. So I enter the game, and I get about a 100FPS on indoor spaces. When its outdoors, the FPS drops dramatically to around 40 and lower. I tried lowering the resolution (my original is 1440x900) but that didnt really help much. For clarity, my PC is a refurbished piece of crap, integrated graphics, but I expected it to run good cause of its age. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TheMemeist
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