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    Morrowind Did a lil Nerevar drawing

    Morrowind Did a lil Nerevar drawing

    Did a lil Nerevar drawing

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Warlord Jeebilus assembles an unstoppable army of critters

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Finally getting into this game

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    heard y'all appreciate beginner's accounts of the game, so here you go!

    I bought Morrowind on sale with all of its DLC a year or so ago. I tried it, immediately hated it because it was ugly, then installed some mods to make it look better. I played some more, hated it because of the hit-chance thing and slow movement speed, and quit once I crawled all the way to Balmora after my game pretty much corrupted.

    That was six months ago. I picked it up again last Friday and had an absolute blast. I did some Mage's Guild things and went over to Sadrith Mora. Sadrith Mora is hands down the COOLEST town I've ever seen in a fantasy game. I love it so much! lil mushroom huts everywhere and it's the only place where everyone loves me (after doing that Haunting quest). I seized the South wing of the inn, and that's my home base. It's great just being able to chill there with my Argonian bro. I played Skyrim a lot and Oblivion a little, but in those games I never had this feeling of actually coming home when I returned to my base. It's definitely present in Morrowind though, Sadrith Mora just feels so homely.

    I went back and did some main quest things and got lost for about an hour looking for that stupid Arknagthand ruin. While I was looking for a quest location near Sadrith Mora, I found this amazing cave where I found a CONSTANT EFFECT agility ring and two sick gloves. Again, never had that experience of being uber excited over (non game breaking) loot, but it just feels so rewarding.

    The wandering reminds me of some of the MMORPGs I played when I was young. Just the wandering through fields with only a vague idea of where you're going, with ample resources that you pick as you go along. It really reminds me of some fond memories.

    also I got lost for an hour and a half on my way to Punabi, and ended up crawling into Vivec where I was stunned by the NPC and cultural density.

    also magic is so much more fun in this game, ily spell creation.

    edit: just found the mentor ring!! I'm excited, I've been searching for it for a while. I wrote down a hint some commoner gave me in my first hour of the game, and I'm super excited to finally be able to cross it off. those skeletons in the start steamrolled me, but I got through it

    submitted by /u/123ATV321
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    Here is my DND5E conversion of the playable races in Morrowind

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    There is a mod on stellaris that allows you to play as dunmer, altmer or dwemer in SPACE. This can even be considered canon since in the 9th Era Tamriel might reach a space level technology with magic.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    The Champion of Malacath, aka nerevarine, aka my character.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    The chilling sorcerer would like to challenge warlord jeebilus' unstoppable critter army

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    need advice on playing mage

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    So I'm level 13 and having a good time playing mage, but I find myself using destruction spells less and less. I want to use them more, but they don't stagger and I can do the same amount of damage with an absorb health spell (keeps me alive) or a bound dagger (stagger = keeps me alive). I check out every town for a spell merchant, but I haven't found anything worthwhile enough yet. Any tips? I have to get in too close to use any destruction spells since most of mine (except for fireball) are touch based, and I just melt to the non-staggered attacks.

    I looked into making my own distance destruction spells but they're super costly.


    submitted by /u/123ATV321
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    Why you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD find The Vassir-Didanat mine

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    SPOILERS AHEAD. If you are a new player and you are interested in having a pure and organic playthrough, don't read this. If that doesn't concern you or this isn't your first playthrough, read on, potential (or repeat) Nerevarine!

    The Vassir-Didanat cave, which is a "lost" ebony mine, is located essentially due south of Balmora. It is the subject of a "secret quest" for House Hlaalu that can be completed by literally anyone of any House or faction (unless you're a vampire, you foul creature. Begone with you!).

    You should complete this hidden quest for three reasons: It can be done at literally any level; it can be done at literally any point during the game's quest cycle; and lastly, one potential reward is your choice of daedric weapon (with just a few exceptions. Like, no dai-katana, you s'wit. Keep dreaming). This means that a level 1 character can complete this quest and immediately be granted a daedric katana, or daedric spear. This is, possibly, the single biggest increase to your damage that can be gained for a melee or non-magical ranged character in the early game (there's also the Sword of White woe, but that's a topic for another thread).

    Did that get your attention? A daedric weapon at PCL 1, you say? Well if it didn't I strongly recommend that you lay off the sujamma. When you've sobered up, come back and read this post again. Now that we've outlined WHY you should find this ebony mine, let's outline how to complete the quest, and how to get your rewards.

    In order to "start" the quest, you must know where the missing ebony mine is. All this requires is entering the mine; a record of your PC having found it will be generated. There is NO associated journal entry but it does add a dialogue option for the "Vassir-Didanat mine" to a couple of House Hlaalu character dialogue options.

    I stated earlier that the mine is approximately due South of Balmora. the easiest way to find the mine is to take the town exit near the silt strider. when you hit the river Odai, turn RIGHT and follow the river until you reach the rope bridge, and take that to your LEFT across the river. the mine is almost dead ahead of you. Here is a video showing you exactly where to find the mine. If you watch the video it is pretty clear that the path to the mine has few if any enemies (possibility of some random creatures around the mine entrance, but I'm sure you can handle it, outlander).

    Simply enter and then exit the mine. You can explore it if you wish, there are many samples of ebony in the mine. However, the mine also spawns leveled Daedra, which could easily be an issue for low-level characters.

    AS A WORD OF WARNING: Dialogue options for the Vassir-Didanat mine now pop up in a number of Hlaalu characters dialogue options. HOWEVER, there are only two safe characters to engage in this dialogue option with; Crassius Curio and Dram Bero. Talking to anyone else can result in you getting nothing or a measly 2,000 septims, and that's guar dung if I ever saw it. We don't need to talk to Uncle Crassius, so unless you want to hear him call you sweetie pie, let's go right to right character- Dram Bero.

    To get to Dram Bero, you're gonna have to do some travelling. it's time to talk to your handy guild-guide in the mage's guild OR your trusty silt strider operator. However you decide to travel, head for Vivec and make your way to the Haunted Manor in the St. Olms canton Plaza. Deal with the lock on the door, and locate Bero. Upon telling him of the mine's location, he will tell you that you deserve compensation and ask you what weapon you prefer.

    1. Telling him you prefer axe will get you a Battleaxe.
    2. Blunt = staff
    3. Bow (well, a bow of course)
    4. Longblade = katana
    5. Shortblade = wakizashi
    6. spear = spear

    There are some pretty clear winners on this list, but ultimately what weapon you choose is up to you. Even if you don't need or want a daedric weapon, it's hard to argue with the sheer value of some of these things (especially in the early game, and especially if you're willing to juggle with Creeper)

    NOTE: you'll need a 50pt unlock spell or scroll OR the right lockpick and security skill to open a 50pt lock. Even at PCL1 this is achievable; many characters sell Scrolls of Ondusi's Unhinging, and you can always buy a spell from Marayn Dren in the Balmora mages guild. Or, buy master's lockpicks from Nileno Dorvayn in the Hlaalu council manor (Balmora) if you think your security is high enough. I'll leave those details to you.

    Time to enjoy that Deadric weapon! No longer will cliff racers cause you to sweat with fear when they come hurdling after you (ok, we all know that's simply not true, cliff racers are OP). If completing this secret quest is not in your new-character start list of things to do, strongly consider adding it.

    submitted by /u/ErichPryde
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    I thought I'd post an image of my character, At my highest point so far, I think.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    A problem with the Legion questline in Gnisis

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    I'm trying to do the quest to get the Land Deed from Widow Vabdas for the Imperial Legion. UESP says that I'm supposed to talk to some dude named Vatollia Apo to get the key to the mine, but he's not appearing at all in my game. The only mod I've got that's specifically targeting Gnisis is "Heart Of The Velothi - Gnisis". Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to resolve this?

    HOTV-Gnisis https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47978

    submitted by /u/Atenos-Aries
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    Is Calvus Horatius Useful?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I hired him in Tribunal mostly because I have never used him before. I gave him good weapons, armor, and potions and he held his own in the Attack on Mournhold quest fight. I was thinking it might be fun to take him back to Vvardenfell as a bodyguard so my Dolsa doesn't have to bother with inferior enemies.

    He won't travel to Vvardenfell though and I think he will probably get killed if I finish Tribunal with him tagging along. Will he follow me to Solstheim eventually?

    Any ways to make him powerful enough to be useful late in the game? Dolsa is level 29 now and approaching demigod status.

    submitted by /u/Chonan_Akira
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    Okay I guess I'm gonna take the dive

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    The game is on sale right now, for $5 on steam. How can I NOT play it.

    Are there any big pitfalls I should avoid when first playing? I'm going in pretty much blind.

    submitted by /u/ttyrondonlongjohn
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    After trying to get into morrowind for years I've finally got 20 hours in the game.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Caius Cosades is still waiting for me.

    Anything I should really do? I'm not playing blind so I don't mind playing the meta. I'm a Breton mage currently.

    submitted by /u/link6112
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    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    Is morrowind available on Xbox one?

    submitted by /u/Retcon1231
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    Dealing with reflect from cast-on-strike

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I started playing around with more powerful cast-on-strike enchantments but quickly decided that it was better to just swing my Daedric Dai-katana without.

    For e.g., my first attempt was a 2sec aoe paralyze, thinking anyone near me would be permastunned so long as I keep swinging... Until I found that I was spending just as much time paralyzed myself from the reflected effect.

    However one work-around I've discovered is that, as a Dunmer, I innately have very high fire resistance, so using a weapon like Trueflame had little negative consequences.

    I believe you can increase paralysis resistance via spells and enchantments, so perhaps with some effort my original plan could become viable.

    Anyway, that's just some of my thoughts lately on cast-on-strike enchantments. I finished Tribunal for the first time last night and can't wait to tackle Solstheim!

    submitted by /u/KingDave_III
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    Good stealth archer/thief type build for wood elf or Khajiit

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    What's up everyone, just recently reinstalled Morrowind and some mods, I made a Nord warrior for my return playthrough but I'd rather go and play a stealth character, something I've never done on this game as I usually have played magic based characters. What's a good build for a stealthy wood elf or Khajiit that won't be too hard to level up because I have a habit of fucking up my skills to where it's difficult to level up on this game. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/care4ameatball
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    silt strider

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Can you make assets to add in a Morrowind mod with Blender?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    What the title says. :)

    submitted by /u/MysteryCat2003
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    Golena Sadri bug

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    There is a strange bug with the SadriFight script that causes her to dry fire her bow with no arrows forever if her very first arrow does not paralyze the player. The relevant script is:

    if ( player->GetParalysis > 0 )

    set spellcheck to 1 


    set spellcheck to 0 


    if ( ammogone == 0 )

    if ( spellcheck == 1 ) removeitem "ebony arrow\_sadri" 50 removeitem "daedric long bow" 1 set ammogone to 1 elseif ( GetItemCount "ebony arrow\_sadri" < 1 ) if ( GetJournalIndex MS\_Thief < 80 ) additem "ebony arrow\_sadri" 50 endif endif 


    if ( ammogone == 1 )

    if ( spellcheck == 0 ) additem "ebony arrow\_sadri" 50 additem "daedric long bow" 1 set ammogone to 0 endif 


    Does anyone have any insight as to what is wrong with the script? If ammogone == 0 and spellcheck == 0, her AI fails.

    Edit: it seems that NPCs in Morrowind are incapable of equipping arrows added via script when they are in combat and currently wielding a bow with no arrows.

    submitted by /u/clchrisl42
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