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    Saturday, May 16, 2020

    Morrowind Vanilla MW graphics have a special place in my heart

    Morrowind Vanilla MW graphics have a special place in my heart

    Vanilla MW graphics have a special place in my heart

    Posted: 15 May 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    As it should be

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Screeching noises

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Inspired by the Incelvanni post

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Explaining Morrowind to Skybabies

    Posted: 15 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Fargoth is innocent. It's time to end the cycle and stop doing the Fargoth quest.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I hope none of you N'wahs still do the Fargoth quest. It is straight-up bullying and theft of the most vulnerable member of Seyda Neen. When you bring Fargoth his ring, which the guards unlawfully took from him, he immediately calls you his "favourite friend". Although this comes off as strong, this is obviously a sign of emotional trauma and awkwardness stemming from years of abuse, coming from guards and at least one fellow villager (Hrisskar Flat-Foot). Yet despite this, Fargoth is not telling lies or deluded when he says his "good friend" Arrille will be happy to see you now. When you go to see Arrille after giving Fargoth back his ring, you get a large disposition boost with him. It seems Arrille is perhaps the only villager willing to stand-up for his smaller elven cousin, and sticks to his word when he says: "I suppose it is my duty to help those less fortunate than myself". It's only fitting that the most successful and respected citizen in Seyda Neen – chartered keeper of the Tradehouse – is also the most benevolent. Respect to Arrille.

    Hrisskar Flat-Foot is nothing but a bully and a knave. It's clear that Fargoth has suffered numerous robberies perpetrated by this Nord, so much so that he has resorted to hiding his money and belongings in a tree stump. Hrisskar asks you to find this money and bring it to him because he is too numb-skulled to find it himself. No good person who stands up for the wronged does this, and even among villains, only a bootlicker would do as Hrisskar asks and bring the money to him rather than keep it for himself. There is also a note in the census and excise office regarding a wager between Hrisskar and the guard Ganciele, clear evidence of a corrupt collaboration between the two. Later investigation finds that Hrisskar is in fact a member of the Imperial Legion. An openly violent criminal admitted into the Legion! This is all proof of Fargoth's suffering, though unlike Oblivion's 'Glarthir', there are no false suspicions or delusion, it's all true.

    In times like this, I encourage all newly-arrived outlanders to ignore Hrisskar or refuse his proposal. Then, when the time is right, one may take matters into their own hands and bring Hrisskar to justice. Taunt the ruffian into a scuffle and his execution is perfectly legal.

    submitted by /u/nagit40968
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    After having an obsession with both oblivion and Skyrim for years. Lockdown has got me on my first playthrough. Any advice?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    I have started a Morrowind notebook with notes on Vvardenfell towns I visit, seen as a visitor from this world. In the end, I'll expand it. I hope to make it a kind of Herodotus for Vvardenfell.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Dunmer nationalist mods? Mods for N'wah hating , outlander killing, hippity hoppity anything with a tail is property. Yknow.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I just finished up modding my morrowind with the graphics extender and Tamriel rebuilt, along with some other visual/sound/clothing/spawnlist mods.

    I thought about what guilds my dunmer is going to join and I'm wondering if there are any mods out there that add some more guilds and questlines related specifically to dunmer lore.

    Anything from racist dunmer terrorists to slave trade is welcomed.

    I just want to feel more dunmer in this playthrough . Ive searched nexus and can't really narrow my search.

    Thanks again for any responses, also if you have a mod suggestion even if it's unrelated, don't be scared to drop it, anything to add immersion is welcome.

    submitted by /u/RSGTHennessy
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    My Imperial Nerevarine reclaiming Chrysamere from Draramu Hloran for the Legion. Artwork by u/Kuronneko

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Here we went again. Bottom picture, 101 in-game days ago.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Low effort OC

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Drain training question

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Is there like, a penalty for draining my skills to train them up for 1 gold until I've got my magic at the same level as my melee skills, or have I just found the funniest exploit in the game?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Hobo
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    O.K. so I'm 18 years late to the party (my PC couldn't play it when first released) I'm going to play this. I need opinions on Morrowind Rebirth and whether it's a good all in one mod, or if there's an alternative.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I'm not too keen on installing a million mods right now. I remember downloading an all in one Oblivion mod, that was nice. Is there an equivalent to that here? Is Morrowind Rebirth that mod, or are there other things that are an all in one type deal?

    submitted by /u/ClubsBabySeal
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    Still a work in progress

    Posted: 15 May 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Advice for a new player

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    I'm desperately trying to get into this game but I just don't know how to set up my class right any tips

    submitted by /u/Fubbletrubbs
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    Game broke more than I thought possible

    Posted: 15 May 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    Every time I load to an outside the game crashes to desktop. Naturally I thought it was one of my mods I had recently installed, deleted some mods, nothing. Deleted the game but kept my mods and saves, booted the game and the same thing happened. Whether it's from my old saves, or from a new game, it crashes. I deleted the game, deleted every mod, reinstalled the game, still crashes. I have the steam version so I tried validating files, it told me I needed two, but then did nothing after I told it to add the files. I am completely at a loss and I am honestly heartbroken as I was in the middle of my first playthrough. I'd at least like to play the game again someday even if my saves are gonna be gone forever, please please help me.

    submitted by /u/LaserJelly
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    Morrowind review circa 2009

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    Anumidium Plans (24inch square paper and Prismacolor)

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    So I recently picked this game up for 3 bucks, and I am really bored. I REALLY want to like the game, what to do? Im on original xbox.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    The complete Morrowind experience in 20 seconds

    Posted: 15 May 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    He was the wizard of a thousand mer. He had a mask of gold and eyes of fire. He was the wizard in his moutain home.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:37 AM PDT

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