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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Morrowind she be vibin

    Morrowind she be vibin

    she be vibin

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:36 AM PST

    Scarier enemies compared to other elder scrolls.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:49 PM PST

    Can anyone else agree, the enemies on morrowind are far more scarier and more challenging then other elder scrolls.

    I mean the Draugr for one we're for me 10 times more scary and wolves were over the top at low levels !

    Anyone got any thoughts on this ?

    submitted by /u/Branman1234
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    This was originally Grand Admiral Thrawn, but I feel like this belongs here too.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:56 PM PST

    [spoilers] Playing Bloodmoon at lower levels REALLY inspires some creative problem solving.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Playing the Bloodmoon main quest at a low level REALLY forces one to get creative at a few crucial points... This is my story of creativity & Ingenuity.

    During the Werewolf attack on Skaal Village. Killed them all by forcing them to drown one-at-a-time --> After narrowly avoiding being insta-killed by 6-7 werewolves. Ran like hell away from the village... But close enough so they'd come after me. Riding that sweet "dangerously close so they'll follow but not too close" distance tempting all 6-7 werewolves ALL THE WAY to the big iced-over lake... diving into a hole in the ice & into the lake -- QUICKLY moving aside so all the werewolves stayed stuck above the ice... then cautiously swimming to a hole in the ice, dash my head above water, then quickly swim back down hoping ONLY 1 werewolf followed me underwater, and keep swimming away as it chases after me until it runs out of air... Drinking potions / Casting a spell to Breathe underwater. Repeat 6 times without dying... and god forbid 2 werewolves follow you underwater and have to make it out of the lake in 1 piece, avoid all the others, and restart the entire process till just 1 follows you underwater.

    Anyway... It was fun a way to solve that problem... Cause no weapon or spell of mine was nearly powerful enough. But if Morrowind has taught me anything it's that: "There's ALWAYS a way!"

    submitted by /u/xerofoxx
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    Zenki gro mak lvl 10

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:18 PM PST

    Just began my journey!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:53 PM PST

    Picked up the game from a local shop for a couple bucks. Wish me luck my fellow n'wahs!

    submitted by /u/DrHexagon_
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    I wonder where our Numidium is buried

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:10 PM PST

    A new adventure begins.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:37 AM PST

    playing as Heddvild day 8. Got dwemer cube and finished up some stuff in seyda neen. coming along nicely.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:43 PM PST

    Help with an Archer Khajiit Build?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:36 PM PST

    I want to use heavy or medium armor, have high athletics, acrobatics and marksman skill. I want to basically be able to jump around and do 360° noscopes. How do I do it?

    submitted by /u/Crunch150
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    So I just finished Tribunal...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:51 AM PST

    Spoilers coming next.

    It was alright. I much prefer the base game, but I had fun in Mournhold, even if it felt needlessly big as there weren't that many NPCs around.

    The main quest wasn't as good as the base game's imo, but that twist at the end was pretty cool. I really wished I had the chance to talk to Sotha Sil, since he seemed to be one of the most interesting characters in Morrowind, from what I gathered from ingame texts and from other NPCs.

    I also felt the dialogue options with characters like Almalexia and Barenziah weren't nearly as good as the ones I got with Vivec and Dagoth Ur. It would be great if Almalexia had her version of what had happened at Red Mountain, some insight into her relationship with Nerevar and stuff like that. Maybe she felt those mundane things didn't matter anymore, given how into her godhood she was when compared to the other members of the Tribunal.

    What do you think about the expansion?

    submitted by /u/St_Deaky
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    New player advice

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:45 PM PST

    So I'm itching to play Morrowind but I've got a problem. I'm torn between playing it now on Xbox one or waiting for around 9-10 months until I have a pc. I've played it before but not for very long and I never finished it so there's tons I've yet to do. The reason I'm thinking about waiting is because I want to mod it graphically. I'd also be using OpenMW but that's irrelevant. I don't have a problem with the games graphics but I know they can look a lot better. The reason I'm thinking about waiting is because I want my first proper play through to be Morrowind at its best. The world is so rich and interesting and it's beautiful but it'd be way more so if I modded it. I know how special that first play through can be so I want mine to be with the graphic mods, that way I'd get to experience the wonder of the landscape fully. But that'd be in 10 months when I've saved enough for a pc and I'd rather not wait that long.

    TLDR should I wait for 10 months to play the game with the graphic mods and get the most out of that special first play through or should I just go ahead now and enjoy the mods later when I have them.

    Also unrelated but any advice for staying invested in a game of Skyrim. I always start really excited to play but then after a certain number of hours (maybe 40-80 or so) I lose investment and feel directionless. I know most people seem to play for upwards of 100 hours at the very least and typically a lot more for each play through and I was wondering if I'm just missing the point on why the game is so fun and instead am looking for something that isn't what makes Skyrim so fun. I play on Xbox so I don't have access to Legacy of the Dragonborn or other very large mods like that, but If mod suggestions are a part of your solution I'd still love to hear it. I do play with mods but maybe there are ones im missing. Thanks in advance for the help on both questions!

    submitted by /u/ItsJustCris13
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    drug lord mod *spoilers*

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:05 PM PST

    hello, simple question. where's havam after he builds the room for the alchemist? i can't find him and it's getting tedious. i'd appreciate any help

    submitted by /u/matthew211221
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    Built a potion tool in google sheets, including Tamriel Rebuilt ingredients.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Check it out here.

    I noticed the old https://xnode.org/page/Morrowind_Alchemy_Helper alchemy helper is giving a security error, and it never had TR ingredients included, so I made this. In the near future I might add some checkboxes to disclude TR ingredients from showing up.

    Due to the nature of GDrive, you'll need to copy it to your GDrive in order to do anything with it.

    (sorry if this is the wrong flair, none of them really apply to an out-of-game tool)

    submitted by /u/bicycle-repairman
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