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    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    Morrowind Anyone got interesting stories with Gaenor and his gnarly luck?

    Morrowind Anyone got interesting stories with Gaenor and his gnarly luck?

    Anyone got interesting stories with Gaenor and his gnarly luck?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:15 PM PDT

    No math today so I drew my Nerevarine

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    I Had a dream last night about the falling wizard tarhiel. He’ll never be forgotten. What are your memories of this guy?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    The Story of Travelling-New-Woman. Just one of those small lore things that I enjoy about Morrowind.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:07 PM PDT


    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:09 AM PDT

    What are your "core" mods aka the ones you can't imagine playing the game without?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:17 AM PDT

    I have a small list of mods I use every time I reinstall the game. I got used to the old graphics so i dont use any gralhical mods.. Most of them are basically fixing problems that the game came with, which makes it more fun to play:

    • All the official expansions and modules.
    • Code Patch - Balances and fixes most of game problems.
    • Better Vanilla Leveling - You do not get attribute multilliers from misc skills. Fixes the abuse training mechanic.
    • No Rest - Makes it so you can't rest unless it's on a bed object. Fixes the battle -> rest to restore health/magicka -> battle cycle. Makes potions and restore items actually useful and demanded.
    • Creeper & Mudcrab rebalance - Makes them proper easter eggs and removes the ability to sell them anything other than potions and what they are selling. Fixes economy abuse.
    • Vtb Threads of the Webspinner - Provides ingame hints on where the sanguine items are located, so that you dont have to break immersion and check the wiki to be able to complete the quest.
    • Faction Advancement and relations requirements - I made my own custom mod which fixes a problem with standard factions imo. Makes the requirements to advance to higher ranks in factions stricter and harder, and opposing factions hate each other more. For example, changed the relationship between great houses from -1 to -2, and Camonna Tong and Imperial Legion now have a -3, etc.
    • Morrowind Content Restoration - Restores cut content, some of it which i feel should have made the game, like the Ring of Namira, diseases, etc.

    These are my 100% mods. What do you guys use?

    submitted by /u/jdgev
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    How many people here have actually played the main quest line?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    Over the years, I must have put well over 150 hours into this game, possibly 250+, playing dozens of different characters, yet I've never actually played the main quest. I've maybe done the first two or three mainline quests, but never more.

    I always end up getting distracted and rather joining a faction, or just simply exploring on my own, or playing mod content.

    I think the mainline quest doesn't get enough advertising in-game. There's very little incentive to actually do it, at least in my experience. Where as the guilds and Great Houses immediately sound interesting and you know exactly what you're getting into with them.

    For those that have beat the main quest, how would you rate it? Is it cooler then the faction quests? Obviously, no spoilers, please. Also, just out of curiosity, when you first played the game, did you do the main quest immediately, or first go off and do a bunch of other things?

    submitted by /u/OlorinTheOtaku
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    What is happening? I don't even have an option to open this chest. It's very frustrating. I can't find anything related to this online.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:10 PM PDT

    Mods that will enhance morrowind but not take away from the vanilla experience.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    I have played through morrowind multiple times and have been thinking about doing another playthrough but I want some mods that will spice up the vanilla experience but not take away from it. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/hermetic_traveler
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    Little Morrowind-inspired song I made; uses Nerevar Rising theme. Nice and chill!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:03 AM PDT

    Passive Recharging Speed of Enchanted Items

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    There has been something that has been bugging me since I started. Maybe my google-fu sucks, but try as I might I could never find an answer to a question that seems easy to answer.

    How does passive recharging work? One article says higher soul value means faster, another better enchanting skill means faster, yet another points out that the enchanted item must be in your possession to recharge passively at all.

    None of them answered the question that has been getting on my nerves...

    If I have N enchanted items, with varying degrees of charge, in my Inventory... how fast do the items recharge? Is this a FIFO? Just straight rate? Lower faster?

    So I just conducted an experiment.

    Using 0.46 Nightly from Oct 1, 2019. 5.0.2 Rebirth LITE, All Bethesda, BetterRegen

    At no time did any skill or attribute change values during this test.

    I added a second Engraved Ring of Healing to my inventory via Console after stripping off every single non-CE item. Then I fired off both Rings in rapid fire ~2 seconds. Sitting next to a Bed I rested 1 Hr intervals for 5 hrs. Both rings increased charge 1 point in each hour. I then restored back to the original state and tested a single ring by firing off all of its charges as in the first test and then rested again in 1 Hr intervals for 5 hrs.

    The single ring recharged 1 pt each hour.

    What this means is that the passive recharge rate is independent of the number of items needing recharge that are in your inventory according to this modded setup. A setup that is arguably neutral.

    QUESTION: Can anyone ( u/computer-machine ) test this hypothesis using NOT OMW, Rebirth, etc?

    submitted by /u/scJazz
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    Is there any Morrowind tabletop RPG?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    Anything, from a standalone system, to a D&D conversion, is fine.

    Just curious if anyone ever tried to do this.

    submitted by /u/OlorinTheOtaku
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    Is there a way to use Morrowind Comes Alive with Tamrial Rebuilt?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    MCA comes with an add-on plugin that is supposed to add MCA to Tamrial Rebuilt. But since MCA's last update, TR's data plugin has been renamed from TR_data to TamrialRebuilt_data.

    Now MCA doesn't want to recognize the new master plugin and won't work for Tamrial Rebuilt.

    Is there any way to fix this? Do you think MCA would ever get updated to fix this issue?

    submitted by /u/OlorinTheOtaku
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