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    Wednesday, October 30, 2019

    Morrowind Was bored in class, decided to draw the sign of my favorite house.

    Morrowind Was bored in class, decided to draw the sign of my favorite house.

    Was bored in class, decided to draw the sign of my favorite house.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:19 AM PDT

    What's your favorite type of character to play as?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    1. Which is your favorite race?

    2. Which is your favorite type of class?

    3. What's your preferred alignment to play by?

    4. Which is your favorite faction to join?

    I really like Orcs for their magically resilience and berserker power. Though lore wise, I think I prefer Dunmer.

    I don't think I particularly have a favorite type of class specifically, but no matter what character I'm playing, I always end up dabbling with thievery somehow.

    I generally tend to be chaotic neutral, leaning somewhat towards chaotic good.

    I always thought the thieves guild was really fun, but there isn't any faction I specifically dislike.

    submitted by /u/OlorinTheOtaku
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    Is playing a full on dedicated wizard viable?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    As in, never using weapons or armor, just spells.

    I've never tried it since I figured your spell points would run out too quickly and you'd just generally be too squishy, especially in the early game.

    submitted by /u/OlorinTheOtaku
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    Itermerel bug (maybe?)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:49 PM PDT

    (I hope this is the right flair.)

    This is a somewhat peculiar bug involving the Mage's Guild Escort the scholar Itermerel to Pelagiad quest. Each time he nukes something with a spell and I then subsequently dispose of the corpse, the game immediately CTDs without a warning; there's nothing offered in the Warnings text document. However, I can run ahead after telling him to wait, kill those same creatures, dispose of the corpses, and then experience no CTD. I included the load order below. I'll also add that I installed Darknut's Creature Textures (doesn't use an .esp, obviously), among other mods, just on the off chance that it may be involved in the crash. The game's also patched with the MCP 2.4 tool.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    • Morrowind.esm
    • Tribunal.esm
    • Bloodmoon.esm
    • Patch for Purists.esm
    • THE Facepack Compilation.esm
    • MAO.esm
    • Yet Another Guard Diversity - Regular.ESP
    • The Publicans.ESP
    • master_index.esp
    • Patch for Purists - Book Typos.ESP
    • Patch for Purists - Decimal Errors.ESP
    • Better Bodies.esp
    • Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.ESP
    • Vurt's Leafy West Gash.esp
    • Lake Fjalding Anti-Suck.ESP
    • aru_signs_en.esp
    • XE Sky Variations.esp
    • Better Robes.ESP
    • Better Clothes_v1.1.esp
    • More Better Clothes.ESP
    • PB_AStrangePlant.esp
    • Bob's Diverse Blood.ESP
    • Glowing Flames - NoMoreLightlessFlames v1.1.ESP
    • SN_Gold_v.3 (Septim Dumac).esp
    • correctUV Ore Replacer_respawning.esp
    • GH_trama_patch.esp
    • RR_Aldruhn_Under_Skar_Eng.ESP
    • Pherim Animated Bellows Sounds.esp
    submitted by /u/gildedpeasant
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    Getting into Morrowind

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    My first Elder Scrolls game was Skyrim and after just a couple of hours of playing the game, I was hooked. I absolutely loved the atmosphere and the feeling of the game. After replaying the game and reliving everything again, I became more interested in the lore and the universe. Reading the books and getting more involved into every dialogue were my favorite things. From the cold and abandoned dwemer ruins to the vast deserts of ash in Solstheim, I loved every part of it.

    About two years ago, I decided I wanted to experience a new Elder Scrolls game. I decided to buy Oblivion and once again, I was absolutely blown away by the vast land that was at my disposal. I explored every part of Cyrodiil I could get my hands on. The game was a bit different from what I was used to, but it wasn't hard to overcome it.

    After playing through Oblivion and the DLCs, I bought Morrowind. Already at launch, I knew that Morrowind was going to be amazing. But I noticed something. The game was very different from Oblivion and Skyrim. It was a lot harder to get used to the mechanics and getting around in the world.

    Do you have any tips to get started in Morrowind? Is there anything I should know before starting a playthrough?

    submitted by /u/simmen18
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    Does anything need to be done with the 'Overwrite' section in MO2 before finishing a mod setup?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    I currently in the process of modding Morrowind using the Thastus guide and I see there is a section in MO2 labeled as 'Overwrite' that shows when certain mods have a parts of them overwritten by another mod after it's installed.

    Does anything need to be done with this or is this totally normally? I'm mainly concerned because MO2 is showing it as a notification and I didn't know if it required action on my part. I'm following the Thastus guide in order, if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/Lexaraj
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    Good melee enchantment ideas?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    So I got a shit ton of money (200 thousand), but im a wizard type whos not very strong with melee. What would be a good enchanment to smoke people in melee. I have amulet that shocks motherfuckers at huge area, but when up against tough enemies it takes a while.

    submitted by /u/Nixenbachbitchmob
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    What are the essential mods?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    Mods that add to the game's overall enjoyment value, while not straying too far from the vanilla product.

    Here's my list. Am I missing anything?

    Tamrial Rebuilt, obviously.

    A mod to add in darkness at night and in caves, for realism sake and to make light sources and dark vision actually useful.

    A mod to make sneaking more realistic. Namely by making it get bonuses and penalties depending on weather, time and your equipment being worn. Also, to add in stealth attacks.

    Less Generic NPC's, to make the world feel more alive.

    Houses For Sale. This one adds a couple of houses scattered throughout the island, available for purchase from a realtor in Balmora.

    Morrowind Graphics Extander, to fix the God awful limited viewing distance.

    Decorator+, to allow for easily moving and displaying your loot in your homebase.

    submitted by /u/OlorinTheOtaku
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    Should I play Province: Cyrodil and Skyrim Home of the Nords?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    Or should I wait a bit longer?

    I'm only familiar with Tamrial Rebuilt, but these other two projects sound really damn cool.

    How far along is their progress, would you recommend playing them now?

    Also, how does one access those far off areas? I would assume new fast travel routes take you there, but how exactly is that handled? Just out of curiosity.

    submitted by /u/OlorinTheOtaku
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