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    Morrowind Sweet nerevar

    Morrowind Sweet nerevar

    Sweet nerevar

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    Act II, Part III: Broken Hope (The Sharmat's Incarnate) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:04 PM PDT

    Act II, Part III: Broken Hope

    By Antuul Dralosi, Lost Soul

    The only thing I really know anymore is this cave. I don't know how many times I've died in this place and woken up with my head in that pool again, but I know every time I do, she's watching me with that same disapproving glare. She thinks I'm stupid—I don't care though. She's not my master. She's my 'guide' whatever that even means, but it doesn't matter, because I've given up. I've finally just accepted it: this cave—this cave is my life now. And you know, that's okay I suppose—I'm just so thirsty. I just want something to drink, but every time I make a run for that fortress, I end up back here. I'm so tired of trying. I'm so, so, so tired of trying. You can't possibly understand what it's like to die over and over and over with no release. It's hell. It's a state of pure hell to know that I'll just keep ending up in this god-forsaken cave, because that fortress, it's a trap. It's not real, it's just something to keep luring me out from this cave, but this cave is safe. I don't die in this cave. Nope. I'm safe here. Those things in the sky can't get me in here.

    It's funny though how my life has gone. I spent my life doing whatever it took to survive and I dreamed about having my own little space—a nice little cave of my own as you will—and here I have it—and here I hate it. I just want to get out of here. I don't care what happens once I get out of here, I just want it to stop. I. Just. Want. It. To. Stop. But it won't. There's no end to this. It's just a constant endless torment. At least when I was alive or whatever I knew as alive, I got to sleep. Now? There is no sleep. There's just rocking back and forth here in the darkness of my cave with nothing to do and nowhere to be; I just wish I could get to that fortress. Oh I wish I could. But I can't, because I was never meant to. It's just a sick joke. How many times will he run for it? I can almost hear them joking about it behind my back and I don't even know who them is, but I know they're doing it. I know this is just some kind of game and I'm just some little pawn being forced to play in a game that doesn't make sense. It's comical. Hahaha, you bastards, now let me out. Let me the hell out of this sick game of yours.

    It doesn't matter though. They can all laugh at me all they want; I don't need them, I never needed them. I never needed anyone. I always got by on my own and if they want to laugh at me here then to hell with them, because I don't need them. You hear me, you bastards?! Do you?! I don't need you! I never needed anyone and I sure as hell don't need you! I hope you hear me! You're all noth—

    * * *

    The cave shook and rocks fell. I think I died again because something hit my head, something heavy and then everything went black, but I didn't wake up like no time had passed at all this time. Maybe I was just unconscious, I don't know, but the mouth of the cave is gone and there's caverns now that weren't there before. I'm going down and hopefully I find something.

    * * *

    By Azura, I have been blessed. There's water down here, it's gritty with silt but it might very well be the best thing I've ever tasted in my life. It's so good to have something to drink. I drank until I was on the burst of vomiting, but I still wanted to go back for more—you never appreciate water until you don't have it.

    Ustavia was perched on a ledge above me and watching me drink to my heart's content when she startled me. "You have balanced what is within and without, Master Dralosi," she said flatly. "Enjoy this respite, for it is now that the true tests of this place begin." I tried to stop her before she vanished into the shadows, but I couldn't and I honestly don't think she could've saved me from what was coming anyways.

    There was the loud clank of metal scraping against metal and the metallic thud as sabatons hit the cold stone floor. I hid a bit towards where I started and waited for whatever these things were to show themselves and they did. They were hulking green humanoids covered in armor and carrying axes. They looked kind of like goblins but bigger and stronger and I swear I have heard of these creatures before. Orcs, I think they were known as. I had never seen one before because as far as I knew, none of them escaped during the Landfall like we and the Khajiits did, but here they were. I wondered for a minute if they were trapped here too and had just formed some kind of gang to keep safe from other prisoners in this hell, but I stopped wondering as they closed in on me.

    Now I'm sitting here where the mouth of the cave was and I can hear them talking in the caverns not far from me. I couldn't make out much of it though because they spoke a heavily-accented old dialect. All I know is I'm sitting here waiting with a rock in my hand for the one they call Gro-Shara to come for me. I'm not waking up in that goddamned pool of water-dust again. Not a chance, so if Gro-Shara finds me, I'm going to kill him and I'm going to get out of here. I'm not going to risk this cave resetting or however the hell this place works. You hear me, you sick bastards? I'm going to get out of here. I mean it. I will beat this!

    Here he comes. I hear his footsteps and his loud breathing. It's uneven. He's out of shape. If I get the jump on him then maybe I can—

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Should I join the Imperial cult as a Telvanni?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:52 PM PDT

    I am definitely not joining the Temple, simply because it feels so absurd to be a god-mage and worship another, but also their censorship kinda conflicts with the scholarly tendencies of wizards. The cult seems alright, although their empire worship feels like a bit too much.

    Oh and also loot I guess, I am killing myself because of roleplay here but if any of you think something outranks that do let me know.

    submitted by /u/ikar100
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    I made sheets to learn the daedric script for free download

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I love the daedric script and wanted to learn it. So I made some sheets to practice with and wanted to share them with you. You can trace the letter a few times and then practice on your own. I have a version with just the letter and corresponding letter in the latin alphabet, and one version additionally with the names of the letters (Ayem, Bedt ...) choose what you like and print it out.

    I used two fonts that I found on the internet to make this and referred to the UESP to add variants for letters which had different forms used. Read more about it here.

    I hope you like it! I would enjoy seeing results!

    Download on gdrive here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15xw0ooqrcqsiJDc0y9NrTU9m_gL88o34?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/eklatea
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    Should I mod this game?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    First time player here and curious about it

    submitted by /u/vanbulg
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    Anyone Else Having Trouble w/ Steam via CrossOver/Windows XP?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    Steam stopped compatibility with Windows XP at the beginning of this year (I play on a Macbook via CrossOver), but it wasn't until today that it told me "Steam is no longer supported on your operating system version." So I changed it to Windows 7 using the directions that I found on Codeweaver's website but now Steam won't work. I tried using other systems but they don't work either.

    Please don't tell me to use OpenMW because I have 740 hours on this one character (Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon, and almost all of Tamriel Rebuilt).

    submitted by /u/LobstrThermidor
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    Scrolls for money

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    Scrolls for money

    I'm playing through blind, my bf turned me onto Morrowind as i like RPGs. I was looking at my inventory full of items much higher value than any merchant i've met has; the plan was to sell them the items and just buy up their lighter weight scrolls and sell them back in small bits to them over time. It got out of hand very quickly. lol

    no spoilers please.

    submitted by /u/Erika_WBY
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    How's good Morrowind XP?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    I'm looking for an alternative to the the vanilla leveling system, and I've really enjoyed Oblivion XP. So I've found its Morrowind brother at Nexus, but the commentary section made me a bit concerned about the bugs. How annoying are them from your experience?

    submitted by /u/Necroballs
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    Thoughts about player's strongholds locations?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:31 PM PDT

    I'm talking about Odai Plateau, Bal Isra and Uvirith's Grave and the respective strongholds that you can build there. I've always thought that it is really cool that you can build your own strongholds (especially the Telvanni one - huge mushroom house guarded by badass dwemer machines) but at the same I've always felt a bit baffled by the locations because it seems like locations where I never go, too far from civilization (with the exception of Rethan Manor I suppose), it's like I am given these lands as a punishment instead of reward because how am I supposed to build successful colonies in the middle of nowhere?

    To be honest, I'm not sure where exactly I would place the strongholds if I could pick, the Telvanni tower probably on an island near Sadrith More, the Hlaalu one somewhere around Dren Plantation and the Redoran around Gnisis or Ald Velothi.

    What is your opinion about the in-game locations of strongholds? Do you use the strongholds as your homes and go there often?

    submitted by /u/Nerevanin
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