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    Friday, July 3, 2020

    Morrowind I fell in love with the Elder Scrolls series with Morrowind back in 2002 and have been a fan of open-world RPGs ever since then. And many don't know/forget that the amazing Skyrim main theme is based on the Morrowind theme which to me always remains the best in the series. Here's my cover of it.

    Morrowind I fell in love with the Elder Scrolls series with Morrowind back in 2002 and have been a fan of open-world RPGs ever since then. And many don't know/forget that the amazing Skyrim main theme is based on the Morrowind theme which to me always remains the best in the series. Here's my cover of it.

    I fell in love with the Elder Scrolls series with Morrowind back in 2002 and have been a fan of open-world RPGs ever since then. And many don't know/forget that the amazing Skyrim main theme is based on the Morrowind theme which to me always remains the best in the series. Here's my cover of it.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    "Please god just don't talk about the Sharmat for once."

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Quote courtesy of my wife, last night on the couch as I began wondering aloud about parallels between godly beings in Morrowind and Tolkien's world, as she's wrapping up her first read of LOTR, and the impact on the psyches of the inhabitants of those worlds that these pseud-gods would have on every day life. I had a chuckle.

    submitted by /u/FranzAndTheEagle
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    My first time playing morrowind.... let’s say I’m not disappointed

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    Sixth House crochet throw

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    Dunmer Habit of Horse Eating Inspired by Real History?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Today in my Viking History course I learned about the Scandinavian settling of Iceland. Evidently, when the volcanoes on the island erupted, the soil became full of sulfates, which were absorbed into the grasses which grew. When livestock--mostly cattle, sheep, and horses--ate those grasses, they became increasingly ill, predominately shown as diseases in the teeth and gums. Eventually, they would either die or be culled. Evidently life on the island was quite harsh, meaning that all culled livestock were eaten. So, after an eruption, the people would eat very well at first, then suffer from starvation, sometimes loosing upwards of a third of their population.

    Listening to this made something click about Morrowind. It is a land predominated by an active volcano and its ash storms. Additionally, there is no livestock of the usual sense--no cattle, sheep, or horses. Then, there is the rumor that the Dunmer eat horses. The similarities are fascinating, and I wonder if the developers were inspired by this. We know that several of the crops and tamed beasts of Morrowind are adapted specifically to the ashy environment.

    submitted by /u/Lorkansheart
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    Are there any skills that you guys find particularly difficult/easy to increase?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    First timer here. Is playing as a Khajit going to be that much of a pain in the ass?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    For context:

    • I have a general idea of Morrowind's mechanics from seeing some playthroughs but I'm mostly lost as a first time player

    • I was so excited to finally play this that I decided to go in blind rather than look up tutorials

    • One of the many things that got me very excited for playing this game after years of Skyrim and Oblivion was the potential for OP acrobatics. So I said "easy, I'll play as a Khajit". Didn't know Khajit couldn't wear boots and all that. Is that going to be a problem?

    • I'm less than an hour into the game. Just arrived at South Wall. So I could restart, if that's a better option.

    • I have no issue turning the difficulty all the way down. I just want to have a good time on my first playthrough. Should I stick with Khajit or go for an "easier" race?

    • Most of my main skills are magic oriented. I basically want to be a mage/alchemist that can jump from one city to another.

    submitted by /u/hollabaloon
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    Attempt at a decent, casual morrowind video. Check out if u have some time

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    Skills for Warrior

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am starting a playthrough (my first real one) and want to play a sword carrying Imperial

    I don't don't what skills to choose besides Long Blade, Restoration, Medium Armor, and Block.



    Any other tips are welcome!

    submitted by /u/thevariant2017
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    Struggling with Better Bodies and Beast Bodies

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    Hey all. New to modding, but I played this game on Xbox years and years ago, and loved it. Anyway, not the point.

    I'm having a hell of a time getting beast bodies to load in the game. As soon as one is attempted to render, the game gives me a bunch of error messages and eventually crashes. I've tried everything I can think to do to try and fix the issue, outside of deleting Morrowind and starting the mod process again, which as a newcomer with not so much time for games, has taken me 4 days to get to this point. Not too keen to start over on all that.

    I wasn't able to take a screenshot either, for whatever reason, so I have to just copy from memory. I can, however, post screenshots of what mods I have installed, if that helps.

    I know I have BetterBodies 2.2, and also have BetterHeads. The heads don't seem to be an issue at all, and I don't see them in error messages. I'm also able to render all heads normally in character creation. It's only bodies that aren't working. I also have BetterBodies 3.0 (Beast Bodies), which I'm not even able to use the .esp because I get an instant Warning.txt message, and then the same issue I'm reporting above.(Betterbodies_1C.esp).

    I've tried enabling betterbodies.esp and betterbodies_1C.esp together and individually, as well as double-checking their installs(everything done manually by reading all directions, as well as learning about how modding works on YouTube), and also ensuring I have load order correct by using Wrye Mash with MLOX.

    I do have the Code Patch, Patch for Purists, 4Gig Patch, and MGEXE installed, and while I don't have a super powerful computer, I definitely do have a good enough one to run at decent settings. I'm not trying to push the boundaries here, I just wanted some new stuff to look at while playing an old game.

    I'm thinking the conflict here is something to do with the Better Bodies 3.0 mod. I can't really tell, but I think this one isn't as much of a well-made, or even affiliated mod, as BB2.2. I've also found that people suggest a few other beast body mods, that I want to say are thrown into this BB3.0 mod set, which is why I'm confused. If it's all there, why won't it work?

    Any help here would be appreciated, and I'll be able to post screenshots somewhere of the data files, downloads, etc. as needed.

    submitted by /u/NikNakZombieWhack
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    Graphical Herbalism

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    I'm using the Graphics Herbalism mod with openmw 0.46. It seems like only half the plants work as expected and the other half just open like containers. Can anyone tell me why this may be? It's a great mod and it would make my first attempt at alchemy much easier.

    submitted by /u/Vargyre
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    TRUTH EXPOSED : Dwemers were killed because they were producing VATS (Fallout)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    Bloodmoon main quest

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Can i start bloodmoon main quest if i killed carnius magius because i was doing missions for falco and when i showed carnius the letter he went hostile.

    submitted by /u/PupperBork123
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    Tul has trapped me in the Balmora Fighter's Guild bedroom. How do I escape :(? I don't want to kill him.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    The Dunmer School of Law. (I misread it at first, but hey, a man can dream, also I'm not sure if this counts as real world politics or not if so sorry)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Cross post trying to trouble shoot a missing Mesh issue.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    What Effect Does Magnitude Have on Certain Spells?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Attempted googling this to no avail. What is the purpose of magnitude on spells like Light or Slowfall? Does a higher magnitude light glow brighter? Does higher magnitude Slowfall make you fall slower, or further reduce the damage taken from falling from higher up?

    Are there just spells for which 0 or 1 magnitude is enough and I only need to worry about duration when spellcrafting?

    submitted by /u/IAmTheClayman
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    What happens if you keep playing after killing an essential character?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    MGE Issue

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    So im in the MGE menu and im trying to set screen resolution but it keeps giving me a error saying, "Unhandled exception has occurred in youre application.". Anyone know how to fix that?

    submitted by /u/Justin-six
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