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    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    Morrowind When you realize you're a fractalized version of a greater-self living inside a simulated construct reality.

    Morrowind When you realize you're a fractalized version of a greater-self living inside a simulated construct reality.

    When you realize you're a fractalized version of a greater-self living inside a simulated construct reality.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Hippity Hoppity

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    Nords are cucks

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    N'wahs With Attitude

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    I'm about to start my first ever playthrough of morrowind. I'm super excited. I've only heard good things about it haha

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    This Coronavirus artwork looks like the new embodiment of our boi Dagoth Ur.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Found Tarhiel (the guy who made the Scroll of Icarian Flight.)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    A letter to Ahnassi, St. Delyn Waist North Two

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    How is it playing as a Werewolf?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    I've never played as one. How can you convert your self into an Hircine's child?

    submitted by /u/Sk00maC4t
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    What to enchant with Almalexia's soul (1500)?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I have Almalexia's soul trapped in Azura's star.

    This is the only soul of 1500 I can ever enchant something with (I'm not planning to kill Vivec).

    So I can do only one single enchant with this strength, so I better make it count!

    Any suggestions for something that would benefit from a 1500-soul, not just a 400-soul?

    E.g. a weapon with more charge, but which one would be really worth this one shot?

    I'm thinking about: A Daedric Dai-katana with soul trap and max absorb health.

    Any better suggestions? Any non-weapon idea?

    submitted by /u/zeemvel
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    Second playthrough spellsword build tips?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    So I am finishing up my first playthrough and think I might do a second in a week or so. This time I want a spellsword type build. Below is the current plan.

    Sex: male Race: dark elf Specialization: magic

    Favored attributes: Willpower Intelligence

    Birthsign: The atronach

    Major skills: Long blade Light armor Destruction Mysticism Alteration

    Minor skills: Alchemy Enchanting Conjuration Athletics Acrobatics

    I'm torn if I should replace one of my skills with spear. Are there many reliably good spears early game? Last playthrough I used the spear from Uncle Sheogorath and liked it but that was the only one I used. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/questypants
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    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    I've found godly item for my Argonian Nightblade called Whitewalker with 50 cameleon CE, but it also has some nasty self damaging effects. Is there a way to resist them?

    submitted by /u/ShutTheFuckUpRetard1
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    Is Aryon Morrowind's Elon Musk? And explain.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    Recently (after at least a decade) started playing again. Now at a point in the MQ where I'm trying to become hortator (or hormator or humidor?) of the three Great Houses and I just met with Aryon again. I don't know, but I really like this guy. He's eccentric, but seems like a straightshooter. Not a douche (Hlaalu) or a tribal s'wit (Redoran) or a nutjob (other Telvanni). He's an innovator with a sense of humor. I mean, the Imperial Museum!! What's not to love?!? I think my female Bosmer character wants to have a kid with him.

    submitted by /u/ultramoka
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    What is your opinion of the Dwemer ruins?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    How do you feel about the Dwemer ruins in Morrowind? Do you like them, do you hate them? I've been playing Morrowind lately and I forgot how annoying (imo) they are.

    submitted by /u/SpectrisGames
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    Have you N'wahs ever heard of a video called Dagothwave? If so what did you guys think of it?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    MGE XE didnt improve any landscape textures?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    So the title basically says it all. I have MGE installed and the unofficial patch, optimization patch, visual herbalism, and westley's heads and nothing else but for whatever reason the game renders all interiors and exteriors with default textures...I've looked all over google and cant seem to find a fix so I figured I'd ask here and see if anyone can offer a solution.

    I assume I must have goofed the data files folder somehow...I'm using MO2 so I thought I'd be safe, but apparently I still found a way to jank the game up :p

    Thanks for any and all responses, any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/NesJess86
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    Build showcase of Dagoth Ur and the Red Mountain recreated in Minecraft ! Hope you enjoy !

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:03 AM PDT


    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    Zeno Faustus in fort frostmouth just blew rasberrys at me. LMFAO!!

    submitted by /u/urielsprophet
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    Should i use Better Balanced Combat mod?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    I don't mind dice roll mechanics for a lot if things. However, I find it very frustrating that my fucking attacks aren't connecting at all. Even with high fatigue, even with a weapon that is a minor skill. Meanwhile, the enemy's attacks are connecting so well that I can't escape.

    I found this mod that supposedly gets rid of the """"EPIC dice roll combat"""". The problem is that i'm at a crossroads. As much as I want to stop missing all my attacks, I feel like using this mod might ruin the experience for me, that i'll be throwing what the developers had intended out the window... What should I do???

    submitted by /u/Ollo-X1
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    New Home

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Hello, i am kind if sick of My boy Cassius' home and wanna move out to somewhere else. I have a stronghold but it is too crowded for me. Is there a nice place to move out. I can kill any npc thats no problem

    submitted by /u/ElezerHan
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    Looking for a Suran player housing mod... (Cross post from tes3modding)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Cross post from tes3modding.

    Hey guys! I started my yearly play through of Morrowind to celebrate its 18th birthday this past week!

    That being said, I was thinking back to my previous play throughs and I remembered this really cool player home that was right outside of the north gate leaving Suran (Location in image below).

    I was a rather interesting "cheat"y home with a large decorated entrance room, teleportation room to major regions, small "armory" with a few tables to show off loot (I remember there being mannequins in this room but I might have put them there), an alchemy room with an auto-sorter for ingredients, and a beautifully decorated bedroom. There might have been other rooms but I can't seem to remember them. The outside of the home was very well decorated as well with a number of plants and a garden.

    The house was rather awesome, not because of the cheat-y aspects of it but it was really well put together and designed. I tried searching for Suran player homes but I wasn't able to find this one specifically.

    It has been a number of years since I used this mod and I have a feeling I got it from one of the now dead mod hosting sites which is why I can't seem to find it.

    This post may be a long shot but if anyone knows of the mod I am referring to I'd be very happy for any information you might have!

    House location: HERE

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/TunaHero
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    Any way to stop grass being where it shouldn't be? Using Aesthesia groundcover.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    any idea why morrowind runs worse than oblivion?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    I play on a rather underwhelming laptop, but it works well with oblivion (pretty heavily modded) on mid settings and it runs very well, idk the exact frames per second because I don't play with a frame count, but when it comes to morrowind I downloaded a mod that lets you play I'm 16:9 aspect ratio and that has an inbuilt frame counter so I use it. In interior cells I get decent FPS, 40 frames and up or thereabouts, but as soon I leave and enter the world cell my frames drop to about 30 but I also experience frequent frame stutters that drop me to below 15. I play morrowind on mid settings, and even tho my laptop isn't necessarily powerful it runs oblivion completely fine, barely any problems. anyone know a solution to this?

    submitted by /u/c_draws
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    Does Arktwend work with better balanced combat

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    Ive beat morrowind and tribunal dlc. Im abt to beat Bloodmoon dlc. So I check up to see if theres any total conversion mods for morrowind and i found arktwend. And somebody made patch for arktwend on openmw. Im wondering can i use better balanced combat with it. sorry for any bad grammer

    submitted by /u/CoolDudeDavid
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