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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Morrowind LORE!!!!

    Morrowind LORE!!!!


    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:55 AM PST

    This is my drawing of Lord Vivec :)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:00 AM PST

    That's where 8gm ram on my phone goes

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:43 AM PST

    Using my pro editing skills and MSPaint to illustrate me on my first ever playthrough of morrowind, going directly to the "Cool Vulcano" at level 3 to fight Dagoth Ur after preparing myself by watching 3 morrowing meme videos on youtube.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Help me make my female orc knight

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:41 PM PST

    I love the orcs in tes, but I can't seem to make my character right. I want to go for a female orc knight. I know I want personality as an attribute bc they start with the lowest, as well as for roleplaying purposes. Please help?

    submitted by /u/greeengoth
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    Act I, Part IV: Marandus (The Telvanni Girl) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:57 AM PST

    Act I, Part IV: Marandus

    By Nilas Arobar, Son of Miner Arobar

    It's only been two days since we left Ald'ruhn on the journey out to Marandus, but it feels like so much longer as the anticipation courses through my veins! I can't help but be excited even though the Master of Trials says that the Trials are a harrowing experience that can break even the greatest of men, but I know that I won't be broken by them. This is my destiny! How could I possibly be defeated by them when everything in my life has been building up to this point? But perhaps he's right and that I shouldn't be so eager, for after all, a Redoran maintains a sense of gravity in all things and is deliberate in all actions, but I can't help the excitement—for the first time in my life, my father is going to be proud of me when I return from them and the Master of Trials returns and hears from the Underpriest that I did it—that I earned my place in the House as a true Redoran! He'll finally tell me that I've earned his respect and my place in the House—the Three only know how much I look forward to that moment. It's all I've really ever wanted. I've always just wanted him to, for once, tell me he's proud of me, and he finally will be when I come home having earned my place in the House.

    I have to remember to that I need to thank Uncle Athyn at my initiation ceremony, because this wouldn't be possible without him. My father would've never sponsored me and I know because I asked him about it once. He told me I'd fail and prove not only to him or myself, but to the entire house that I wasn't fit to bear our crest. He doesn't get it though. It's not about having the respect of my peers or anything like that—it's about doing something more with my life. I mean, look at Gandosa, she could've probably talked Serjo Oran into marrying her despite his doubts, but she didn't. She could just loiter about the Manor all day now that she's failed to live up to Father's expectations of her, but no, she's always out doing something to help our people. She organizes food drives, she spends time teaching the poor, she just—does things—not because she has to, but because she wants to, because she cares and that's why I want to be Redoran. It's not just about Father finally looking at me and realizing I'm not a complete imbecile; it's also about giving something back to my people. Father doesn't get that though. I Tmean, I've heard the stories of before Gandosa and I were born about how he used to be a great warrior and how he fought at the Battle of Tel Uvirith, but now, he just seems so concerned with his reputation and his standing in the community—he just doesn't get it. I get why he cares about the respect of his people, but sometimes I think that's all he cares about. I just wish he realized that I'm not the failure that he thinks I am—I have so much to offer and I just hope he realizes that someday and I hope this is what makes him realize it.

    I should focus though; we're only a day's walk from Marandus and the Master of Trials tells me that when we get there, he will leave me and only return for the Underpriest's report on my performance if I survive. I just wish I knew what to expect. I've heard the story of Marandus a thousand times just as everyone who grows up in Redoran territory has. It was a Redoran stronghold that was overrun by the Dwemer and their constructs and it was there that the ancient warriors fought to the death to hold off the Dwemer invaders from taking the stronghold, because Lord Nerevar had told them that he would return to use it as a staging ground for a major offensive against Galom Daeus. Though they lost control of the stronghold, when Lord Nerevar returned with his full army, they avenged their fallen comrades and it is said that to this day, the Ancient Redorans stand watch over Marandus in death as they did in life.

    A part of me is anxious to walk amongst the spirits of some of the greatest men and women to ever live, but I know that I will prove myself to them and that I will earn my place within their house. As they sacrificed for our people thousands of years ago, I too will sacrifice for our people, for a Redoran's life is sacrifice and I will be Redoran, for it is my destiny and who am I to spit in the eye of Lady Azura?

    May I walk with the blessings of ALMSIVI as I undergo the Trials and may the Ancient Redorans who sacrificed everything for their honor recognize me as a kindred spirit.

    -Nilas Arobar, Redoran Aspirant

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Tribunal temple and Imperial cult quests - best order?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:30 PM PST

    So I want to roll with Imperial pilgrim ( default ). I will join Hlaalu and I'm planning on doing both Imperial cult and Tribunal Temple questline. I want to role-play loosing faith in one religion and converting into another. Gameplaywise - what order would be the best ( i.e. which quests are harder )? Tribunal Temple after Imperial cult or vice versa? Or do they both represent similar difficulty?


    Or do you think doing both questlines would take too much time and overlevel me so that end-boss willbe a cakewalk?

    submitted by /u/I_am_ANGEERY
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    Spanish version?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:49 PM PST

    I have the game on steam, tried to change the language through the properties and noticed Spanish wasn't an option. I speak fluent English, but I wanted to play Morrowind in Spanish to practice reading and comprehension. Is there some super sneaky way to make this game in Spanish or am I SOL?

    submitted by /u/willydillydoo
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    Mob brawl in the streets of Balmora

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:44 PM PST

    Making A Place for Morrowind Fan Fiction

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:19 PM PST

    Morrowind is one of the most vivid and creative game worlds I've ever seen. The complexity and detail make it something that can be explored from so many different perspectives, from pauper to noble and everything in between. It seems like it should be an ideal vehicle for fan fiction.

    Yet it seems pretty scarce. There are TES fanfiction communities but they are overwhelmingly dominated by stories set in the Tamriel of Skyrim or ESO.

    I've seen some good fanfiction here on the subreddit (I'm enjoying /u/FoxWyrd 's "The Telvanni Girl"). But I understand that the subreddit is more devoted to lore and game discussion.

    If there were to be a place devoted to Morrowind fanfiction, what form should it take? In the old days one could have just set up a forum but I know that's a pretty archaic way to handle things now. Would it be a separate subreddit? Some other kind of social media? Discord server?

    And even if such a place existed, how would one spread the word? Morrowind has a lot of fans, but the community does seem kind of spread out.

    Curious about your thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/WellTemperedClavier
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    Itch to play - what mods do i need?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:29 AM PST

    Hi all, i have an itch to play Morrowind again but i cant quite remember my mod setup from last time.

    Here's a list of stuff i remember using:

    • Readable signs
    • Mana regeneration (It was slow)
    • Health on level up "fix"
    • Graphics upgrade
    • Delay the brotherhood
    • Bug fixes?

    I don't remember the names of the mods i used though and i am not sure if this was all i used. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/BigBadEvilDM
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    Black Jinx

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:16 AM PST

    Can't get the option to duel Alvyn Salas even though I have over 90 disposition with him.

    submitted by /u/Rajarshi_Acharya
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