• Breaking News

    Monday, December 30, 2019

    Morrowind Time to get the Dwemer puzzle box, I've avoided Arkngthand and this bridge long enough 😭😭😭

    Morrowind Time to get the Dwemer puzzle box, I've avoided Arkngthand and this bridge long enough ������

    Time to get the Dwemer puzzle box, I've avoided Arkngthand and this bridge long enough ������

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Redraw of that Watchmen comic panel, but with Vivec

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:23 AM PST

    Ricardagoth Ur ( slight NSFW )

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:26 AM PST

    "The lava from Red Mountain is very fluid and runs almost like water."

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:11 PM PST

    The burden of a hero

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:55 AM PST

    Can you?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 03:57 PM PST

    Right. That’s what I thought...

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:23 PM PST

    Introducing a friend to Morrowind

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:43 PM PST

    How do I install mods?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:58 PM PST

    I recently got a laptop and I bought Morrowind on Steam and I wanna get some mods but I can't figure out how to install them. I looked up how to download mods but nothing has helped. sorry if this a really stupid question. Also can you give me any recommendations on mods? I just wanna improve gameplay and graphics.

    EDIT: i figured it out

    submitted by /u/danger1954
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    I think it’s about time to start Morrowind again and I would really appreciate everyone’s ideas: What has been your most fun character build and/or role play? What would you consider to be an interesting change of pace? Help me get out of my comfort zone!

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:18 PM PST

    So, my whole life I've been a perfectionist — unsuccessfully— and I absolutely hate it. It sucks the fun out of everything I've ever been remotely interested in, especially these types of video games, and it has only gotten worse as I've gotten older. I don't ever get to truly enjoy anything because I'm always trying to level efficiently or build the perfect character with all complimenting skills until I just get burnt out and stop playing. I truly believe that this year has been the worst for me in terms of actually enjoying any hobby, much less video games, and it's starting to make me wonder if I'm not slightly depressed or something. (Just a thought; not a cry for help or anything.)

    Anyways, it's about time I said "fuck that" and did something different and enjoyable for once. My request is for everyone willing to give me their best character/role play/play through ideas. If you've done it before and found it enjoyable or if you just think of an idea that you think would be different, hilarious, or interesting ,to say the least, I want to hear about it. I'm up for any feasible ideas regarding restrictions, character mindsets, builds, back stories, factions, etc. Hell, I don't even want to have to choose the name for my character (because that's a whole overwhelming ordeal in and of itself for me).

    Any enthusiasm towards this idea would be met with immense gratitude and if this actually took off or if people were interested enough I would love to post updates and character progression.

    Last, just for reference, this has been my favorite game since I first played it on the original Xbox and I've only ever completed the main storyline once. I've almost always played as a mage and I've completed the mages guild faction so it would be nice to maybe take a break from that and do a stealth build or something outside of my comfort zone. I've also beaten Bloodmoon several times and Tribunal only once (a long time ago). I've never done anything with the Great Houses outside of what little interaction is required with the main quest (the one time I made it that far) so that would be a good change too. I've used Nexus in the past so I'm fairly familiar with mods but if your idea requires them I may need a little assistance making sure I get it installed correctly.

    Help me to enjoy video games again and break my slump, please!

    submitted by /u/SmokeAndGnomes
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    TES III: Morrowind Steam Giveaway - 5 Copies to Give Away

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:55 AM PST

    Do you want a copy of Morrowind GoTY Edition on Steam? If so, comment below what Morrowind means to you to enter the draw to win a copy!

    submitted by /u/Anos-Seloth
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    Is there a patch that I’m not aware of for MR?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

    I've seen all the posts about how Morrowind Rebirth and Tamriel Rebuilt aren't compatible with each other but every now and again I see that people have managed to get both working. I know SorcererDave's LP is using MR and TR. So my question is how, cause I would really like to use both.

    submitted by /u/the-accent-guy
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    Is armor rating and armor 2 different things in this game?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:33 PM PST

    Example : Bonemold armor looks like it could give you like over 100 armor yet it only gives you around 20-25 depending on your medium armor skill

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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    Pixelated braziers

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:26 PM PST

    I'm having trouble identifying where my problem came from. Some of the brazier flames show up in game as super pixelated white Aztec style pyramids (think steps). I think it's a mesh issue, but I'm not sure which file, or where to find one to replace it. This brazier tends to be used in temples and tombs (they're all over Necrom, if you happen to be familiar with TR). Any ideas? It's not game-breaking, by any means, but it's distracting as hell.

    submitted by /u/Orwell1971
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    Has anyone got a link to this Morrowind cartoon wallpaper that I remember but can't seem to find it?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST

    It was a really popular wallpaper that had a bunch of cartoon morrowind characters and had some secrets to find on it, I remember seeing it in this subreddit but I can't find it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/npr2002_
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    First Time

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 03:48 PM PST

    What's the best way to experience Morrowind for a first play through?

    submitted by /u/chris10isleyen
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    MGEXE/Vurts Trees acting wierdly

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:46 PM PST

    So I started my modded morrowind playthrough. Originally, I only had MGEXE, a few patch and bugfix mods, and better heads. I made sure to only load these plugins when generating the MGEXE distant lands. However, it seems to generate a different tree model than the vanilla trees.

    These trees would suddenly "pop" into becoming the vanilla ones when I got closer, and it looks really bad, especially in a forested place like the Bitter Coast. I noticed that the different trees looked similar some of the different Vurts trees mod.

    So, I decided to install the Vurts trees replacer mod. I regenerated the MGEXEdistant lands, and it's still doing the same thing, with a few differences. Now, there are a few extra tree models that it will generate, but they will still either disappear, or pop into the vanilla trees again. This doesn't seem to effect every tree though, as the ashlands trees, and the palm trees from the grazelands overhaul are a few that work as intended (although the larger african trees, as well as the ghostgate changes disappear). I'm at a loss of what to do here. Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/PleasantCheese
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    CM Partners 3.0 Leveling?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:23 AM PST

    Hey I've only seen one other thread about this, with a solution that didn't work, but my companions don't level. I got a prompt where they asked me to train them and I accepted, but nothing happened. Are they meant to level instantly or is it something that happens over time? Because I asked to train them again and I got a reply like "You're already training me"

    I really love this Jiub companion, but if he stays level 1 he's not killing any cliffracers

    submitted by /u/___Guts___
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