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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Morrowind Made this instead of working.

    Morrowind Made this instead of working.

    Made this instead of working.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PST

    One Of My Anniversary Presents From My Wife-She's The Best!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:23 PM PST

    Trying to get your friends into Morrowind

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:39 PM PST

    Just say no

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Love this n'wah.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:25 PM PST

    I beat Morrowind on my phone

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:31 PM PST

    Posted in r/memes yesterday and thought all of you might enjoy it.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:48 AM PST

    I Wonder How Many People Never Realized There Are Dead Silt Striders Around Vvardenfell

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:36 PM PST

    Playing the game for the first time. Only ever played Skyrim and ESO. "~The Diary of a Nerevarine Kid~"

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:25 AM PST

    Playing the game for the first time. Only ever played Skyrim and ESO. "~The Diary of a Nerevarine Kid~"


    My Name is Upsi. I am a humble crabber from Cyrodiil. My mother is a Dunmer and my father... well, my mother believes him to be a Nord who was serving in The Imperial Legion and was stationed near her home village, however, in recent years she has admitted that she did provide her 'services' to many other travellers. Thus, leaving my patrilineality a mystery. But I digress. So! There I am, walking along the north eastern shore of Lake Rumare, when I noticed the perfect place to catch myself some crabs (Nothing beats hand dived crabs) the spot even had the remains of a camp fire close by and was just asking for me to cook up some fresh crab meat. After quite the haul,4 crabs, I lit the old camp fire and kept it going with some old dried wood that was near by. Due to the lack of a pot I had to extract the meat and cook the crab on a flat rock which I positioned near the fire.

    Suddenly there was a bellow "Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on MY WATCH!". "A guard" I think to myself. "I wonder who he could be shouting at?" I was thinking, as I looked around for anyone suspicious. I was then flanked by two other guards and one pins me down. Neither of the other two guards said anything other than "Let's get this over with" "This ends HERE, NOW!" and "You'll never take me down!"The first guard approaches me and tells me Poaching was illegal and the punishment was a 50 septim fine. I explained to him that I couldn't be poaching the crab as I didn't even have a pot, and any cook will tell you that poaching something can be quite impossible without a pot. I even went as far to say that if anything I was roasting the crab. I received a fast and hard kick in the ribs and he told me that maybe a stay in the imperial prison would sort me out. I still don't know what I did wrong. Why would boiling crabs be a crime? I wonder as I pass out from the pain.

    I awake in my cell, only the Divines know how long I've been in here. I'm told that I am being released. "About time" I think to myself. "Why have I been in this cell for so long?" I though. "All for cooking some crabs?". I get ushered onto a ship along with a fellow Dunmer named Jiub. He tells me that we are bound for Vvardenfell. Before I could object and get back into my cell, the boat was released from the dock and was sailing for Vvardenfell. I watch the wall of the ship where I imagined watching home slowly receding away from me, pertan by pertan.

    I was woken up by Jiub whilst I was dreaming. I don't really recall much, just some woman expositing at me. We have finally reached Vvardenfell where we are then promptly processed at Seyda Neen then set free. I was given a package and instructions to deliver said package to a Caius Cosades in Balmora. I pay for passage to Balmorra on a Silt Strider as I have no idea how to read a map. I asked around for this Caius. I finally track him down and deliver the package. Caius is an odd fellow. A skooma addict, and what? The Grand Spymaster for The Blades! He informs me that I was released and sent here to Vvardenfell on direct orders from THE EMPEROR! Does this man have anything to do? Other than torment his wrongfully imprisoned citizens and appointing addicts into positions of power and importance?

    I compose myself and continue talking to Caius. He tells me to sign up to one of the local guilds and if I progress then he might consider recruiting me into the blades. I have no other prospects here so I thought I might as well do as I was told. On my way to one of the guild halls I pass an armourer's shop and decided to head in. I picked out a surprisingly affordable set a chitin armour and short sword made from Netch Leather and Chitin Plates. Although after purchasing I realised I had been swindled! The fool only sold me a single pauldron and single gauntlet! I marched back to that shop and unleashed my fury. As I was demanding for him to give me the other gauntlet and pauldron he told me that I DIDN'T TELL HIM THAT I WANTED THE MATCH FOR THE OTHER SIDE! I mean how ridiculous is it that they do not sell things which are best in pairs, not in pairs. Then to top it all off he called me an "N'wah".

    Ego thoroughly bruised, right hand gauntlet (and pauldron) still missing, I continue to the guild hall. Suddenly a sign catches my eye. "Mages Guild" it read. I thought about the supreme power I could wield as a mage. Perhaps I could return to Cyrodiil after distinguishing myself as a master conjurer. So, gleefully, I ran into the building and spoke to the first mage I saw. She told me to go see Ajira and help her with her duties, then she would see about making me a guild member. I was thinking about all of the spells I could learn on my way to this Ajira. Fire balls, levitation, conjuring beings from the realms of oblivion. Exciting stuff! Soon enough I am face to face with Ajira, a Khajit.

    I tell her that I was instructed to help her. She quickly tells me that I am to gather some mushroom samples from a swamp south west of Balmorra. I reluctantly agree, trying to hide the disappointment on my face, I am given directions to the swamp and head out.

    I make it to the swamp and gather the first sample befor noting a large mass moving in the middle of the swamp. As I creep closer and get a better look I notice "That's a crab" and a big one at that. Big enough to kill a dragon, I bet. Although a lesser mer would have cowered in fear, my extensive experience in killing and hunting crabs had me prepared me for this moment. One swift blow with my short sword caused the beast to flinch, then I gave it a jab which finished of the creature. I conjured a dagger from the depths of oblivion and used it to excavate the meat from the abomination. I stood there in the after-glow of triumph, covered from fingertip to shoulder with the monster's bodily fluids (I guess the lack of a pauldron and gauntlet came in useful). I look up from my fleshy prize of crab meat, I examine my surroundings when another mass catches my eye, another crab, the same size as the last one. Then I see another and another and another etc..

    The swamp is calling to me. I was born for this. I will create the largest crab meat distribution company in all of Morrowind, nay! In all of Tamriel. After this ordeal with the Blades of course.

    submitted by /u/Slipped_Nips
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    I got in a discussion with a friend about how people generally think about RPGs while they play them. Strawpoll linked in this post if you'd be so kind as to toss in your two cents.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:55 PM PST

    A friend of mine insists that I'm in the minority regarding my approach to role playing in RPGs. It lead to an interesting discussion and ultimately I would like to hear more opinions on this topic.


    I'd love to hear your take on it in the comments. Do you role play characters in RPGs that let you? Do you go so far as to develop a backstory for your character, or is picking a playstyle and sticking to it enough to satisfy you?

    If there's enough interest I'll update you with the results of the data. Thanks so much for your time!

    submitted by /u/Sparky678348
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    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:56 AM PST

    What weird things have NPCs seen you do?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:15 PM PST

    Sometimes I wonder what NPCs think of me. So what weird stuff have you done in plain sight of NPCs? What do you think an NPC would think of someone else's answer to the first question?

    submitted by /u/FergusWyrm
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    Is there a channel who actually does videos about Morrowind?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:13 PM PST

    Is there any channel in Youtube- who actually uploads videos about Morrowind? I've heard about a few channels who talk about TES, but generally they use Skyrim -a lot-. So, my question is, is there a channel who just upload videos about Morrowind? They can be gameplays or just lore videos.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Sk00maC4t
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    Friend and I goofing around.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:01 PM PST

    Please help

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:18 AM PST

    I got a laptop from my brother, who got it from my dad. the specs are better than my old one, runs windows ten. 2 problems, no one remembers the admin password and morrowind runs slow as hell because of modern hardware on old software.. google told me to use openmw but no admin password shuts that down, any ideas?

    submitted by /u/JishNic
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    First playthrough and I’m LOVIN IT!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:14 AM PST

    Been playing Morrowind for the past few days now bc it went free, slowly modding and exploring and just loving every second of this game. And I'm only lvl 4!!! Like what? Lol am I bad or is that normal?

    Now I'm wondering what kinds of artifacts are in this game (as in deadric artifacts or just powerful treasures) and what ones I should go for.

    Without spoiling what the artifact or item is could some ppl point me in the direction of some nice ones?

    ...I'm okay with ppl telling me the names of the locations they're located in or around for obvious reasons regarding the map and exploration lol xD

    submitted by /u/DeathBiscuit420
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    Felen Maryon caught me pickpocketing after stealing his staff, are there consequences for someone who hasn't yet selected a house?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:53 PM PST

    While doing the Thieves Guild quest I decided I wanted the grand soul gems and pickpocketed him. He caught me and ran around doing nothing. I got out of there with Almsivi Intervention. I figured guards anywhere would try to arrest me, but as I tried to clear the price on my head from the Thieves Guild I was informed there is no price on my head. Will this incident count against me if I want to join House Telvanni later on?

    submitted by /u/Paranoid_Probe_Droid
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    What are some good tweaks to make to OMW so Morrowind runs more smoothly?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:30 PM PST

    Additionally, how would I install the unofficial Morrowind Code Patch since I'm running OMW and don't have a computer to use?

    submitted by /u/AJ_Ungler87
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    Alright, getting a little tired of having to make new characters.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:18 PM PST

    So, I've had to continuously remake my character for a few reasons.

    At first it was because I made my character wrong and he was extremely, extremely weak.

    Then I had to start a new game because I installed a mod that wouldn't work on an existing game.

    Then I had to restart that character because he also was too weak and I didn't build him the way I really wanted to because I found out about illusion and being able to cast night vision.

    Then, I remade another character but by the time I had got him to level 5 I had downloaded some new mods so I had to start over again.

    Then I got my newest character to level 8 (a lot of playing! Like 2 whole days!) and then his save file got messed up because of some mod or something I don't know.

    And now, tonight, I've finally made a new character and I swear to God if I have to drop this one too I'm gonna be pissed because I really like her. She's a dark elf named Tashpi after the supposed necromancer that the douchebags at the Mages Guild wanted me to murder and I refused and let her go.

    Anyways ... I'm sure in like, 3 days, or something, I'll come across a mod that I just can't do without now that I know of it's existence and installing it is gonna completely ruin things again. Load order and levelled lists and everything I don't know I've been having these troubles.

    submitted by /u/PartyOnOlympusMons
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    Help! Ive got a huge debuff and i cant get rid of it!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:36 PM PST

    I was in an ancestral tomb and i was attacked by a greater bonewalker, now im being debuffed by 9 strength and 2 endurance and the game says i don't have a disease or a blight, im not poisoned, and nothing has appeared in my active effects. Ive waited 12 hours, used every shrine blessing, and its still there. What is this and how do i get rid of it?

    submitted by /u/Eden987
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    Narrated Morrowind Intro for OpenMW

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:19 AM PST

    Narrated Morrowind Intro for OpenMW





    Created these using the voiceovers from the Morrowind installation:

    Argonian: /Data Files/Sound/Vo/a/m/Intro1aJon.mp3

    Bosmer: /Data Files/Sound/Vo/w/m/Intro1aDDB.mp3

    Download here: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47327/

    submitted by /u/RagglenLove
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    Does the Luck attribute independently boost any action?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:13 PM PST

    Looking at various formulas involving Luck it always seems to be expressed in tandem with another attribute.

    For example the formula for spellcast success:

    (Spell's skill * 2 + Willpower / 5 + Luck / 10 - Spell cost - Sound magnitude) * (0.75 + 0.5 * Current Fatigue/Maximum Fatigue)

    Luck is usually divided by ten and the other stat is usually divided by five.

    Are there any formulas that depend on only Luck alone?

    submitted by /u/OccamsPlasticSpork
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    Fourth and Fifth Trials

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:38 PM PST

    I do not know whether it is appropriate or not to ask on this subreddit, but after becoming the Horator for all of the great houses, as well as the Neravine for all of the tribes, it is not acknowledged by the wise woman. She says that I have completed the fourth trial, yet will not acknowledge the fifth trial. I went back and verified that I became Neravine to each Ashlander tribe, but it does not work. This really killed my excitement for the game, as I really want to finish the quest-line. Does anybody have any ideas to remedy this? I am open to using the console, but I am not entirely sure on what can be done. Thanks, I can't wait to see Dagoth Ur.

    submitted by /u/robloxian_legend
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