• Breaking News

    Monday, October 28, 2019

    Morrowind Nerevar, Why have you come unprepared? a few people actually knew who I was at the Halloween party I went to.

    Morrowind Nerevar, Why have you come unprepared? a few people actually knew who I was at the Halloween party I went to.

    Nerevar, Why have you come unprepared? a few people actually knew who I was at the Halloween party I went to.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    (Tamriel Rebuilt/Project Tamriel) Current exterior progress of the PT/TR mods. (Update 27.10.2019)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:25 AM PDT

    Nerevar Reborn - Moon and Star

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    You are no longer welcome in my pillow fort

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    Home sweet home

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 05:08 AM PDT

    Does anybody here know where this drawing came from? I'm pretty sure it's Morrowind concept art but I looked through the art book and I couldn't find it there.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    Act I, Part XII: Final Farewells (The Sharmat's Incarnate) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:44 PM PDT

    Act I, Part XII: Final Farewells

    By Antuul Dralosi, Scavenger

    I think I've got an hour or so before the guard comes to drag me out to the Gallows and you know, I've had my time to make my peace with the fact that this is it. This is how I'm really going to die. I've had so many brushes with death before that they all started to feel kind of numb, but this is different. It's not numb. I feel—scared? Sad? Angry? I feel a lot of things and it's kind of confusing trying to sort through it all, but it's not going to matter in too long anyways, so I guess I shouldn't pay these feelings too much mind. But I did say I would write my farewells and I do intend to do that even if it's the last thing I do and you know—I just hope that whoever cleans up this cell does me the small favor of delivering my farewells to all the people I have them to. They probably won't, but I can hope—even if I know it won't happen. That's the thing about life, you're always hoping for something and it almost never happens. My mother never came back for me when she sold me off. I never got to see Bravora again when I finally came back. I never did make something of myself like I always said I would to the old gang. But that's okay. All of these things are okay. Everything will be okay.

    So, I don't really know where to start this, so I guess I'll just go in order of importance I guess and I'll save the best for last. That's probably a good idea.

    To my mother, wherever you are, I hope you're well. I barely knew you, but I hope that you eventually kicked your habit and found yourself a nice man like you used to talk about. You know the one. The one who was going to change everything for us. Wherever you are, Mom, I hope you're okay.

    To Skriiva, I promised you that I'd kill you for betraying me to Sero and you know, a part of me wishes I still had the chance, but I think a bigger part of me doesn't want to anymore. I was angry. I felt betrayed, to be honest; I sort of looked at you as the mother figure I didn't really have growing up and that was my fault. At the end of the day, even though you were always nice to me before that thing with Sero went down, it was always about business and I was the one who forgot that. So I hope you're doing okay. I hope your casino is still popping and I hope the other rats pull good hauls so you can take your cut at the Tables. Good luck, Skriiva. I'll always miss you, even if you did try to get me killed.

    To Sero, I don't know what to say to you. You put a bounty on my head because your men got out of hand with one of Skriiva's waitresses and I got in the middle of it. It wasn't personal. I never intended to cause you problems, but you didn't see how your men were acting with that girl. They had her cornered and wouldn't back off; she was so scared, Sero. So damn scared. And you know, maybe it wasn't my place to get involved, but she didn't know what to do and everyone knew they were your people so nobody wanted to get in the middle of it either, but—I don't know, Sero, I just wasn't going to stand by and watch someone else go through what I have. Hopefully you can forgive me for that, and for all that stuff that went down your little 'arena' as you called it. If not, that's okay—I don't much mind.

    To Councilor Vedrano, I understand why you're doing this and I'm not mad. You're afraid I'm going to stir up things that are better left forgotten and you don't want panic to spread. It's completely understandable from your position to do what you're doing. I don't like it, but I understand it. That said, there is a confession I need to make to you. I loved your daughter more than anyone I had ever met in my life—Bravora was—my everything at one point—and I abandoned her. So I owe you an apology, Councilor; I was the one she was waiting for who never came back and I hope that knowing this eases any guilt you feel over what's coming for me. I just want to say thank you though, because I imagine you already knew that, but you never let it on. You could've had me locked up years ago on some equally trumped up charges just for talking to your daughter, but you didn't, and more than that, you let her spend time with me even though I was nothing but a thief, so thank you, Councilor. I know you're the one signing away my life, but I feel I owe you more than I could ever repay because your daughter—she's the one who made it worth living in the first place. Thank you for letting her be a part of my life and please know that I'll cherish her memory in this life and the next and every one to follow. Thank you.

    To Dro'garra, I spent my childhood and adolescence about how I'd kill you and I want to tell you that my biggest regret about coming back besides not coming back sooner, is that I didn't follow through on that. I should have slit your throat in your sleep years ago, but I was always so afraid. I was always afraid of what could've gone wrong and what you'd do to me if I failed, but that's the thing, you took a scared little boy and you broke him into a thousand pieces and then you ground those pieces to dust. I should've killed you then and I regret not killing you when I stood outside that manor. Those boys deserve better. We all deserved better. And know this Dro'garra, my spirit will find you and I will torment until moon becomes dust and all becomes not. You are a blemish upon this moon and a blight upon all who have ever crossed your path and though I face the Gallows in less than an hour's time, know that I will come for you in the next life and I will do what I failed to do in this one. I swear it upon all three of the Reclamations; I will be your undoing, Dro'garra. I swear it.

    And finally, to you, Bravora. There's so many words I want to say—so many things I should say, but I don't know how to—I suppose it would be best to just let my heart talk, but even it falls silent at the thought of what to tell you. I love you, Bravora. You were the only person who ever saw anything in me and the only person who ever really understood me. Shakes and the gang, we were close, but what you and I had was different. It was special and I hope wherever you are, you know that. I hope you know that I never stopped loving you even if I didn't show it like I should've. You were always the light to my life and my reason for being and I'll die on the Gallows, my heart will forever beat for you. I just wish I could hold you one last time and brush my hands through your hair and just smell that god-awful bug musk you used to love one last time. You were the best thing to ever happen to me and I abandoned you; I just hope you know that I'll never stop regretting that just like I'll never stop loving you. I'll live a thousand thousand lives before I let go of this weight on my soul, but for you, it's worth it. For you, anything and everything is worth it.

    I love you, Bravora, more than I could ever hope to describe. I just hope that wherever you are, you know how much I love you. But who knows, maybe we'll meet again in the next life. That would be nice. That would be very nice indeed.

    It seems I've either spent my hour or I didn't have as long as I thought, because I hear door opening. I guess this is it. So, to whoever finds this, thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for getting to know me. Thank you for—I don't know—not just tossing this old book like most people would. Thank you.

    -Antuul Dralosi, Executed on 21st Day of Last Seed, 5E 331

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Best way to play Morrowind right now?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    I got Morrowind for free on the Bethesda launcher, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it look good. I downloaded one of those mods that's supposed to allow for modern resolutions, but it doesn't seem to come up. Even when I try selecting one of the resolutions in the launcher, it doesn't save. I have to do it in game.

    I've heard of OpenMW, but I don't know if I can use mods for that. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/TheBarracuda99
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    Act I, Part XI: A Letter to Commandant Zaknu (The Sharmat's Incarnate) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    Act I, Part XI: A Letter to Commandant Zaknu

    By Valen Vedrano, Councilor of House Redoran


    You have failed me time and time again and yet, every time, I've overlooked it or dismissed it as being a simple lapse in judgment. You see, I always gave you the benefit of the doubt because it doesn't feel so long ago that I found your tribe on the cusp of extinction. Do you remember those days, Zaknu? The days when you all were starving to death and were being slowly picked off by the Spiders? I do. I remember those days like they were just yesterday and I remember the pathetic little runt you were, malnourished and begging for just a crumb of my bread when I stumbled upon your miserable lot. You were nothing and your tribe was nothing when I found you all, but I gave you all a new life—a new purpose—and this is how you repay me? You repay me by allowing some rat to come into my city, to come before the council I sit on, and tell them all about the things I showed you and taught you? Tell me, Zaknu, why? Why would you allow this to happen? Why?

    Make no mistake, I have already resolved the issue of this squealing rat, but that still leaves the issue of how I am to handle your repeated, incessant failures. I just don't understand it—I simply lack the comprehension necessary to understand how someone can squander all that I've given them when I have given so much. There was a reason that I killed the Chieftain and put you in his place. There was a reason I poisoned the guards' rations so that you all would have no challenge in sacking the city. There was a reason I have done these things and that was not for you to allow some squealing little rat to expose everything I've worked towards for centuries, so tell me, Zaknu, how should I resolve the issue of you jeopardizing everything I've dedicated my life towards?

    My ancestors were betrayed at the Red Mountain, Zaknu. They were betrayed by the False Gods my people flocked to as they cast down our leader and finally, finally I am so close to restoring my true house to its proper place, and you piss on everything I've worked towards. A part of me doesn't want to be angry at you though; you can't possibly understand what it is I have lost. I lost my homeland before I was born in the Landfall. I lost my birthright countless millennia ago at the Red Mountain. And now, Zaknu, I have lost my trust in you which pains me more than anything. So, I will meet you in the Fallen City and we will discuss our next steps moving forward and if there will be next steps, but first, I must watch the rat hang and then I'll make haste to meet with you.

    Think wisely on what you'll say at our meeting, Zaknu; it would be a tragedy if your tongue got ahead of you this time, as it so often does.


    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    How many people in the great houses?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    How much of the morrowind population is part of one great house or another? Is it mostly just people who have some stake in a house or is say, a typical egg miner a member of the house, or just a citizen of morrowind under territory controlled by a house?

    I think it probably varies from one house to another, Telvanni probably having less membership in the general population than Redoran or Hlaalu.

    submitted by /u/Aurelius-Aurum
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    MUSE 2 - Morrowind music system extended update - combat, air, underwater and more!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:00 AM PDT

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