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    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Morrowind Rush Hour in Balmora

    Morrowind Rush Hour in Balmora

    Rush Hour in Balmora

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    Young Scrolls drops the new album

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Gettin' some Vvardenfell vibes in Outer Worlds here

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    2 year anniversary of this masterpiece, still one of my favorite Young Scrolls songs

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    Morrowind Inktober

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:19 AM PDT

    Made the Bloodmoon symbol into a pumpkin

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    Another shot of the Meteorite Ministry across the bay near Ebonheart for everyone's viewing pleasure. It's just such a scenic spot. Quite pleased by how this turned out with the purply light and Secunda fading in over the Temple. Looks a bit watercolored. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:39 AM PDT

    Question to those who use Morrowind Acoustic Overhaul

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:21 PM PDT

    UPDATE******** False alarm, Fixed my issue. Looks like my sound card crashed and I needed to run a troubleshoot and restart the sound card drivers program. Funny thing is this is the second time MAO has crashed my sound card, clearly they don't get along.

    So I've used this mod just fine for about 150 hours on a full playthrough. I decided today I wanted to give open morrowind a try, it seemed it would work with the sound files but the music would not play. No big deal I thought, I have my old music files still. So i swapped out the folders and played openMW for a bit.

    Now I went back to my old MGXE save, swapped back in the MAO music folder and suddenly after about 10-30 seconds of being in a city my fps drops from 60 to about 27 and stays there until I move a ways over. This happens in every city. This never happened before I swapped out the folders, I have done a clean install of MAO and nothing. I ran the game with the MAO.Esm unchecked and sat at a solid 80 fps in the middle of balmora. I would like to continue using it but I don't know if I messed up some of the scripting for my save file. I tried it for a low level character I had in Balmora, same thing dropped to 30 fps from 70 in about 30 seconds. I can't wrap my head around this one, if anyone has any clue please let me know. I load up a file, look in one direction in balmora, the fps fluctuates between 54-60 for about 10-30 seconds then instantly drops to 25. I run to the other end of balmora, look at the same spot fps stays at 55-60, 10-30 seconds drops to 27. Rinse and repeat in any town, out in the open it is fine.

    Edit - spare me any "stick with openmw, it's the only way to play" I will probably continue my character on there, but would like to keep the integrity of my original play through intact if I can. This was my first play through and I loved the game and my character, and would like to spend more time with it despite completing the main story and dlcs.

    submitted by /u/Edime92
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    Advice on modding?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:14 PM PDT

    I've bought & played Morrowind on the PC for the first time today, and I'm definitely enjoying my experience. I do want to install some graphics mods though just to make the game look a little better.

    My questions for this are:

    Can mods be installed via Mod Organizer 2?

    Is there an essential mod that I should install before downloading any other mod, like how Skyrim has the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch and SKSE?

    What are the recommended graphics mods? I'm looking for something to improve both the look of the environment and the characters.

    submitted by /u/big00Fmyguy
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    Phone Wallpapers (High Resolution)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    Does anyone have any Morrowind phone backgrounds, ideally at 2960x1440 but other resolutions above 720p should work too. I've tried Google but it's honestly not very helpful. Anyone got some personal favorites?

    Thanks N'wahs.

    submitted by /u/PETC
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    Icarian Flight Over Vivec

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:29 AM PDT

    Act I, Part X: Judgments of the Council (The Sharmat's Incarnate) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:29 PM PDT

    Act I, Part X: Judgments of the Council

    By Antuul Dralosi, Scavenger

    There is a certain sense of awe that overcame me as I stepped foot into the Council Chambers. Great tapestries hung from the walls and the Council sat in seats high above me in alcove balconies all around the dome-shaped room and I could not help but feel a sense of gravity as I stepped into the center of room. That coupled with the penetrating coming from each of the councilors made it that much worse, but the tone grew ever darker as I told my story of what I had seen and witnessed in the bowels of New Vivec. There was a heavy silence between the Councilors as I spoke, but it was eventually broken by one of the councilors—a Dunmer well past his prime with greying red hair. I didn't recognize him at first, but it was Bravora's father. He had parted with his signature goatee some time ago, but it was him indeed.

    "You can not honestly expect us to believe these—these stories you're telling us, do you? Goblins worshiping some creature named Dagoth Ur? And more than that, that you're their god or whatever it is reincarnated? You told the steward that you had urgent news of a grave threat and this is what you bring to us? Some fabricated stories to get attention? You are despicable and I want you to leave these chambers immediately before I have you arrested."

    If I were a smarter man, I would've left at that moment, but of all the things I've been accused of—being smart isn't one of them. So, I stood my ground and I argued with him, and I don't know why I did. They weren't going to listen to me. They were never going to listen and if I had just accepted that, maybe I wouldn't be here sitting in a jail cell right now, but here I am. It's just sort of funny. My whole life, I've been nothing more than the dung stuck to someone's boot, and you know—that's always been okay. I never got mad about it—it was just the hand I got dealt, just like that hand I got dealt that busted me a few weeks ago. It's just life. But you know, the one time I try to do something right—try to be more than just the urchin I grew up as—I end up in a jail cell. It's funny how life works like that. You just—never expect things to play out how they do.

    The guard's walking here. I don't know what he's going to say, but I'm put the journal down for a minute—I don't want to make him mad.

    * * *

    I had a visitor and it was Bravora's father. He confessed to me in the confines of my cell that he knew I was telling the truth, but he couldn't risk having the truth exposed—even to the other councilors. He was at New Vivec when it was sacked by the Dagothites and he knew why they came because before he joined House Redoran, he was a scholar of our people's history. Though the texts were sparse, he studied the history of our people and he knew of the Sixth House as he called it. He knew of what they were anyway and how they worshiped a mad god who called himself Dagoth Ur and he told me that while few have ever heard of the Sixth House, its very mention can not be allowed in society. We can't risk division in our ranks, not when so few escaped from our home during the Landfall, and that is why he has chosen to have me executed—because I know too much. I know things he doesn't want me to know. Things he doesn't trust me to know.

    When day breaks tomorrow, I will be marched forth to the Gallows and hanged for the crime of High Treason. He knows it's not true. I know it's not true. But I will hang from the Gallows for a crime I did not commit, because I tried to do the right thing. I tried to be a good person and I will die for it.

    A part of me wants to cry. It seems like an appropriate response to a situation that's twisted in every sense of the word. I don't deserve to die; the only crime I've committed today was trying to save those creatures beneath the Temple, but here I am, accused of High Treason. But, as much as I want to cry at the finality of the situation and how this is how it's going to end, I can't help but laugh. And laugh. And laugh. It's just so funny. My entire life, I've been a failure and a ne'er-do-well and I've always stolen, cheated, and lied to get by, but the one time, the one time I decide to do something right, I'm going to be hanged for it. It's hilarious. My entire life has been one big long joke and this is the punchline. Hahaha!

    The guard is yelling at me to keep it down, but what's he going to do? Kill me if I don't? Hahaha! Well Bravora, here's to you. I finally tried to be the man you always saw in me and they're going to hang me for it! Hahaha! What a joke! Hahaha! What an absolute joke! I can't stop laughing at this—it's just—so absurd. It's so damned absurd it's funny!

    Well, I better calm down or maybe they'll take away my supper. What a tragedy that would be—why I'd have to face the Gallows on an empty stomach. Ha. Oh well, I suppose I don't have much more to say at this point anyways. I suppose I should compose a letter of some sort, a farewell if you will, but I'll do that in the morning. I doubt I'll sleep much anyways.

    -Antuul Dralosi, Dead Man Walking

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Is there anything 'missing' from the Thastus edition of the most updated modding guide?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    I know that the MGSO is now officially not recommended and, despite using it for so long, I agree with most of the reasons for this.

    That being said, is there anything that I might need to get myself that the MGSO had that the new guide doesn't include? I know MGSO included some mods without permission from the authors, so I didn't know if any desired features of MGSO might be omitted from the Thastus guide because of this.

    Also, it's been a solid 5 years or so since I've fully modded Morrowind so any other tips would be welcome!

    submitted by /u/Lexaraj
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