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    Sunday, October 6, 2019

    Morrowind For those who asks about Russian voicing for Morrowind, here is the official Russian Edition CD this guy holding. Dunno who's the guy though, but seems he likes it too

    Morrowind For those who asks about Russian voicing for Morrowind, here is the official Russian Edition CD this guy holding. Dunno who's the guy though, but seems he likes it too

    For those who asks about Russian voicing for Morrowind, here is the official Russian Edition CD this guy holding. Dunno who's the guy though, but seems he likes it too

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:43 AM PDT

    Vvardenfell inked. Onto Solstheim! (I hear there’s a boat in Khuul I can take)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    Doing inktober 2019 today the prompt is Build I chose to do my take on Kirkbride's Akulakhan concept, enjoy.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 06:33 PM PDT

    She's real

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 01:48 AM PDT

    Wow Dagoth Reler that's... Uhh... Some very nice handwriting

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:11 PM PDT

    Is it just me, or are the memes here much more sophisticated than those in other TES subs?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    There seems to be a childish, dare I say autistic affect found in the other subs' memes. While certainly comparably niche, those other subs suffer from the dragon-slaying generation that Todd created; the format of their humor resembles young mouth-breathing children.

    Intoxicated was I by the frankly grand innocence of those subs. I don't know how I could have been so naïve to think that the sophistication here r/morrowind could compare to the watered down, realms of animals (Where is that slave?) that is to say beast "folk."

    Here can be found content that reflects the depth of Morrowind as the greatest RPG of all time, and you find on the other subs little kids who like to dance close to the fire - and they aren't even skilled in unarmored combat!

    My first time on r/TrueSTL I felt like some sort of outlander. I do not want some of them to find their way here, first by url and then by scrolling. I recommend we continue gatekeeping - we have need of it in order to deter the mongrol dogs of the Empire out of r/Morrowind. Their juvenile understanding of, for instance The Three (the ending of the words is Almsivi) - at every point in time - positions me to ask, "outlander, what do you want?"

    Ask yourself, friend or traitor, is any of this funny? https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/comments/ddojbx/fuck_talos/ I could kill that sub - my eyes are ruined!

    The four corners of the house of troubles, that's what. r/oblivion r/skyrim r/TruSTL r/elderscrollsmemes. The lack of preparation in those places where destiny is made. Three Blessings, serjo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXVi6gxoRiI - I wait for you there, where we last met, countless ages ago.

    I could kill that sub - my eyes are ruined!

    What the vehk did you just vehking say about me, you little s'wit? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Bouyant Armigers, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Sixth House, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

    I am trained in Ashlander warfare and I'm the top Marksman in the entire Tribunal Temple. You are nothing to me but just another scrib. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on the Mundus, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the dreamsleeve? Think again, n'wah.

    As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Ordinators across Vvardenfell and you are being traced by Disciples right now so you better prepare for the ash storm, fetcher. The ash storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my blunt skill.

    Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the Secret Library of Vivec and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Tamriel, you little scamp. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you godsdamned Outlander. I will shit molten ebony all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, fetcher.

    submitted by /u/ganzenWelt
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    What's your favourite NPCs line?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    Of course please don't tell me the super usual and common, I mean your favourite after "you n'wah", " why walk when you can ride" and "make it quick outlander".

    submitted by /u/Iacu_Ane
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    Mod to reduce Slaughterfish aggro range or similar?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 04:46 PM PDT

    I'm playing (OpenMW) with a mod that makes animals non-aggressive, with the specific stated exception of the large Slaughterfish. To my mind, that sounded like a good game balance experience (although I had no strong recollection of there being small specimens too).

    The problem is, Slaughterfish are everywhere, in great numbers, and as googling showed me a few minutes ago, they have an insanely large aggro range.

    Is there a mod that curbs them, one way of another, without removing them entirely as a threat?

    I wanted to dive for an oyster very close to Seyda Neen, so I cast a Health Regen spell 1-2 HP for 60 seconds or something, and went down, actually found a Pearl, but I also had to fight and kill 5 Slaughterfish. Then 2 more arrived and I had to fight those as well.

    Underwater combat is frustrating, annoying and intimidating. I know I can train up to be able to use longer and longer Water Breath spells, and there's the Buoyancy(sp?) spell too which somehow speeds up my Swimming, but it's still an uncomfortable environment to fight in.

    I'd like the Slaughterfish problem reduced without having it removed entirely.

    Are there any mods that do that?

    Or any spells that can deal with them? I'm not Major or Minor in Conjuring, but as far as I can see, the summonable creatures are all land-based so I'm not convinced they'd fight well underwater.

    submitted by /u/Peter34cph
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    Tips and Tricks for avoiding Save File Corruption?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    I love the game but haven't played in a while and have been thinking about getting back into it. In the past, I can never play for more than ~10 hours or so before my save file corrupts itself and CTD on load.

    I'm aware that removing mods mid-game and autosaving are typical culprits. I'm a huge person for overwriting save files and I save very often (every 5 minutes or so) and I've been told that can cause a corruption. Is there anything else that can cause an issue?

    I already use the fix for save file corruption from MCP as well as the script improvements mod along with the exeOptimizer. I also try to repair messed up saves with Wrye Mash with occasional success. Are there any more mods/programs that help with this sort of thing?

    I really want to play the game for real again but don't want all my saves to shit themselves early on. It can be a bummer.

    submitted by /u/Poopy_McTurdFace
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    If you could have a romance / marriage with any npc in Morrowind who would it be?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    Interesting thing just happened...

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 02:47 PM PDT

    So I was looking at another sub about TES and was actually having a bit of a laugh when I decided to google Lawrence Schick. When I came back to Reddit I had been banned from viewing the sub!


    Fuck em, only n'wah's and fetchers join other TES subs.

    submitted by /u/holocloak
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