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    Thursday, December 10, 2020

    Morrowind Synthwave Balmora (OC)

    Morrowind Synthwave Balmora (OC)

    Synthwave Balmora (OC)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:10 PM PST

    Nerevar (unknown artist)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Red Mountain - Where Dagoth Ur Beckons

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:43 PM PST

    Stares-at-Stars drank 46 potions and put an old friend to rest. He’s going to take a nap now.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:44 PM PST

    Guar by Radishez

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:55 PM PST

    Fork% Speedrun

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:52 PM PST

    So in light of the recent N'Wah% speedruns, I decided to map out my own meme speedrun category: Fork%. Starting from a new game, complete Sheogorath's quest and obtain the Spear of Bitter Mercy as quickly as possible. I've got a decent route planned out, but it turns out I HATE playing for speed. It makes me jittery and cranky, and I remain tilted for a long while after turning off the game. 1/5 stars, do not recommend for others like myself. I put a decent chunk of time and testing into the route though, and it seems a shame to let it go to waste. Here's my plan, if anyone who actually enjoys speedrunning wants to give it a shot:

    Standard speedrun opening. Assume diagonal running for all movement and especially Icarian jumps. Get around the boat guard before the post to get ahead, race up to the surface.

    Race: Orc Male. Class: Barbarian. Sign: Steed.

    Steal the limeware platter, head to Arrille. Buy 2 Drathis Winter Guest scrolls, one Almsivi scroll. Bunny hop to Tarhiel. Dispose to acquire inventory. Rest to recover stamina. Stand on dropped journal. Face Northeast, cursor on the left edge of the nearest small boulder of the pile in front of you. Cast Icarian Flight. Left-diagonal jump. When over the middle of Balmora, cast another Icarian Flight. It should run out right after you land on the northern rim of the Caldera crater.

    Bunny hop straight north, to Pemenie. Cast Berserk before arriving, equipping Tarhiel's sword while selecting the spell. Kill her, take everything, equip the Boots. Run south and over the pass, hugging the outer wall of the crater until you pass a tree and enter the cell alongside the crater. Almsivi to Balmora.

    Head to Nalcarya. Buy a Mark, Recall, Water Walking, and Standard Rising Force (That order is easier for clicking). Head out and to the Mages Guild, cutting over the low rooftop. Join the Guild. Collect the equipment chest. Sell the Fortify and Restore potions to Ajira while buying another two Water Walking and a Rising Force. Mage teleport to Vivec.

    Wait 24hrs to avoid collapsing from Berserk wearing off. Head up to the entrance. Sell everything valuable (Except the Drathis scrolls, one Almsivi, the sword and Boots) to Janand, buy scrolls of Elemental Burst: Frost. Be sure to keep enough gold for two big boat fares. Exit the guild and take the West exit. Run south, at the edge of the terrace drink a Rising Force and fly straight over Redoran Canton. Enter the central door to St. Delyn's Waistworks. Head down and left into the canalworks. Take the left turn down the stairs and through the immediate trap door. Fly across the canal and into the shrine. Talk to the statue and drink the Mark potion. Run circles away from the enemies until his quest updates. (I can't seem to trigger the proper Big Head dialogue unless I wait in the shrine for Sheogorath to finish talking.) Almsivi out.

    Drink a fresh Rising Force and fly West to the Ebonheart docks. Travel to Sadrith Mora, then to Dagon Fel. Aim due Northwest and cast the final Icarian Flight. Left-diagonal jump to Big Head. Be sure to land in the water. Drink a Water Walking potion and get to his shack. Do the dialogue, grab the fork, use the remaining water walking potions to head straight east. Unload scrolls on the netch. Depending on dice rolls you may need to Berserk and use the sword to finish the job. Switch to the Fork during the death animation to trigger the quest. Drink recall to return to the shrine. Talk to the statue. End scene!

    I realize that's a hell of a lot of instruction for a meme% category that doesn't currently exist, but I was proud of the testing I put in and was disappointed that my own easily-frazzled nerves were preventing me from recording an honest attempt at it. Depending on interest and need, I could upload a slow and methodical version, but I'm never going to be a true contender.

    What do you think? See any improvements to the route?

    submitted by /u/Occam_Toothbrush
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    What's with the Orethi sisters quest?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:19 PM PST

    I noticed their are journals entries in the construction set relating to the Orethi sisters quest, but cant find a way to start the quest. Anyone know what's up with this quest I cant find it in the UESP either.

    submitted by /u/Demonmuffin1
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    This video of a Star Wars mod for Fallout New Vegas gives me major Morrowind vibes

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:59 AM PST

    New Common/ Imperial models

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:54 AM PST

    New Common/ Imperial models

    Complete replacement of the common/ Imperial/ Nord exterior models.


    * This mod is plugin less (no .esp)
    * Open Morrowind, Rebirth & any other mod compatible.
    * GitD comes as standard (to activate, please install GitD FIRST)
    * Opening/ Closing night time window shutters on dormer models
    * Collapsible bespoke PBR textures
    * Fully Atlas mapped models where possible (90%)
    * Vastly improved collision meshes
    * Lore Friendly
    * Improves performance on many systems

    Can be found on Nexus here; https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49031


    submitted by /u/RubberMan00
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    Never played Morrowind, but i really want to! Would you reccomend playing the GOTY version, or Morroblivion?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:19 PM PST

    I've played hundreds, maybe thousands of hours of Skyrim, and a good amount of Oblivion. I have a cursory understanding of some of the major differences in Morrowind that might be offputting to people who didnt grow up with it, but Im not afraid of giving it a shot!

    If I play Morroblivion, am I locked out of using any other mods for the playthrough? I.e, is there a modding community specifically for the Oblivion port ( and if so, how extensive is it?)

    I've never played any Bethesda game in vanilla, I always mod the shit out of it, so if I cant mod Morroblivion I would see that as a bit of a set back.

    What are you thoughts? Is there a general consensus on which is better? Or is it more of a matter of personal preference. Should I just play an hour of both and see which I prefer on my own?

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Tibulski
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    How are scribs ‘larval’ form of Kwama? They look nothing alike

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 12:38 PM PST

    All of the kwama have a prominent insectoid look, and have brownish tones to their skin. There's the forager which is some form of worm, and the worker which is like a strange alien-insect-mammal hybrid and It seems that the worm and the worker combine to make both the warriors and the queens.

    My only question is where does this leave the scrib? In my opinion it looks nothing like the other kwama despite supposedly being a larval form of kwama. It has a more reptilian look, grey skin opposed to the kwama's brown and has a normal looking mouth, opposed to the gaping, beak like maw that the worker has so what's the deal with the kwama life cycle? I think it's something that's never really been discussed.

    Its said that the scrib could become any other kwama, how? It seems incomprehensible that a small reptile like thing with 8 legs could just transform into a worm and be a forager, or into a 4 legged alien looking thing and be a worker.

    Furthermore how do the Kwama even work? We can see the forager has some sort of symbiotic relationship with the worker, as both the warrior and queen are a combination of the two. But it doesn't really make sense.

    The kwama forager combines with the worker to become a queen, which make eggs to continue the cycle?

    It doesn't make sense that one species, has to combine with another species, just to continue its own species. Imagine a bee having to combine with an ant to become a bee queen just so it can make more bees/ants.

    None of it really makes sense to me to be honest but it is a fantasy game, I just want to understand how they work. If I were to give a logical version of the Kwama it would go like this:

    The kwama forager is the larva and scout of the colony, once it comes of age it forms a cocoon, goes into metamorphosis and becomes either the worker, soldier or queen, without any crazy forager/worker hybrids.

    submitted by /u/DV-dv
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    LGNPC Ebonheart has been released

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 03:16 AM PST

    Link: http://lgnpc.org/downloads

    Forum thread on Fliggerty: http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=7056

    Disclaimer: I'm not the author of the mod, just visited the site page and noticed that the long-awaited Ebonheart installment is available, and I couldn't find any posts about it on reddit (which is strange given the popularity of the mod). Apart from the Ebonheart release, almost all other LGNPC mods were updated with bugfixes and dialogue edits.

    submitted by /u/slowpard
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    M'aiq the Liar in Morrowind

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Good hair mod to use with Westlys head and hair replacer?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:29 AM PST

    I'm loving the vanilla style faces but not a fan of the hairs. They look too fabulous and make the npcs look like they're trying to be models or something. I'd like just a hd hair that is vanilla style.

    submitted by /u/DV-dv
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    Can my dunmer mage join the mage vampire clan?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 04:08 AM PST

    I'm asking this in 2 different ways. Is it possible what so ever and is there a lore reason for them to hate me due to my race? Everyone in the clan is a high elf.

    submitted by /u/inzzeini
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    anyone else having black terrain when playing VR?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 02:53 AM PST

    Distant Lands Issue

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 03:36 AM PST

    Hi there, I'm fairly new to modding Morrowind, and I've been trying to get Vurt's groundcover working, but I can't see it (along with a fair number of my other mods) in the plugins list for the distant lands generator.

    I'm running MGE XE through MO2. Appreciate any advice, cause I'm stumped.

    submitted by /u/Scrombles
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