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    Thursday, December 3, 2020

    Morrowind Season's Greeting from Caius Cosades

    Morrowind Season's Greeting from Caius Cosades

    Season's Greeting from Caius Cosades

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:59 PM PST

    This gave me a laugh while I'm investigating Caldera Mine.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:04 AM PST

    Warlord Jeebilus has found Auriels Bow for House Telvanni! He sure hopes a vampire cult doesn't try and use it to take over the world in 200 years, that would be a real shame.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:13 PM PST

    I remade the skooma pipe from Morrowind in blender

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:51 AM PST

    Just saw these screenshots...

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:43 AM PST

    Speaking of Pelagius, first character Shinji overlooking the nearby lake. Just downloaded first round of mods :)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:17 PM PST

    Sotha Sil, the Clockwork King

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:32 PM PST

    I wanted atleast a brawl at the halfway tavern

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:03 AM PST

    Who’s the coolest NPC?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:07 PM PST

    u/chunkboslicemen suggested making a poll. Options taken from comments on a similar post yesterday.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/champ_neffew
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    Favorite homes?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:01 PM PST

    I recently inherited the lighthouse and a shack in Seyda Neen, but they are getting pretty full. Anybody have some different home locations that are nice?

    submitted by /u/StaffSuspicious
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    As my Dagon Fel post got a lot of love, I do run an Instagram account for Morrowind screengrabs if you wanted a look: the_heart_of_lorkhan

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:49 AM PST

    Being a noob in Morrowind

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Build guide for a lore friendly sword based character

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Hi guys, I tried morrowind once before as a spell sword/assassin type character, but I just couldn't get into the magic and the fact magika doesn't refill unless you sleep, and found it a bit frustrating to get started with, I didn't end up getting too far. I'm thinking of starting again with a warrior type setup, thinking it might be easier to shoehorn my way into the story of morrowind, even though I've heard magic is very OP and does sound fun, I just found it frustrating.

    In terms of the build, the obvious classes are Nord, redguard or orc for a warrior, but I'm a Nord I'm my Skyrim playthrough and I'm not too fond of redguards, so I'm thinking maybe orc? Plus the added lore benefit that orcs are second class among the elves, and that might be a nice middle finger given that the tribunal betrayed nerevar. My other idea was a high elf given they are the closest looking to the chimer as nerevar was, or dunmer as its morrowind.

    Other than the build, what are the best classes of equipment? I think I remember medium armour is fairly pointless and it's better to just go for light or heavy? Or is it the other way around? The same thing with swords, is it better to have long or medium? Though I'd probably be looking 2 hander with the orc or 1 hander with the high elf/dunmer.

    Sorry about the long post but I'm really excited to sink my teeth in, I just need to get started. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/D-J97
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    Advice for a first timer?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Hello all, I'll keep this short and sweet. I'm a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls series, and recently bought Morrowind for the first time. I really enjoy how cryptic the game is, and I'm just wondering what's the easiest way to get around? Certain people I should talk to in the the beginning cities? Currently I'm doing the Fighter's Guild quests, but any advice is certainly appreciated!

    Update: just found out that you DO NOT fuck with the mages guild

    submitted by /u/crooked_parallel
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    So my copy of Morrowind came with a map. And I like it alot and I don't want to mess with it.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    So I was thinking of tracing out the entire map on paper, and hanging it on a wall. Should I do it?

    submitted by /u/RyanBleacher
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    Weird audio bug?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Hey friends, I gave Morrowind a fresh download last night then installed this modlist (Reddit - Morrowind - [GUIDE] Minimally Modded Morrowind https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/3aah83/guide_minimally_modded_morrowind/) plus a few small mods that I don't think are conflicting or causing the audio problem I'm experiencing.

    After getting off the boat into Seyda Neen I noticed a weird sort of whirring noise, kinda like a very prolonged and slowed down spell effect. I noticed it was coming from every guard in town. Turning down the effects volume cut it back but it's still there and now effects are quiet.

    Then I noticed I couldn't hear NPC dialogue if I was looking them head on, but if I turned my character's head the sound of their voice goes through the roof, peaking my headphones.

    Any ideas what it could be?

    submitted by /u/hiccup_sailor
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    My magica doesn’t restore by neither sleeping or resting.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:04 AM PST

    My magic doesn't replenish from beds in inns or from waiting. Why's this?

    submitted by /u/inzzeini
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    New player asking for tips and tricks.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:02 AM PST

    I've never played a pc rpg in my life other then fallout 2 witch I recently played. I've played fallout 4 and Skyrim but that's it from Bethesda and from what I can tell my experiences with the latest games in the series won't help me in morrowind so i through I'd ask you veterans instead.

    What are some tips you can give me?
    What class would you recommend? I'm thinking about doing a dark elf mage but I know nothing about this game like I said.

    Oh and btw I'm doing a vanilla play through of the GOTY version but if there is a game breaking bug and a mod to fix it I would probably use it.

    submitted by /u/inzzeini
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    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:41 AM PST

    So, I remember that i got morrowind GOTY edition for free off of that bethesda game launcher thing, and i put off playing it until now, so i decide to do it and when i first play, I cannot hear anything in game (no voices, no footsteps, no weapons swings or natural ambience) the only thing that i can hear is the music playing in the background, is there anyway for me to fix this, I really want to play this game.

    submitted by /u/MasterOTU
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