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    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    Morrowind Dagon Fell is one of my favourite villages in the game. It’s got quite a cosy feel to it but is right on the doorstep to adventure!

    Morrowind Dagon Fell is one of my favourite villages in the game. It’s got quite a cosy feel to it but is right on the doorstep to adventure!

    Dagon Fell is one of my favourite villages in the game. It’s got quite a cosy feel to it but is right on the doorstep to adventure!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:58 AM PST

    One of my favorite statues in Vivec's Temple

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:07 PM PST

    Grand Councilor >>> Thane

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Come on just one more day!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:18 AM PST

    Today (November 30, 2020) marks the day on which I defeated Dagoth Ur for the first time since I got the game last Christmas. Here is my Nerevarine, Molakhar the Dunmer mage.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Morrowind saved my sanity.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:41 AM PST

    During the social distancing and stuff i eventually went bored and even somewhat depressed. I have a job and work from home, but i haven't interacted with people for real for over 9 months, i've felt like a hermit.

    So i've started Morrowind on my crummy laptop and it's allowing me to spend time on solving problems, reading lore and simply having a good time.

    Thanks Bethesda for this wonderful piece of art!

    submitted by /u/No_Establishment4752
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    Morrowind logic

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:30 AM PST

    I just wanted to be friends..

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    My character Hlaru Norvand: Nerevarine, Arch-Mage, Patriarch, Operative, Master, Primate, Heartfriend, working her way up in House Hlaalu

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:21 AM PST

    What is the better expansion overall?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:00 PM PST

    So I'm doing a modded slaver build, and it's going great!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:53 AM PST

    Thinking about picking up the GOTY version on Xbox, worth it?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:59 PM PST

    Ive played quite a lot of Oblivion and Skyrim and even ESO, would it be a good idea to get morrowind GOTY and play backwards compatible on my xbox one as i cant bootcamp my mac?

    submitted by /u/DesperateOrange5080
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    "Smuggling some red statues got me on death row!". Orvas. Day 0.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:36 PM PST

    "Smuggling some red statues got me on death row!". Orvas. Day 0.

    Greetings, fellow outlanders!

    I am starting a new game that I want to share stories from. I thought that this subreddit a bit lacks stories of shadier Nerevarines, which is the character that I am currently roleplaying. I am playing with a global "Chaos Heart" overhaul mod, unfortunately available only in Russian language so far. I haven't seen much posts about it on this subreddit, so I decided to occasionally share highlights from my playthrough of it. The mod expands numerous quest lines, completely overhauls the main quest, allows to choose sides in the grand conflict (Tribunal/Empire/Sixth House), overhauls some of the guilds, adds playable Camonna Tong faction, and adds numerous other changes. The mod is still not fully finished, tho, and some of the overhaul changes are questionable, but some of them are really nice. So, Orvas Fadathram starts his long and dark adventure in the wastelands of Morrowind...

    My brief background:

    Orvas Fadathram comes from Cheydinhal. Since the young age he was involved in cross-border moon sugar and skooma trade. His last expedition was to Vvanderfell, where he and his gang members smuggled several crates full of skooma bottles to the Bitter Coast. In a small and cracked wooden hut in the middle of the swamp the exchange happened - Fadathram got the gold, and the client got the skooma shipment. The client, a mysterious dunmer, looked delighted, and suggested a new job for Orvas. The dunmer offered an extremely generous payment to the smugglers if they transported a shipment of strange red statues back to Cheydinhal and distributed them among the local dunmer diaspora. Fadathram agreed. Unfortunately, few hours later, the ship was intercepted by the Imperials. Orvas was not expecting trouble, since he always had hefty amounts of cash stockpiled for a bribe - after all, what Imperial doesn't love gold? However, when the soldiers saw the ship's cargo, their faces changed and they declined the bribe offer. Imperials claimed that smuggling of so-called "ash statues" was high treason and blasphemy according to recent Morrowind laws, and Orvas has to be extradited to Vvanderfell for the trial orchestrated by the Temple. Orvas expected anything but this - he always thought that he would have to deal with Cheydinhal court, and he had his good friends in there. Being prosecuted by the Temple in Orvas's strange faraway fatherland quite likely meant death sentence for him. So, in shacks, on board of the Imperial prison ship heading directly to Ebonheart, Orvas was thinking of ways to escape...

    Sorry for the potential mistakes, OP is a non-native n'wah eager to learn proper English writing. :)

    Wealth beyond measure to y'all muthseras!

    Orvas on board of the prison ship with some swits.

    submitted by /u/Fadathram
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    Morrowind in VR!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:52 AM PST

    Dunmer riverdance

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Tribunal vs Bloodmoon

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:59 PM PST

    I have just completed the main quest of Bloodmoon and I find it far superior to Tribunal. I haven't played all the side quests in Bloodmoon yet but I can already tell I like it much better. Tribunal was very annoying for a few reasons. It was in a small very confined city that didn't feel very open for exploration. Also most of the missions revolves around going through the underground sewers. While that's a cool idea, since the sewers are so big it can feel like a maze and you commonly lose your sense of direction and it ends up being very tedious. The side quests were also not great compared to the ones on Solstheim. Many of Tribunals side quests involve the sewers which I've already expressed my distaste for. Some are good like the quest where you have to find a date for a lonely women or become a bouncer for a bar but those interesting and different quests are not that common in Tribunal. Bloodmoon on the other hand had a completely different feel. Their was so much fun exploration I did and the wearwolf plot line was very exciting. Every place had so much personality. The Skaal village and especially the mead hall are all very interesting places to be. The wilderness is also way more fun to explore than Mournhold. Becoming the chieftain of the mead hall was really fun and I'm going through the East Empire Company quest and I'm already loving that. The main quest was also really cool, giving you the choice to become a wearwolf or stay a man and help the Skaal. I did find the rituals you had to preform on the stones as a test of loyalty to be a bit tedious but it was nothing compared the sewers in Mournhold. Overall I just find the main and side content in Bloodmoon to be much better than the Tribunal expansion and wanted to share my thoughts. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/Ian-pg9
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    Alchemy ingredients spreadsheet with weight, price and uesp hyperlink

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:29 PM PST

    How to beat Snowy?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:00 PM PST

    I understand that Snowy is kinda meme here but no, I am not joking, I am serious. I started playing today and here is what I've done so far. After doing quest for some guy in starting town I payed my way to Balmora. I found Caius Cosades and he told me to join a guild and buy some stuff. I bought set of light armour and shortsword. After that I joined fighters guild and did few quests for them. After comming back to Caius he told me to find a guy and ask him about Nerevarine. Before telling me, guy wanted me to get him certain box. I made my way to bridge right next to cave I need to go to, but I stopped there. Snowy and his skeleton make op combo. I can't kill him! After failing three times i went back to Balmora to see if my guildmates sell some better weapons. I bought paralysis sword. Next time i fought Snowy I did better, but he is still too strong. How can I improve my chances?

    submitted by /u/papamarino
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    Okay I’m actually addicted to this game now

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:01 AM PST

    A few days ago I was going to quit this game because I was missing every attack and always running low on magic (atronach sign). I wanted to move on to oblivion and Skyrim and play those. I got the game originally for the Xbox when it was first released and my 13 year old self could never get into it. However I recently decided to give it another try since I want to eventually play Skyrim. I got up to the first dungeon after balmora and was getting frustrated by the ghost dwarves decimating me. Instead of quitting I decided to avoid them and just complete the dunmer cube quest. I figured out a way to keep replenishing my magic by getting the ancestral ghost to attack me. And I decided to invest more in agility so that I wouldn't miss as much.

    After I got out of balmora I couldn't put the game down. I was just planning on completing the main quest so that I can move on to oblivion but there are so many side quests and places to explore that it's mind boggling. I can't think of any other game that has so many things to do. And now my character doesn't suck as much since I know the mechanics. The game also looks gorgeous with the graphical mods I've installed. Instead of doing the main quest I've been getting side tracked left and right. The only downside is that there are so many people to talk to in the towns who say the same thing over and over again but I've learned to recognize the repetitive responses and quickly scroll through them. Now I'm at work and am counting the hours down until I can boot the game up again at home. Guess oblivon and Skyrim will have to wait.

    submitted by /u/Darth_Lord_Vader
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    How do I level up?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Hey there, I am very new to this game and I was just told by that one shirtless imperial dude that I need to be level 3 to keep going. How do I level up easily? I checked the wiki and they said level up 10 core skills for one level up but what are my core skills?

    submitted by /u/WyattR-
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    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:47 PM PST

    I dumped all of the Kagrenac's tool into the lava after I destroy the heart but I didn't start any dlc yet I didn't screw anything did I? the tool have no use after the main quest right?

    submitted by /u/nooblox85
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