• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    Morrowind My stepdad got into woodworking and ofcourse the first thing he made was a 6th house table

    Morrowind My stepdad got into woodworking and ofcourse the first thing he made was a 6th house table

    My stepdad got into woodworking and ofcourse the first thing he made was a 6th house table

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST

    Wine for Thanksgiving ;-)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:38 PM PST

    The egg mines we want and deserve

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:49 PM PST

    Why walk when you can ride? (Pyrography)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:51 PM PST

    What do you think of my Silt Srider?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:10 AM PST

    Subterranean Balconies in Port Telvannis.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:52 PM PST

    What does swit mean? I hear NPCs say it sometimes.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:04 PM PST

    What was you’re first time like playing morrowind

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Sorry if someone already asked this

    submitted by /u/truthful32
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    Morrowind Sale

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:13 AM PST

    GOG sale right now at $3.74. It's a steal.

    submitted by /u/FraGrognard
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    Let's Play Tamriel Rebuilt - 19 - Hlena's New Look (Total Overhaul Mods!)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:55 PM PST

    Farewell my beloved armor and axe! Damn the mage that drained the strength of Battlemage Abarnus Argus

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Do you guys also use the real life map to find directions and a journal to write down quest information?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:21 AM PST

    I'm still new to morrowind so I can actually use the map because I don't know where everything is and the in game map gets revealed very slowly. I've also noticed that the in game journal doesn't go into as much depth as I would like and in truth I don't really trust it anymore lol so I just write my own information down with paper and pencil. I have a special morrowind journal.

    I feel so immersed in the world by doing these things I've never had a game that's allowed me to do this with an actual purpose. In Skyrim you could use the map irl but it wasn't colored and the map in game is infinitely better and more detailed and you'll be looking at it in game to fast travel where as morrowind you can't fast travel so there's no in game reason to look at the map except to find entrances and enemies with spells

    Do you guys do this too? Or any other type of out of game experience like maybe one of you printed out the in game books and read them irl or something

    submitted by /u/StretchedBones
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    Enchants not working

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:20 PM PST

    I recently enchanted my weapon, and an amulet. The enchantments don't work. My amulet won't make me levitate, my spear doesn't cast soul trap on the enemies, and the amulet I found in a tomb won't cast water walk on me. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Plaugeboi24
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    First Time Really Playing Morrowind

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:59 PM PST

    Where should I go, what should i do, I've tried playing before but couldn't find enough time to play it, but now I have time so what should I do?

    submitted by /u/The_Real_Insomniac
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    Can a Dell Latitude D620 run Morrowind?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:05 PM PST


    Sorry if this has been asked before but I've only ever played consoles. Always wanted to play Morrowind but bought a ps2 when it came out, and was thinking now that I'm older to buy an Xbox and play it there. But that's when I found my dad's old laptop and wondered if it could play it. I think these are the specs 1.66GHz 981MHz 0.99 GB of RAM also I think this one came out in 2006 if that helps. If it can play it then great, if not I'll just buy an Xbox.

    In regards to that will an Xbox 360 or Xbox One play it? Heard they are backwards compatible but only played Sony PlayStation. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Negative-X-Star
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    Map problems

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:50 PM PST

    Recently I started playing Morrowind for the first time vanilla and I really am loving it. One person recommended to install Tamriel Rebuilt. So that's what I did I installed the mod and made sure it was downloaded correctly and that the plugins were selected. I also added the "Extend Map" option in the code patch. However the reason for this post is that for some reason the locations have been moved the incorrect have been moved to the incorrect places which is making questing very frustrating.



    Sorry for the photo quality for some reason it really didnt want to get screenshotted

    submitted by /u/Ayman788
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    [Vtuber] Elder Scrolls Dunmer - Sulryn Hlaalu [Short Intro/English]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:56 AM PST

    The Enheduanna-Sotha Sil letters, fragment 2: letter from Enheduanna of Ur to Sotha Sil about her arrival on Vvardenfell.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Gnisis, First Month. En-hedu-anna of Ur to Sotha Sil of Vvardenfell. Divayth said that a Star Fissure will always lead one home. And Vvardenfell, for all its strangeness, has certainly become a home to me, though it took time.

    After falling through the pond, I found myself in a corner amidst sacks and wooden planks, in what I realised was the hold of a ship. No one saw me arrive; when I left my hiding place, no one was surprised to see me. I had been stripped of my garments and wore a peasant's gown. The others aboard the ship, who were few as they said we were approaching our final destination, were prisoners, shackled to benches. Guards in shining silver armour and purple tunics watched us.

    I was ordered off the ship at a small port town they told me was Seyda Neen, in the middle of a swamp at twilight. I found the guards in this place all spoke Akkadian, while the peasant spoke a common Sumerian dialect. My first thought, Sil, hearing my own language in this dark place, was that I had entered the Underworld, and I am still not entirely convinced this was not the case. I let them lead me into a stone lighthouse, expecting to meet the lady Ereshkigal, or the judges of the gods. Instead, I found simple mortal bureaucracy, a powerful empire, and a political mission from one of its generals, a gold-adorned man who introduced himself as Gravius.

    I will be honest, Sil. My loyalties lie with the lady Inanna and the Akkadian Empire, even now, after years of calling Vvardenfell my home. I never intended to become Gravius' slave, reduced to delivering his correspondence. The village of Seyda Neen was a place of contrasts. It contains extremes of wealth and poverty, men living in stone houses drinking beer from silver cups live next to men in reed shacks who eat only fish and mushrooms.

    Seyda Neen also contains extremes of culture, and of hatred, and much treachery. Having spent my life in Ur, I am no stranger to such things. You could have learned from me, Sil. You always were an innocent at heart, one who could not bear the weight of sin. Even your friends admit it… I lost my innocence a thousand and more years ago. I went straight to Gravius' enemies, in the understanding that I had found a rival empire.

    There are many lost souls on Vvardenfell, Sil. Men who roam city streets and riversides and roads. One such told me the name of Aryon, of the village of Vos. It took me many days to reach Vos. I watched the swamps give way to ash deserts, the ash deserts to treacherous waters filled with rocks and the bleached remains of wrecked ships and their sailors, and finally to golden grasslands and sloping hills.

    Do you remember the Grazelands, Sil? You were born on the rocks of Ald Sotha, I know, but in all your long life you must surely have visited. The air around Vos was fragrant, rich with grass and the salt of the sea. Tall stalks of whickwheat and saltrice waved to and fro in the wind, golden in the sunlight. I remember mistaking them for barley at first.

    At the sight of Vos, I gave thanks to my goddess for working a miracle and judging me worthy of witnessing it. For in this alien world, on this strange shore, I saw Sumerian houses built of sun-dried bricks covered in clay and lime wash; I saw fields of golden grain. At the single gate in a circular wall, a woman spoke to my in my own tongue. On her head she carried a basket, as peasant women do, and in her basket were eggs as large as oil jugs. She told me her name was Ienasa, and offered me what she called a kwama egg.

    When I was at Tel Fyr, Sil, your friend Divayth showed me many things through his world-mirrors. I learned from him many tales of wisdom from my own world and others. One story I learned was the tale of Persephone, and how she became bound to stay in the Underworld half of the year on account of having eaten of a pomegranate. Partake of the food and drink of the spirits, and be bound to them forever.

    I ate of Ienasa's kwama eggs. I drank her saltrice beer, I sang to her lute playing. I gathered whickwheat in the sunlight. I belonged to Vos, in those days. Divayth was right: the Star Fissure had truly brought me home.

    Vos was an impossible place. So small, yet it seemed as lively as Ur. Vos had a library, a market, taverns; its people spent their days gathering whickwheat in the hills, and their nights making music and singing poetry. They did not work the land, for the Grazelands provided them freely with all their needs. We lived outside, though we all had houses, as the climate was mild, and every evening the air was filled with song. I lived in a house overlooking the harbor, and kept a flower-garden on my roof. Stoneflower, Godlen Kanet, Willow Flower… I forgot Ur, I forgot my former life and station, forgot Sumer and Akkad, forgot even my goddess.

    I do not know how much time passed in this way, whether it was weeks or years. Time and age have become incomprehensible to me, in this place where the days are measured by the two moons in the sky.

    submitted by /u/The_Second_Leira
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    Fellow Inwas! Ultrawide help.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:15 PM PST

    I am setting up my UW QHD (34") and the game seems a bit off. I'm using MGExe 0.11.6. When I put in 3440x1440 it changes the Aspect ratio to 43:18 (not sure if this is right). It doesn't save them though. I have to go into REGEDIT and change the screen height/width myself.

    The load screens seem extremely zoomed in. I had set this up before and it worked perfectly. The load screens were not zoomed in then. They were very crisp. Also it looks like my character doesn't fit the screen correctly.

    Here are two screenshots for comparisons. On the second the AIM + is gone. It looks pretty big in the middle of my screen. I don't remember it being like that either. (Second screen doesn't show it)

    Here are two pictures for reference and my MGExe settings. Morrowind Pics

    submitted by /u/ItzMeZelio
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