• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 2, 2020

    Morrowind Announcing the 2020 Morrowind Summer Modjam - Starting August 15th-16th!

    Morrowind Announcing the 2020 Morrowind Summer Modjam - Starting August 15th-16th!

    Announcing the 2020 Morrowind Summer Modjam - Starting August 15th-16th!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    The 2020 Morrowind Summer Modjam - A 48-Hour Modding Competition - August 15th-16h

    Today we're announcing the Morrowind Summer Modjam Modding Competition, the second of our bi-annual modjams hosted in the proud tradition of the gamejams of the past! Much like our Winter Modjam from back in February, the Summer Modjam will be another 48 hour modding extravaganza, where modders will have just one weekend to come up with, design, and release a mod that matches a theme chosen by the community!

    The Summer Modjam begins August 15th and goes through to the 16th, participating modders will have their skills and endurance tested as never before, with limited time to make their ideas a reality and release their completed mods on the Nexus before the 48 hour window is up!

    But before we can even get to the Modjam itself, we need the community to suggest and pick a theme that our modders will have to use for their Modjam submissions! Got an idea for a theme you'd like to see used in the Modjam? Use our Google Submission form to submit your theme suggestion, and we'll be taking new theme suggestions up until August 5th. After that, we'll hold a poll with all of themes submitted where you guys can vote and pick what will ultimately be our modding theme for the Summer Modjam!

    On August 14th, or rather a few hours before the Modjam begins, we'll announce the winning theme for the Summer Modjam, and any and all participating modders will have to try and come up with ideas to match the chosen theme before the Modjam begins. All mods submitted for the Modjam must involve the winning theme to some degree. The only other requirement for releasing mods as part of the Modjam is a tag or line in the mod description reading "Part of the Summer 2020 Modjam".

    But with that out of the way, let's talk prizes and judging! The Summer Modjam will be a judged event, with a panel of three judges that'll go through and play all of the submitted mods for the Modjam and pick their favorites. The top three by common consensus will be declared the winners of the Modjam! But we also have a player component involved, with the Player's Choice Award, where the mod with the highest endorsement to unique download ratio by August 31st will win the Player's Choice badge! As for prizes, we'll once again be giving away a ton of games, as well as video features for submitted mods on Morrowind Modding Showcases, and giving out png badges/achievements to all participating modders!

    Just one other thing to note, you can submit mods for the Modjam as part of a collaboration effort with another modder (or modders), or utilize modder's resources, or do a solo-mod. The only rule is no cheat mods!

    The competition begins on Saturday, August 15th at 12AM EDT/5AM GMT and ends on August 17th at 5AM EDT/10AM GMT (there's a short grace period in case of uploading issues).

    Anyway, I hope you'll join us for our second Modjam, and of course, more importantly, have fun with the competition! Stay tuned for more information as we gather theme suggestions! Best of luck to the modders, and long live Morrowind!

    submitted by /u/Darkelfguy
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Woke up to a beautiful view of Red Mountain all the way from West Gash

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Made this for my sister u/yomarceline for her 25th birthday.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    Every single playthrough

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Ever wanted to wear more of the Flora and Fauna of Morrowind as helmet? Check out my first ever mod!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    After scouring the web for armor mods I came to the conclusion that there is far too little in terms of new content that at least kind of fits vanilla Morrowind and that there are also unused quality assets floating around the web.

    So I'm now in the process of learning how to mod Morrowind to expand it myself and just released my first mod here. ( https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48647 )While a lot of it is simply unused assets, some of it I managed to hack together by myself.

    I am now posting here to gather some feedback on anyone willing to test it out a bit!If you want to check out the content you simply need to head through the south exit of Ebonheart and look for a new shop!

    Since I'm trying to learn EVERYTHING, The plugin also features a new NPC (the shop owner) with custom dialogue and a quest with multiple outcomes. (Honest Adventurer vs Thief)

    If you find anything amiss and are maybe even a modder yourself that knows how to do things BETTER...please do tell me...because I eventually want to be able to keep making mods for the forseeable future to keep the game growing!

    EDIT: Here I made a quick picture of some headgear that are using various texture replacers. Most standard replacers will work without any trouble! https://i.ibb.co/syJD9pX/Various-Hats.jpg

    submitted by /u/Shehriazad
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    Stopping the dark brotherhood assassins

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I had my first dark brotherhood attack last night (in balmora, I had only done the first quest of the fighters guild so not very far at all) and obviously died. Some people have told me about a mod that delays the DLC until later in the questline but I've had some issues getting mods working. Is there any downside to simply uninstalling the tribunal (and/or blood moon too) DLC until later in the game? That seems the easier option to me as it's just a checkbox in openmw.

    I'm going to restart anyway as I want to record my gameplay, but will I be missing out on anything by leaving them off until say level 6? I was told that's when the mod delays it till

    submitted by /u/D-J97
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    Fargoth posting

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Why is Sujamma so insane ?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    I stocked up on it for the strength fortification but after the effect is over all of my magic replenishes. Why does this happen? I can't seem to get reliable magic any other way and this seems to work so well. I just don't really know why the game gives me my magic back after the intelligence buff.


    submitted by /u/Banana_Carnage
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    Started playing Morrowind

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I always liked how the story sounded but never got around to playing this game. Oblivion was actually my first title in the series, and despite having the nostalgia factor for me (played it as a kid), Morrowind is quickly becoming my favorite

    At first I got off the ship and was like dafuq is this. But as it turns out the depth, the incredible world building they did, an actually fun/useful magic system, levitation, mother fudging spears, and all those other weapons the other TES games missed out on really makes it for me

    I did tune the graphics up a bit but it's otherwise vanilla. I just can't help but ask: Why was Morrowind cool enough to have something as awesome and out there as a mudcrab and scamp merchant, crazy wizards who live in mushroom towers (you bet your ass I joined them) and a very interesting murder mystery that has such an ironic twist you would be hard pressed to really figure out any of it unless you either spent a long time looking through books in game or looked it up online

    Where was THAT depth in Oblivion or Skyrim? Skyrim, Alduin is uninteresting imo. You know what he is, he's kind of boring. Oblivion at most has Mankar Cameron possibly being descended from an obscure Ayleid dynasty and trying to revive a very messed up oppressive age in history, but he's not really tied to the main character in any interesting way like Morrowind, and if you didn't look hard enough it's easy to miss what his real motivations were (the Ayleid stuff I mean, I always felt like he was just using the daedra as a means to that end)

    Morrowind feels more... personal? For that reason. It feels more personally involving despite most of the dialogue being text. A game that can somehow manage to do that, I have to give a 10/10. It's pretty lit, I must admit

    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Morrowind npesta meme

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    A Chimer reborn

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    It took me almost eighteen years, but...

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    ... I finally managed to finish the main quest. Not on the same save file (which died with my Xbox) but with a faithful recreation of that character, so I feel like it counts.

    submitted by /u/hawkshaw1024
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    Questions about BSAs

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:28 AM PDT


    I'm G'k, author of Cathedral Assets Optimizer. Most of you probably don't know me, as this tool is mostly used for Skyrim modding.

    I'm currently working on the next major version, and I would like to add support for Morrowind.

    More specifically, I currently need information on BSAs and how they work in Morrowind. (I might later need information on textures, but it's not the point of this post.)

    So, here's how it works in Skyrim:

    • BSAs must be loaded by a plugin, which can be empty. The plugin must have the same name as the BSA, i.e: Mod.esp will load Mod.bsa
    • BSAs have no special naming scheme
    • BSAs containing sound cannot be compressed
    • BSAs cannot be bigger than ~2GB

    Does all of that also applies to Morrowind? Are there any differences?

    With these information, I will be able to add Morrowind BSA packing support to CAO.

    I am also aware of the following, found on bsapack page:

    -Fonts, Splash, Music and Sound directories SHOULD NOT be placed in the BSA archives. Morrowind will
    not find them there.

    - Icons, Meshes and Textures directories can be freely placed into the single or multiple BSA archives.

    - BookArt directory is empty in my installation, so I was not able to test it.

    Of course, maybe BSAs are not useful in Morrowind, or maybe there's a better tool already available, I don't know. I have never modded Morrowind. But even if it's useless, I'd still like to add Morrowind support.

    So I will be grateful if I get an answer to my interrogations.


    submitted by /u/G_ka
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    Would love some feedback on my Argonian, Slim-Dar's backstory

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:02 PM PDT


    "Slim-Dar grew up in a small wooden cabin beside one of the many swamps in the region of Black Marsh. He had a poor childhood, mainly owing to the fact he was raised only by his father, who could only feed him with the small animals he managed to hunt.

    Throughout his time in Black Marsh, Slim-Dar lived around the dangerous fauna that shared the land around him. He learned to be agile and quick on his feet if he hoped to survive the dangerous Guar and Alits that threatened him everyday (I got the names of these animals from the Beyond Skyrim wiki, I don't know if these animals are canonically real). He also learned to use the longsword his father had to defend himself.

    As Slim-Dar grew older, he began to hear news of an order of individuals known as the Moonblades (this is an organization I made up). He did not know who they were but he aspired to one day join them.

    Soon, he did. He was recruited at the age of 17, and was trained in speed and combat. However, Slim-Dar was framed a year later. Spending years in prison took it's toll on his skill and prowess (this is to explain why he was well trained but is obviously very weak and lacks skills at the start of the game). He has now been transferred to Vvardenfell under mysterious circumstances..."

    Thanks for reading, it's quite barebones but I wrote that in his class description which only allows a certain number of characters I think. I have a few more ideas about his backstory and how he was recruited into the Moonblades in my mind. Any opinions on this would be fantastic!

    Edit: I have thought of a few ideas about what the Moonblades are all about and written them down:

    The Moonblades

    An organization dedicated to the arts of quick combat and agility. They exist to defend and assist the weak and poor. They will not kill or hurt the innocent and will defend those who are in need of help and protection. They are not entirely selfless but will do what they believe is right.

    This isn't entirely fleshed out at the moment and I did take a bit of inspiration from the Thieves Guild in regards to defending the weak and poor. But I thought it would go well with Slim-Dar's backstory since he grew up in poverty so he would really care about taking care of the poor. I'll come back to this post if I think of any more ideas!

    submitted by /u/bluetundra123
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    Found a candle in Arkngthand

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Found a candle in Arkngthand that has no description at all. searched for it and it turns out its an unlimited duration candle


    Never mind i just tried to equip it and it dissapears instantly after closing the menu

    submitted by /u/Amipatrick
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    Should I skip the fourth and fifth trials?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Doing my first playthrough of Morrowind and I was wondering if u guys would recommend me skipping the fourth and fifth trials? From what I have done so far with the houses, the quests seem very boring.

    submitted by /u/zerdos
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    Should I be wearing the DB armour at Level 1?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    I got attacked and killed the assassin. I now have his armour which is way better than my chitin armour. My light armour skill is 32 and now my armour rating has gone up by 13. I want to keep it since the game basically gave it to me but I feel like it would completely ruin the progression of light armour since this is apparently the 2nd best light armour in the entire game so it's super OP. I wanna actually earn stuff and get through the armour tree. This just feels unearned. I could sell it but that's a lot of early game money. I'm really conflicted.

    submitted by /u/bluetundra123
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    How to get started with Alchemy?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I found a set of Master alchemy equipment in Caldera that I'm gonna use whenever I go there, but is there anything else I should do or know? I'm still level 1.

    submitted by /u/bluetundra123
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    Need help for a class name

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Race: Argonian

    Specialization: Combat

    Favoured attributes: Endurance and agility

    Major skills:

    Long blade Light armour Alchemy Athletics Medium armour

    Minor skills:

    Mercantile Speechcraft Armourer Restoration Enchant

    Would love some help on what to name this class. Also if anyone has any advice on how to improve this and if I'm making any huge mistakes that would be great.

    submitted by /u/bluetundra123
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