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    Tuesday, July 7, 2020

    Morrowind I Got Popular Instantly...

    Morrowind I Got Popular Instantly...

    I Got Popular Instantly...

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Enter the dream

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Cliff Racers

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    Why walk when you can ride?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Average day in MMOrrowind

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Haha boots of blinding speed goes whoosh

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    First time meeting Ashlanders. Hope it's not offensive custom to flirt w/ their Wise Woman

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    my first screenshot after installing mge xe

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Warlord Jeebilus gets double crossed (tribunal spoiler)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    Found my old school laptop was just wondering if I’d be able to run morrowind and is steam the best way to go about downloading it?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    Spent all day on Tribunal and Bloodmoon main quests

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    What a ride. After playing ESO, I was familiar with Almalexia and Sotha Sil, but seeing Sil strung up like Pinocchio hurt my soul. What an end though. I feel like I truly earned the name of Nerevar by the end.

    Bloodmoon's MQ felt short by comparison. I didn't hate it but definitely not as lengthy as Tribunal. Felt more like a Skyrim guild quest really. Still, I got to slap Hircine around, so that was cool.

    All this to say....wow. What a game.

    submitted by /u/grumpybatman
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    Thicc Dunmer Walking

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Mod recommendations

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    Since it was on sale for cheap, i decided to pick up and play it again after so many years.

    However, years have not been kind to Morrowind and it's a bit dated, and since i have beaten the game several times in the past, but never really modded it that much due to being young and quite frankly, incompetent in everything computers.

    Figured out i'd try mod this time, but i don't want to do what i've done with Skyrim several times, which is spending more time installing and trouble shooting mods than actually playing.

    Which is why i figured i'd ask here for handful of things to easily and quickly mod Morrowind with improved graphics, fixes, improvements and content.

    So, any recommendations for guy wanting to experience Morrowind with best of what modding community had done with the game?

    submitted by /u/Qolko
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    Andrano Tomb bug?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    I am trying to complete (on OpenMorrowind) the quest to retrieve the skull from Andrano Ancestral Tomb, but my Fireblade never seems to deal any damage to the skeletal archers on the lower level. Is this a known bug or do I need to take them down in a different manner?

    submitted by /u/passengerpigeon20
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    Morrowind FPS

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    I just purchased Morrowind, and my fps is all over the place, flucuating from 30 fps to 244 fps, how can I get it to cap at just 30?

    submitted by /u/AnthonyHolly123
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    Is joining the temple worth it?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    I know it helps just a little bit in a small part of the main quest but I'm talking about in general are the temple quests any fun?

    submitted by /u/kalm1305
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    Theft warning mods for OpenMorrowind

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Are there any mods that indicate privately owned items, or beds that I can't sleep in, that are compatible with OpenMorrowind?

    submitted by /u/passengerpigeon20
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    Tried freeing slaves in Morrowind, ended up having to put them out of their misery.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Ai Dungeon: Morag Tong Adventure (TLDR)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    I used Ai chat to try to get a cool Morrowind experience out of it and it was pretty cool. Decided to share.

    I am Aldaris Hllalu, Dark elf assassin for the "Commona Tong" in Vivec a canton city of Morrowind. I was just visiting the hideout in the city of Vivec trying to pick up a new contract assassination from the Guildmaster to make a bit of Gold. The Imperial soldiers have been more bothersome lately and shaking me down every chance I get. I needed to get away with my fellow dark elves for a while and that's what ended me up here.

    I guess you could say I'm used to it by now. We are an underground organization and we don't like being bothered or having our business interrupted. But this is different than any other time before.

    You look around the room for the guild master. You look around the room but don't see any dark elves. "Hello!" you call out. Suddenly a dark elf comes out from behind some barrels and arrows. You don't see anyone else with him.

    You say "Greetings Muthsera. Are you friend?" "Of course not. Muthsera is a thieving rogue and murderer. You are only here by the grace of the Dark Gods." "Ah. Then I am in the right place.

    You say "Muthsera. I need a contract, can you help?" "Of course. We are all here to help one another. Now tell me, what do you need?

    You say "I need a target. One that will earn me at least a months lodging. I have to leave the island and for a great amount of time." "Hmm. What would you need?" "Well I need enough to get me by until I return." "I think that would be sufficient for a month. We can do that." "Ah. Okay."

    You say "Who is my target and how do I find them?"

    You wait patiently for the Dark Elf assassin to reply as you check your weapons over for any wear. "We have a lot of Imperials on this island. We are looking for the highest ranked one and then..."

    You say "I understand. I will find and Kill them. By Boethia's malice I will see to it we send a message to the Imperial swine. Can I trust my pay to be delivered upon my departure for the mainland?" Muthsera grins wickedly and nods. "Yes, yes of course." You nod and collect your pay before speaking again. You nod to the Dunmer Muthsera and take your leave. Happy with the pay you have received. "May the wind be at your back stranger" heading out to the Vivec city cantons to begin your search. The next day you have acquired all the information you need on your target. An Imperial Officer called Captain Roldan. "Captain Roland" you think to yourself. Likely to be seen in the Foreign quarter of Vivec or the Imperial canton. I should start by checking around there. You decide to ask at the Guild of the paper lantern. The Guild of the paper lantern is run by the Dark Elves but unlike most places in Morrowind it isn't underground and has proper glass windows and a small counter.

    You enter the guild of the paper lantern and look around. You enter the guild and look around. It is basically a stall with a desk and a chair. There are two dark elves talking to each other but they stop as soon as they see you.

    You say "Greetings kinsmen. I have a package from house Hlallu for one "Captain Roland" of the Imperial Legion. As an outlander I have become quite lost in this city and was told I would be able to find his whereabouts here in your humble guild hall." One of the dark elves steps forward. "Ah yes, I can help you with that. Follow me." You follow the dark elf and are lead through various corridors and stairs until you come to a very nice apartment.

    You enter the apartment calmly yet cautiously. Ready to draw a dagger at first sign of danger. You slowly open the door and find yourself in a small hallway. A dark elf woman is standing there dressed in a long blue silk robe. She is clearly hardened but has a very regal look about her.

    You say "Greetings Madam, I am Sothis Halren, a messenger of House Hlallu and I need to find Captain Roland of the Imperial Legion post haste. It is of the highest importance I find him soon." The dark elf woman studies you for a moment and then nods. "Follow me then stranger, it might take some time for captain Roldan to arrive." You nod and enter the apartment. You wait for Captain Roland. Poisoning your dagger with Netch Oil whenever a chance is given for intimate privacy. All of them are in your contract with the Captain. After an hour of waiting you begin to get restless and wander over to the balcony, looking down at the street you see a large group of soldiers approaching the building. You say quietly to the Dark Elf woman "Which one of those soldiers is he? I would like to be polite when he arrives" The Dark Elf woman frowns a bit and looks down at the group. You wait for a moment for the woman to point out Captain Roland but she simply says "You will know him by his grey hair and tired face. Though all of them look like that." You nod and wander back to the door to greet your prey. You leap from the balcony and jump on Captain Roland, driving your poisoned dagger through his chest in the confusion. The soldiers around him are taken aback and stumble in the chaos. You quickly walk over and stab him again, this time in the throat to ensure the kill.

    You say "By Boethia, you imperial swine will remember this day well. Leave and be shown mercy." You draw your dagger to ensure they get the message and all but two comply instantly. One calls back "By the Emperor! We remember Sothis, we'll avenge you when we return!" You cast a spell of Chameleon, enshrouding yourself in a mist of darkness. And make haste to the nearest dock. Changing your clothing along the way. You find a lonely boat and commandeer it for your escape to the mainland. Appearing as a simple fisherman. You row to an island away from civilization and change into a plain brown tunic and trousers. With your hood up to conceal your face. A week passes before you dare leave the island. You head to the nearest mainland town to escape and finally rejoice in my victory. As you sit in the Tavern, you get the feeling someone is staring at you. You look up to see a man standing there with an Imperial officer's sword on his hip.

    You say "Nice sword. Where does one looking so harmless as yourself come by one of those?" The man looks at you a bit suspiciously. "We get asked that a lot. A few months ago, we'd have cut your head off for asking that." He sighs and leans on the bar.

    You say "Blessings of Mara to you then, stranger." The man grins. "And to you, friend." He pours some mead from a pitcher in front of him and gulps down what seems like an entire bottle by himself.

    You return to your camp and fish until your time comes to finally return to Vvardenfell for your next payday.

    submitted by /u/lvl77haunter
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    What is your most favourite playstyle in this game and why exactly.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    I've been wondering about this for some time. People seem to like different ways to play the game in Oblivion and Skyrim.

    submitted by /u/DatDeathBacon
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    A Futuristic Themed Morrowind Soundtrack

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    I've been working on this for a while. It's a short EP full of Morrowind songs redone in a futuristic style. I'd really appreciate it if you took a listen!

    Soundcloud link: https://soundcloud.com/jackson-elhage/sets/tomorrowind

    submitted by /u/jacksonelhage
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    Questions regarding save files and modding

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    I want to start this game for the first time. And I noticed that the game features cloud saves on Steam, which I appreciate. But... how does the game handle the combination of cloud saves (or just regular saves) combined with mods? Especially between different machines? I'm currently limited to my laptop but plan on getting a new proper gaming PC soon. And I probably don't need to tell you how annoying it would be to lose all progress in a grand RPG like this due to issues with the save file(s).

    I'm not into heavily modding a game on my first playthrough, so I'm mainly thinking basic mods that brings the game up to 2020 standards in terms of resolution and things like that. Speaking of which, are there any good recommendations regarding that? Most mod guides and suggestions seem to alter the game quite a bit. And how does the game handle new mods to already existing save files, including cloud saves?

    submitted by /u/SirJorn
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