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    Monday, June 8, 2020

    Morrowind Got out of my art slump with this sketch of Dagoth Ur, thought y'all might enjoy

    Morrowind Got out of my art slump with this sketch of Dagoth Ur, thought y'all might enjoy

    Got out of my art slump with this sketch of Dagoth Ur, thought y'all might enjoy

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Warlord Jeebilus becomes the Hortator of House Hlaalu (NSFW?)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Cursed Image of Morrowind Geralt, Makes me Shiver even gazing at it.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    That skoomas really kickin' in

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Geralt from Rivia somehow ended up in Seyda Neen

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Seems like many of us ran into Therana these days

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    Accidentally found a daedric wakazashi at level 2

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Ok, so anyone who has played a lot of Morrowind knows how easy it is to break it if you intentionally look up great items. For my current thieves guild/hlaalu playthrough, I was gonna do things legit. Ie no abusing the creeper or wearing the DB armor at early levels, since it is handed to you way too easily.

    So my chitin armor and silver dagger wearing ass went to ebonheart to talk to Apellus and stop the brotherhood attacks. While there, I decided why tf not try out a bit of Mournhold at level 2 (I have never been there so low leveled, and tbh have never done more than go to the sewers and DB hideout when there). Not sure if that counts as breaking the game, but I figured that there was no way I could possibly attain anything that great down there at such a low level.

    I buy a bodyguard and go to the sewers to find some nord's friend. My bodyguard is immediately killed, and one hit from a goblin makes me nope tf out, way too early for Mournhold.

    However, before leaving I decide look around the bazaar, where I bought a pet scrib. I also found a quest in the bazaar to recite a play (which seemed low risk), and bam assassin attack. This guy killed me (and my pal, F for the scrib) like 3 times, until finally I managed to hit him with lovers kiss before he one shots me and wail on him until he is dead. Aand he has a daedric wakazashi. Wow. Like, I purposefully avoided stealing from Divyath fyr and shit, and I get an amazing daedric weapon from doing a play. Even after some years, Morrowind can always surprise you lol.

    tl:dr acquired a wakizashi at level 2 in a totally unforeseen manner.

    submitted by /u/huntimir151
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    What material is Daedric armor made out of?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    Edit: thanks gang, really interesting answers, I'm going to look through the morrowind books for mentions of it. Tentatively not off limits for now, as gods blood wouldn't be metal. Maybe since she's a nerevarine mage, there should be a corrupting influence that wouldn't let her wear it, though.

    Thanks again

    I'm doing a roleplay as a fistfighting minor mage who won't touch metal, so is Daedric armor more hellish chitin or metal?


    submitted by /u/varyk
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    I think there is somthing wrong with your cat?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Favourite Summonable Creature?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    What are your favourite creatures to summon in fights? What do you like about certain summoned creatures? For me, I like the following:

    • Greater Bonewalker: These guys are useful in fights against Melee opponents. They have high health for their fairly cheap cost, and can drain strength of their opponents to reduce the damage they deal, as well as dealing chip damage and helping to stagger to keep you alive longer. Often the first creatures I summon in a fight
    • Hunger: Very useful creatures with their damage weapon/armor and paralysis skills. Especially good when exploring dungeons added by modders, if they have bosses with high-end weapons and armor. Add in the immunity to normal weapons and immunity to Fire, Frost, and Shock and these things can often solo many opponents on their own, at least until their summon time runs out.
    • Bonelord: One of my favourites partially because of how cool it looks. I remember the first time I saw one on my first playthrough and was pretty much frozen in fear. They're no slouch in combat either, especially if given a brief moment to set up their shield spells. In the lategame they start to fall behind, but are still useful for absorbing damage and draining the speed of enemies.
    submitted by /u/2Fruit11
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    I'm having a hard time installing the Morrowind Enhanced Overhaul via MO2. I've tried to download the file twice, just in case there was something wrong with the first download, but to no avail. I've already installed both MGE XE and MCP, as well as the MOP, PfP, and the Animation compilation mods.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    How does armour work?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    I'm playing morrowind for the first time and, I've been interrupted by a dark brotherhood assassin a few times now and ever since the first time i played the game about a week ago, I think I've had the DB gear on as it's by far been the best that I have.

    I've read online that this is actually an early DLC trigger thing and that this armour is indeed one of the best light armours in the game - it just kind of seems strange because it feels better than all armour I've come across, including heavy and medium. I actually chose medium armour as a major skill and I currently have 44 skill in it - my light armour has 47 however, due to my use of the DB set. I've wanted to make the switch to medium armour, namely the bonemold gear, but it's literally half the defence rating of the DB set - is this actually how this is supposed to work? I can't help but notice that all pieces of the DB set have 47 rating, which is the same as my light armour skill. Is there something I'm missing with how armour works? Is a 47 rated light armour set inferior to a 47 rated heavy set / is something bugging out, or is the DB set just that good?

    submitted by /u/pavitio
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    Custom Destruction Spells for High Level Characters?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    So I've been playing an altmer, atronach sign, spellblade type character for my current playthrough👍I've completed nearly all faction quests, the main quest, tribunal, and about to start bloodmoon :)

    I made the decision to put destruction as one of my major skills, but realised that I haven't been using ANY destruction spells to kill enemies the entire playthrough😅

    I was wondering if anyone had any cool ideas for powerful destruction spells for a super high level character?

    At the moment, I'm mostly just running into fights headfirst with either Chrysamere or Hopesfire (which usually results in very quick battles hehe) but it would be nice to switch things up a little

    I've tried replicating some powerful, in-game spells that bosses use like Hand of Vivec, and Almalexia's Wrath as I like the incorporation of health absorption as well as fire damage :)

    I've noticed that these crazy powerful, explosive spells are heavily reliant on alchemy for a normal character to even cast once haha, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/jamihaus
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    Dialogues Decluttered mod - no more generic topics!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Dialogues Decluttered mod - no more generic topics!

    I've been tired of seeing same repeatable dialogue options on every NPC, but couldn't find a mod which tackles this issue without changing/adding dialogues, so in a moment of brief enlightement I made my own mod that fixes this problem by simply restricting most generic options to caravaners and some unique NPCs.


    i.e. Hlaalu Guard will talk only about topics that she actually knows and cares about

    In example a dialogue with important NPCs will no longer be cluttered with options such as:

    • Background
    • little advice
    • little secret
    • latest rumors
    • Morrowind lore
    • my trade
    • someone in particular
    • specific place
    • Solstheim

    unless the answer for that topic is actually unique for that NPC you're talking to.

    City-specific answers that didn't make much sense to assign to caravaners have been assigned to innkeepers (they should know latest rumors best!) and shipmasters (when a city doesn't have a caravaner).

    Faction-specific answers have been restricted to a single random representant of given faction, or to generic no-name representants such as guards.

    Additionally Lore topics about geography or religion have been moved from savants/scouts/templars to caravaners (silt strider herders), which kind of make sense given that they should be very well informed thanks to their numerous travels. You can treat them as friendly guides - in the course of game Nerevarine spends a lot of time travelling with them so it also makes sense they are willing to share their vast knowledge about the world. Effectively other NPCs are no longer walking encyclopedias.

    I'm aware there is still a place of improvement and plenty of remaining repeatable texts to filter out, so any kind of feedback is welcome. Particularly on how to handle conflicts with other dialogue mods.

    In a perfect world, for the sake of immersion, same text should never by repeated word-by-word by more than one NPC!

    submitted by /u/DisclosedForeclosure
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    Best Way to handle a Mod that replaces mesh/textures?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    I liked this mod for awhile in combination with the other face overhaul but decided to go back to vanilla. https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43238

    It overwrote textures and meshes that I assume you cannot just revert back to.

    Do I need to reinstall from steam?

    submitted by /u/Happycappypappy
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    Is there a good tutorial on how to overhaul the graphics?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    I only know how to do this with the all in one overhaul but from experience and what I've heard that method is very outdated. Can someone link me to a video or something that shows how to overhaul the graphics and draw distance?

    submitted by /u/albanshqiptar
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    How does enchanting work in this game ?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    Finished the story a few days ago after taking my time to explore Morrowind and have various adventures as well as max out some guilds but I still had not touched enchanting as my skill level was rather weak .

    After finally maxing it out ( thanks to the calm humanoid spell and lots of gold ) togheter with alchemy today I wanted to test it out and enchant my gear before trying out Tribunal and Bloodmoon ; coming from skyrim and oblivion I know how I could potentially buff it to gamebreaking levels thanks to alchemy but I didn't want to create anything of that sort just yet , I simply wanted to buff my gear a bit .

    So I summoned a Golden Saint , trapped its soul and...whatever I try to enchant seems to always have a negative chance even talking about very weak enchantments ( -33 for a constant chameleon 12 effect on glass boots ?! By having 100 intelligence and enchant ?! ) . Is there anything I'm missing , failing to understand or...? I kept hearing about how OP enchanting can be in this game but from what I am seeing right now it looks like the opposite .

    I'm using no mods aside from Morrowind's code patch and I don't think I ticked any of the options regarding enchanting .

    submitted by /u/Aurelyan
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