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    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    Morrowind BLAST OFF

    Morrowind BLAST OFF


    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Saw A Skyrim Meme, Thought About Giving It A Morrowind Twist... Truth be told, I often feel the same way...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Vivec's social media accounts are truly a lawless place, his instagram especially so (art by me)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    This guy scared the crap out of me (first play through) was sure he would kill me but managed to get him stuck somewhere so that I had time to recover. And the poison really sped things up. But... no loot on his body. Felt cheated. Was only level 9. Hard fight.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    When its not your first playthrough but you still bad at the game..

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    Fairly new to the game but wanted to know what mods would be good after finishing a full play through

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    Hey all, I've been playing Morrowind for about 3 weeks now and I wanted to know what mods should I install once I finally get around to finishing the game? Also, do mods work on Morrowind through nexus or are mods installed manually in folders? Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Nandersun
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    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Morrowfriend! A co-op playthrough on twitch

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    'The Stranger'

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Is there any way to find out who is the actual author of 'The Stranger' poem? I don't know why but it has actually moved me in a way I never thought was possible. Or maybe do you know some interesting things about this piece of art? The poem if somebody skipped the dialogues;

    When earth is sundered, and skies choked black, And sleepers serve the seven curses, To the hearth there comes a stranger, Journeyed far 'neath moon and star

    Though stark-born to sire uncertain, His aspect marks his certain fate. Wicked stalk him, righteous curse him. Prophets speak, but all deny.

    Many trials make manifest The stranger's fate, the curses' bane. Many touchstones try the stranger. Many fall, but one remains.

    submitted by /u/SPITMKVB
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    Is there anyway to export and import the script and keywords(the blue words in dialogue) of Morrowind

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make a Chinese translation of Morrowind but I can't export the script and keywords through the TESCS. Is there anyway to use TESCS to export them and import what I have changed?Or is there any tools may help me?

    submitted by /u/wingmoval
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    Does Charm on Touch Enchantment work?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    I enchanted an item but when I use the magic it doesn't work even though the green halo is visible on the NPC I'm trying to charm. When I pick Target instead of touch it works fine. Normal Charm on touch spells are also working fine.

    submitted by /u/Bisonfan95
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    Very odd bug I'm experiencing

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    So for my current playthrough, I'm using Sign of the Atronach. It's really nice, and I've been using the Summon Ancestral Ghost spell and attacking my summon so that they'll use Fire Bite on me whenever I need to regain my magicka. I like to think of it as eating ghosts for power.

    Last time I sat down to play the game, though, something weird started happening. Every second time I aggro my summon on me, the game crashes. The first aggro is fine. If I do it a second time, I CTD the literal second it aggros on me. I have no idea what could be causing this bug or how to fix it just because of how weird and specific it is. Anyone else have experience with this one?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Hobo
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    Tips for beginners?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    I was planning on a stealthy spell-sword type of build, although I'm not sure what the most effective/fun builds or skills in this game are for that matter. Just wanted some input as to if this is a good build choice, what skills are the most valuable, and what my focus should be on, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Thawingfirr
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    My short story from 2003...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    My short story from 2003...

    So my dad sent me photos of a very short story I did in school for some reason, and wrote it about Morrowind. This was written in 2003 so I was 6-7 years old. I have an extremely vague recollection of writing it and also I don't know if it's lore friendly! So if anyone can fact check it that would be interesting. I can't remember much of Morrowind's lore as it's been a while... Thank you!

    Edit: Got him to send me the 3rd page, may be from around 2004 actually as I start to make it a runescape crossover I think when I mention rune arrows...




    submitted by /u/Connah5777
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    Morrowind First Time: 15 Mods or Less in 2020

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    My experience with Morrowind Rebirth

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    So I've been playing Morrowind Rebirth because I wanted to make the world feel fresh again. Knowing where everything is hidden is kinda boring. Since this mod is often mentioned here, the question is whether it is worth it. I've tried my best to review it.


    The one thing I've instantly noticed about Morrowind Rebirth is how good new towns look. For some, changes are more subtle, but for instance, Seyda Neen and Balmora look much more lively. Seyda Neen now looks like a proper port city and Balmora feels a lot busier, with even more shops and clutter.

    The mod also adds houses, which you can purchase in many cities. A good idea since it changes the landscape, making many mods incompabile...

    Okay, let's talk about compabilty. It is abysmal. This mod does not respect any other one. My minimalistic mod order still has some issues with terrain. If you want to play with some quest mods - good luck on that. So, ironically, on one hand it makes for a fresh experience, but on the other one, you can't experience all the enhanced questlines you have for so many guilds.

    It also adds some "realism" to the cities. At the night, gates to the cities (they do have gates now) and shops are closed. I hate "half assed" realism additions like this. You either do full realism Morrowind can't really do: make waiting in cities punishable so that you can't just wait until dawn, make AI schedules similar to radiant AI in later games so that they'll actually close their shops and go to the tavern...; or the better idea is not to touch it at all. It is just a waste of time, only thing it causes you to do is that you have to wait until morning. Without something time-related stuff like needs mods it is absolutely pointless.

    But not only cities, MR improves other locations like Dunmer Citadels. And again, these changes are mostly good, enhancing the game's atmosphere and invoking the explorer's feel once again. Can't complain about them.

    Item Balance

    Morrowind's item balance is... Well, kinda broken? You have low tier stuff which you usually skip and jump right to the top tier stuff.

    In Vanilla game, with Light Armor, you take a leap for 10 AR to 50 AR. Medium Armor is slightly better, but then Indoril Armor is very easy to get if you know the place. Also, Medium Armor for some reason offers less protection than Light one. Heavy armor is mostly junk with similar AR (up to 20), and then you have Ebony with 60 and Daedric with 80. Eww.

    So how good is MR at fixing this mess? Pretty good! I've been switching from Steel to Trollbone to Orcish and Dwemer (I am using both Heavy and Medium armors). You don't have the best stuff lying in the open (at least in the places I've checked) and at the same time items are more smoothly balanced, for example, with Dwemer Armor being much better than it was.

    It also adds some extra items, which look natural and don't stand out. Very good changes overall, not much to say.

    Skill Balance

    This is a mixed bag. On one hand, it slows down the leveling of some skills. While it can be a welcome addition, it is still not very balanced. My weapon skills increase significantly faster than armor skills, and leveling some magic schools is a pain.

    Oh right, let's talk about magic. It got a pretty sizeable nerf in terms of spellmaking. While I kind of understand why nerfs were needed, they punish not only the abusers but the average player who simply want to be creative. Imo, restricting magic is just against the Morrowind's spirit. Same could be said for enchanting.

    Alchemy. Alchemy is completely useless in this mod! Not only it levels at crawling speed, not only you have a sizeable chance to fail the potionmaking at 30 skill, but your potions are just complete garbage. They are significantly worse than the cheap potions. Restore 2 fatigue for 4 seconds? Are you kidding me? It does not get better, according to the Internets. Not much.

    Oh right, fatigue. Fatigue management in this mod is extemely frustrating. Your potions are garbage and don't restore it. I am talking about something like "restore 6 fatigue for 5 seconds". Very helpful when you have about 250 fatigue! So once you are out of fatigue in combat, you won't get it back. It regenerates so slowly even with potions, even without running, it is just not worth the hassle.

    It's not that I don't like concept of fatigue as a resource. It is a welcome addition and it's best utilized by Skyrim Requiem - where at low fatigue you are really weak and can't do anything.

    But fatigue there is mostly bound to your attacks. It is designed to counter button-mashing in favor of more thoughtful combat. In MR, your attacks almost don't take any fatigue. But running? Say goodbye to it. Seriously, 1 second of running takes as much fatigue as a single swing. Jumping? Nope, you can't do that! So clicking is alright, but positioning yourself is not. And restoring lost fatigue... good luck. I have another issue with fatigue, we'll come back to it later.

    Another pointless nerf is Speechcraft. Why did it even need a nerf in the first place? Bribing is insanely tough now. I can't fix the disposition of an average NPC by bribing 100 gold while having 30 speechcraft! It's not that they do not accept a bribe - they often do, but every success raises disposition by 4-5, and every failure drops it by 12 or so! If you want to use a speechcraft, you better find a random NPC and spam some speech at them for 5 hours (remember, skill leveling is significantly slower).

    Overall: some changes are fine, some are just ridiculous. Overall I don't like this part.

    Enemy Balance

    Vanilla Morrowind's enemies were infamous of having Reflect slapped on them way too often. MR replaced this with health regeneration, which is now present, for instance, on the every 6th House enemy.

    I hate this. It drags fight forever. Even without the regen, enemies are damage sponges which can easily take 20 hits of a dwemer spear. But these are damage sponges that can also self-repair! Remember issue of being out of fatigue and not being able to restore it because of how useless potions are? Well now imagine that you are fighting against time. If you get lucky with your hits, you might be able to kill the enemy before your fatigue depletes. If not, you might find yourself at low fatigue, enemy at 20% hp, so now all your strikes miss while your enemy regenerates because you can't outdamage his regen rate.

    It is honestly the most frustrating moment I've had in gaming for a long time. And I play RNG heavy games. It is just such a slap in your face "well buddy, now you can't do shit so I'll regenerate while you'll be able to hit me 1 time out of 10 because you weren't lucky with your hits before". Does regeneration adds some balance? It does (I can't kill high level enemies at low level), but it is the worst approach to balance ever. I hate it, I hate these damned 6th house enemies and their stupid regen. Morrowind always been a relaxing game for me, but this is just antithesis of relax.

    If you want hard enemies, just make them hit hard, don't make it so that I have a 5 minute fight which I could probably win if I get lucky with my rolls. Because if I won't, I waste 5 minutes of my life on clicking, get my enemy to 10% hp before I run out of stamina, see how close I was to winning and will have to try again. Then, in 30 minutes or so, stars align and I win. It's like rolling a dice 100 times, and getting a sum of all rolls above 360 equals to a win. It does not respect your time and while theoretically it should happen relatively often, sometimes it will just screw you. Sorry, that's a long rant, but at least it's still shorter than Ash Ghoul encounters in this mod.

    Enemy balance? Complete garbage.


    • Good world changes
    • Abysmal mod compability
    • Great item balance
    • Questionable skill balance
    • Absolutely terrible enemy balance

    Do I recommend it? It is worth a try. But I am probably not going to finish my run. To think how many 6th House I have to fight in the future? Nope. The main question whether you should try it is:

    Do you like sponges?

    If you absolutely love sponges, your favorite TV series a kid was a Sponge Bob, you have a collection of Sponge Bob Figures - hell, maybe you even make them as a hobby - you must try Morrowind Rebirth. Anyone else - well, it's up to you.

    submitted by /u/Vengyre
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    Is it possible to enchant an item with a Bound Weapon constant effect?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I haven't managed to run into a Golden Saint or Ascended Sleeper yet to test it out, but I'm wondering if it's possible to enchant a ring with a constant effect of Bound Bow or Bound Dagger.

    I think it would be pretty neat to be able to summon a weapon instantaneously without fail, with the enchanted ring itself being negligible in terms of weight.

    Does anyone know if the game allows you to do this enchantment?

    submitted by /u/KnightoftheLolTree
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    newbie modding help

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Hi Folks,

    After hearing all the talk about how great modded Morrowind is I finally got it from GOG and am modding it up. This is gonna be my first jump into the Elderscrolls series. I could use a bit of clarification on how the mods fit together though. I am using mlox to manage everything. Specifically I installed Morrowind Comes Alive (MCA) and am about to install the Morrowind Optimization patch.

    How do these two fit together? For example they both have meshes that go in the data files folder so does one overwrite the other depending on the order I install them in? I looked and even some of the file names seem to be identical. Also, for the optimization patch how far down in the folder levels do I need to copy/paste to the data files folder?

    Thanks in advance everyone.

    submitted by /u/apb1979a
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    Best Graphics Overhaul Mod (2020)?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I have been using MGSO with MGE for a while now and have never had any problems until I had to replace the hard drive on my laptop; now it lags constantly with the same settings I used before and is constantly having script errors and lots of lighting issues. I have backed up my saves and now have a clean install of Morrowind and am looking for a similar overhaul mod without all the bugs.

    I have a Lenovo Y-50 with what I believe is a GTX-850? and Intel I7.

    Sorry for the lack of description but here is a list of games I run at ultra, some with ENB and texture mods to even further enhance graphics and they all run at a perfectly fine frame rate; hopefully this helps with further understanding of what I can run.

    Rising Storm 2 (Ultra graphics)

    Fallout 3/NV (Ultra with enb and textures)

    Battlefield 4 (Max graphics)

    CoD MW (2019) (will run at medium)

    Oblivion (Ultra, ENB and textures)

    Skyrim whatever incarnation Todd Howard released but this time it had console mods (high with texture packs and ENB)

    ESO (Highest graphics settings)

    GTA:V (High)

    GTA:IV (Max)

    LA Noir (Max)

    It would be greatly appreciated if you guys could help me find a graphics overhaul that lacks the same bugs as MGSO.

    submitted by /u/BigManAids
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    While resting in shulker eggmine the brotherhood came for me at lvl 1. Managed to fight him off with half hp which was nice and i got his items

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Can you customize your stronghold?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    I am doing Telvanni questline and I became a Mouth.

    submitted by /u/gerrisen
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    I can't get morrowind working on my xbox 360

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    I have a live account, internet and a 250gb hard drive but it won't automatically update what do I do? Ps this might be the wrong sub but I can't be the only one experiencing this problem right?

    submitted by /u/luigiadam1
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