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    Thursday, May 28, 2020

    Morrowind Vvardenfell Public Transit

    Morrowind Vvardenfell Public Transit

    Vvardenfell Public Transit

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    My wife got me an original Xbox, Morrowind, and Fable because she knows me so well and it’s like a early father’s day/birthday. What a gal, folks. What. A. Gal.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Barbas just needs to lay low in Caldera for a few months...

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    secret library

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    Got my ring.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Thank You Everyone

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    I grew up watching Morrowind. Not playing it, watching it. My dad played Morrowind and my sister and I would watch him play late into the night, sitting on his bed looking over his shoulder. My dad was a let's player before it was cool.

    At first I think it annoyed him, but he eventually caved and let us come in and watch. And it became a bonding thing between my sister, my dad and I. My sister called the scribs Eeyores and adored them. I had a perfect memory of the cities in the world. And my dad, well he played and chatted with his kids.

    It'd be around middle school when I finally got to play Morrowind myself and I spent probably more hours than was good for me in Vvardenfell, ah well, spilled milk.

    This is a game I know I can return to for the rest of my life. This world, lovingly crafted by talented people, with a deep lore, beautiful landscapes and a story I can play over and over and over again (and have) is a second home. It is a gateway back to my childhood.

    I was so happy when I found out that this world was beloved by such a lovely, funny, dedicated and awesome community as this. The internet poisons so much of what it touches and I want to thank you guys for appreciating and protecting this small piece of childhood joy. Your art, your advice, your thoughts make me love this world all the more.

    Thank you all so much.

    submitted by /u/Abuddend
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    Dagoth Ur political compass

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    The Holy City of Vivec

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    I love this game wtf

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    I took me soooooo long to get into Morrowind. I was 12 or 13 when I saw it on the shelf at an EB Games for $8, I had previously heard and watched videos about Skyrim and was extremely interested regardless of never playing any ES game, I grabbed the case and took it to the front desks. The lady asked me if I had played Skyrim, to which I said yes (I was awkward and didn't know what to say lol), she looked at the cover and said 'I didn't think there were Dragonborn's in Morrowind!', because of the imperial insignia I guess she hadn't made that connection yet. At the time I obviously agree as if I know what I'm talking about hahah. So I purchased it and took it home to install, surprised by its size of 3gb I couldn't be more excited to begin playing. It sucked. My attention span could not take the gruelling speed at which my character walked or the 'whoosh' sounds as I missed a swing point blank. I thought I was done. Waste of money. About a month goes by and I see Morrowind videos start to appear in my YouTube feed, probably because they were associated with Skyrim lore videos, the game I so desperately wanted to own. I dove in, learning about the wonders and explorative nature of Morrowind and it's amazing story, all of a sudden I was hooked again. I once again loaded up Morrowind with my naive optimism, 30mins passed. It still sucked. I had a headache from playing this dated video game. About a year passes and I ask my parents if I can get Skyrim for Christmas, they oblige and I receive a pc copy for my HP pavilion laptop(lol). I fall in love, never have I experience so much freedom in a game, I played Skyrim extensively for years and years on end, reaching on all devices an accumulative playtime of about 2500 hours. I took it so so seriously, it was my only escape from my life, I had terrible acne at the time (really bad, like tumors on my face, it was mentally and physically scarring). As my grades were failing and my life was slowly dwindling and I had accomplished nothing, I had to cope. Skyrim was the world I thrived in, I could feasibly live in another world and it was amazing, I was the best, finally at something, in this world I was the hero. 4 years had passed at this point, I was 17 years old. I felt confident enough to once again set foot in vvardenfell, it took me hours of frustration, but boy was it worth it. I had become fully immersed in a world 10x the satisfaction and realism of Skyrim, it was incredible. I played an Argonian that used long blade, medium armour, alteration, restoration and destruction. I leveled him up to the late 30s and had a blast the whole way, I discovered hidden areas and unearthed ancient artefacts, finally realising why this game is IMO the greatest game to ever exist.

    Anyway, I feel like this dragged on a hell of a lot more than I planned, if you think you want to give Morrowind a try, it is worth it. I don't regret a single minute on that alien continent of magic and mystery.

    submitted by /u/Jatanory-
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    Basically the design doc.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Acceptance is the first step.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    This message is brought to you by Dagoth ur and Associates.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    Maybe this is a common thing, but this appeared during my loading screen. It appears to be a cheetah and a house cat. Playing on Xbox.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    First time play-though. Am I doing it right?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Morrowind graphics

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    I'm literally offended. My friend remarked on how bad the graphics were by saying "it looks like someone imported a potato to XnGine and called it Morrowind"

    submitted by /u/Elder_Scrolls_Nerd
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    Playing Morrowind after Oblivion, spent 3 hours to find the place... ok I didn't find it yet, but hopefully I'll be there someday.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    Corprusarium Sturmz-Rogef

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    Does anyone know what this is? I can't find anything about it on the internet. I don't have mods that add anything other than content restoration for unused stuff. The layout of the Corprusarium Bowels is a bit different because now there's wreckage of dwemer ruins and old broken doors and stuff.

    EDIT: I have Mines and Caverns installed. That's probably what it is, but I didn't think it added anything...

    submitted by /u/maxmanium
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    I haven’t played Morrowind yet, I am interested in spears because they don’t exist in Oblivion/Skyrim. What race/class are good for spears/halberds?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    Also, is it a good idea to have spears AND long blade/shield? Is it doable to have two main weapon types? Also, what armor is best for a spear build? Light, Medium, Heavy?

    Also thinking of having alteration as a minor skill for the game breaking jump/levitation spells I've heard so much about.

    submitted by /u/SlideWhistler
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    Missing textures. How do I fix and find the textures.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Uhhhhhh wtf happened

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    When did you first play Morrowind?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    People often mention nostalgia here, but I'm curious how many actually played Morrowind around its release. Poll below.

    With the popularity of the later games (especially Skyrim) I'm guessing more played a later game first, then played Morrowind after getting interested in the series.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Antler_River
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    Morrowind's story as a novel: The Nerevarine Prophecies - Part Two: Arrival

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    Links to the previous parts

    Along with replaying Morrowind I decided to write out the story as if it were a book. Although in a rather summary fashion that expects you to have some familiarity with the setting. Besides the Nerevarine there will also be chapters centered around other characters, e.g. Caius Cosades.

    I apologise for not being able to stick to a schedule at all. I ended up having to rewrite a lot more than expected and my productivity in general took a dive. I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

    Please feel free to give feedback, both positive and negative, so that I can keep it in mind with how next chapters will go. Enjoy.

    Chapter 1


    Seyda Neen

    16th of Last Seed, 3E 427

    It had been one hell of a storm. His muscles ached badly in its wake and the rope he clung unto was ragged to its last threads. But Jiub's gaze still held compassion as he looked upon his fellow prisoner for the lad had been much closer to snapping than he was. A few weeks earlier the two Dunmer had been released from the capital's jails only to be snuck of to the underbelly of a ship. Their quarters were cramped and the vessel would not stop wobbling. Jiub had been able to stomach the cramped quarters and the constant wobbling. If only because he overheard the guards talking of a more permanent release. His companion's condition however had tested his patience with the imperials. It was a good thing they were close to arrival. For everyone involved. "Looks like the fever passed", said Jiub to himself.

    Gilas woke up groaning. His mind foggy as if it has been pulled apart and the pieces were only starting to come back together. Strange, disjointed memories roamed his head. One of a woman's echoing voice, another of what looked like his own death. It all dissipated when he was struck by a sudden cold. "Wake up, I heard the guards say we've reached Morrowind.", said Jiub, holding a bucket. "I'm sure they'll let us go." Gilas rubbed his eyes as he sat up in his hammock: "Let's hope we won't end up trading one prison for another." For once, Jiub's smile actually seemed to reach his one remaining eye. It struck Gilas how little he still knew about him. They both hailed from Cyrodiil, heartland of the empire. But Jiub had been a part of Cheydinhal's Dunmer community. As such, he had sometimes talked of their ancestral homeland, tales of which sounded positively alien to Gilas' ears. And all the while Jiub's remaining eye would light up in excitement. He was not one to be messed with however. That much was plain in the cold stare he threw at the approaching guard. That man held his look for but a moment and then pointedly ignored him in favor of Gilas. "Right. This is where you get off. Come along."', the guard said, his back already turned. The two prisoners eventually settled for a slight nod and with some hesitation Gilas trailed the guard. They quickly reached the trapdoor leading to the decka and the sunlight nearly blinded him as he took his first steps outside. At first, he could not make out much more than a tall redguard legionary. "Welcome to Vvardenfell.", he smiled. And what a welcome it was.

    It was not even noon yet but the damp air already felt oppressive in its heat. The whole area buzzed with the sounds of insects, coupling above the grimy waters, and he could not recognize the various plants whatsoever. Some trees looked like they might as well have been gracing the bottom of a lake. But Gilas could yet breathe. All things considered the place was not to different from the swamplands near Leyawiin. By the looks of it they had arrived at the docks of a fishing village though the houses looked well-built and there even was a lighthouse overlooking the place. The nerves had just begun to fade when an alien howl pierced the air and he stumbled backwards, much to the soldiers' entertainment. On the other side of the town strode a massive insect of sorts carrying people on its back. It looked to be close to 60 feet tall, elevated by six long spiderlike legs. To be fair, Jiub had mentioned such beasts in passing but Gilas turned no less pale for it. "Now that, my friend, is a silt strider. You're bound to ride one during your travels here.", the soldier said dryly.

    After gawking some more he was brought to the local Census and Excise office which he knew to be involved with taxes. Inside, a graying Breton clerk greeted him chirpily and proceeded to ask a whole slew of questions. From his date of birth and the identity of his parents to any previously-held occupations, the Empire wanted to know it all. But eventually, after a bout of frantic scribbling, the clerk handed him identification papers. Firmly subduing any last lingering thought that he would not actually be released. Afterwards the Breton quickly lost any interest and absent-mindedly pointed him towards another, smaller building. To talk about duties nonetheless, with a certain Sellus Gravius. And so, it came to be that Gilas sat twiddling his thumbs on a small courtyard. Why had they sent him to this foreign land? Lost in thoughts it took him a while to notice the ring lying on a barrel near the wall. Engraved on it were the words 'Given time' and he could feel the power within. Enchanted with a healing spell, he sensed. Gilas pocketed it before he could give the matter any further thought and not much later he was finally called in. "Gilas Andoren", Sellus Gravius read aloud, "from Cyrodiil. Released by order of the Emperor Uriel Septim VII, blessed be his name." The imperial paused to look at him: "You may wonder why." "I've heard some talk of duties.", was the unenthusiastic reply. "Yes yes, we'll get to those. You've been pardoned and sent here to hasten this region's development.", his gilded uniform made him sound even more pompous. "Your first task will be to report to Caius Cosades in Balmora, a city to the north of here. You will give him this package, sealed mind you, and he will handle any further assignments.", Selus lightly tapped the letters on his desk, "You will be given some gold to cover any reasonable expenses of course. I suggest you use it to get a silt strider to take you there." To Gilas that last part sounded like a properly bleak prospect.

    It was well past noon when he was finally outside, hungry and of no mind to heed any duties for the time being. After being locked all this time, he longed to explore the town. Looking around he saw a Bosmer man scuttling around some crates, a pair of guards chatting and a Dunmer women with plain clothes but sharp features. Gilas fixed his hair, there was no harm in asking her for some directions.

    submitted by /u/Chronicler_C
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