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    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    Morrowind A dunmer lady by Lytayvea

    Morrowind A dunmer lady by Lytayvea

    A dunmer lady by Lytayvea

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Warlord Jeebilus’s only friend is recalled to the imperial city :’(

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    I'll ask one more time Outlander, wheres the ring?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    Just when Sotha Sil thought he was out, they pull him back in! (art by me)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    All I see is a free sword.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Thanks Jim.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    A gift? For me? How thoughtful. And shrewd. I suppose you know I am a collector. And that such a gift is bound to please!

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Love it! My book came and I'm just such a nerd for these guide books. Definitely reading after post lol

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Just started Morrowind!

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    So I've had Morrowind in my library for 2-4 years but never actually played it. I got this itch to play an Elder Scrolls game and I was having trouble deciding between this one, Oblivion, and Skyrim. I watched a ton of videos comparing these three and I'm super interested in trying Morrowind.

    I have 3 hours now! I'm in Balmora and I'm trying to get acquainted with the world, like that old Blades guy told me to. So far I've been running jobs for the thieves guild and fighters guild. Right now I'm planning on amassing as much gold as I can, get some training, continuing doing odd jobs, and then once I feel I'm strong enough then I'll go out and explore. How was your first experience in Morrowind? Got any funny stories or tips? Please no spoilers though!

    submitted by /u/aTron6424
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    Something quirky

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    So as I play through any normal play through on my xbox, something weird always happens, the vivec Ferryman, the one that takes you to ebonheart and other cities entirely. Will always without fail, end up in the water beneath the dock, and after like 3 more travels I assume he dies, because he is gone. Guessing after spending 2 months underwater will kill ya I suppose

    submitted by /u/NeroTheDemon
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    What are your go-to items in Morrowind?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    What item/s do you consistently pick up every play through? Or what items do you go out of your way to get to make your experience more fun?

    As an example I always get the Boots of Blinding Speed, Saviour's Hide, and Ring of Raven Eye. Since I hate the default speed of the player character and Saviour's Hide and Ring of Raven Eye negate some of the negative effects of the boots.

    submitted by /u/RobbyBobsquat
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    Main Quest Skipped Ahead

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    I had completed the quest Zainsubani Informant and was carrying the notes I needed to return to Caius. But while I was bopping around doing whatever I ran into a character that triggered stage 2 of the next quest Meet Sul-Matuul by giving me directions to the Urshilaku Camp.

    So when I finally get back to see Caius, I'm not able to give him my notes from the Zainsubani Informant quest, he won't advance my rank, and the whole pivotal conversation where he reveals an important part of the main quest is just skipped. I used console commands to trigger the missing stage 1 of the Meet Sul-Matuul quest which got it to show up in my journal, but my rank was not advanced and I'm missing the translated notes Caius was supposed to give me.

    It's amazing to me that exploring in the game can essentially break the main quest line. Any other ideas for triggering the conversation with Caius? I assume if I keep playing it will cause problems even further down the line.

    submitted by /u/PibbleGonnaEatYou
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    Are faction services cheaper when I rank up, or is it merely because I'm getting a disposition boost.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I'm wondering if my faction rank has any bearing on trainer costs, or if it's just because the NPCs disposition is slowly increasing as my faction reputation increases.

    If I had two trainers of the same skill, one is faction-less, and the other belongs to a faction I'm max rank in, and both had 100 disposition, would the faction trainer be cheaper than the non-faction trainer?

    I do know that Temple and Imperial Cult shrines are cheaper, or even free as you rank up, I'm just wondering if I should be seeking out trainers in my faction for better prices, or if just admiring any trainer to 100 will suffice.

    submitted by /u/KnightoftheLolTree
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    Glitch with Ienith Quest on Xbox

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    I made the dumb mistake of deleting past saves, not realizing that even after killing both brothers, Eno won't accept the writ as completed. Is there anything I can do, or do I just have to live with the Morag Tong quest being stuck?

    submitted by /u/ERLGreyOfficial
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    Can anyone help me play Morrowind in 1920x1080

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    I have tried installing MGE XE mod and it keeps telling me that there is an error and I have to install it into the Morrowind directory. Also, I have used the registry and tried adjusting the height and width, switch it to decimal, and it doesnt register. Someone please help. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Gieder
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    What can you do in Skyrim that you can’t do in morrowind/vice versa

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    I just ordered a copy of morrowind goty edition online it should be arriving in a few days. I've never played before, the only game I've played is Skyrim. I'm wondering what does skyrim have that morrowind doesn't and vice versa (marriage, adoption, house owning, body part dismemberment, etc.)?

    submitted by /u/PoopOpotomous
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    Doors of Oblivion

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    I just want to get time to thank whoever made this mod, it's literally the best mod I've ever played. Ps: is there a key to access the ashpit?

    submitted by /u/karam234
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    How good is Morrowind Rebirth?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    So currently my main issue with Morrowind is that I know too much. I know where to look for good loot, I know every corner of Vvardenfell. The game feels too easy to cheese, even with rebalance mods like BTB. I've looked at mods that can possibly make the game feel fresh and currently considering Morrowind Rebirth. But I've read mixed stuff about it.

    How was your experience with it? Do you recommend it? I want to run it with mostly dialogue and also some quest mods, they should be alright unless they change landscape - I guess?

    submitted by /u/Vengyre
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    Tamriel Rebuilt. I got stuck in Kemel-ze Hall of Reason

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    I've been exploring Ruins of Kemel-ze and I was doing fine (or at least I think so). I was able to find doors to different rooms (I admit I was using map to determine wheather I missed something or not), turn on different mechanisms and every room felt 'complete'. Until Hall of Reason. I found two switches at the balcony (green circle) which I think opened the door on the left (?) but I have no idea what to do next. Besides those in this area there are two sets of stuck leavers (two in every red circle) that I can't move. Does anyone know if those leavers can be moved? Have I missed something? Or maybe this room just isn't finished yet (I know that Tamriel Rebuilt is still work in progres and I was wandering if that may be the case)?

    submitted by /u/A_Vinara
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    Trying to mod Morrowind with only one drive; Steam won't let me install it outside of Program Files, is it still doable for me to mod the game heavily or am I screwed here?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    What the title says basically. Every modding guide for Morrowind I read suggests installing it outside of program files beforehand, however, I only have one drive (C) and Steam adamantly refuses to let me create an alternate "Steam Games" folder to install games to. It's hardwired to Program Files at the moment. Can I still mod the game heavily, or am I shit out of luck and will just have to deal with crashes, more bugs, etc.?

    submitted by /u/Arexander00
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    When to start the DLCs ?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    I've just started Morrowind yesterday and I am not sure when to Beginn the DLCs. Should I do it after the main Quest ? Is there an optimal level range ? How do I get to the DLC content

    submitted by /u/Fabiyosa
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