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    Monday, May 4, 2020

    Morrowind Creating custom classes might be my favorite feature in the game

    Morrowind Creating custom classes might be my favorite feature in the game

    Creating custom classes might be my favorite feature in the game

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    A Tierlist of Vvardenfell's various bars, inns and taverns - For the discerning traveler!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    I went on a massive pub crawl through all 34(!) establishments vanilla Morrowind offers so you won't have to. The whole experience ended up being far more enjoyable than expected as almost every place offered something interesting. What surprised me most however was that bed everywhere always cost 10 gold and that Ald Velothi had nothing I could include on here.

    To roughly summarize the tiers.

    • S-tier means that it could become your habitual haunt.
    • A-tier means you would have no qualms whatsoever about this being the place to commence or end your pub crawl in.
    • B-tier means it is good. You would have no issue recommending it.
    • C-tier bars are only okay if your friends really want to go.
    • D-tier means only love or lust could convince you to go here.

    S-Tier - Must visit

    • The Gateway Inn, Sadrith Mora: This place absolutely excels at size and explorability. It consists of several wings, is actually haunted(!), the guests are interesting and one especially valuable item is lying around. Furthermore you can rent a rather spacious upstairs room. It is pretty luxurious although you'll have to settle for a hammock.
    • The Flowers of Gold, Vivec Redoran: It is plain to see that the developers had fun designing this place. For one, it is actually filled with Golden Kanet Flowers. Even the room you can rent was given a floral touch. Furthermore two helmets have been lovingly placed on top of the closets behind the bar. All of this gives it bar a very cozy feeling despite it being pretty small.
    • The Lizard's Head, Vivec Telvanni: First impressions were that of a solid, though not amazing, tavern. Although the room you can rent is quite beautiful. What boots this one firmly up to an S, however, is that you can find its namesake hidden in the cellar. One of the guests also has an unique interaction which can lead to great treasures.
    • Tower of Dusk, Ghostgate: The whole building just screams 'endgame staging area' with all the glass and daedric items put on display. In the end this is the tavern's greatest strength. It benefits from these interesting characters, the unique look of the place and the various skillbooks lying around. It has a really unique vibe to it which I really enjoyed.
    • Desele's House of Earthly Delights, Suran: Most people would put this one on top simply because of the scantily-clad dancers. Being more sophisticated myself however I also had to take account of the skooma pipe and moon sugar. While it irks me that you cannot buy booze here, it is forgiveable seeing how it is basically a strip club. In all seriousness just head there on your next playthrough as it is definitely one of the most memorable establishments in this game. It's especially funny how two of the dancers are acrobats with extensive dialogue options and then there is just, well, Marelle.

    A-Tier - Very good

    • Fara's Hole in the Wall, Sadrith Mora: I really like the aesthetic of this place. It is gloomy and dark without making the place look like a criminal's den. If you decide to spend the night you'll also get a large room with some loot and more of the excellent lightning. It is really close to S but kept down by its modest size.
    • Shenk's Shovel, Caldera: Likely the fanciest place around. You have a well-dressed gentleman as the patron and sprawling upper quarters. Shenk offers a beautiful room for rent and the guests are quite interesting. It may be a downside that there are not that many guests but it is worth visiting for the aesthetic alone.
    • Black Shalk Cornerclub, Vivec Foreign Quarter: A large place with two quite extensive social areas. Despite its location it really is a Hlaalu den. Its main catch for me is the positively luxurious room it offers, including a king-size bed. Oddly enough, the (empty) chest inside is locked.
    • Council Club, Balmora: I was really surprised at how much I ended up liking this place seeing as how it doubles as a Camonna Tong base. Though in the end this is to its advantage. If you can get the guests to shut up about outlanders they are more interesting than the usual lot. To be fair, its main selling point is still the roof terrace. There is nothing else like it.
    • Halfway Tavern, Pelagiad: A very roomy place with a ton of people inside and quite the interesting crowd too. There is also a cellar which is always fun and the place just looks good. While it makes no mistakes it does not do much particulary well either though which means it stays in this tier.
    • Suran Tradehouse, Suran: As far as tradehouses go this one doubles as a pretty solid inn. It is spacious and looks nice, there is a skooma pipe to be found as well as an escaped slave and the assortiment of food and beverages is excellent. You can even buy Moon Sugar.
    • Lucky Lockup, Balmora: The city's very own concert hall? It has a stage and the musical instruments to go with it. So it definitely gets points for originality. There is also some loot to be found for the sharp-eyed traveler. On the other hand it is quite a small space and visually unimpressive. It also bothered me how there was no real bar and the innkeeper was just selling his stuff in the middle of the room.

    B-Tier - Solid

    • Varo Tradehouse, Vos: A small but cozy place hampered by its awful sleeping arrangement. You literally get a small bed upstairs with only a panel for privacy and an NPC standing so close he could hear your dreams. On the other hand the owner has a pet rat happily munching on cheese in his storage. Be sure to play with it when you visit.
    • Elven Nations Cornerclub, Vivec Hlaalu: A bland but inoffensive establishment. Notable features are that it connects to both the waistworks and the plaza and that the owner has her own rather lofty room.
    • Eight Plates, Balmora: A spacious and well-lit interior for sure. In this sense at least the Eight Plates beats most of its competition. It does not stand out in any other categories though and you shouldn't expect your quarters for the night to be equally roomy.
    • Andus Tradehouse, Maar Gan: A pretty solid tavern defined by the luxurious room you can rent here. Remember rooms are always the same price everywhere. Otherwise it is pretty standard although the clientele is rather intriguing.
    • South Wall Cornerclub, Balmora: A Thieves Guild hideout that actually seves drinks and food? Kind of at least. You need to talk to the owner who is all the way upstairs while the chump at the bar twiddles his thumbs. You can even rent a small room. To be fair the place does have plants descending from the ceiling which gives it some unique flavor.
    • The Covenant, Tel Mora: Another strong name wasted on a lackluster establishment. Its saving grace is the excellent collection of booze and the opportunity to by moon sugar and telvanni bug musk. It is however rather empty and the small bed you can rent is hidden behind a screen rather than an actual door.

    C-Tier - Flawed

    • The End of the World, Dagon Fel: I walked in, expecting to love this place. The name is wonderful and it seemed to be ran by a Nord couple which looked like a nice touch. I could not buy any food or drinks however nor could I rent any of the rooms. The latter in spite of the upstairs area literally being called 'Renter Rooms'. And it looks bland to boot. The entrance alone still warrants a C in my book, but only because you can get at least a little bit of booze from a trader at the other end of the inn.
    • Plot and Plaster, Tel Aruhn: This place is ugly, small and has just one other guest in it. You can buy food and drinks however which barely keeps it out of the lowest tier.
    • Sethan's Tradehouse, Tel Branora: What is it with Telvanni towns and their bars being devoid of guests? You can buy food and drinks but your room'll lack a door and you'll have to settle for a hammock. It does score points, however, in that the owner was granted her own living quarters.
    • No Name Club, Vivec Hlaalu: As bland, small and uninteresting as the name implies. That is because it is only a front though as there is a hidden Camonna Tong den underneath. As far as bar goes, it is possible to get food and booze here which keeps it out of D by itself.
    • Als Skar Inn, Ald-ruhn: Besides the sitting area underneath the bar the whole place feels pretty uninspired. Its most notable feature is the fact your room won't have a door.
    • Six Fishes, Ebonheart: Basically a less interesting version of Pelagiad's tavern. There is also a guard walking around which does not do the place any favors. It is not the worst, but you should not go out of your way to visit.
    • Arrile's Tradehouse, Seyda Neen: I really wanted to love this place because it is so clear that the developers put additional time into it. Evidence of this is the Tradehouse Notice you can find lying on the bar and the various items hidden in the locked room. Combine this with how the barwoman gives you 'excellent' directions to your first main quest objective and it looks like a B is well possible. However for some reason she does not sell anything. If you want anything to eat or drink you'll have to talk to Arrile below. And of course the place is very small and not particularly inspiring visually.

    D-Tier - Must not visit

    • Council Club, Ald-ruhn: The interior is not particularly exciting. Also there are guards walking around which is an absolute buzzkill. Lastly the barman has the nerve to tell you he's a trader while he offers no services whatsoever.
    • Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub, Wolverine Hall: A small bar without any beds to rent. Worst of all Muriel does not serve any food or drinks! It might be a Thieves Guild hideout but even the most weathered traveler ought to walk past.
    • Druegh-jigger's Rest, Gnaar Mok: This poor excuse for a shack would not work in any other region. It is only in the Bitter Coast's endless swamps that one would find it preferable to rest his bones here rather than outside. It is in fact so limited and so devoid of food and drinks that one could argue that this should not even be on here. At least the company here is rather interesting.
    • Fatleg's Drop-off, Hla Oad: Probably the place to be in the Bitter Coast. That might not mean much but at least there is a fireplace and food available. What almost saves this place is the trapdoor that leads to a Camonna Tong base which is actually interesting to explore. An abundance of smugglers and a lack of everything else. Really sums up the region, doesn't it?
    • The Pilgrim's Rest, Molag Mar: The place is quite cozy but the innkeeper does not offer any beverages. And the food for sale is nothing to brag about either. Only visit if you want to sleep in one of the free beds.
    • St. Veloth's Hostel, Molag Mar: Another place where you can only get food. To add insult to injury you cannot sleep in any of the beds. The soft red lamps are an interesting touch though.
    • Madach Tradehouse, Gnisis: This is my least favorite tavern in the entire game. The only reason you should ever come here is if you want to talk to Darius and even then I would rather mod him out of the game. It does not even bother me that the interior is boring or that you cannot buy booze here. What triggers me endlessly instead is that you cannot rent a room, you can only buy a key to one which is valued at 360 gold and there is not even a door to try it on! The whole place is a scam.
    • Thorgan's Tradehouse, Khuul: Another shack of misfits that may or may not belong on this list. As it stands this place has nothing to offer but a fireplace and a single hammock. So you best be willing to share that space.
    • The Rat in the Pot, Ald-ruhn:The name that showed promise! But alas it turned out to be yet another Thieves Guild headquarters. No food, no booze and the bar dominates the room. Seriously that thing is way to big to sell nothing but lockpicks on. At least there is a guy who'll sell you ash statues. Exciting!
    submitted by /u/Chronicler_C
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    That guy accomplished things greater that what all the dwemer did

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    "It is like being a juggler. Things are always moving, and you learn to know where they are without even thinking about it. Only there are many, many things moving. And sometimes, like any juggler, you drop something."

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    My interpretation of Indoril Nerevar

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Telvanni settlement. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    On the Brightside, Atleast It not like sKyR1m

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Sujamma's a helluva drug.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Le Toxic Fanbase has arrived.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Cant Prove Me Wrong?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I am creating a Slave Rebellion in Pelagiad, farmers of Tamriel Unite!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    First experience with Morrowind

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    So I had to reinstall windows on a crappy internet connection this year and I chose to download Morrowind first because while it had been sitting in my library I never really played it and it downloaded in an hour or 2. I played a good bit while waiting for my other games but stopped for a bit until last night I started playing again and ran into some randomly super hard bandits (I'm only level 2). I used up the durability on my sword, and then used up an entire spear that I'd found. It was bad enough I kept having to go in and out of this house I'd found to heal up and not die. Of course this brought cliff racers. Eventually I'd killed dozens of cliff racers and these 2 bandits and while trying to get back to Balmora and resupply I was ambushed by more cliff racers. On the edge of death I used a random scroll I had found and didn't know what it did. Suddenly I'm halfway across morrowind safe in a city. I wait to regain health, and as I'm trying to get back to Balmore (still in city) the cliff racer flys over the walls to attack me and gets merked by the guards.

    Honestly I can't wait to play more of this game now.

    submitted by /u/BunkerComet06
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    Last time im doing a tripleA mission

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    I'm done with roadside assistance missions. So much work and time for such little reward. Escorted this pilgrims to the Koal Cave and my journal wouldn't update. The dumbass drowned and dies inside the cave. Sorry for the rant

    submitted by /u/Circumstantial_Mess
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    Heart of the Velothi is a TES:III project dedicated to remastering & reimagining Vvardenfell to be closer to its concept art & pre-development screens. Here's a comparison image of our work on Gnisis against Morrowind Rebirth

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    I have played oblivion and skyrim for 100s of hours and this is my first character i plan on playing through the entire game with

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Morrowind Level 1 Challenge (almalexia dead)

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    [SHOTN] Skryim - The City of Markarth Showcase - A Morrowind Mod

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    So, why is this guy hard again?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    Literally encountered this guy for the first time today after a few months of build up. Must say, I feel let down.


    submitted by /u/illumipony
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    My man here fell off his platform. Typing ra in console doesnt fix it. Is the command different for OpenMW?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Does the Tribunal questline suck?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I have been revisiting Morrowind for the past few months. I played Morrowind GoTY several times through when it was released and absorbed just about everything about the game. I recently began the Tribunal expansion and I have been very disappointed with the writing this time around. I'm a big deal, and someone sends assassins after me. I kill assassin, track them to their lair, kill the boss, and find out someone politically important wanted me killed. I can take this information to the leader of the Temple, or the leader of the imperial garrison/royal guard.

    Temple response: "Oh, you killed the assassin leader? Yeah, maybe, maybe not. Hey, we need you to go kill some goblins. Then you can cleanse the shrine in our sewers."

    Imperial guard response: "Oh, you killed the assassin leader? Yeah, maybe, maybe not. You think the king put out the hit? I can neither confirm nor deny. Hey, wanna prove the king didn't kill his father? Then later spy on the temple for us?"

    Those are my choices? I get to do fetch quests and then never investigate the assassinations? I don't want to work for the person who sent assassins after me, and I don't want to run errands for the organization that was responsible for the oppression of my legacy for generations. I remember having a lot of fun playing this expansion, but seriously what is up with these quests?

    submitted by /u/KetchupKakes
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    First Time

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Hey. I just started my very first playthrough. I've been playing Skyrim since it came out, and just got into this. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Blake_The_Hero
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    Need help

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    I need to get the code book from Sottilde for Eydis fire-eye but she won't give it to me, I have joined the thieves guild and bribed her to maximum disposition. My last save before i started the quest was a long time ago.

    submitted by /u/tacoman43214123
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