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    Morrowind Place your bets...

    Morrowind Place your bets...

    Place your bets...

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Ok I just finished morrowind for the first time.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    First game was oblivion last year and saw videos on morrowind and picked it up last month

    submitted by /u/rodimus2nd
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    I don't recall using teleportation. Yet there I was, alone, naked.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    A Nord relaxing on the sunny beaches of Stirk. (Project Tamriel)

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    Are there any towns unimportant to any faction quests?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    I want to relocate all of the vampires to create a Vimpirisarium of sorts.

    I considered maybe using a part of vivec but then I wondered if it was possible to achieve this goal as if this character wasn't the nerevarine so I want to avoid joining and doing any faction quests. In that regard I want to avoid repurposing any major locations that the nerevarine would potentially visit in a significant way.

    For instance, if I started moving vamps to Balmora then I'd be moving commoners out of their homes so vamps have homes and no one that's significant is being touched. I'm not going to use Balmora though because that's an important location relevant to the main quest.

    I'm also considering saying to hell with that and just moving them to Vivec anyway. The vamps could be moved to the comparable great house canton but the non-named Vampires could go to the Arena Pit.

    submitted by /u/Squagio
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    So something i just accidentally discovered with training.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    I doubt im the first to discover this but if you cast a fortify skill spell on a trainer npc theyll train you in that skill for the duration of the spell (i usually make it 80-100 with 3 second duration) they can train 3 different skills so its kinda pointless putting more than 3 in a spell but if you also fortify personality and merchantile on yourself (can even be done with the same spell) you can drop the price of training bad skills to almost nothing

    Edit: so if you go to the balmora mages guild and train with the enchanter all the money goes into her shop so you can then sell stuff to get your money back heres what ive been doing

    Soul trap bonelords (they even drop soul gems for this) and take them to her. Train a couple times then sell her the gem. Use a fortify personality and merchant to buy the gem back for a small fraction of what you sold it for. Rinse and repeat

    submitted by /u/Gstary
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    Lore question

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I've been really enjoying my first playthrough of the game but decided to take a break and play some Skyrim. I completed the Dragonborn DLC for the first time and found out that apparently the Red Mountain erupted and destroyed most of, if not all of, Vvardenfell O.o My question is, how long after the events of Elder Scrolls 3 did the volcano erupt (and was it natural or via magic)? And did they rebuild? Or did the survivors just move to mainland Morrowind and the other islands on the territory? I've seen that Neloth moved to and has been living on Solstheim for decades. Thanks. Actually, now that I think about it, is Vvarndenfell even hospitable even more? Since in Skyrim, you can still see smoke/fumes coming out presumably decades (centuries?) later. But yeah, thanks for all info.

    submitted by /u/wanttomaster479
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    Act I, Part IX: Reflections (The Telvanni Girl) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Act I, Part IX: Reflections

    By Miner Arobar, Father of Nilas and Gandosa

    There are few things I admire about the godless Telvanni, but I can not deny that I do have utmost respect for the independence of each and every one of them. I have heard it said that no man is an island, but I dare say, whoever it is that coined that term never met one of the Telvanni. They are a confederacy of predators kept in a state of order only because they recognize that every action has consequences, both anticipated and otherwise. Though it is acceptable for them to simply kill their rivals, they recognize that their rivals have likely been smart enough to ingratiate themselves to more powerful members of the House through being good little lackeys and realize that even killing the most insignificant seeming little toady could result in angering one of the ancient wizard-lords that the Telvanni are so known for. But. That does not change that each and every Telvanni recognizes himself as the manufacturer of his own destiny and does not feel beholden to things such as morality or ethics and views those that are as limited. Perhaps that is another one of the few things I admire about them: They are an amoral people.

    They are not immoral. Immorality is deliberately doing what one knows to be wrong. The Sodomites of Ramimilk—they are immoral. They are useful, yes, but they are disgusting both inside and out and should they ever lose that usefulness, I can't say that I would spare them from the justice of Temple Code any longer and perhaps I personally would be the one to enact it. No, the Telvanni are different though. They are creatures who have divorced themselves from morality entirely and embraced a nihilism of sorts that only someone who has removed himself from any emotional attachments to anything could. It's why they are so much freer than the rest of us. They have no masters except themselves. Certainly, they may indenture themselves unto others to gain favor or knowledge, but they know that in the end, their goals are the only goals that matter. Their ambition is the only master they serve. It's why they are perhaps the only truly amoral beings I've ever met; their view of the world is one colored by an egoistic solipsism: "I am the only thing that matters. Everything else exists only as an obstacle or a tool to be overcome or used."

    They are soulless, godless monsters. Each and every one of them. But that does not change the fact that I wish I were too an island, just as each of them is an island. However, though I my nerves have deadened since I lost Dralora, I still have some emotional ties to the world and I am not sure as to how I feel about that, although at the moment, I feel annoyed by them. They're a vulnerability and vulnerability is something I don't need, especially now that I won't be so distracted by Nilas' constant need for attention and can finally focus on securing Suran for the House, but right now, I can't even really think about Suran or Serjo Oran or any of it. Athyn barged into my office in quite a huff over my refusal to champion Gandosa's request before the Council and he said things that, admittedly, shook me. He said things that I would've killed any other man for saying. He asked me how I could turn a blind eye to my own people and I don't think I've ever been so offended in my life. How could I turn a blind eye to my people? I've devoted my entire goddamned life to my people, but because I'm not there with that embarrassment I call a daughter in some soup kitchen or embarrassing myself before the Council to try to get some tax break for the Egg Miners' Union, I'm turning a blind eye? If any other man had said that to me, I'd have challenged him to a duel right then and there for insulting my honor, but Athyn knows that I could never lay a finger on him. Not after all we've been through, but it doesn't change the fact that he disrespected me because he doesn't understand what it is I'm doing for our people right now. He's always been worried about the underdogs of the world and make no mistake, I am too, hell, I was one. I grew up on the streets and made something of myself though and that's why I realize I have bigger problems to deal with than a few egg miners who are worried they're going to get their hovels seized for failure to pay taxes, but he doesn't get that. He's worried about all the touchy-feely things that make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, well, Athyn, there's bigger things at stakes than a few people losing their houses—I'm looking at the big picture, Athyn, something you never could do. But it's okay. I forgive you, Athyn. You were just doing what you always do and trying to look out for the little guy. I hope you never lose that, but don't mistake that just because I'm not there in the streets doesn't mean I have 'turned a blind eye to my people'. While you and Gandosa are trying to treat the symptoms of the disease, I'm fighting to cure it and I hope you see the day I do, Athyn. I really do, because you deserve to be there the day I finally cut out the cancer the Hlaalu have invited into our homes and them with it. It truly will be a day for celebration.

    Soon though. We will see that day soon enough and it all starts with Suran, but to take Suran takes money. It's the only thing Hlaalu understand and if I talk the Archmaster into allowing me to withdraw the necessary funds to 'persuade' the Commissioner of the Suran Hospitality Association to accidentally disclose a list of wholesalers currently and potentially selling to Suran's thriving hospitality industry, then I might be able to slowly start starving them out. Nobody wants to live somewhere with a food shortage, much less vacation somewhere they're going to starve, and who goes to Suran except for people looking for a good time? I very much am looking forward to that meeting with the Archmaster to discuss my plans and even more to finally sitting down with the Commissioner who has already expressed that his lips do get a little loose when there's money involved.

    The day of reckoning is coming, Oran. I told you the day you backed out of our deal so long ago that it wouldn't make a bit of difference in the long run for me, but that it was the worst mistake you could've possibly made. You laughed in my face when I said that, after all, I was just fresh-faced newcomer to the political arena and you told me I was all talk, just like all the other Redorans you knew. I suppose we'll see if I'm all talk when I take your eggmine, when I take your city, and when I finally send the Morag Tong to do to you what I would if I didn't know you'd go running like a scared child when I issued the challenge of a duel. We will see if you're still laughing, Oran. We will see.

    -Miner Arobar, Councilor of House Redoran

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    First Playthrough Build Advice

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Starting my first playthrough after thousands of hours on Skyrim and a fair amount of Oblivion. I played Skyrim with Requiem and Oblivion with OOO, both RP-focused difficulty mods, so I'm hoping it's not too much of a shock to the system to play a more traditional RPG and generally harder game.

    My modlist is very minimal, only consisting of patches, because I've been told the atmosphere is amazing and I want to get an accurate Morrowind experience. I've come up with a custom class idea focused around spears and magic because those elements are missing/more limited in the later games, it's partially inspired by Nordic (Scandinavia, not Skyrim) 'cunning folk'. I've done a lot of research but just wanted to run the final draft by this sub.

    Race: Nord

    Sex: Male

    Birthsign: Steed/Atronach/Apprentice?

    Specialisation: Magic

    Favoured Attributes:



    Major Skills:






    Minor Skills:






    I've got a few specific questions but any other advice is more than welcome:

    Does this sound like a generally viable build for a first time player?

    Are illusion with speechcraft and alchemy with restoration redundant?

    Would I be better off replacing unarmoured with light or medium armour?

    Should I leave athletics as a miscellaneous skill so I don't level up beyond my means?

    Thank you for any advice anyone's able to give me.

    P.S. Apologies for any formatting issues, I'm a very infrequent Redditor but I'm very open to correction.

    submitted by /u/Heosphorus
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    What do you think of this starting build? + a couple questions. 2nd playthrough

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Hello, I played Morro a certain number of years ago and I don't really remember how to build a good character. I want to play a Dunmer who's proficient at melee combat but will use light armor + shield. Here's what I came up with: https://imgur.com/a/eEvFh6b

    Major skills: Block, Light Armor, Long Blade, Athletics, Security

    Minor skills: Speechcraft, Axe, Acrobatics, Armorer, Blunt Weapon

    Birthsign: The Warrior

    I'm using a mod to increase the movespeed which I find painfully slow (especially after having played the very fast-paced Oblivion.) so it's not going to be a factor in my build. Maybe I should have Armorer as Major instead of Athletics?

    I don't remember something: Morrowind's leveling in different from Oblivion's, since there's no level scaling, right? It means I can level up as much as I want without the world being populated by Gods in Daedric armor? If no, I will probably remove athletics and acrobatics.

    As for speechcraft, I doubt my Dunmer will ever become proficient at it. Am I better off leveling Illusion or simply bribing my way out when I have to persuade a NPC?

    And for Security, isn't Alteration just better? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/GraemarNahtzee
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    Lore wise, could an Altmer become Archmagister of House Telvanni ?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    I know there are instances of Outlanders achieving high ranks in the two other Houses (there's a high ranking Redoran redguard for example).

    But Telvanni is kind of a different style. What do you guys think ?

    submitted by /u/GutBeer101
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    Constant enchanted items keep resetting

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    So I enchanted a couple of items to give me contant restore effects in health and fatigue. With the magnitudes being from 0 to 13 let's say. After i re equipped the items for the desired magnitude of the effect the magnitudes will change randomly, as if they keep being re equipped all the time.

    I'm using MGE and the morrowind code patch.

    Is anyone familiar with this issue?

    submitted by /u/Doomsiren
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