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    Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    Morrowind Humble beginnings...

    Morrowind Humble beginnings...

    Humble beginnings...

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Elsweyr must be crazy

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    the only thing smaller than the puzzle cube is my pp

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    dagoth ur (normal)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    Cheesing in this game can be so satisfying

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    This game when played honestly is brutal. I don't think anyone can disagree with that. Yes it gets easier once you know the game inside and out but for casuals like me doing a run as an absolute god of death feels so damn good.

    submitted by /u/OnTheMinute
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    Vivec Sunrise

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    [Creeper noises]

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Act I, Part VIII: The Privilege of Apathy (The Telvanni Girl) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    Act I, Part VIII: The Privilege of Apathy

    By Gandosa Arobar, Daughter of Miner Arobar

    I knew that my message would find Father quickly once he returned from whatever business called him away in such a haste and I can't say I'm surprised by his response. His words, verbatim, were: "The House does not grant tax exemption to entire organizations and to even ask such of me or anyone else is absurd. If they feel it is necessary, they may each submit the necessary forms to Neminda, but otherwise, they will be held responsible for the taxes they owe to the House." He didn't even seem to care that these people are facing the risk of their homes and lands taken from them; it's as though he feels this entire situation is just—beneath him. I hate that about him. He's always been like this—so pompous and arrogant, without a concern in the world for anything but the good of the House and himself and I can't take it. He talks so much about his concern for the good of his people, but when his people need him to act, he dismisses them just like he is right now, and I won't let him do it this time. He can dismiss me all he wants, but I know Uncle Athyn will hear me out—at least more than my father did. I just can't stand idly by as hundreds of people are set up to lose their land holdings, some of which have been in their families for generations and have their spent their whole lives working to get them in the first place. I just won't allow it. I can't allow it.

    I just wish Father would step outside his bubble for one moment and look at the people he is supposed to be representing and protecting. He has no idea what their lives are like and I doubt he's ever been worried about how he's going to feed himself or been too exhausted to work and why would he? He's spent the majority of his life in the House. He's never had to scrounge for food or worry about losing his property some unnecessary tax that just lines the coffers of the House! He has always been provided for by the House and that's why he scoffs at the People who ask for lenience and help, because he's sheltered from the real world. He thinks his little web of politics is the 'real world', but he's mistaken—the real world is people like Dravyn who are struggling to get by because they're being strangled by a mix of shifting markets and unreasonable taxes in these trying times and he scoffs at their pleas for help, because he doesn't understand what it's like to be them. He wouldn't dream of stepping foot in Rilms' Kitchen, because it's 'beneath him', and that's why he doesn't have a clue about what it's like anymore and the fact that he can be so callous towards the Egg Miners' Union as they labor day in and day out to feed the people of Ald'ruhn, it's not only absurd, it's disgusting. He should be ashamed of himself, but he won't—he doesn't care. He only cares about his own little agendas and I must say, for a man who prides himself as much as he does on being Redoran, he reminds me more of a Hlaalu than most Hlaalu I've ever met.

    But it doesn't matter that Father doesn't care for the plights of his people, because I'm sure Uncle Athyn will at least set me on the right track towards helping them even if he doesn't agree to champion their plea before the Council either. And his advice won't be just having them all fill out forms that will almost certainly be rejected. Still though, I can't shake my frustration at Father for being so instantly dismissive towards it. He doesn't even bother feigning a modicum of concern for his people anymore unless he's worried it will somehow affect his reputation and that's why he's so ignorant to the real world outside of his little bubble. He doesn't understand the destitute and impoverished are a volatile group. I see it everyday at Rilms' Kitchen when people who were once reasonable, respectable people, will go into brawls over things as petty as a look that probably wasn't even meant offensively and his apathy to the plight of the Union will put hundreds of people into that kind of state, but he doesn't care. He just doesn't care, because it's not something that affects his little agenda that he's working towards. If hundreds of people are in the streets, he won't care, and why would he? It's not his problem; it's the problem of people much lower ranking in the House to deal with, so why should he give it even a moment's thought?

    This is exactly the kind of thing that I hate about the House. The people in power are so removed from the day-to-day lives of the citizens that they write laws and set policies without having any real grounding in how it'll affect the people they're writing them for. Even the Councilors like Councilor Ramoran or Councilor Llethri who both came up from being common people like Dravyn or Volene have forgotten what it's like, but that's why I put my trust in Uncle Athyn. He was born into the House like Nilas and I, but he's always been so compassionate towards the common people, just like Mother was. He's never been a commoner just like I've never been one, but he's not one to sequester himself to the council chambers and only keep the company of others of repute in the Great Houses, no, he's a man of the people and he says that Father used to be too, but I often wonder if that's just Uncle Athyn seeing the best in him like he does in everyone. It doesn't matter though, because even if Father actually once cared about people, that died a long time ago because I've never seen it and he got worse once Mother passed.

    Regardless though, I need to begin composing my request to meet with Uncle Athyn regarding the concerns of the Union about the taxes the House will levy upon them. I know he doesn't mind just coming unannounced (unlike Father), but I do try to respect that he is a busy man with a busy schedule and I don't want to bother him more than I have to.

    ­-Gandosa Arobar, Redoran Noblewoman

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    I just commemorated the re-opening of /r/gameworlds by posting the original map of Vvardenfell that came with the game

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Little reflective rectangles on the sides of Masque of Clavicus Vile. Anyway to fix? Assuming it's a graphics extender issue.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Do we know where the artists sourced textures?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    I ask because I was muddling around with the Dwemer Shortsword model -- dog damn they didn't use all of the texture! -- and thought the texture was a bit muddy. Generating bumpmaps and such was too fiddly thanks to that... especially when I only half-knownwhat I'm doing. 😆

    I'm hoping the original sources, if they can be found and they weren't all made from scratch, will be clearer and lack the DXT compression artifacts.

    I know we have replacers already, I just want to see if I can make something for myself that's a) as vanilla as possible, yet still looks better and maybe b) make something using PBR (physically-based rendering).

    And then bake it to traditional method textures, of course. OpenMW and MGE XE aren't likely to build in support for that anytime soon, I suspect, as it's a lot of shader rewriting. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    submitted by /u/BethofDeath
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    Roberts Bodies and Westleys pluginless head replacer help

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Good evening everyone, Im following this graphics guide for morrowind and ive only installed MCP, MGEXE, Roberts bodies and Wesley plugin-less head replacer. When i look at other NPC's and my own character while they/I have clothes on theres this weird neck "flap" glitch. It looks like two dangley flaps hanging down and I have no clue how to fix it. Ive searched online for an hour with zero results.

    submitted by /u/patowa21
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    On strike enchantment versus Reflect

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I seem to recall a weird interaction between reflect and on strike. As i recall it touch effects are not reflected but targeted effects are. Is this correct?

    submitted by /u/BigBadEvilDM
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    How to save inventory ui layout in omw?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    So by default when you open your inventory your stats, gear, map, and magic are all around 1/4 the size of the screen. You can resize them all and move them around. I usually increase each one to the size of half the the screen and set them up to overlap with just a little space to swap between which is on top and visible. Makes my map bigger and allows me to actually see more than three spells at once, while also giving me more room for my gear andb stats. It takes about ten minutes to get this all set up.

    But every time I close and restart this is all reset and so I have resize and move all 4 panels again. Is there anyway to save the changes I have made either natively or with mods?

    submitted by /u/TobatheTura
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    What to do when the game gets too easy ?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    I'm currently revisiting Morrowind (I've played it for about 20-30 hours before that). I've played Oblivion and Skyrim so I'm (kind of) an experienced TES player - if such a thing exists.

    Basically, I've had the worst kind of luck in my playtrough : I've stumbled upon a Daedric Spear stuck in a skeleton 3 meters above ground (almost missed it).
    Then I've discovered the Boots of the Apostle

    My whole character was already focused on the use of Spear and fighting in general. I play at difficulty 50 and with all those new items + what I already had, the game seems "too" easy.

    Now, I've never played long enough to know whats easy and whats difficult. But let's say I can kill a Dremora Lord pretty easily with that new spear. Now don't get me wrong, some NPCs can one shot me ; but I'm usually cautious enough to avoid those situations.

    My question is : should I bump the difficulty to 100 to fully enjoy the rest of that character ?

    And for my next playtrough (which will probably be even easier as I've learned a great deal during this one), should I look for mods to increase the difficulty and perhaps get rid of some OP tricks like Bound Weapons ?

    Thanks alot guys !

    submitted by /u/GutBeer101
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    Tul's Quest

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Is the Tul quest bugged? He never attacks Sterdecan if you choose not to interfere.

    submitted by /u/Rajarshi_Acharya
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    Act I, Part VII: Last Words (The Telvanni Girl) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Act I, Part VII: Last Words

    By Nilas Arobar, Son of Miner Arobar

    Father was right. He was right just like he's always right. I wasn't ready for this, but I don't think anybody can ever be ready for something like this. I'm hiding in a nook as I hear the heavy footsteps of one of those—those things. I don't even know what to call it, but it's a monstrosity of flesh and bone and they're so—so strong. And dangerous. I thought I was a warrior and I thought I could do this, but here I am, hiding like a scared child, because I made a mistake. I made a big mistake and I don't know if there's any coming back from it. I can't just leave without having made it through the Trials, Father would never forgive me for dishonoring him like that, but I don't know if I'm going to make it through this. This is—this is more than I ever imagined it would be. I just want it to stop. I just want to go home and rethink my life, but I can't and now I'm probably going to die in here. I'm going to die because he was right, I'm not good enough to be Redoran, but I have to keep going. I have to. I might not be worthy of being Redoran, but I do have my honor and I have to protect it even if it means dying in this—this—place.

    I just wish I had known what I was walking into when I came here. I knew that whatever awaited me would be difficult, but I wasn't ready for this. How could I be? The things in here—they're—unnatural. The Underpriest told me that the residents of this place were unwelcoming of visitors, but I had no idea what they were. I knew there would be ancestral guardians and I figured I could make my way through a few skeletons, but those—those things—those monstrosities of flesh and bone—they're so much. It's like something pulled from the darkest nightmares and made real in this world and I just—I can't fight them—they're too strong for me to fight. I can handle my own in a fight, but those things, they're just—I can't even describe it. I don't know what to say. I don't have the words. But I have to do this. I have to keep going, even though I'm scared, even though I'm probably going to die here, because a Redoran doesn't quit and though I'm probably not going to be a Redoran, much less make it out of here, I still have to carry myself like one. I have to go back out there. I haven't even reached where the spirit who oversees the Trials is yet and I have to get there at least—I have to at least make it to him before I die or this is all for nothing.

    I just hope that whatever happens over these next few hours, my sister knows I love her and that I've always been grateful for all of the sacrifices she's made for me. You always were my guardian angel and I'll never forget you in this life or the next. Thank you, Gandosa. Thank you for everything.

    -Nilas Arobar, Redoran Aspirant

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    a beat i made inspired by the seyda neen sunrise, and what it feels like to explore the world your first time out the census office

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Creeper and Mudcrab Have Broken the Game!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Okay, we all know this. But seriously, the economics in this game is crazy. Think how different the game would be without them.

    Right now I have 500,000 gold in my pocket. And that's after literally buying two thirds of all skill improvements. Right now I'm in the process of getting every major and minor skill up to 100. And I'm doing that through gold alone. It turns out to be being easy. I'm level 50 and I have gotten 5/5/5 bonuses on every level, simply because I went and bought my missing skills when I leveled. I'm still leveling because I turned on skill/attribute uncapping in MCP. It's crazy.

    So I'm making plans for next playthrough to create a quickie mod that simply disables Creeper and Mudcrab. I wonder how much it will change the game. Without them I still know where the rich alchemists are, so I won't be poor by any means. But maybe I'll have to work a bit at it.

    Thoughts on the game money mechanics?

    submitted by /u/Snifflebeard
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    Quest help

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    So my character is in the imperial legion, and the Commander guy Varro in Fort Moonmoth wants me to kill the Comonna Tong guys in the Councilclub in Balmora. However when I do I get a bounty and get confronted by the guards when going back to the fort. I've tried using persuasion to get them to attack me but they wont. How can I do this without getting in trouble?

    submitted by /u/TechStoreZombie
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