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    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Morrowind Does this guy remind anyone else of the dwemer ghosts in Mournhold?

    Morrowind Does this guy remind anyone else of the dwemer ghosts in Mournhold?

    Does this guy remind anyone else of the dwemer ghosts in Mournhold?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    I built a Silt Strider using Lego Digital Designer

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Soul gems. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    The Original Mod Soundtrack for Tamriel Rebuilt is live!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    submitted by /u/TamrielRebuilt
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    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:02 PM PDT


    My Dark Elf Relen Athones adventured in to the slaver's cave near Seyda Need today and after dispensing quite a bit of justice he discovered this old pile of bones. In and among the scattered coins was the Thief Ring. For whatever reason this little section of cave is one of my favorite things I've found.


    submitted by /u/dilboppoblid
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    Ordinator mug.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Ordinator mug.

    ![img](vr1rc2a1w2p41 " Materials: mug, ceramic markers. ")

    He will keep an eye on you even when you drink tea.

    submitted by /u/Deloto51
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    Metallic looking armors

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    Hello, does anybody which option/mod makes both indoril and glass armor look so shiny? I use fresh steam morrowind installation with morrowind rebirth and code patch. I also use very few armor mods - Adaminium and Morag Tong ones. Tried chaning textures to some others but that doesnt do the trick. Any advice would be most welcome, thanks in advance.

    Edit: Added screenshot


    submitted by /u/hubadrzewna
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    Rag purses with emblems of great houses.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Rag purses with emblems of great houses.

    ![img](456v8kjez6p41 " Materials: burlap, stain, thread, cord, leather, gold paint, wood, acrylic. ")

    Full photos: https://imgur.com/gallery/nYgAEeX

    submitted by /u/Deloto51
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    She really been this bored ever since quarantine

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    I'm about to start my first playthrough after getting some basic QOL mods. Is this character gonna fair OK?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Morrowind : H E R E T I C

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Playing High Elf, but what is a good build?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Hey guys, it has been years since I have played Morrowind. I was 12 when I played it last and I am 24 now. I haven't picked up the game and I love mage classes, but don't know how I should build my elf on here.

    Currently in the menu where I get to customize the class and I have googled for answers but the questions never get real answers.

    Anyone have a good build idea I can try?

    submitted by /u/Amagora
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    Is it possible there could one day be a code patch option to allow you to extend the vanilla MW map to cover the SHOTN and P:C areas?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Playing Province Cyrodiil and SHOTN is doable right now in the base game IMO, but it would be great to be able to use the in game map. Is it possible there will one day be an option to allow the map to extend far enough to cover the Project Tamriel maps?

    Yes I am aware that Open MW is a thing but it isn't quite where I want it to be before I use it.

    submitted by /u/A_Humpier_Rogue
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    First play - 40 hours in

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    A continuation of my Redguard's adventure in Morrowind, my previous posts are:

    30 hours- https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/fnc6ju/first_play_30_hours_in/

    10 hours- https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/floip7/first_play_10_hours_in/

    0 hours- https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/fk1ysl/new_player_build_two_options/

    Level progress over the last 10 hours of game play. I have now reached level 27 with the following stats:

    • Str Agi End Per all at 100

    • Luck at 76, Speed 70, Will 65, Int 55

    I have been focusing on quests for guilds, and quests for some random people I have met, which has been fun. I linked up some chick with Stockholm syndrome with the dunmer who robbed her, and who apparently has a wife (based on his dialogue). Still, he took her glove and seems down with it.

    A naked Nord asked me for help, and I got a sweet Axe out of the quest that sold for nearly 2,000 coins. I also got the boots of blinding speed from a con artist that I bounty killed later. Sometimes I seem able to see when wearing the boots, so I am worried my character has an addiction. So far I haven't died by falling off any cliffs while running with them.

    My biggest financial success has been a grand soul gem I got filled - apparently it will sell for 37,000 coins, which would be great if anyone actually had anything close to the money. I also got an ebony staff from someone who attacked me, but I am running into the same problem: no one can afford to buy it.

    So far all 26 of my level ups have been perfect 5/5/1 because of the money I spend on trainers. I was going to enchant an item for myself but then it was going to cost over 100,000 coins and I don't think I have gone over 12,000 at any point so far. I am nearing the end of spending money on trainers though since I only have 11 level ups to max out the non-Luck skills (assuming I level up perfectly).

    My biggest financial loss was some random merchant in a small town (Comora?). I was selling random junk to him when he accosted me, accused me of being a thief, and stole all of my grandmaster alchemy gear that I had stolen from the alchemist in Belmora. I still don't have any alchemy gear so alchemy is on hold for now.

    I've started playing around a lot more with the magic, and in particular teleporting. It has made travel a lot easier (as has finally boosting my speed and athletics).

    I keep looking for better gear, as I am wearing a mixed set of dwemer armour (body, helm, shield) and steel (everything else). I have light armor at 50 from trainers (agility levels) so I am tempted to start looking for glass armor unless I can find where to get ebony or daedric. I hold up pretty well in combat (I am probably over leveled, and have had 100 endurance since level 5) so faster movement from lighter armor may be more valuable than full stopping power.

    A few questions:

    • is there anywhere I can sell high value items to actually get cash in hand?

    • I've been focused on long swords (I'm into the 70's for skill), but I am thinking of making a switch to either short swords or axes. Apparently short swords have the same reach as one handed long swords? Any tips on changing weapon type mid-game?

    • How important is it to max out combat skills (weapon type and armor type) for end-game success?

    • Am I correct that no merchants seem to sell the high end armor (glass, ebony, daedric) or weapons (ebony, daedric)? I haven't seen a single piece of either so far.

    • Who isn't so broke I can sell my sweet plunder?

    submitted by /u/Malbethion
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    Help...I keep restarting with a new character [rant/self-complaining/discussion]

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    So I wanna play this game through and through, but much like Skyrim and Oblivion (and literally any RPG) I keep playing the first 2 hours over a dozen times... My first character I scrapped because I took athletics and acrobatics as my major skills... I know...I know...

    I boosted myself to level 11 by just hopping around naturally and essentially one shotted most of the early quests. Then I switched to a mage character by realized she was wayyyy too slow for my liking. Next I went a skirmisher style play or hit and run with insane speed stats, but I was so weak and kept missing (and I know why)...Also I went some redundant stats like spear and short blade (I have no clue why).

    Finally I made my newest character and watched a bunch of guides on character creation. Lyle Shnub really helped me out on that. He's YouTube channel I enjoy very much and respect for his likable personality and passionate content.

    I called him Daryyl because of an inside joke with a friend and I actually made it pretty far... (well farther than my others but still not that far). I killed Snowy pretty effectively at level 1 or 2. I even made a post about it long ago. Then I stopped playing for a bit because of life. Then when I got back my save got corrupted or something. It might be because I use an external hard drive for all my games and something must have mucked up.

    So good bye Daryyl.

    Now I have to restart again and it really sucks because I can see some real adventure in this game but like The Hobbit...It wouldn't be fun if you just did the Troll Adventure over and over again. You wanna move past that point. So I am going to make another character and fricking stick with it.

    Any thoughts, advice, complaints, or agreements? Did I relate with any of you folks who might have had a similar problem?

    Oh and btw if you are interested, here's my new character idea. You don't have to read this.

    Breton named Daneth Wind-Walker

    I always go Breton. The magic resistance is a god send.

    Major Skills:

    Spear for combat and also it uses endurance...Also I am pretty sure spears have longer range in-game unit wise than long blades and short blades...

    Destruction for combat

    Probably a healthy medium armor for a healthy medium

    I haven't thought of any other magic stuff yet...

    Nor have I for any other skills...

    Attribute boost-> I will choose speed and endurance to get me that extra sanic and that extra hp.

    For the Star Sign I might go for the one that boosts 2 abilities just because in my mind thats more points added onto me...Either that or Steed because you can't go wrong with quality of life.

    submitted by /u/TheScribeMaster
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    Would you get a new PC, or an Xbox to play Morrowind?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    To quote Irileth, "here's the situation": I've become a console gamer (PS4 & Switch), I use a Mac, I don't like OpenMW and bootcamp is a nightmare to get rid of. I'm not really interested in Mods, either.

    Xbox One X is now regularly going for about £250, for which price all I could realistically get is a crappy laptop. Is the Morrowind Xbox experience flawed in some way I'm overlooking?

    I still cling to faint dreams of Bethesda rereleasing and porting Morrowind ( & Oblivion) to modern platforms. For the 1000s of hours I've no doubt devoted to this game since I was a teenager, I think I owe them a few more purchases.

    submitted by /u/karmickoi
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    The Adventures of Relen Athones

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Back when Morrowind first came out, I had never played a game like it before. I was young and had little understanding of how the game mechanics worked (I KNOW that I'm swinging my sword right at this mud crab, WHY am I not hitting it!?). Several frustrating attempts at starting a successful character later, all within a week, something clicked. Slowly but surely, Morrowind became my favorite game, and remains one of my favorites to this very day. That brings us to my latest character, my first real play through in years: Relen Athones. This entry tells the start of his story, and if anyone seems to care about it, I'll post more.

    Day 1: Arrived by decree of the Emperor to a horrid little squat of a village, the self proclaimed Swamp Fever Capitol of the World, Seyda Neen. After being processed through the census and excise office I began to explore my surroundings. First thing I learned? Just because I'm a Dark Elf does not mean I'm a Dunmer..these folks all seem to be able to spot an outlander from a mile away. Second thing I learned? This is a strange, strange little town I've found myself in.

    Discovered an enchanted axe and some other loot inside of some tree stumps. One particularly sour looking fellow is walking around with a cursed ring on his finger complaining of wanting to be anywhere but Morrowind. The lighthouse keeper told me her lover, a collections agent, was missing and perhaps the victim of foul play. To top it off, a guard who has been unsuccessful at shaking down a Bosmer named Fargoth asked me to track down his 'payment'. My first moral conundrum here in this new land...

    ...I accepted, and not long after spied the little elf stashing a nice sum of money in yet ANOTHER tree trunk. Did he also leave the axe and other trinkets stashed about? Who knows. All I can say is, part of his gold, ALL of his lockpicking equipment and his enchanted ring are now in my possession and I've made my first friend here, a Nord named Hrisskar.

    I've heard tell of a bandit cave near the town limits, and been told that killing and looting outlaws is dangerous but lucrative work around these parts. I think I'll head there tomorrow. Perhaps I can fall in with these bandits, and if not, I'll be putting the new light armor and halberd I purchased from the local tradehouse to the test. Morrowind seems to be a squalid and dangerous place, yet...there is a certain charm to it, and seemingly plenty of opportunity.

    submitted by /u/dilboppoblid
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    Would like advice on Mods to run

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    I know this has been posted pretty frequently but I'm returning to the game after about forever on PC (first time with it since I played Xbox) and am very excited to learn the game. They truly don't make them like Morrowind anymore. But to my question as to which mods to run. I've read multiple post/guides but I would rather ask the experts here to get y'alls opinion. Currently all I have installed is Morrowind Code Patch (MCP), MGE XE, and Better Dialogue Font. I've read about PfP and other but do I need them if I have these downloaded. And are there any other recommended mods to run (please give me an idea of what they do.) thank you all

    Tl;dr Please give me some useful mods that makes game run better and what they do.

    submitted by /u/javantonio
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    Help me mod morrowind

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    So I want to follow this guide I found to install some mods for TES: 3 but they go straight in with stuff like Mgso (which I hear is bad?) and I have no idea what to do. Please help me.

    Ps. This is the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7A9SdpWvd9A

    submitted by /u/CarlLamp
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    RoHT quest broken(?)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Hey y'all, I'm at the point in the mod where the esteemed Archmagister needs to plant a certain piece of paper in everyone's favorite crime boss. However, I'm playing with Morrowind Rebirth too - and no desk I plant this certain piece of paper continues the quest. Is there a way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/A_Torquing_Kerbal
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