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    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    Morrowind Y'all n'wahs already know what's going on

    Morrowind Y'all n'wahs already know what's going on

    Y'all n'wahs already know what's going on

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Sunset in the Grazelands

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:52 AM PST

    Everybody's favorite Tribunal and Three here to wish all y'all outlanders a happy Valentine's day! (albeit a week early) (art by me)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:43 PM PST

    I hit peak morrowind experience on multi-player last night.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:00 AM PST

    My Morrowind Journal, Part I

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:51 PM PST

    Link to the preceding post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/f07pjg/my_morrowind_journal_foreword/

    Day 1

    Uncle Caius recommends I write a journal to help me acclimate. I guess I should start with how I got here in the first place.

    \"Balmora. Home. At least it was before the Tribunal killed me and fucked everything up.\"

    I don't know how long I've been travelling. The carriage they threw me into was shut off from the world, even from my driver. I think they wanted to drive me mad.

    They let me out only when we reached a settlement, and even then I was immediately taken to the local prison. First there was Fort Urasek. Then there was Cheydinhal. Then Shadowgate Fort. Then Kragenmar: my first taste of Dunmer hospitality.

    Uncle Caius says I entered Morrowind through Hlaalu territory. He recommends I join it, too, or some other local faction, like the Morag Tong or the Tribunal Temple. He guesses, at least, that the tong or House Hlaalu would best fit a man of my skillset. The Hlaalu welcome outlanders more than the other Great Houses, he adds, as they're the most invested in integrating Morrowind into the Empire.

    They then took me northeast, where we passed by a few plantations. I wasn't allowed to see, but I could still hear, especially the cries of the beaten and bartered like cattle. Apparently that was still Hlaalu territory.

    So much for integration.

    We can't work out where I was put on a boat, but that was the first time in my journey where I wasn't treated like a prisoner. I even shared my cabin with a dunmer named Jiub, although he didn't sound like the locals. He said he's lived about as much in Cyrodiil as he has in Morrowind, but with his life being such a haze, he doesn't remember if he's an Outlander or not.

    An Outlander: that's what they call people who were born and raised outside the province. And this province doesn't like Outlanders.

    Either way, he said he's gonna be treated worse than those whose status is clear. Jiub's a skooma eater. He's done a lot of bad things, he said, just to feed his addiction. Eventually, he was caught. He was imprisoned. Now, he's being exiled, like me.

    Only his port of entry's Khuul, which is up north. Redoran Territory. That's the house he last offended, the house that locked him up. His guess was he was being taken there by the house's request. Gods save him.

    House Redoran and House Telvanni, they're the Great Houses that have claims to the north, and the houses of this island that are hostile to us outlanders. There are two other Great Houses, House Indoril and House Dres. The former is pretty much synonymous with the Temple, or so Caius says. The latter is the worst of all the houses, in terms of hospitality.

    The merchants in town warn me against visiting the Telvanni. I'll keep that in mind, but I don't think I'll have to, not for a long while.

    Day 2

    Caius didn't believe me when I told him House Hlaalu doesn't fit me, that I don't have the skills they're looking for -- that I'm looking for more straightforward jobs, these first few days of exile. Then he laughed when I told him I'd joined the Fighters Guild. Now I see why.

    My first two jobs were straightforward, sure. Yesterday, I killed a few rats in a local eccentric's house just across the river. Then, today, I went downriver, passing through a region which hearkened back to home. Rich blue-green grass, flowers of a myriad colors, trees so full of verdure one has to squint to see the branches--- and the only things which reminded me I was elsewhere, mushrooms tall as trees, had their own homely charm.

    The fog distance was originally 1.5 cells, but I forget when I upped it to 2.

    I was travelling to what's called an eggmine. The eggs from these extensive burrows are one of the reasons why all those great houses lay claim to this island.

    Much of the resistance I met in that mine were from what are called Foragers, rat-sized maggots that spit poison at any unfamiliar scent, and my two targets, a couple of egg thieves. I would have preferred it if I didn't have to kill those thieves, only bind them and bring them back to town, but I suppose these eggs are that valuable, and they did attack first.

    The thieves were based in the eggmine's heart, where the one producer of these eggs resided: the Queen. She was, in essence, a Forager stuck to the body of one of the cavern's many Workers, ox-like insects responsible for transporting the eggs from the Queen's nest to the many miniature nests stuck about the mine's outer chambers. They're basically giant ants, and the eggmine a dungeon-sized anthill.

    I made quicker work of the thieves than I did finding my way around: it was quite the maze, and the miners didn't seem keen to stick enough torches and lanterns about the place. Maybe all those lights would have disturbed the Kwama, but I doubt it. The Queen and her brood were untroubled by our fight.

    Sure, I can barely see, but a t m o s p h e r e. That said, I also like this because it makes lights more useful.

    I returned to town mid-afternoon, got paid, then received another task. This time I'm travelling upriver, to an Imperial settlement called Caldera.

    And so my troubles begin.

    I'll do as I'm told, of course, and not stick my nose in business that would get me imprisoned again. Telvanni agents sabotaging Caldera's mine: I'm to take them down by any means necessary.

    Only they're Thieves Guild. "This is not a Thieves Guild job", she said -- in fact, she said it for every question I asked about the job, even though I only asked her for the details I needed, like what these people look like.

    But why would the Telvanni, who are so hostile to the Empire that merchants from the other end of the island warned me against visiting them, hire from an Imperial institution to do their dirty work? I imagine they have their own agents for this sort of operation, or at least they'd hire from a group that's native, and I'm sure Morrowind has its own criminal syndicates. Eydis told me that the Telvanni tend to offer this sort of job to outlanders, but even given that, it's the institution that's the issue...

    It doesn't matter. With my pay, I've bought additional armor and a bow. Again, I'll do as I'm told, and no more.

    Day 3

    I'm lying in a hammock a good day west from my supposed destination. The road to Caldera was peaceful enough, though the country began to hint at the ashen barrenness that awaits further north. The flora's all thorny weeds and clumsy cone-shaped flowers, while the fauna--- well, the one large creature I encountered, this two-legged big-mouthed reptile the locals call an Alit, it tried to eat me. So Caldera came as a relief, being another taste of home.


    The road to the mine went west out of town to a crossroads, where I encountered the strangest sight. A Nord, naked, furious: Hlormar, his name, and apparently the mage with whom he'd been travelling had cast a sleep spell on him to steal, among other things, his axe.

    The man was a braggart, and by his tale of the deadly heirloom I could tell the virtue was inherited. His pride made him bear such a fury at the slight dealt him by what he called "the witch" that the first thing he asked of me, instead of a spare set of clothes, was to help him with his vengeance. I obliged, if only because I hoped whomever he should vengeance himself upon would return him his clothes for the sake of us passers-by.

    It was a classic case of he-said, she-said, as Sosia claimed to have performed the deed after the "gentleman" grew a touch too familiar. Her story was more believable, but the compromise she offered, that his things be returned three days later at Caldera's Mages Guild, satisfied neither of us, him because of impatience and I because of his continued nudity. Still, I preferred to accept it than see anyone get hurt.

    \"I was attacked by this two-legged, big-mouthed reptile....and also an Alit!\"

    So Hlormar attacked his witch, and my sword ran through his stomach. I'm not sure if he really meant to kill, just as I'm sure Sosia should have intervened -- she claimed to be a healer! -- but evidently the only intervention she would perform is if we were summoned to a court of law. This country, being so cruel, makes the people it hosts cruel in turn. No wonder the natives are so prickly!

    Sosia was due northeast of Caldera. I'm here out west because me and Hlormar, while searching for the witch, met a lost trader, Pemenie. Now this trader, a fellow redguard, offered me a pair of enchanted boots in exchange for escorting her to a nearby village, and it was an offer I didn't need to reject.

    It felt a slight shame she was involved in this witch business, but the feeling went away when, on reaching Gnaar Mok, I learned there was a bounty on her head. Not for anything murderous, thank the gods, but for selling defective goods: reckless endangerment, then, maybe manslaughter. The pair of boots that was her reward were evidence enough, as they gave me an incredible amount of speed at the cost of my sight.

    Still, the boots may prove useful, especially once I've gotten myself an enchantment to resist its blinding effect. Besides, Pemenie was pleasant company, and I'd rather not gain a reputation of so quickly turning against my employers.

    I'm back to Caldera tomorrow.

    Day 4

    Pemenie's boots proved incredibly useful. I'd rather kiss her, than rat her out: the day was barely done, by the time I got back to Balmora!

    I found those "Telvanni agents" lying in wait at a cave bordering the mine. One agent stood outside as a lookout, a bosmer named Alveleg. Appropriately enough, I dispatched him with my bow.

    The rest, three dunmer women, were a much tougher fight than I had hoped. One was a sorceress, I think, while another had a nasty enchanted longsword.

    I had to move fast. When I'd hacked through the woman with the magic blade, I jumped to the ground to grab her weapon. The sorceress started chanting. I stung her. The blade itself missed, but needles of ice darted from its tip, pricking my mark. A circle of flame burst around her feet, briefly blinding us all, then it was gone, with the caster unprotected and her target unburned. I'd interrupted her spell.

    That stab, I believe, was the move that saved me, especially with the sorceress having been the sturdiest of the three. If the fight had continued with that shield spell protecting her, I would have been slain less by her staff than by whatever element enveloped her.

    So I returned to Balmora bruised and bloody. There was one hundred gold for every agent dispatched -- a prize that was more akin to what the Empire would give, I admit -- but it was undeniable how shady my next job was.

    Eydis' next client asked me to get a code book. From Sottilde. Who was in the South Wall Cornerclub. A club everyone knew was Thieves Guild.

    No fighting but schmoozing there, as I won Sottilde's confidence by following a couple of tricks I'd picked up back home. She gave me the codebook, and I got fifty gold for it, no questions asked. Again, I don't want any trouble, I've only been here four days. Still, I think I'll ask Uncle Caius...

    My next job takes me to Suran. I'm to intimidate some money out of a debtor named Helviane Desele. Money, at least, is less shady than some codebook.

    submitted by /u/RiverMund
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    Peaceful Sunset by Tel Vos

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:23 PM PST

    Magic system question

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:06 AM PST

    I've noticed that under each spell you equip, there is a yellow (orange?) gauge right below it. I think I've seen that the gauge seems to decrease the more you use the spell. It looks similar to the gauge for what I think is weapon durability. But yeah, what does the gauge mean? Does the durability of spells slowly decrease the more you use them? Or does it mean something else? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/wanttomaster479
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    Kwama queen in real life

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Night Porn - some more of presets I use

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:33 AM PST

    My Favourite Piece from the Imperial Library and the Memories it Invokes

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:01 PM PST

    MQ spoilers for those enviable few who are yet to experience the game fully. Below is a text written by Ken Rolston and posted to the imperial library concerning our favourite sweet toothed spymaster Caius, written some years after his transfer back to Cyrodiil.

    The reason I like this piece so much is that it gives some closure to the genuine emptiness that I first felt - and continue to feel on replays - when Caius tells you that he has to go, and you're on your own. The next time you return to that familiar house in the back corner of Balmora, with the sun setting over the Odai and Silt Sunrise playing in the background, only to find it empty, the feeling of awe was always overpowering to me. Here I am now in this strange world, alone for the first time since I stepped off the prison ship, my mentor and guide having left me with some septims and the shirt off his back.

    This piece just caps off the strange mixed feelings of childhood awe and loneliness that I felt when I first reached this point in the main quest. Feel free to share anything that you felt throughout the main quest, or don't - I just wanted to share this great story and some of my strongest memories of playing Morrowind.


    Caius Cosades' Visit to Uriel VII's Tomb

    A spry, trim, clean-faced Imperial in vigorous middle age, dressed in a brown robe, sits cross-legged before a large patch of freshly-disturbed ground in the palace district near the statue of Tiber Septim, peeling, coring, and slicing an apple, and alternately eating one slice, then laying down a slice in a pinwheel pattern on the dark earth.

    "Well, fancy meeting you here," the Imperial said in the rounded tones and bland irony of an educated gentleman. He paused for a second, rearranged several slices more perfectly to suit himself, then quietly tucked another slice into his mouth and chewed patiently, deliberately.

    "it's been a few years, Your Majesty, hasn't it. And, I suppose, under the solemn circumstances, I oughtn't address you as 'Uncle' or 'Sly Uri' as I used to... though never to your face, of course.

    "Sorry. I've taken my time about it, Your Majesty, but I'm here at last, to pay my respects. Tell them upstairs that Caius Cosades has buried his black pennies on the spot, and placed a wreath at your grave.

    "I'm sorry I wasn't here to dance at your tucking-in, Sire, as I promised, but with one thing and another, I was keeping quite busy in the East, and since you'd no need of me back here, I wasn't handy when the day of reckoning came.

    "I hear it wasn't a pretty time. I can't say I'm sorry to lose your three sons. None of them worth a fig, as I've told you many times... not to your face, of course... but nonetheless, I know it must have hurt bitter-hard, harder than the Dawnman's daggers, I expect.

    "But in the end, you'd got Martin well-hidden away... you sly dog, I never guessed... and he turned out to be worth twice the lot of those preening fools you got on the scheming witch, Caula Voria, may she die again tomorrow. Who was his mother? Was it that Gemile girl you had put out of the way, right after the Warp in the West?"

    He added another slice of apple to his wreath, tucked a last slice into his mouth, then cleaned his knife on the worn-smooth wool of his robe. He made as if to tuck the knife back into his pouch, then, thinking again, he took the knife and buried it up to the handle in the dirt, right in the center of the ring of apple slices.

    "There you are, your Majesty. My Blade, ever and always at your service. It was a pleasure to know you, and be your rough tool, in this and every other thing. I hope they find a nice spot for you up there with Lord Tiber and the rest of your sainted kin."

    The Imperial unfolded his legs and rose in a smooth motion, dusting the dirt from his backside. "And I hope they hurry up and put a proper stone on the spot, too. Like all Council work, I imagine it's still a piece of patronage buried under some pile of papers in a clerk's ratnest. Fair enough. No stone could ever do you justice. Better the common ground above you, walked on by your precious citizens, beggar, noble, sage and fool alike."

    He looked at the sky, smiled, liking what he saw there. "Indeed. No more fitting monument than Cyrodiil's open air and fertile soil... and you to sweeten it."

    Rubbing the back of his close-cropped head, he looked around with wry, pursed lips. "And now what? Maybe a visit to that symposium the Geographical fellows are putting up. See what sort of prickly bickering and posturing they can work up. Maybe stick in my crooked oar, just to stir the pot."

    He'd barely left the spot before the first fat black ant had arrived, tugged first with curiosity, then dogged enthusiasm at a slice of apple, then scanned the horizon for others of his kind to help him harvest his golden hoard.


    Sourced from: https://www.imperial-library.info/content/caius-cosades-visit-uriel-viis-tomb

    submitted by /u/VanyaIskira
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    [Poll] Nels Llendo

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Give him the money and gain a friend?

    Or refuse him and get some half-decent loot for the early game?

    submitted by /u/bklawley
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    vivec a shit

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:57 PM PST

    i broke into vivec's house and he wouldn't talk to me

    i read his confession back there on the table

    noticed that he never actually says what happened to nerevar

    i slapped him in the face and left

    submitted by /u/PauloDiCapistrano
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    Level 3 no armor -bound weapons run

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:42 PM PST

    18 years into the game - my friends and I like to do little challenges to make the game more interesting. I wanted to do a level one main quest run but Caius won't let me. I'm pretty confident about everything except for tribunal. Let me know if there are any other challenges you'd like to share that keeps the game fresh for ye sarjos

    submitted by /u/chunkboslicemen
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    Any tips for beginners?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:16 PM PST

    So im new to morrowind and just purchased it but im still hesitant on starting it. Any good tips that i should be aware of before i run in blindly? Thanks

    submitted by /u/lorcanhyena
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    Add an interesting title

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:31 PM PST

    I recently got into morrowind and have been playing an average of 14 hours a day is that normal amongst you beautiful people?

    submitted by /u/Stock-Donut
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    Essential mods?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:09 PM PST

    I've never played morrowind before and have had it sitting in my steam library for years and wanted to finally get around to playing it. I wanted to know what are some essential mods for a first play through like bugfixes, graphics, just stuff that'll overall enhance a first play through.

    submitted by /u/Endmysufferingp
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    Question about bound items?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:51 PM PST

    I "accidentally" summoned a bound dagger with a 1 second soul trap resulting in a permanent addition to my arsenal. Would I be able to enchant it?

    EDIT: it does not show up in the list of items eligible for enchanting, so no I cant.

    submitted by /u/42nickd
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    How to change torches and lanterns light radius?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Hi. I almost finished my heroic battle with modding Morrowind, but there are still some things that I would like to change, especially radius of lanterns, torches and candles light. How can I do this? No TLAD or TLM, I already have quite good brightness/darkness level in interiors and exteriors (very dark as I like) and I don't want to break it, but lanterns and torches are still not very useful, beacuse of weak light. I'm CS noob.

    And one more question for those who love dark interiors and nights: what .ini settings do you use, what are the best values to make nights and primarily caves very dark? Though I like darkness level which I have, I think it could be even darker.

    Sorry for my English ;)

    submitted by /u/FedallahV
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    can't read the font in dialogues

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:51 AM PST

    i have a problem in reading dialogues, i cant tell if it is 'c' or 'e'

    can someone help, my resolution is 1600X1200

    i don't want to decrease my resolution, help please

    submitted by /u/AhmedHassen108
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    Morrowind Rebirth

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Is recommendable play TES Morrowind using Morrowind Rebirth at the first time? If not, which mods are recommendable.

    submitted by /u/Peblo98
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