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    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Morrowind Seyda Neen, Swamp Fever Capital of the World

    Morrowind Seyda Neen, Swamp Fever Capital of the World

    Seyda Neen, Swamp Fever Capital of the World

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:40 PM PST

    “What is it, outlander? Never seen such glorious lips before?”

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:33 AM PST

    Knight of the Imperial Dragon - nothing changed

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:13 PM PST

    So, I got 95 faction reputation, became the ruling knight of all the imperial legion in Vvardenfell, and guards are still saying "I'm the imperial law. Move along."

    Someone said in an old forum that he loved to hear the "Your bidding, sir" when walking through town - hell, I want that too, but the game does not seem to recognize my post - even in Ebonheart, or Seyda Neen. When I talk to some officers, they call me by the title - "I hope that you see that our garrison is up to the task to defend Seyda Neen, Knight of the Imperial Dragon" - but that's it.

    I just don't get it. Is it normal? I was really expecting some better status, after all the hardwork.

    submitted by /u/lp-lima
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    Robe of the drakes pride is white for some reason? any help?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:04 PM PST

    How to persist theough the beginning of the game without losing interest?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:19 AM PST

    I've heard so many great things about the game, yet I dont seem to be experiencing them. I've played for over 10 hours but have not progressed very far. I love the depth of the settings, magic, and customisation options but I cannot overcome the sluggish gameplay (combat, exploration). After under a minute of running, my fatigue is drained completely. I have no intention of walking, as the running pace is already quite slow. I either have to pause and rest constantly, or risk an encounter and spend an absurdly long time swinging at a cliff racer despite having chosen my weapon and skills appropriately, or when I cant rest I walk at a snails pace towards the enemy to allow it to regenerate. The difficulty is also challenging, as I often have to lower it even while playing on normal if I encounter a dark brotherhood assassin or entering a cave. The pacing is strenuous, and would like to do something to remedy it. Should I adopt a new mindset going into the game? Should I pay attention to something in particular in my build? Should I rely more on potions or alchemy? Is there any place I should visit first to provide a sense of direction? Any help is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/Cpt_Cashew99
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    Started a Permadeath Hand-to-Hand Playthrough after seeing someone's permadeath h2h posts on here.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:34 PM PST

    Only reason to invade Black Marsh

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:58 AM PST

    A New Pilgrim to Vvardenfell

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:47 AM PST

    After a long hiatus from the homeland, I decided to share my next character to commemorate the occasion of my return. I built the concept from the ground up, starting with the skills, combining a playstyle I enjoy with traditional cultural trappings of the Dunmer. Velyn descends from the Ashlanders, but his family had long since abandoned Morrowind for Cyrodiil and eventually naturalized to the local culture. Losing everything and being returned to Vvardenfell awakens Velyn's desire to reconnect with his ancestors and homeland.

    Here is the template for the character. I'm tempted to run Atronach instead of Warrior, but I haven't run Warrior before and feel like it's thematically appropriate. I also considered Restoration instead of Mysticism, but taking Mysticism incentives temple visits for healing and using faith to call for intervention.

    Name: Velyn Shand

    Race: Dunmer

    Class: Gahduhnag (Dunmer Pigrim)

    Specialization: Combat

    Favored Attributes: Willpower and Luck

    Star Sign: Warrior

    Major Skills

    Enchant (Int)

    Medium Armor (End)

    Marksman (Agi)

    Mysticism (Will)

    Security (Int)

    Minor Skills

    Armorer (Str)

    Athletics (Spd)

    Spear (End)

    Mercantile (Per)

    Speechcraft (Per)

    submitted by /u/Gothicwaltz
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    How did I get cured if I have a disease?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:44 PM PST

    is there a potion or something?

    submitted by /u/ItzSilentStorm
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    Morrowind Mods won't work

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:38 PM PST

    I wanted to get some mods for Morrowind to enhance my experience. I'm using a Windows 10 computer so I went to Nexus and installed the Morrowind Code Patch and MGE XE mods. I used the mod manager for both mods instead of manually installing them and even though Vortex tells me that the mods are enabled when I load up the game it still looks the same. Is there a way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Dragon_Cooks
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    Q about a Breton Atronach

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:06 AM PST

    I wonder how do the Breton's innate Magicka Resistance and the Atronach's Magicka Absorption abilities interact in actual play? Do they in any way clash or counteract each other; or do they enhance each other? I've played a Breton in the past; but never used the Atronach.

    Also I cant remember...does armor class affect spell casting like it does in DnD?

    What kind of armor would you choose for a Breton Spellsword or Battlemage?


    submitted by /u/PeaceVector
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    Character creation for a ‘spellsword’?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm keen to begin morrowind after playing Skyrim and oblivion respectively.

    I think it may be fun to play as a combat-focused character with a degree of magical ability to spice things up. But this is at most half-magic half-combat, probably leaning more towards combat.

    Race - I think redguard, because I've never played as one, find them interesting and they have great poison resistance (apparently the most dangerous enemies use poison?). Does this all sound wise?

    Major Skills

    Medium armour - has some of my aesthetic favourites and I like the balance of speed and defence

    Mysticism - apparently essential

    Alteration - what is this used for in morrowind as opposed to Skyrim?

    Long blade - need to take advantage of the redguard +15 skill bonus

    Armorer - what I hated about morrowind was my gear constantly needing repairs

    Minor skills

    Here's where I'm more stuck. I don't know how morrowind levelling works compared to oblivion.

    I want to select spear because having a spear would be cool. Are spears strong?

    maybe conjuration too for the magical edge, but beyond that I'm stuck.

    I want to be manoeuvrable but from my oblivion experience, acrobatics and athletics level easily whether you pick them or not.

    I think alchemy might be really interesting.

    What are some of the other useful ones? I've heard speech is useless.

    What about standing stones and major attributes? What would be the best standing stones and major attributes for a combat focused character who uses some magic?

    Also, can morrowind only run on pc? I don't have a gaming pc just yet and my Xbox 360 is very old - I've heard it can run morrowind though.


    submitted by /u/Fortitude187
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    Morrowind Cloud Saves on Xbox One?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:36 AM PST

    Quick question here - does the Xbox One version of Morrowind support cloud saves on a user's account? Asking because I am looking to bring my disc with me to a friend's house and would like to continue my playthrough.

    submitted by /u/tyzenxebec22
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    Character creation for a ‘spellsword’?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm keen to begin morrowind after playing Skyrim and oblivion respectively.

    I think it may be fun to play as a combat-focused character with a degree of magical ability to spice things up. But this is at most half-magic half-combat, probably leaning more towards combat.

    Race - I think redguard, because I've never played as one, find them interesting and they have great poison resistance (apparently the most dangerous enemies use poison?). Does this all sound wise?

    Major Skills

    Medium armour - has some of my aesthetic favourites and I like the balance of speed and defence Mysticism - apparently essential Alteration - what is this used for in morrowind as opposed to Skyrim? Long blade - need to take advantage of the redguard +15 skill bonus Armorer - what I hated about morrowind was my gear constantly needing repairs

    Minor skills

    Here's where I'm more stuck. I don't know how morrowind levelling works compared to oblivion. I want to select spear because having a spear would be cool. Are spears strong? maybe conjuration too for the magical edge, but beyond that I'm stuck. I want to be manoeuvrable but from my oblivion experience, acrobatics and athletics level easily whether you pick them or not. I think alchemy might be really interesting. What are some of the other useful ones? I've heard speech is useless.

    What about standing stones and major attributes? What would be the best standing stones and major attributes for a combat focused character who uses some magic?

    Also, can morrowind only run on pc? I don't have a gaming pc just yet and my Xbox 360 is very old - I've heard it can run morrowind though.


    submitted by /u/Fortitude187
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