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    Tuesday, December 17, 2019

    Morrowind Praise vivec

    Morrowind Praise vivec

    Praise vivec

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:56 PM PST

    Morrowind Pilgrim Challenge.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:55 PM PST

    Inspired by another thread I present to all Morrowinders, n'wahs, muthseras and fetchers alike, the Great Morrowind Pilgrim Challenge!

    The rules are simple. Your goal is to travel by foot from Sadrith Mora to Hla Oad without killing anything. Not even a Scrib. You cannot use any spells that deal damage, nor any spells or potions that would increase stats or skills, definitely no Mark or Recall and no Scrolls of Icarian Flight! No levitation be it from a spell, item or alchemical ingredients or combination thereof. No fortify potions of any sort. That's right, just walking and running. You may of course take a boat or other fast travel option to Sadrith Mora, but once there you are stuck walking all the way back to Hla Oad. Since this is the Pilgrim challenge, you must also perform this feat with no weapons in your inventory. You may of course bring healing items and spells, but remember the less gear you bring the greater your victory shall be! Furthermore, to make this challenge fair to all competitors there is a level cap of level 5.

    You will, of course have to record your journey and upload it for our viewing pleasure. To start this epic quest you must first get to Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall and then before beginning show your inventory and stats. This is a roguelike challenge too, so be extra careful on your journey. There will be no save scumming allowed, for any reason. If you die, or become otherwise unable to continue, that's it, game over. Of course, we would still like to see your video! Once you embark on this journey there is no stopping either, this challenge must be completed in one sitting.

    There you have it folks, the Morrowind Pilgrim Challenge. Do you have what it takes? There are a few ways to do this, but the choice... is yours.

    submitted by /u/holocloak
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    Y'all ever become so enlightened you just doot doot doot brrrrt?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 08:27 PM PST

    This game Still looks fucking amazing!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 08:10 PM PST

    So, here is my Sotha Sil \o/

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 12:16 AM PST

    May you walk on warm sands

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:01 PM PST

    First time play

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:12 PM PST

    I am playing through Morrowind for the first time and it is amazing. The graphics aren't really as bad as people make it out to be. I am coming from Skyrim and I must say, I love the complexity of this game. I ALSO LOVE HOW YOU CAN DO ANYTHING! You can even kill quest characters which makes 5he world feel so much more real and alive despite how alien it is. I'm going to love playing 5hrough this game and will defenitely recommend this gem to friends.

    submitted by /u/shadow_kiin
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    On oblivion you need an enchanting altar to enchant, what do you need to enchant in morrowind?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:09 PM PST

    Guilt (Elder Scrolls Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:30 PM PST

    CONTENT WARNING: War Crimes, Graphic Imagery of Violence


    By Radric Delvue, Veteran of the Skyrim Civil War

    When you're signing up to join the Legion, they never tell you the truth about what you're signing up to do. They told us we'd be heroes. That going up north and killing the treacherous Stormcloaks would make us men; it'd make us true sons of the Empire. They tell you whatever it takes to get you to sign your name on that dotted line, because they know once you do, you'll do whatever it takes to avoid being a washout—a failure. There's not a day that goes that I don't wish I hadn't signed my name or washed out, but I didn't, and that's why I sit here in taverns from dawn til dusk drinking to forget—if only just for a while. But some things you can't forget. You want to. You want to forget more than anything, but some things just—stick. They stick the kind of way your first love does or the first time you hold the baby you made does, but those are the kinds of things you want to stick—the things I'm talking about—you don't. Nobody does. They're the kind of things that keep you up at night asking if there's any possibility of atonement for the things you did and you try to tell yourself that it was war, you didn't have a choice, it was you or them, but you know in your heart that things could've gone differently. Yeah, it was war, but that doesn't mean you had to do the things you did. It doesn't mean you had to get wrapped up in it. Doesn't mean you had to be the monster you became. And that's why you know there's no penance heavy enough for your sins for nothing can absolve you of the horrible things you did because you told yourself it was us or them—we couldn't all walk away from it so they had to die and we had to live. You wake up crying sometimes, thinking about how much you just want those people to forgive you, but you know they can't, because dead men can't forgive—they're just gone—and it's your fault. It's all your fault. You killed them. You took your sword and you cut them down like animals, because you had your orders—you had things that had to happen or people would die—but you know those aren't the ones you can't forgive yourself for. It's all the ones you killed because you were scared, because you were angry, because your best friend just died and you wanted revenge—you didn't care if it'd bring your friend back or if that person was even involved, you were angry and you wanted to hurt somebody, so you did. You hurt them bad. You hurt them so much that they were left twitching in their own blood and you didn't have the mercy in your heart to finish it—you left them there to die in agony when all it would've taken was one coup de grace to finish them off and free them of their unimaginable pain as they lay there trying to scream, but gargling on their own blood. He was just a boy. He was just a boy, not even old enough to have felt the embrace of a woman, and you—you—you did unspeakable things to him—you killed him, because he was there. Because you wanted to kill him. You wanted to kill them all because they killed your best friend who was really more like a brother at this point, so you did. You rampaged through their homes with your squad at your back ensuring nobody escaped your warpath—women, children, it didn't matter—they were all just—animals. Just animals who killed your friend and his friends and their friends and their friends too. You had to kill them, right? You told yourself you had to. It was you or them. They were going to keep killing your friends and then you eventually, right? But you know, you got through it and when you looked back on that village and how the dirt had become a red-brown mud, you laughed because what else to do. You laughed because you couldn't believe it. All of them—all of them were dead—because of you. You laughed so hard you cried and your brothers joined you in laughing at them, at all of those animals. You cried that night though, because no matter how much you scrubbed, you couldn't wash that blood off your hands. You tried so hard. So, so hard. But it wouldn't come off. It never comes off, but you know, as bad as that blood is, it pales in comparison to them pinning a medal on your chest and calling you a hero. You butchered the feeble, the sick, the young, and somehow, by some twisted leap of logic, you're a damn hero. They said you single-handedly led an assault on a group of covert Stormcloak Operatives looking to further the terrorist regime of Ulfric Stormcloak—they even put it in the Black Horse Courier with you being paraded like a hero to all the forts as an example of "everything a legionary should be." You know it's a lie. The General knew it was a lie. But he told you to shut your damn mouth and just enjoy that he pulled your ass off the Block because he wasn't going to let you piss on everything he's done to make sure that the people down south keep believing this war is entirely justified and that we're the big damn heroes coming in to save the oppressed people of Skyrim from a barbaric organization following a tyrannical madman. You wish he would've let them kill you. You deserve it. You know you deserve it, but nope, he denied you the one chance at making things as you right can by telling the whole damn world what a big hero you are for stopping these 'operatives' from you don't know—poisoning a lake or something? You don't pay attention to that shit, you just do what the General tells you to because it's keeping you from the front lines, but you know what they don't tell you about? They don't tell you about what happens after the war is over—they don't tell you how you come home and your family hugs you so tight and your mother cries at how her son is a big damn hero when you know the truth. When your father tells you for the first time how proud he is of you for saving all those people from those 'Stormcloak bastards' that you massacred like dogs. They don't tell you that. They don't tell you how every skirt looks at you like you're hung like a horse and can make them scream louder than the Opera Singers of the Royal Opera House. They don't tell you what it's like for people think you're something you're not—for them to think you're some great war hero when the truth is that you killed a bunch of people who did nothing wrong because you were upset—you were angry. They don't tell you that no matter what you do, you can never go back to who you were before you signed up—you just have to live with it and the things you did. But you can't. So you got some rope, you got a chair, and now you're finally not going to hurt anymore—you're not going to think all about those people anymore because soon, nothing will matter. You'll be free. You'll finally be free of that guilt that eats at you every day and has for the last six years. And you can't help but laugh that same laugh you did all those years ago, but this time, you're not crying because you're sad—you're crying because it's going to be over. You're finally going to be free. You're never going to think about the War or Matthews or those people or anything again, because it's all going to be over. It's finally going to be over.

    It's finally time for it to be over.

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Do you have any ingame traditions?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:14 PM PST

    For example I always go to balmora, spend starting money there and then before starting any quests I walk entire island counter clockwise on foot. I simply walk across shoreline, visit cities to sell junk and spend money, visit dungeons on my way etc. When I'm back in seyda neen I'm usually OP, so I get bored and stop playing.

    submitted by /u/Sumoleon
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    THEORY: Skywind is aiming it's release date for Morrowind's 20 year anniversary in 2022

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:54 PM PST

    (I play on Xbox 360) my game runs on about 50-60 fps when I'm inside dungeons, buildings or in the wild, but when I'm the cities, mostly Balmora and Ald rhun, my game lags like crazy, the fps fall down to like 15-25 fps, why is that?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:05 PM PST

    I sometimes forget to dispose of bodies but they don't cause lag, why in cities?

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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    Third Restart in Three Months

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:44 PM PST

    Some noob's questions

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:22 AM PST

    How long it takes for venders to restock both in gold and it items?

    How long it takes for plants/mushrooms to regrow?

    And how long it takes for the guild supply chest to respawn its goodies?

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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    Morrowind Pilgrim Challenge, complete!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:26 PM PST

    Is there any way to make King's Oath useful?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:51 PM PST

    If you're unaware King's Oath is a daedric blade you get fairly early in the tribunal questline

    It's enchantments are

    Damage health 20pts for 3 seconds

    Paralyze for 3 seconds

    Fire damage 20pts for 3 seconds

    So obviously at first I thought it was going to be a good sword but apparently the fire damage is on SELF when strikes so I can't even kill a goblin with taking myself out in the process. Is there any reasonable way to make this useful or should I just sell it?

    submitted by /u/Forgotten-Irrelevant
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    I think Living Cities of Vvardenfell broke my game

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:09 PM PST

    The quest of the Fighters Guild. Dura gra-Bol ins't there. The house is locked. I already wait for several hours and periods of time and the house still close (level 50 lockpick). I disabled the mod and the house now were open but...SHE ISN'T THERE.

    FUCK! What can I do?

    submitted by /u/actRaiser1452
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    Starting a nostalgic playtrough on pc

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:15 PM PST

    I'm starting a nostalgic Morrowind playtrough. I'm going to use OpenMW. This allows me to use an Xbox controller. I installed Morra Buf font, looks like the Xbox font. Then I set my resolution to 1280x1024 and turned water refraction off to resemble the water on the Xbox. Can't wait!

    submitted by /u/Maticdl1
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    A RP about freeing slaves...

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST

    Free the slaves and give from the rich to the poor something like Robin hood. I have this idea of role play in my mind. Can you guys help me with some ideas or mods or a Race, class suggestion.

    submitted by /u/danut2205
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    What is the formula for the price of an enchanter NPC offering his enchanting services?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:40 PM PST

    When you asks an enchanter NPC to do the enchanting for you (so the success rate is 100%), he asks you for a (very expensive) price in gold. But how is this price calculated exactly?

    Does anybody know where I can find the formula for this? I can't find it on UESP, neither the "charges required to cast this enchant" formula (I'd also like to know why all enchantment casting only cost 1 when you have 110 Enchant.

    submitted by /u/Stained_Class
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    Best class for an Assassin character?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 06:56 AM PST

    I want to do an assassin character but I'm not sure what class to pick, or if I should make a custom class. I have of course heard that I'll want to use chameleon, but not sure if I want to use magic or enchantments, and I am unsure of what skills to put for major/minor (other than obvious ones like sneak) What are your suggestions? Edit: I am playing using OpenMW.

    submitted by /u/IgnorantKnight
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    How come Morrowind graphics mods can bring everything up to date EXCEPT NPCs?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:15 PM PST

    There are tons of mods out there that make the landscape, buildings, armours, etc. look amazing, but while there are tons of mods that improve the textures of NPCs, there doesn't seem to be any mods that fix the awkward glued together skeletons of the NPCs which make the game look so dated. How come no mods have managed to bring the models up to even Oblivion standards? Is it just that no one's done it, or are there engine limitations, etc. stopping it?

    submitted by /u/icantevenrightnowomf
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    Any cheat codes for the 360 version of the game?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:25 AM PST

    Like those cheat codes you input on the stats screan to increase either your hp/magika/fatigue

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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