• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Morrowind Finally done. Life has been in the way in a bad way, but I learned a lot for my next map project, hopefully the full province of Morrowind.

    Morrowind Finally done. Life has been in the way in a bad way, but I learned a lot for my next map project, hopefully the full province of Morrowind.

    Finally done. Life has been in the way in a bad way, but I learned a lot for my next map project, hopefully the full province of Morrowind.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:09 PM PDT

    To this place were destiny is made

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:37 PM PDT

    On this saddening day, we put to rest my save file. I loved him. I spent more than 200 hours playing, and was one quest from ending the game. Good night, sweet prince Dirvyn.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    Should I get this game when it's on sale?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:50 PM PDT

    I just tried Daggerfall unity for the first time this week, and I found it pretty fun after a few hours. I want to ask you what will be different about this game in comparison to Daggerfall, and why you like this game. Also, how do you think of the other elder scrolls games?

    submitted by /u/Zevena
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    Help modding for first time

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:52 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, So I've been playing morrowind for the better part of 17 years on xbox, I dont think theres been a year that I havent plugged my disk into my console and played it for hours on end trying new builds and pushing myself to beat the game in more challenging ways each time. But now I finally have a computer after being an xbox gamer for so long and i am ready to open up a whole new world of morrowind that I can explore like a brand new game through modding. But I have absolutely 0 experiance with modding and minimal experiance with computers. I have no idea what programs I'll need to run the mods or which order I should install them in. I have morrowind ready to install from steam but when looking at beginners guides on google they say to install it into a different file and I have no clue how to go about doing that. I'm a quick learner and I'll remember it once I know how to do it, it's just the tutorials online are catered to someone who already has experiance with computers. if someone could assist me in getting started on the right path I would appreciate it immensely.

    submitted by /u/0deeez0
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    WIP-Nord Fur Replacer

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    WIP-Nord Fur Replacer


    I've been working on a pluginless replacer for the vanilla fur armor. So far I've got the greaves, pauldrons and helmet done. I don't really have a lot of time in the near future to work on it anymore, so I thought I'd post them up and see if anybody else wants to mess with the remaining pieces.


    submitted by /u/nzdawghaus
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    Act I, Part IX: Home (The Sharmat's Incarnate) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:37 PM PDT

    Act I, Part IX: Home

    By Antuul Dralosi, Scavenger

    If one were to describe New Balmora in a single word, the only one appropriate for the task would be: Aged. The streets widen and narrow without seeming rhyme or reason to those who haven't watched this city explode since I was a kid, but there was once an order to this place—it's just long gone now. It's only been ten years since I got out of here and so much has changed. The streets I used to pull my biggest hauls from are all worn down and decrepit, my hangouts are gone, even the sound of the city is different. We used to say that the difference between a native and a foreigner here was whether they could hear it—whether they could hear the way the city seemed to talk, not in words, but in the rhythms. The patterns. The subtle you never really pay attention to you, but you seem to notice anyway. The city doesn't talk like it used to—doesn't talk at all like it used to. It just—exists. An empty shell of itself and I saw that with my first steps in here when I saw a woman's coins being lifted by a pickpocket. She screamed and everybody in earshot went running for the kid and they beat him—bad. Real bad. He was still twitching in a puddle of his own blood as I stepped over him. Things weren't like that when I was a kid. Everyone knew what Dro'garra did to us and what he made us do and when they caught our hands in their pockets, they swatted us off most of the time, but that was it. Sometimes they'd even give us a bit out of pity, but this—this would've never happened back when I was a kid and not because Dro'garra cared about our welfare, but people cared about us—if only for that one interaction with us. That kid? Nobody cared about him. Nobody ever will again either given they'll likely be scooping him into a furnace before nightfall given you don't survive a beating like that. The city's changed and not for the better.

    Still though, as much as it's changed, some things haven't. Dro'garra hasn't. I made a trip down memory lane and I saw that manor of his with all manner of orphans running around it. The only thing they had in common was that none of them were much more than skin and bone and most of them had eyes that had seen too much too young. Still though, it was nice to see that a few of them had made it this far without being broken and things weren't all bad—I saw one of the kids who had just been picked up just before the time I was leaving. I remember telling my friend, Shakes, that I didn't think the kid would make it a week before he roped himself, but sure enough, he's still there. He doesn't remember me, but I could never forget that dumb look he always had on his face (and still does). It's good to see I was wrong about him. It's really good.

    I had one last thing I needed to do before I made my way here to Council District and that was checking on an old friend of mine, Bravora. She grew up in a totally different world than I did. Redoran Councilor's daughter and here I was, a Khajiiti Boy, but somehow, we were friends. It's funny too, because the first time we met, I was cutting her purse strings and she caught me in the act. All she had to do was make a sound and who knows what would've happened, but she just stood there in silence as she watched me pull back the knife that was too dull to cut through the netch-leather strap and smiled at me. It was a kind smile. The kind that I hadn't really ever seen before and she motioned for me to follow her. Every instinct told me it was a trap. She was setting me up and I knew it, but it's the one time my instincts have been wrong—or maybe they were right and it was just a different kind of trap than I expected. We talked for a while, I don't know how long it was, but it was long enough I didn't have enough time to get my haul for Dro'garra that day before curfew and my nose has been crooked since, but it was worth it. For—however long it was—I wasn't a Khajiiti Boy—I was the boy this girl who had no business talking to me, wanted to talk to. It was a good day. One of the best in my life in fact, right up there with all the other days we spent together, even if all those days came with bumps, bruises, and scratches at the end. No matter how mad I knew he'd be, spending time with her was always worth it.

    I just wish we had spent more time together when we had the chance. She's gone now. According to her little sister who never much liked me, but never ratted on us talking, it happened two years ago. She caught something the priests, the physicians, none of them had ever seen before and she just—didn't get better. They did everything they could for her, but she just—didn't make it. It's funny how that kind of thing happens. She was the only person to ever see me as more than just a Khajiiti Boy or a Ruins Rat or a piece of trash my entire life and I never got the chance to say bye. I never got the chance to tell her I loved her. I never got to tell her a lot of things I should've when we were kids—I just always thought that when I came back, she'd still be here. I knew she'd get married to some other noble and that she probably would've forgotten all about me by time I finally came back, but her sister, her sister says she was waiting for me. She refused the suitors who knocked down her door because she was waiting for her friend to come back. She waited almost a decade for me to come back and I never did. She spent the rest of her life waiting for me and I never thought so much as to write a letter to her. But she didn't care. She still waited for someone who didn't deserve her—as a lover or a friend. And now she's gone and I just wish I could've been there with her through it. I wish I could've talked to her one last time and told her all the things she should've heard before I left, but—life doesn't always work out the way it should. If it did, she'd still be here. She deserved to be here a lot more than I ever did and now she's gone.

    Maybe that's why the city doesn't sound right anymore; it lost its light. I just wish it could've been me instead, but I guess that doesn't matter, does it? I guess none of what I should've said or what I should've done matters anymore, because the past is the past and she's gone. No matter how much I wish she wasn't. I guess this means I just have to accept it, but that's going to take more than a couple shots of Sujamma. But I'll deal with that in a little bit, my appointment with the Council is in a few minutes and I should probably compose myself. I wouldn't want to go before them, her father included, looking like this, so I'll have to stop here for now. But I do need to say one last thing before I close this entry.

    Bravora, I loved you since the day I met you. I loved you since the moment you didn't scream or shriek or anything, you just smiled at me with that smile your father made you practice all the time and I loved you a little more every day since. And I should've come back for you, but things got out of hand and I always thought I had more time and—I just—I'm sorry for not coming back. I'm sorry for not writing. I'm sorry for leaving you waiting for so long—I just—I was scared to come back. I was so damn scared, Bravora, I can't explain it to you, because I just—I'm just not smart enough to put it into words, but if I'd have known—if I had one inkling of an idea that this was going to happen—things would've been different. Things would have been so different. I'm so sorry and I hope wherever you are, you know that. You know I'd do anything to make this right, but I can't.

    I'm so sorry, Bravora.

    Please, wherever you are, please forgive me. I'm so sorry.

    -Antuul Dralosi, the Friend Who Never Came Back

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Enchantment Ideas for an Ebony Longsword

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    I know common wisdom holds that you just enchant it up with as much of your favored damage type as the weapon will hold, but here comes the twist: I don't want it to be On Strike.

    A few reasons. This is my main weapon, I use it for everything, and using it on trash mobs will mean that it's constantly out of charge. My character isn't any kind of mage, so I won't be filling soul gems often enough to keep recharging it. But probably the biggest reason is that everything in the game that I might want a damage boost against usually has some form of constant Reflection effect.

    So I'm wanting an enchantment that's either Constant Effect or On Use. I thought maybe an On Target spell of Silence, to show those smug mages who's boss, but I also know that I'm pretty unimaginative when it comes to magic stuff. Just wanted to see if you crazy people had any better ideas.

    submitted by /u/Angmor03
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    Morrowind Multiplayer

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Just imagine it, same game, nothings changed, except you have a friend with you. Your boy leaves balmora to go get the dwemer puzzle box and is being harassed by cliff racers, while you yourself are busting into every house in balmora taking whatever valuables you see to sell to creeper. While he gets the box, you get the moneyzzz. Hey a man can dream right? Too bad it's not possible to do this

    EDIT: Reading over this, this is not one of the most imaginative ways of playing with a friend, what would you guys do if multiplayer/coop existed?

    submitted by /u/Bruhdude_
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    Forever afflicted

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I recently got into Morrowind, and I have been enjoying the game a lot partly due to some game-enhancing exploits. Recently, I've noticed that my characters Speed and Agility stats are being affected by something and reduced to '0'. I leveled up three times since these negatives have come into effect, and have increased my agility 3 times (which is why its not 0).

    No negative effects are listed on my character screen. I've spammed the 'cure blight' at the shrines at the local temple, (and even Vivec's Ashmask!) but nothing is changing. Have I run into a glitch where I cannot cure the Blight disease? Is this removable through console commands?

    I've really been enjoying the game, and would be disappointed if this were irreversible. Any help would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/thefirstmandown
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    Stupid question about texture replacers in OpenMW

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    I've been having an issue for ages where all the pillows in my game, including those that make up the pads of chairs, are bright pink with a missing texture. I decided to try and fix this today and tried the Enhanced Textures mod, but I've not had much success.

    I tried whatever I could think of - I overwrote the original texture file in my Morrowind install, I tried using Mod Organiser to activate the mod manually and tried different variations of these ( breaking my game entirely once or twice). After this, my textures look very 2002 still, the trees in the Ashlands now have broken textures, and best of all, every NPC has had the same thing happen to their face. It's a little terrifying.

    I know this should be easy, but what am I missing?

    submitted by /u/has_on_file
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    OpenMicroWave + Tamriel Rebuilt = Vanilla Morrowind :(

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    Hey, everyone! Looking for a little help.

    I have Tamriel rebuilt installed correctly on my PC and it runs perfectly. Now when I tried to transfer this to OpenMicroWave on my Android I only get the vanilla version of the game. I checked that the load order is correct, and when the game opens it shows that it's loading all the correct data files, but still, I'm left with vanilla Morrowind when I start a new game. I've been at it for hours and not sure why this is happening.

    Anyone been able to overcome this?

    submitted by /u/Nippelz
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    Morrowind Rebirth + MGXE with grass/ground additions

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    Morrowind is calling for me to install it and do another run-through. The last time I tried this was a couple of years ago, and trying to get the amazing ground clutter added in MGXE to work with Morrowind Rebirth (which slightly alters landscapes) was a nightmare.

    I really was to play Rebirth. I also really want the grass textures, as they add so much to the landscapes of Morrowind. Does anybody know if these two have been patched to be compatible without tricky work-arounds? If not, does anybody have insight into the tricky work-arounds?

    submitted by /u/ThePrinceofBagels
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