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    Tuesday, October 8, 2019

    Morrowind I never tire of a stroll through the Ascadian Isles

    Morrowind I never tire of a stroll through the Ascadian Isles

    I never tire of a stroll through the Ascadian Isles

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    Skyrim is probably full of normie casuals by now.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    The view from Ebonheart docks is incredible.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:54 PM PDT

    Painted a view of vivec city in art class, first painting in about 4 years

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:25 PM PDT

    Thought you would like this screenshot of my monk breton fistfighting a mudcrab with Seyda Neen in the background

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:07 AM PDT

    [Spoiler] Evidence chest - early game

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:43 PM PDT

    The evidence chest in Fort Moonmoth can be safely unlocked with an open spell (50) and accessed via telekinesis from the cell to the right of the hallway you walk down to get to the chest. The guard cannot see you.

    Items confiscated in Balmora can therefore safely be retrieved. Likely even for non-spell users with items that can be purchased in town.

    submitted by /u/anneoneamouse
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    Kagouti Youngling

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    Dagoth Eagle

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    Another Giant Mudcrab Devours Ald'Ruhn

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    About to play Morrowind for the first time!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I'm about to play Morrowind for the first time. Having almost 1500h in Skyrim, and having done the main quest in Oblivion. Playing an Elder Scrolls for the first time is always an unique experience, so I'm really excited!

    Anything I should know? Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Is there an official r/Morrowind discord?

    submitted by /u/Raio_Original
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    Imagine a Slaughterfish that rides on a Silt Strider...

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:34 AM PDT

    Lyithdonea - Islands of the Dawn Showcase - A Morrowind Mod

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:35 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    Levelling bug?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:54 PM PDT

    I've been constantly training levels (10 miscellaneous skill, 10 miscellaneous skill, 10 major or minor to level up)
    But every time I level up my major or minor of choice, it comes one level sooner.
    Because my level progress is constantly at 1/10
    Even after I level up or get it to 10/10 etc, it comes back after I distribute points.
    Is there a way I can fix this without mods?

    submitted by /u/IncenseDragon
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    Morrowind/TES Elitists are S'wits

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:26 PM PDT

    I expect to get differing opinions and even some outright disdain for this, but I have enough magicka for levitation to get away from all you Hlaalu scumbags, so I'm alright.

    P.S. This is an unorganized rant, trust me.

    First of all, I've been a regular, loving player of Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim: Collector Special Legendary Edition since I was the ripe age of 6, starting Morrowind and Oblivion in 2009. I never grew up with Daggerfall, but my epic brother (who did) Played the TES, Baldur's Gate, Fallout, etc. since their inception, so I've gotten a lot of insight from him.

    I understand why people hate dumbing down. The RPG Genre is quite niche within itself, so having it be more accessable causes lots of elitism into the community, but I feel that a lot of the "outsider" people that dwell on this lovely subreddit (And it's a minority, certainly so, I've seen comments downvoted to Hell) never started to Morrowind to begin with (even though they say they do) And worship the game because it has a lot of these achievements.

    • Lack of fast travel!!! (Even Daggerfall didn't do that, right?????????)
    • More intricate questzzzz! (My favorite being Morrowind's guild quests!!!)

    It almost seems to me that this elitist fanbase grew up on Skyrim, watched a video on how Skyrim is for casuals, then got hipsterified, wanted to seem "cool" and "unique" so they picked Morrowind as their go-to uniqueness cumrag.

    But no, Daggerfall is too outdated for them, am I right?

    TES is kindof unique in this regard, not one person that played since Daggerfall has expressed a hate for Skyrim/Oblivion, because they've accepted the direction Bethesda is going in, however, most of these Morrowind elitists, and to some extent, Daggerfall elitists I've met, never even started out with the games. Could my explanation be right?

    People often say that Morrowind was way better than it's successors in every way, unironically, and that saddens me how poseur these people have to be to fit into a niche community. Most older fans can admit Morrowind's faults, of which I can do here. (And it has many more, I just want to pick 2 on my mind.)

    • Outdated Combat System (I know I'll get hate, and yes, I love the combat on Daggerfall, but by Morrowind's time, this shit was old news, I love swiping at an enemy with no animations to show him blocking, dodging, etc. Am I right?)
    • Shitty Guild Quests (Just play the Dark Brotherhood questline from Oblivion and that can singlehandedly best any of Morrowind's guilds, P.S. I love how you can simply get into the thieve's guild just by asking)

    However, Morrowind has had a LOT of good things in the series, which I won't get into, I KNOW you already know what they are, the Alien-like world, the variety of the weapons, and the godly story and dialogue. Morrowind bleeds with history, and I think we can admire it for that.

    But Morrowind improved a lot, too, so don't say how Morrowind was an untouched, full RPG gem for the outsiders. Try navigating a Morrowind dungeon Versus Daggerfall, along with the outdated controls, you can see how tedious it gets.

    My ending message. Love Morrowind, Skyrim, Daggerfall, Arena, Redguard, Battlespire, to however your heart desires, but have a fucking brain, recognize each games faults, and which game does what better. Don't mindlessly focus on one game and idolize it, even it's low-points. People don't worship Skyrim for its amazing, well thought-out puzzles, so don't worship Morrowind for its combat, or Daggerfall for its cookie-cutter side-quest "Go to X to retrieve Y and give to Z for E Gold" System.

    Now, give me YOUR opinion, was this just a completely unstructured rant from a filthy N'Wah who can't appreciate his childhood games, or can you agree to a certain extent? I also expect some grrmmr corrections, since I wrote this at 12 AM on a Skooma binge, so wish me luck.

    submitted by /u/TotalIdiotNerd
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    How to mark a post that contains spoilers?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    Do posters avoid spoily titles? Didn't see anything in the faq. Don't see an appropriate flair. Thanks, AoN

    submitted by /u/anneoneamouse
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