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    Saturday, December 5, 2020

    Morrowind Dawn & Dusk

    Morrowind Dawn & Dusk

    Dawn & Dusk

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Agility,Luck Build in action

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:45 PM PST

    Fan Theory: Yagrum Bagarn ate the rest of the Dwemer

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:58 AM PST

    Think about it. The guy is so fat that he had to get a 4000 year-old wizard to attach him to the legs of a spider centurion to even move.

    I think it's safe to assume that this fat f*** is patient zero of Corprus Disease, which is of course the divine punishment Yagrum received for cannibalizing the rest of his race.

    From this, we can conclude that on his travels to find Divayth Fyr to give him new legs, he of course was harried by Cliff Racers along the way to Tel Fyr, which is why his fat appears all beat up and bloodied.

    The cliff racers then, of course, spread Corprus disease to all of Morrowind praying almost entirely on player characters.

    Thank you for listening!

    submitted by /u/Bouldaru
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    Holy shit, this game is amazing

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST

    I'm not exactly new to Morrowind, been playing it on and off for years, since I have always had a bit of a hard time getting into it, but I think that might have changed yesterday, when I enchanted all pieces of my Battlemage's Imperial armor. It felt amazing.

    I literally felt like Tony Stark: my greaves let me levitate now, I can shoot fire out of my left gauntlet, and ice from the right. I can fortify my personality to perusade people more easily with the power of my pauldrons, my helmet increases my intelligence, etc.

    But hands down the coolest part was the sense of experimentation, and even failure. I'm mentioning the actual useful stuff that I managed to enchant, but my other armor pieces are filled with completely useless crap. And that's fine. Better than fine, it's great. It makes you feel like a godamn crazy scientist who conjures monsters, traps their souls, and uses their power in the faint hope of crafting something at least a little useful.

    Experimenting on my levitation greaves was especially satisfying, as I could only make the effect last for about 3 seconds, and I wasn't sure they'd be useful. Turns out they have more than enough charge to keep me afloat pretty much indefinitely, long as I keep recasting.

    And that's the other thing: after I'd gained virtually unlimited levitation, roads, mountains, enemies and other things that were the bane of my existance pretty much became a suggestion, not an obligation. Who the hell needs to follow directions when you can just levitate in a straight line to your destination, and just recall to your cozy house once you're done with your tasks? I love it, and now I feel so, so sad levitation is no longer a thing in the newer games.

    This sense of progression, of earning your way through a harsh, difficult and fucked up land got unfortunately lost in the newer releases - and I'm not bashing on them, bc they did a lot of things better than Morrowind ever could, but still, this is a great loss, but I'm so glad I finally got to really experience it in this game. Was a great sensation.

    I ranted way longer than I should have, and thank you if you read this far. Just needed to show my appreciation to this thing, it's a godamn masterpiece, even if I have a lot of difficulty playing it for long

    submitted by /u/shesmuhqueen
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    Fethro Maldera (My Nerevarine)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:35 PM PST

    collection of screenshots from my modded playthrough a few months ago (I like sunsets/rises)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:30 PM PST

    What is the best item you’ve found in the crates in Balmora?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:12 PM PST

    so here I go getting off the boat yet again, I pick up some mushrooms and I'm off to Balmora.

    I do my usual pilfering of the town's crates and what do I find but:

    "'Shadowmask Ring' 40-70% chameleon on self for 10seconds"

    now I've played the opening of this game a lot. I've found good weapons, good robes, lots of potions. But I'm 5 minutes into this playthrough and I already have a ring that will serve me well until my enchant skill is absurdly high. pretty sweet have this game's loot can still tickle your fancy after playing it 2/3's of your life.

    submitted by /u/MoreNoisePollution
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    Found...this in a "dreamer" cave. He spun in circles and no weapon affected him, what is this??

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:21 PM PST

    When do you guys normally quit playing Morrowind?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:45 PM PST

    I'm on my first play through right now and I've passed page 500 of my journal and it got me thinking, when do most of you stop playing a character in Morrowind. After you do every guild quest or after you beat the main quest and DLC's. When do you guys normally put a character down?

    submitted by /u/Ian-pg9
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    Is werewolf form good in this game?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:47 AM PST

    If I ever get back into this game, I'd like to create a new character to experience the DLCs fully, and I've heard that becoming a werewolf is a part of Solstheim. How is it? Is it viable gameplay wise or a nuisance like vampirism?

    submitted by /u/zackles007
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    There are actually two Rings of Surroundings

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Warrior, Mage, Thief: Classes and Archetypes in Morrowind and Skyrim. A long and overly analytical project I'm happy to have finished and share!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Are there any consequences in Bloodmoon DLC and Tribunal DLC for massacring Ordinators?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:59 PM PST

    I just finished the Vivec's Fate mod and now I am in the Ordinators death list if I just walk to Vivec city and kill all Ordinators I can see will I still be able to progress the 2 DLC normally? I heard that Mournhold Ordinators and Vivec city Ordinators are belong in different faction but idk

    submitted by /u/nooblox85
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    How can the Nerevarine be recognized in the Mainland?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:25 AM PST

    The Nerevarine was only present in Vvardenfell for some time, then when he goes to Mournhold pay a visit to the DB everyone knows who he is even so far away, maybe there is a newspaper printing a sketch of his face or something, like the Black Horse Courier?

    submitted by /u/rafeule
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    Is there a meta for efficient use of magic to damage enemies?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:25 AM PST

    I'm a lvl 17 Breton mage who can't get past Berandas and retrieve the Boots of the Apostle because the lower level is full of some pretty nasty Daedra. I can kill 1 or 2 but am all out of magic when the 3rd 4th and 5th join the fight. Normally I kill, rest, kill, rest, kill, rest etc but in this case I can't so I'm either going to need an insane amount of restore magic potions or a more efficient type of spell.

    I can get off three blasts of my main electric damage on touch or my main absorb health attack spells before I'm all out of magic.

    Is there a type of spell that I could make that most efficiently uses my limited magic?

    submitted by /u/dovetc
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    Stuck in a bush?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:31 PM PST

    So I was walking to peligiad and I got stuck in a bush. Help?

    submitted by /u/WyattR-
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    Where is Raynasa Rethan?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:29 PM PST

    Aryon told me to kill Rethan, but went I went to Rethan Manor she wasn't inside.

    submitted by /u/yaboycell
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    How come the emperor sent the PC to morrowind if the Nerevarine prophecies were understood to include driving away outlanders?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:55 AM PST

    Wouldn't the idea of an outlander Nerevarine be completely bokers? It'd also be against the interests of the empire except for the part where Dagoth Ur is defeated.

    submitted by /u/Imytholian
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    Help with OpenMW mods please?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST

    So I built my first gaming PC and naturally the first thing I am going to do is playback nearly 20 year old game

    I was looking at the modding OpenMW site and decided to use their complete overhaul list since I am a long time Morrowind player and I am excited to have a new experience

    The question I have is I am putting the mod files in their own directories right now on blind faith that when I reach the next step it will work. Is there anything I should know? What will I need to do once I have each mod in it's own directory?

    submitted by /u/mayaswelltrythis
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    Would this class be a good fighter class?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Just wondering cuz I usually see other classes with more versatility, but I'm going for just fighting skills; Class specialisation; combat

    Favoured attributes; Strength Endurance

    Major skills; Medium armour Heavy armour Block Long blade Short blade

    Minor skills; Armourer Blunt weapon Axe Spear Athletics

    I'm also playing a redguard with the warrior sign

    submitted by /u/YallGonMakeMe245
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    Modded Morrowind CO-OP! (With Subtitles)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:56 PM PST

    The lava jump in Arkngthand (dwemmer puzzle box)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:37 PM PST

    I got over the jump across lava, and there was a man with a hammer in a strange dome shaped room with a giant cog (edit: it's a telescope dome) Also heard there was a chest here and since I've already struggled over here I want to find it. I'm not sure anyone knows where I'm talking about but I would appreciate some help.

    submitted by /u/red-dit-time
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