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    Monday, April 27, 2020

    Morrowind haha horses go yumyum

    Morrowind haha horses go yumyum

    haha horses go yumyum

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    I recreated vivec city in the game theotown (everything in the picture is made by me ,except the ground the trees and the water , i am a modder,land is not 1 to 1 )

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    had to grind for this view, s'wit

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I drew Vivec

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    Ashlands isometric pixel art .

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    Dunmer and Nords are natural ennemies, like...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    An interesting comment from Todd Howard on the writing differences between Morrowind and Oblivion

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    I'm currently doing some research on the development of Oblivion and stumbled across a quote in a fan interview conducted during the Shivering Isles expansion's development. As someone who has always preferred Morrowind's writing to Oblivion's (despite loving both games for different reasons), I thought it was an interesting insight in to the direction Bethesda took for the sequel:

    Fan Question: A lot has been said about the quality of writing in Oblivion, many people have voiced their displeasure at the simplicity of it, that it had little depth and substance. What is your reaction to such claims? If you did not do so already, do you think having a dedicated creative writing team to create more detailed plots, stories and quests would have been preferable, or are you happy with the writing and creative process as it is?

    Todd Howard: I would need specifics to react to something like that. I can say I think our level of writing improved a great deal in Oblivion, not just in quality, but the sheer amount of it. Our quest designers are our writers, so they write the stories, the dialogue, and implement the quests. I think they did a fantastic job. The depth of our quests easily exceeded what we've done before, but it also took a lot more man-power. We put about four times the time into each quest in this game as opposed to Morrowind, so that's a lot of writing. We also wrote specific lines for almost every character in the game, as opposed to the generic info paragraphs from before. So yes, happy with our process, but we're trying to get better at writing spoken dialogue, our stuff still tends to be long and people seem to just click their way through it.

    That being said, I know the heart of this comment is that some people preferred the writing and storytelling in Morrowind to Oblivion's. I'm perfectly ok with that. They are very different stories and games. They intentionally have different flavors, and different types of writing. The thrust of Morrowind was to put the player in the "stranger in a strange land" feel, so most of the writing and story is focused on the land and its history. With Oblivion, coming off Morrowind, we felt a lack of immediate story from Morrowind, that we told a good story of something that happened a thousand years ago, but there wasn't a good story that was happening to you, the player. It was very "a long time ago this awesome thing happened, read all about it, and walk in its wake." With Oblivion our motto was "don't tell me, show me", so we wanted the epic story to happen in front of you, and that's where we focused things. So in contrast, you don't get to read lots of new ancient histories or culture things.

    Of course, there are other factors to consider such as the challenges of fully voiced dialogue (fewer opportunities and an increased cost associated to re-writes and edits), but Todd's answer has definitely made me appreciate the eventual outcome a whole lot more.

    And for those of you curious about how these thoughts may have affected Skyrim, the below quote sums it up nicely:

    Fan Question: What are the main things you'd like to do differently from what you did in Oblivion? Will future TES games be more RPG oriented or will they be more mainstreamed and easier for newcomers to the series?

    Todd Howard: I don't look at future games based on specifics from the last, I like to start fresh. We have lots of ideas, but anything I say here will be premature. Like the previous games – the next game will be different from what we just did, and many people will scream again.

    Note: I'll crosspost this between /r/oblivion and /r/morrowind to stir some discussion in the communities for both games. Feel free to check out the comments in the other subreddit - be a good human and be open to challenging your opinion!

    submitted by /u/kilcunda
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    The banner of the house of Dagoth. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Dwemer Ghosts

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    As far as I know, Morrowind is the only TES game to feature unquiet specters of the dead Dwemer. For example, Skyrim is full of the Dwarven ruins as well, but they are inhabited by Dwemer Animunculi, Falmer, and occasional bandits.

    So, why?

    Is there a piece of lore to explain, why there are Deep Elf spirits around Vvardenfell, but nowhere else?

    Come to think of it, why are they there at all? If I understand correctly, all Dwarves were supposed to have ascended to a higher plane of existence, not died out. If they did, there's not supposed to be any ghosts left.

    submitted by /u/Divahdi
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    [TR] Some of these quest are amazing!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    I just went on an hour long journey to find a detect key potion after stumbling on a diamond mind. Inside, there's a guy going crazy trying to get into a locked door and keeps saying the key is nearby because "he can feel it!!!".

    So I go looking at every nearby potion shop for a detect key potion (ended up looking up the ingredients, RP'd it as asking an Alchemist), then went questing for those. After an hour of teetotaling about I found what I needed, went back to the cave, drank the potion, and ran around until I was close enough to the key for it to show up.

    The newer titles really don't take advantage of the different spells and potion effects like that quest.

    submitted by /u/Automobilie
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    Can't join both the Imperial Cult and the Temple

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    Hey there,

    I've started replaying Morrowind again, using this (https://github.com/Sigourn/morrowind-improved/blob/master/readme.md#introduction) modding guide for a fairly vanilla experience. I've joined the Imperial Cult in Fort Moonmoth and now am trying to join the Temple.

    Feldrelo Sadri (the Temple head honcho in Balmora) doesn't want me to join though and says: "You are a follower of the Imperial Cult. For this reason, we cannot accept you into the Tribunal Temple's ranks'. How come? I thought all the normal guilds (non GH's) weren't mutually exclusive?

    I've tried digging through all the mods in the list, have tried playing without 'higher faction requirements' and ' service requirements' (though their readme's don't state they alter something like mutual exclusive guilds). Does anyone have a clue how to fix this?

    update: I also tried raising my disposition with her to 100 using the console; didn't work..

    submitted by /u/Confuciusz
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    My Nerevarine after 500 hours put into a save file

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I am so mad Conjuration is not a Favourite Skill for the Mages Guild

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    Playing for the 1st time, and the initial thing I did, for roleplay and pratical reasons, was to enter for the Mages Guild. My characther is a Witchunter, who mainly uses Conjuration and bows, and secondarily a variety of magics and a mace for close range combat.

    I advanced through the Mages Guild quests until up the rank of "Conjurer". Did what all of the 3 stewards ordered, and as I have not looked upon any guide, I thought the next rank would come when I completed those quests. I knew I should have a high level of a magic ability associated too, so when I saw I didn't met the recquirements for Magician, I thought my level of 50 on Conjuration was not enough. So, I decided to look on the wiki to see what level I would be ready for the next rank, so I could return to the Guild quests latter. Just to realyze Conjuration was not a Favourite Skill all along.

    I will confess, I didn't pay much attention to all the skills the steward told me I should be proficient with when I entered the Guild, because I thought he considered all of the magic related ones. And it also does not make sense the Guild not consider Conjuration as a Favourite Skill. There are Conjuration trainers there, they sell Conjuration spells, they have a rank called "Evoker" and another "Conjurer", and some of the members conjure a creature when they are attacked too. Yes, the Mages Guild is against Necromancy, but this is only a subarea of Conjuration, and given how they use the skill on their practices, it does not make sense they disqualify it on the gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Lord_M_G_Albo
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    Get that skooma

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Just installed Tamriel Rebuilt for the first time. Any suggestions of interesting things to do, or places to visit?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Is it possible to play the game as a pure mage?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Or should I level a melee skill too? Khajitt mages were always one of my favorite thing to do. Pretty much was able to make a pure mage in Skyrim and oblivion.

    submitted by /u/TheAlcaeus
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    I’ve been working on drawing my role play in morrowind as a dark elf.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Lost art

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Ok, so I swear I had grabbed a picture from this subreddit and I've had it as my phone wallpaper for a few years now. It's apparently disappeared and I can't find it for the life of me. It was done in a Japanese style with a brown scroll like back ground, and it was a detailed drawing of the Nerevar fighting Dagoth. Any chance someone here might have a copy or know the thing I'm talking about?

    submitted by /u/FuriousxJoegan
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    Let's Play Morrowind - Episode 8 - Nasty Axe-wielding Bandits

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Flying like the Telvanni do. Best way to fly at low level?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I've just started my second play through of Morrowind and wanted to complete the telvanni faction first before continuing the main game. Anyone know the easiest way to get levitation?

    submitted by /u/Rae_Coat01
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    Best places for player homes?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    I've looked at hlaalo Manor and it doesn't really peak my interest for some reason and I'm thinking about using Andre mauls tower but I'm not sure about that one either. Any dwemer ruins I could possibly use?

    submitted by /u/thevaultsucc8689
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    Multiple issues with Morrowind

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I got the game today, and being a 2020 gamer, instantly decided to mod it to bring it up to modern standards. However, I have encountered multiple issues, how do I fix them?

    • Intro cutscence and New Game cinematic both have extremely choppy sound. (Culprit is Morrowind Script Extender)
    • When the title screen loads, a message appears saying that a plugin is missing a master. (The culprit is Real Signposts, which should not require a master)
    • When I try to load a game, a series of hazard messages appear asking me whether to terminate the program as there are named Model Load Errors, primarily around heads. (The culprit is The Facepack Compilation)

    These are some of the most popular mods in the whole community, so I assume there must be solutions to my problems. I am using a 2016 gaming Laptop, and can provide specs if needed, tho I doubt they're tying me down for a 2002 game. I am using Vortex for all butMy full mod list is:

    • MGE XE
    • MWSE
    • Patch for Purists
    • MCA
    • Bob's Diverse Blood
    • XE Sky Varitions
    • Real Signposts
    • Facepack Compilation
    • Correct Meshes
    • Morrowind Enhanced Textures
    • Correct UV Rocks
    • Better Dialogue Font
    submitted by /u/TNTiger_
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