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    Saturday, March 14, 2020

    Morrowind "The toughest opponent in Morrowind"

    Morrowind "The toughest opponent in Morrowind"

    "The toughest opponent in Morrowind"

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Spends hundreds of dollars to be able to play Skyrim, contiunes playing Morrowind

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    Found my new favorite shader combo

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    I don't need sleep. I need answers!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    What do silt striders eat?

    submitted by /u/Werries_Wolraad
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    What is the best morrowind quest or questline

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Im justing starting out with morrowind and would like to start of with a bang

    submitted by /u/OGCark
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    How do I get into the secret room at the Craftsman's Hall(Tribunal)?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    I can't pick the lock and Ondusi's Unhinging doesn't work. is there a key somewhere?

    submitted by /u/ItzSilentStorm
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    What are all the most broken mechanics in Morrowind?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    I'm gonna do a new playthrough, but I never really did much of the insanely broken stuff. I'd like to see just how far this game can be stretched. If any of you can help me, flex your expertise here.

    submitted by /u/rossmerickson
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    My Morrowind Journal, Part V

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    The previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/faso75/my_morrowind_journal_part_iv/

    Day 19

    Inta still considers Ald'ruhn to be her home, but she stays here. No longer is she a suppliant, and her current duty as a lay member is to continue helping out at St. Veloth's between her pilgrimages. She is safe, and her sister will be secure in knowing she is safe.

    Also my character's first taste of Azura's Coast! but the in-detail remarks come later.

    A new tribe of Ashlanders sets itself up a short distance west of Molag Mar. The Temple's worried: although these tribes are allowed to settle wherever they would on Vvardenfell, normally they also have license to raid and enslave the communities nearby, which would be bad for business.

    I was sent to negotiate with the tribe's leaders. Adibael, the ashkhan, is their king, while his wife Ibanammu is also their wise woman, in other words their oracle and high priestess. It was a welcome warm enough that I was as surprised as in my visit to Ald'ruhn, although I suppose our alliance was a natural one, having been the first outlander they met as a brand new tribe.

    The tribe was originally part of the much larger Erabenimsun camp, breaking away due to this forebear's cruelty. Adibael asserts their culture is pastoral by tradition, their jobs of choice being to mine eggs or herd Guard -- if nix-hounds are insectoid wolves, then Guar are reptilian mules -- with raiding for slaves a corruption.

    The Temple would not so easily believe them, hatching what I believe is a needlessly convoluted plot for the tribe to prove its worth. With the Erabenimsun having stolen a precious illuminated Holy Book, the Temple's asked me to retrieve it, and the Kaushtababi to prove their intentions by merely helping me.

    All this I do under the assumption that I'll get paid, but it should be clear at this point how I have a genuine love of helping people. It's at least better than the jobs Lorbumol gives.

    Day 20

    I'm too exhausted to climb up the steps to the plaza, so instead I write this at the Pilgrim's Rest, the hostel at Molag Mar's waistworks. My armor's dented beyond recognition and my sword's been blunted into a mace, the road to Erabenimsun was full of foul fauna -- one species in particular caught my attention: the Shalk, dog-sized black beetles with tough outer shells, claw-like mandibles, and a poison spit more potent than a kwama's -- but worst of all, gods! worst of all, was my very first blight storm.


    It was all fog, the morning I delivered the Temple's task to Adibael, but just as the sun reached its zenith and I had gone a good distance north, the weather turned to hell. I couldn't go back and spend the rest of my day waiting out the storm: I would have died of boredom! What an error of judgement that turned out to be.

    By the time I reached Mount Kand, I couldn't take it anymore. I thank the gods that even with my eyes shut by the boots I didn't suffer much stumbling, though in retrospect I would have walked blind either way. The redguard servant here mistook me for a dunmer, coming in, my eyes were red as the storm itself.


    I thank the gods again, that I didn't catch any diseases, nor that the Erabenimsun proved so hostile as to render this entire ordeal pointless. They were hostile, alright: my armor proved the one thing that kept them from trying to overpower me, that made some of their scouts listen. It was one such scout that led me to their healer's tent, Aivilo the healer's apprentice possessing the key to this whole task.

    She knew exactly where the book was kept, and knew exactly how I could get it -- that is, how I could get it safely, without (further?) angering the tribe. The one who claimed the book was terribly disappointed by his prize: being Temple property, it was impossible for him to fence. I sweet talked him, first, to try and lower the price, but it turned out his starting offer was ridiculously low anyway. He couldn't even count how many gold pieces I gave him, not that I cheated him out of the book or anything.

    I miss the region I started out on, the Bitter Coast. I miss especially the region to its east, the region of bright green grass and giant mushrooms overtopping trees. I even miss the region where Balmora and Caldera lie, desolate as that country is. Gods, I pray I should not be troubled anymore, by this Temple and these Ashlanders.

    Day 21

    This time, just dusklight (thank Azura).

    I take a well-needed break here at the Foreign Quarter -- well, a break from nature, although with Lorbumol and Sjoring out my company's not intolerable.

    It turns out Percius still has allies here: Shagda the orc, dimwitted as he is (and this is by his own admission), would be supportive of a more honorable style of leadership. One of my fellow junior members, too, joined the guild before Sjoring's time, or at least without Sjoring's influence.

    Baurin's an orphan, like Inta, only being a wood elf the Temple was not as inclined to take her in. The group that did take her in, the Mages Guild, she was terribly unsuited for: at one point, she went into the wilderness, alone and unsupervised, in an attempt to disprove her utter lack of skill through a sort of trial by fire.

    The fire she put herself through -- a dungeon, I believe -- proved to be far hotter than her nonexistent abilities in alteration could withstand. A member of the Fighters Guild saved her, a redguard one at that, and it was through this rescue that she found her true calling.

    Sadly she's lost a dear memento given her by said redguard, an annotated copy of Lady Benoch's Words and Philosophy, and she's asked me to help her look for it. She believes she'd lost it in Ald'ruhn, or rather that it was stolen there; either way, the location's quite convenient.

    Day 22


    Now it's my turn to give gifts: Gold Kanet for me, Coda Flowers for Ahnassi. The latter are these bright blue bulbs lighting up stalks like torches all over the Bitter Coast. She's alright with me just buying them, but I feel they'd be worthy only if I gathered them myself -- still, never underestimate the power of one's disgust.

    So I passed through Balmora, specifically the alchemist's shop. Nothing. Then I passed through Caldera. Again, nothing. I suppose I'll have to check at Ald'ruhn, or else head for Gnaar Mok.

    Day 23

    The second worst experience of my life here in Vvardenfell so far was swimming through a thick soup of fog that blanketed the Bitter Coat. Finding coda flowers in the wild was much harder than I thought: I ended up going far south of Gnaar Mok, all the way back to Balmora! I did find one, just one, so I might as well return to Ahnassi today, before getting back on the road to Ald'ruhn. She'll be so amused by this long detour.

    Taken day 40. It wasn't just my character that had a hard time, though for me it was a good kind of hard.

    In retrospect, I should have gone straight to Seyda Neen, from Pelagiad -- perhaps those flowers prefer a landscape less tainted by Red Mountain -- but, again, disgust.

    Was there a lesson learned here? That maybe I shouldn't have tried for the easier option by going Balmora's alchemist first? That friendship, true friendship, can only be bought by sacrifice? If that's the case, then it's a very stupid and roundabout way to learn, and I hate it. But not nearly as much as I hate a Blight Storm.

    submitted by /u/RiverMund
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    We're Watching You, Scum

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    HELP. Nerano Manor Key. How?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    yep. I'm a noob. lvl 5 thief 76 sneak. couldn't pickpocket. don't know how to taunt either. Things just don't work

    Edit: Thanks for all the answers. I bribed the guy. Then I'm going to learn how to merch off him then I'm gonna stab him.

    submitted by /u/TheHappyChaurus
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