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    Sunday, March 8, 2020

    Morrowind Morrowind 2020 Winter Modjam - Results Thread - 13 New Mods Released!

    Morrowind Morrowind 2020 Winter Modjam - Results Thread - 13 New Mods Released!

    Morrowind 2020 Winter Modjam - Results Thread - 13 New Mods Released!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:13 AM PST

    Last weekend we hosted the first ever Morrowind Modjam, the first of the new bi-annual modjams to be hosted in the Winter and Summer months, where modders have only 48 hours to come up with, design, and release a mod over the course of a single weekend, and despite somewhat limited promotion, 13 mods were released for this competition by 12 individual modders.

    These 13 mods had to match one of our three themes for the Winter 2020 Modjam, which were deliberately fairly broad themes, and as a result, we got quite a variety of mods, including some new quest mods, a new Dwemer dungeon, a landscape overhaul, an expansion to Balmora, some new gameplay effects, and modifications to various Daedric artifacts!

    You'll find a full list of the submitted mods for the Winter 2020 Modjam below! And if you missed out, don't forget the Summer 2020 Modjam begins in July, and in-between now and then, the Morrowind May Modathon Month Modding Competition, the biggest modding competition in the gaming community, will be returning on May 1st!

    But without further ado, here's the Winter Modjam Mods:

    Dungeon Mods:

    1. Bthusal by Trancemaster_1988

    Gameplay Mods:

    1. Ash Helms by Stripes
    2. The Ebony Blade by Leyawynn
    3. Always There Spell Breaker by Leyawynn
    4. Blight is Coming by Half11
    5. The Madstone by Melchior Dahrk
    6. Reactionary Miscreants Underworks

    Items Mods:

    1. Daedric Crossbow by Stripes

    Landscape and Town Mods:

    1. Balmora Docks District by CorprusWaifu
    2. Strider Burial by Anumaril21

    Quest Mods:

    1. Hircine's Quest by Danae and Gavrilo93
    2. Ashes and Gold by ProfArmitage
    3. A Magic Shop for Molag Mar by WulfShaman

    A special thanks to all of the modders who participated, and I hope to see you all for the next modding competition!

    submitted by /u/Darkelfguy
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    The wisdom of an old blade...

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Reimagined Dagoth Ur, will try other designs in the future

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:33 PM PST

    Just started my first playthrough!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:59 PM PST

    I was introduced to Elder Scrolls by Skyrim but have since tried and loved Oblivion and now I'm finally giving this old f'lah a go. I'm playing as an orc barbarian, but customised the class so he can use a broadsword.

    Thoughts so far: I'm enjoying getting lost, there isn't anything stopping my character from making rash decisions so they walked to Balmora, combat is challenging, there aren't any autosaves whoops, scribs are adorable, and having to name my saves makes me feel like I'm actually documenting my adventure.

    I'm having a lot of fun, and am starting to see why this game has such a dedicated fanbase!

    submitted by /u/Roofskate
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    Is there a mod to fix the Orc berserk racial ability?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:16 PM PST

    I always play Orc, always, in every Elder Scrolls game that has them. And a big part of it is the Berserk racial ability, which should by all means be a very strong ability. However the -100 Agility makes it completely unusable. Every single hit I take staggers me or knocks me down, and it makes it an actual hindrance to use.

    Is there some sort of mod that makes this ability worth using, or greatly reduces the penalty that this ability gives?

    submitted by /u/TechStoreZombie
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    Help needed on installing Tamriel Rebuilt into OpenMW.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:48 AM PST

    Hello! My friend and I were trying to get Tamriel Rebuilt to work with OpenMW, but we're hitting a lot of snags while trying to do that. What folder(s) should the Data Files and the Core Files go in, where are we supposed to register the .bsa files, and what else is needed to get it to run? Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Arcanus01134
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    Don't know if this would at all be the right sub. But I'm trying to learn Daedric, and was wondering if anyone could let me know if my alphabet is correct. If so, thanks.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:25 PM PST

    using openmw on mac and game continuously skips?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:35 PM PST

    hi! i recently got my girlfriend into morrowind but she had to download openmw in order to run it on her mac. installation was easy and the program itself runs just fine. but whenever she's walking anywhere, the screen... jumps? like it lags really bad and then kind of catches up with itself, and it's continuous. this cycles every 4 or so seconds.

    sorry it's a bad explanation, but does anyone know what to do to fix it? i don't know enough about macs and i've never used openmw so im not sure what to do. thanks!

    submitted by /u/almaIexia
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    here's Magelight for your adventures.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Act I, Part V: The Plight of the Ald'ruhn Egg Miners' Union (The Telvanni Girl) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 11:20 PM PST

    Act I, Part V: The Plight of the Ald'ruhn Egg Miners' Union

    By Gandosa Arobar, Daughter of Miner Arobar

    Everyday, the lines at St. Rilms' Kitchen grow longer as we sink deeper into what my father once called the worst economic depression in recent history. He blames the Hlaalu for moving their supply chains from locally-sourced products to imported Imperial wares and it's understandable. It wasn't so long ago when people pitied those who went to St. Rilms' as being simply down on their luck, but now, it's become almost a way of life for some people. As the need for locally-made goods declines due to the Hlaalu importing goods from the Empire and reselling them to locals, we watch as our people's livelihoods slowly fade away. People who were once renowned across both Vvardenfell and the Mainland for their craftsmanship are being forced to find work as common laborers and one such example of this is an old friend of Volene's who I came to take a liking to as well, Dravyn.

    I had never met Dravyn before I knew Volene, but I had heard of him and had on more than one occasion purchased his products even if I had never personally met him. He was a jeweler who specialized in bonemold jewelry adorned with gemstones made from cremation ashes and I remember that throughout my childhood and adolescence, his work was considered the peak of class and sophistication. Simply put, every noblewoman in Morrowind was wearing something he had either personally made or was knocked off of one of his designs, but his fortune didn't last forever. In attempts to win favor with the Empire, their nobles began wearing imported Imperial jewelry and the Hlaalu capitalized on the image it presented and began importing massive amounts of much less-expensive jewelry to sell off to their citizens and over time, it began to spread. It's not common here in Ald'ruhn, but every once in a while I will see someone wearing an Imperial Dragon pendant or something similar and it breaks my heart to see that people would rather spend their money on the cheap goods pushed by the Empire through the Hlaalu than invest in their own people and local economy. I just wish they realized that every time they purchase goods imported from the Empire, that is money leaving Morrowind to serve people who have no interest in us beyond what they can take from us, but there is little I can do besides do the best I can to mitigate the consequences of their near-sighted actions.

    What does matter is that I saw Dravyn today for the first time in years. For the first time since everything went down with Volene. I knew his business had fallen on hard times when I stopped seeing street merchants peddling poor imitations of his products, but he's not even a jeweler anymore. He's actually the foreman of one of one of the local eggmines now and the reason he came out all this way to find me was because he knew that I was probably the only person who would listen to him about the troubles of the Egg Miners' Union. The Union has apparently lost a lot of business over the last year as the economy has declined. Restaurants, cornerclubs, inns, merchants—they've all ordered less and less with each month and it's resulted in the Union having to cut wages just to stay afloat and it's gotten to such a point where a lot of the miners are worried about the taxes that the House levies on every land-owning citizen.

    Dravyn came to me because his people are afraid that when they can't pay their taxes, the House is going to repossess their homes and their land and he's hopeful that I can speak to my father on behalf of the Union and persuade him into granting a Writ of Tax Exemption for the Union as a whole until business picks back up. In all honesty, I don't know if I can do it. I don't even know if my father can just do that anyways. Yes, he is a Councilor, but to grant hundreds of people tax exemption? I don't even know if Archmaster Venim can do that without first receiving a supporting vote from the Council, but even if my father can't do it himself, as a Redoran, he has the right to bring an issue before the Council to be deliberated and voted upon and I can see no reason as to why he wouldn't at least be willing to do that much. He always talks about how he sees himself as a servant of the people and his people need him. He has to do this. If he doesn't, I just can't bear the thought of what will happen if all these people lose their homes and their land because there's less of a demand for kwama eggs. These are people—our people—and we can't fail them. If we fail them, what will happen to them? Will they just be abandoned to the streets or will we at least begin construction of public housing to support them until they find new arrangements? And what will they eat? St. Rilms' is already struggling to support all of the people relying on it for a hot meal everyday; I couldn't imagine if we had two or three hundred people coming for meals everyday—we just don't have the facilities or the people to support that kind of volume.

    Ayem, please give me a sign or a vision or some form of guidance on how to help my people if my father can't convince the Council to grant the Union this exemption. I know that they'll probably listen to him, after all, he isn't just any Redoran beseeching them to hear his plea, he sits on the Council right alongside them, but still, I'm afraid. What if something goes wrong and they decide to levy taxes regardless of the Union's pleas for compassion and mercy? You can't just take their homes away for reasons that are no fault of their own and expect them to go along peacefully. At best, there will be an uproar and they will live the rest of their lives knowing that the House abandoned them in their time of need and at worst—I don't even want to think of it, but I know that if this does go badly, there very well could be bloodshed and I pray with all my heart and soul that it does not come to pass, but I fear for the worst.

    Please Ayem, manifest yourself in the hearts of the Council when they deliberate as to whether or not they should grant this exemption to the Union. I ask this not because I fear for the reputation of the House or the civil unrest that could follow, but because these are my people and I love them with all that I am. Please don't allow them to be overlooked by the people who have dedicated their lives to service to them. I beg this of you, Ayem. Please don't let my people suffer more than they already are.

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Do you actually need to level up perfectly the whole time to max out all stats and skills?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Basiacally title.

    submitted by /u/Crunch150
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    Is a Fighters Guild linked with the Thieves Guild still corrupt?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:24 PM PST

    I'm playing a fairly honorable character who is basically done thieves guild quests in order to work with them to destroy the Camonna Tong and rid the Fighters Guild of that corruption, but is the Thieves Guild a less corrupt organization than the Camonna Tong? And is having a Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild who is also in the Thieves Guild any less corrupt that before?

    submitted by /u/Kiwi712
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    Getting into morrowind

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:57 AM PST

    So I've owned morrowind for quite a while now and used to play it a lot when I was younger but I never really figured out all the deep mechanics and didn't get much further then Balmora if I remember correctly

    Does anyone have any advice/tips as to how to get into morrowind, I'd love to experience the story for the first time but I'm worried if I just go into it with no advice I might just loose interest which I hope not coz I love Elder Scrolls

    submitted by /u/H08S0N
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    I'm having trouble with installing mgso

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:21 PM PST

    I reinstalled Morrowind and in the process of installing mgso and when I click run mge it won't do anything so I'm concluding that I lack the installer files if anyone can help that would be great

    submitted by /u/IShadowxWraithI
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    Is it worth buying the game?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:52 AM PST

    I dont know if i want to actually play it or just watch a letsplay on youtube. Its only 15$ on steam but iv heard after playing other ES games its incredibly hard to get into, also the combat system is shit. Ik there are mods but if i played i would only want to play vanilla. So what do you think, is it worth it? Or should i just watch a youtube letplay.

    submitted by /u/jklmao5
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    installing morrowind onto android

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:38 AM PST

    I've put all of the data-files into an mw folder onto my sd card, plus included the morrowind.ini file IN THE data-files folder.

    Yet, when I open OMW and open game file: it keeps saying please select a directory which contains both the morrowind.ini file and the data files directory.

    I followed instructions from this video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOwFvnNE_Zs

    submitted by /u/mansotired
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    Stalked by Dremora Lords

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:44 AM PST

    Hi, I've been playing Multiplayer with my mates for a bit and once every now and then a random Dremora Lord suddenly teleports to one of our positions and tries to wreck our day. We've held them back so far, but are still very curious what this is. Is there like a quest that stops this from happening? Anyways, it seems quite deadly to me to happen at the complete start of the game. Tbh, I did steel some gems from a daedric ruin, but I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be it. If that were indeed the case, how could I remove this curse?

    submitted by /u/Nibellius
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    What's going on with Morrowind Modding History? - Can't download Talrivian's State-Based HP Mod, or any other mods

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:37 AM PST

    None of the download links on the site work, and say that the file isn't found or it's inaccessible. I've downloaded a lot of mods from the site a couple of years back, is it no longer maintained? It's a shame because I can't download a lot of the great mods that fix a lot of design faults in Morrowind.

    submitted by /u/Rhidlr
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