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    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    Morrowind Hippity-hoppity, I’m not your property

    Morrowind Hippity-hoppity, I’m not your property

    Hippity-hoppity, I’m not your property

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:27 PM PST

    This ash ghoul just hit me with the OK emoji after killing me. Nice.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:10 PM PST

    When you create a Destruction spell with 50 AoE

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:47 AM PST

    I'd like to give him my "speed of light" boots

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Fun fact: I played through an entire character including most of the Legion quests and the entire main quest and half way through a second character before realising there was a World map. I am not a smart man.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:07 PM PST

    New race in Morrowind

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Look what I got yesterday, my N'wahs!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:38 AM PST

    Will getting corpus force me to continue with the next main story quest?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:46 PM PST

    Hi, possible minor MSQ spoilers below.

    I've arrived at the quest where I'll end up infected with Corprus disease. It's my first run through but I knew about this plot aspect ahead of time. Anyway, I like to run around aimlessly and do side quests; if I get Corprus, am I going to be forced to go straight to the cure quest ? By forced, I mean to imply that the disease will have such bad effects that I won't really be able to do anything but go find a cure.

    Want to know so I can time it well, and possibly get through some other side quests first. Thanks ! (Sorry about typo in topic)

    submitted by /u/peppermintrain
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    Morrowind title music is my kind of ASMR

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:23 PM PST

    Standing on a rock, Ep. 2 : killing Umbra at lv 3

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:47 AM PST

    My Morrowind Journal, Rebooted

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:58 PM PST

    It took me about six months to get over the fact that I lost all of the saves for my last journal due to the hard drive breaking down. But now I'm back, with a new hard drive, a new modlist, and a brand new character! The draft of the last journal lasted about seventy in-game days, while I'm half that length with my current journal, although the doc is almost as long: this time it's more detailed, more introspective.

    Mod list

    This is possibly the last major playthrough I do where I follow BTB's old, somewhat outdated modlist. About a third of the mods here listed are, well, old and somewhat outdated; another third are updated (or reverted, due to differences in taste) mods from his list; and the rest are taken from another guide, danjb's list.

    My vanilla installation is the steam GOTY edition. Most of these mods were installed using Wrye Mash, while their load order was fixed using mlox, with a few adjustments.

    Morrowind Patch Project (BTB Edition)
    Cave Texture Fix
    Mesh Fix
    Poorly Placed Object Fix
    Texture Fix (Vanilla and Bloodmoon)
    UMPP Fixes
    Well Diversified
    Vodunius Nuccius Fix
    Morrowind Optimization Patch

    Graphical Improvements
    HD Vanilla Textures
    Better Bodies
    LizTail's New Beast Bodies
    Better Heads
    Better Clothes
    More Better Clothes
    Canadian Ice's Robes (Ice Brady Hurdy, PLUS plugin)
    Darknut's Weapon, Armor, Creature, and Dwemer Textures
    Azura Replacer
    Vivec God Replacement (no bonus plugin)
    Better Almalexia (no bonus plugin)
    Mesh Improvements
    Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul (no esm)
    SWG's Skies .iv
    Better Books for Morrowind (with esp)
    Better Dialogue Font
    Better Daedric Font
    Vurt's Hi-Res Menubook and Scroll Pack
    Particle Arrow Replacer (with AEA plugin; see below)
    Extreme Textures: Spelleffects
    Crosshair Pack II
    Alternate Enchanted Item Icons
    Realistic Blood
    Oblivion Septims
    Weathered Signposts

    Gameplay Mods
    Herbalism for Purists
    Atmospheric Sound Effects (BTB Edit)
    Quieter UI Sounds
    Hotfusion's Economy Adjuster
    -Merchant Skills (Disposition Edit)
    -Ingredients (Personal Edit: I restored the commonality of pearls)
    -Crime (Trespass Edit)
    -Daedric Drops
    Wakim's Game Improvements
    -Game Settings (with various edits from BTB's Settings plugin, danjb's Shortchanged, and Wakim's own character plugin)
    -Magic Effects
    -NPC Spellcasting
    Level-Up Birthsign Remover
    Antares Big Mod
    Container Ownership
    The Publicans
    Talrivian's State-Based Hitpoints
    Delayed Dark Brotherhood Attacks
    Dark Brotherhood Assassins Fix
    Daggerfall Book Collection
    Glow in the Dahrk (with Hi-Res Window Textures, Interior Sunrays, and Telvanni Dormers)
    Distant Lights
    True Lights and Darkness
    Glowing Flames (with True Lights and Darkness Tweaks)
    Darker Morrowind Mods (AEA, Firemoth, LGNPC, and a plugin I created for Antares Big Mod)
    Vality's Ascadian Isles Mod
    Vality's Bitter Coast Mod
    MUSE* (with tracks from Bosa's Morrowind Music Overdose, Morrowind Rebirth, Project Tamriel's Songbook of the North, Morthrug's Better Music System Redone, Oblivion Symphonic Variations, Oblivion Soundrack Total Conversion, and Matti Paalanen's Celestial Aeon Project and Project Divinity, as well as the default game)

    Additional Content
    All of the Less Generic NPCs Project (here referred to as LGNPC) plugins, excluding the soul sickness patch
    Patched Siege at Firemoth
    Patched Area Effect Arrows (with BTB's edits to Aradraen's Speechcraft and Mercantile Skills)

    Rebirth Recommended
    Visible Mournhold Temple
    Frostmoth Repaired
    Lower First Person Sneak Mod
    Cave Drips
    Free the Slaves
    Shrines - Restore Health and Cancel Options
    Shattered Stones
    Descriptive Descriptions
    Easy Escort
    UI Expansion
    Realistic Movement Speeds

    danjb Recommended
    Voiced Vivec and Yakety Yagrum
    Dagoth Ur Fix
    Sound Spell Sound Effect
    Main Quest Enhancers
    Django's Dialogue
    Illy's Solstheim Rumor Fix, Fixed
    Service Refusal Expanded (which folds in all of the service refusal mods dan himself recommends)
    No One is Above the Law (a supplement to the former mod)
    PeterBitt's Small Mods
    -Collision Fix
    -Fireshield Icon Fix
    -Grahl Eye Fix
    -Legion Uniforms
    -No Resting in Ald Velothi

    Other Mods
    Protective Guards
    Clear Your Name
    Thieves Guild Regained Trust
    No Chargen Message Boxes

    exe Mods and MWSE
    Morrowind Code Patch (with all but two-handed weapon removes shield, Argonian clothing choice, and spellmaking matches editor for game mechanics; all but over-the-shoulder third person camera for visuals; only scripted music uninterruptible, allow scroll enchant price modifier, and creature voicover enable for mod-specific; all but map expansion, convenient defaults, spell select by name, see all standard potion effects, and better typography for interface changes; and, of course, all of the bugfixes)
    Timeslip's exe optimizer (the sources I found said this wasn't necessary for most modern computers, but since my PC is like GLaDOS in Portal 2's second act, I used it anyway)
    MGE XE (which has MWSE built in; I use distant lands, with up to three cells loaded, and the fog coming in at around two cells)

    * - I tried editing BTB's Better Music System Redone to have a sort of regional overworld system but, total novice that I am, it didn't work as intended. Xiran's Better Music System has too many features I don't need, to be honest, such as the underwater music and the large amount of tiers, but I'm really missing either system's tiered-by-health combat music system and interior music. If anyone has any idea how to fix my edit, how to modify Xiran's Better Music System for my own purposes, or how to configure MUSE to include all the changes I want, please, message me.

    Mod links

    BTB's site: http://btb2.free.fr/ (I used wayback machine to get his versions of some of the plugins)
    danjb's site: http://danjb.com/
    Morrowind Mod History: http://mw.modhistory.com/
    Great House Fliggerty: http://download.fliggerty.com/
    Morrowind Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind
    Oblivion Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/
    Canadian Ice's Robes: http://canadianice.moddersrealm.com/RobeReplacer.html?action=downloads;sa=view;down=48
    Matti Paalanen's Site: http://www.mattipaalanen.com/
    LGNPC: http://lgnpc.org/
    Timeslip's exe optimizer: http://timeslip.users.sourceforge.net/exeopt.html

    On Modding Morrowind

    I won't be talking much gameplay in this journal. My goal is to write something that, hypothetically, would find its way into the Elder Scrolls universe as, say, "The Journal of the Nerevarine". So here are some miscellaneous observations on the game itself so far.

    Of the later Elder Scrolls games, I have two standards when it comes to moddability. Does the game need much fixing, and are mods needed to make the game truly great?

    I would argue Skyrim doesn't need that much fixing, even with the Unofficial Patches -- I played up to level thirty without any mods just fine -- but the unmodded game loses value at around that level, because of its borked progression. It's not a great game without something like Morrowloot or Combat of Skyrim, the former to make its level progression feel impactful, the latter to take its combat to the level of immersion it aspired to.

    But Skyrim's weakness is ultimately its writing, which no mod, not even the stellar Interesting NPCs, could ever fix. It introduces its two central conflicts brilliantly, the civil war and the return of the dragons, but with both elements being so underdeveloped, the experience ends in bathos, something that could not have been intended by the developers. Even granting how the mods to develop the civil war work perfectly by themselves, the experience is still clumsy and underwhelming. My last Skyrim character went into the conflict at a fairly high level, since the mod I used to improve the civil war claimed it made the war considerably harder. She beheaded Ulfric within a week.

    Oblivion has better writing, if not in its main quest, then in its side quests. I'm playing it concurrently with Morrowind, albeit without a journal -- I'll get to why in a moment -- and the Mages Guild was appropriately expansive, in spite of its quick resolution, while the Thieves Guild made me feel like an actual master thief, as opposed to Skyrim's baffling narrative choices.

    But Oblivion is memey for a reason. Morrowind has plenty of memes, too, but they focus more on elements the developers actually intended, like Fargoth or Uncle Crassius. Oblivion's progression is also notoriously broken, but that, along with its many many bugs, can be fixed by mods like the Unofficial Patches and Oscuro's Overhaul.

    In short, no mod can make Skyrim truly great (if it isn't already great, which I would argue it is, just in a sense different from its predecessors), but at least it doesn't need much fixing. Oblivion needs mods to be fixed but, with mods, it also has the potential to be great. Morrowind needs only fixing.

    And here we come to the reasons why I make a journal with Morrowind, and not its successors. I have already argued against Skyrim; as for Oblivion, the pace of the game is itself too nondeliberate for a project of this scope and level of detail. Even without fast travel -- the only fast travel I use in Oblivion are the travel services added by Arthmoor -- and with mods that extend the timeline of its quests, often Oblivion plays like one is simply moving from goalpost to goalpost.

    With Morrowind, every time my character visits a settlement, he or she actually stays in the settlement. Its twin curses of non-regenerating attributes and a painfully slow starting speed are also its blessing, in that they make the world feel as big as the developers wanted it to feel.

    There is also something inherently novelistic about its supposed archaism of all the game's dialogue having to be read. If one does not have the mods to mitigate its canned responses while being disinclined to just skip through them, these responses at least maintain some of the body that is lost when one sees and hears them repeated. It's far easier to mock someone's manner of speaking, especially if said manner is as robotic as games of the era can't be anything but, than it is to mock his or her style of speech. Delivery can fail its audience, while weak writing is often saved by otherwise stimulating the imagination.

    The developers may have made some questionable gameplay choices due to their inexperience in making this particular genre of video game, but they sure knew how to build a world. Their inexperience here is easy to excuse, as they counted among the pioneers in the transition from one era of gaming to another, from the misplaced but nevertheless astounding ambition of Daggerfall to the level of detail in its successors.

    Morrowind's landscapes are some of the most memorable, not only among Elder Scrolls games, but even in all of gaming. Nothing compares to the rocky spires, cracked earth, and bubbling pools of lava sculpting Molag Amur, or the rich flora, mushrooms tall as trees, and frequent glimpses of the alien Bull and Betty Netch coloring the Ascadian Isles.

    The graphical improvements and immersion mods I chose only update the vanilla style. The mod Atmospheric Sound Effects develops an element of the game that Bethesda itself added later to its original release with the Bitter Coast Sounds addon. I don't like some of the sounds ASE adds, like dogs and cats in Balmora, but the alternative, Expanded Sounds, did not at all play well with the other mods.

    Glow in the Dahrk and True Lights and Darkness both make lighting a notable rather than merely functional element of the game. The sunrays from Glow in the Dahrk are a little funny, as I sometimes see them where they ought not be seen, like having sunrays that both come into and out of the windows of the Fighters' Guild in Vivec, but that's a small bug in what seems to be an otherwise flawless update of the old Illuminated Windows and Windows Glow mods. True Lights and Darkness, meanwhile, greatly enhances the mood of interiors, and I love the added gameplay element of having to use torches when spelunking, but the mod turns candles and lanterns into strobe lights, where in real life they barely flicker indoors, while some of the colored lights seem a bit garish. I considered a much less flickery alternative, di.Still.ed, but I was unsure about the FPS impact of its suggested MGE XE settings, as well as its interaction with Darker Morrowind Mods, which was made with True Lights and Darkness in mind. As for the colored lights, the Glowing Flames True Lights and Darkness esp does help mitigate the problem, while the mod itself adds its own distinct touch to the game's lighting.

    Vality's Bitter Coast and Ascadian Isles addons use technology developed for Oblivion to expand their respective regions' sense of breadth. The particular music mods I use, which are either Xiran and BTB's Better Music System or Rytelier's MUSE, add a crucial element to Morrowind's music system that was probably missing only because of time constraints: dungeon music. Herbalism for Purists also follows the model of the later games in making the collection of ingredients considerably less tedious.

    As for gameplay mods, I tried to strike a balance between, well, game balance, verisimilitude, and developer intention. The two elements of the game that most folks agree are ridiculously unbalanced are magic and economy. It's well-acknowledged that the player character can get rich way too quickly, but the specific details of how to resolve this problem are up for debate. The guiding principle of the developers, with regards to economy, is inscrutable, such that each player whos seeks to address this particular issue must decide, on their own, which issues their mod list should focus on.

    The guiding principle of the developers with regards to magic, meanwhile, is clearly player freedom, so I ended up steering away from BTB's Game Improvements. However great their rebalancing of prices and the available spell and equipment effects are, their restrictions on enchantment are simply too drastic, and some of the changes they apply to, say, ingredients clearly contradict in-game lore. It's also clear some elements of the vanilla game, like Creeper and the Boots of Blinding Speed, were added by the developers for humor, so I wanted to leave those untouched.

    But there's no real substitute for BTB's Game Improvements. The way they build on Wakim's Game Improvements is so extensive that the latter seem almost vanilla compared to the former, so while the game's economy is fully rebalanced with Hotfusion's Economy Adjuster and Container Ownership, I consider magic to be somewhat incomplete. Nevertheless, I'm grateful for the efforts of both BTB and Wakim.

    Finally, we get to additional content. Put simply, this is a matter of taste (but then, what of this list isn't, aside from the major patches?). Of the official addons, it seems most players agree that only Siege at Firemoth and Area Effect Arrows are worth getting, only the latter may be dreadfully unbalanced. All I could tweak with this plugin was the added merchant, since I'm not sure if applying BTB's projectile tweaks would work in a game that didn't otherwise have his Improvements.

    Morrowind Rebirth skews too far from the vanilla experience for this particular project, and I'm willing to sacrifice some of the mods in this list for Tamriel Rebuilt only when it's pretty much done. LGNPC arguably skews too far from the vanilla experience, too, but I guess long hours of enjoying it has me spoiled. From a writing standpoint, although there's already a lot in the unmodded game to process, LGNPC, as opposed to Morrowind Rebirth, adds tons more for me to work with, what with its greater focus on character and story. Now, if only it was done, or at least they had completed Balmora, Vivec, and my personal favorite faction, House Telvanni!

    submitted by /u/RiverMund
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    What Happened to Bethesda over the years?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:46 PM PST

    I want to know your guy's opinion and honesty since Morrowind to me (I'm new but I love Morrowind) is the last game in the series where you pretty much have to get used to a challenging learning curve.

    submitted by /u/Yikadore
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    Running diagonal is faster tha runnimg forward?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:11 AM PST

    I fee like running in diagonal is faster than running just forward. It's just my perception or it moves faster?

    submitted by /u/i-love-cripi
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    [Bounty] Finding a way to manipulate vendors' random items

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:01 PM PST

    Hello outlanders,

    Volvulus here. Some may recall name from Morrowind speedrun-related content within the past 2 years. I've held all #1 spots on the leaderboards basically since March of last year. All times have been brought down substantially since I have started, which is really cool considering that people had started to run during the early "modern-era of speedrunning" all the way back in 2014, though I started in early 2018.

    I have a bounty (that is a cash reward via PayPal) for figuring out a way to manipulate certain vendors' inventories so that they spawn with a specific item, which is normally a very low chance even if assuming that each item has the same chance of appearing in their inventory

    What you should know:

    This has to be done in the Vanilla version of the game, as well as on the latest patch. Ideally, it is guaranteed to work with the base Morrowind file with the expansion files un-checked in the Morrowind Launcher. Also, I cannot guarantee that every solution will be deemed as "viable" even if it may seem like it

    Scroll merchants (and other merchants as well) that have a number of items designated as random , see the image for an example of one of the NPCs in the Balmora Temple, Illen Faveran

    The scroll we are looking to always get is the Scroll of Windform, which grants 500 points of Levitation for 60 seconds. This is an unbelievably broken scroll and it speeds up the "No Major Glitches" runs immensely. What we currently have to do is simply save outside of the temple and keep trying until they spawn. Getting it on the first attempt is extremely rare but happened in the WR run, making it a tough grind to match the pace that this run achieved

    The rewards go as follows: No cut-off date

    Payment is made in USD via paypal

    $25.00 if you can figure out how to manipulate any item from any merchant. I have to be able to replicate it

    $50.00 if you can figure out how to get the Scroll of Windform to spawn on Illen Faveran every time

    *$100.00 if you can figure out a way that is also fast and doesn't lose too much time

    You may reach me on Discord @ Volvulus#4854 with updates or questions! Thank you for reading, and good luck to anyone who tries!

    submitted by /u/Volvy
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    What do you think about the mod Less Generic Npc Mod ?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:17 PM PST

    Is it worth installing, and how much of morrowind npcs are different with this mod ?


    And is compatible with overhaul mods ? Like this for example



    submitted by /u/AGoodKForTheWin
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    Any one got a cool Morrowind wallpaper I could use for my phone?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:36 PM PST

    .esp manual creation with 3rd party software

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:57 PM PST


    I am Timmy The Barbarian and I play Morrowind.

    This is my first post so if I put this in the wrong section please harass me mercilessly.

    I have made many mods on my own (never uploaded any) and have reached a point where I would like to make a windows form program that can access existing .esp files, edit them, and write new ones and all that fun stuff.

    I am having difficulty getting started. Anyone who can point me in the right direction would be most appreciated.

    Thank you for your time,


    submitted by /u/Timmy_The_Barbarian
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    Tamriel Rebuilt with OpenMW under Ubuntu Linux

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:47 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I am trying to get this to work, but it feels extremely frustrating. After managing to get all files in the correct locations, edited morrowind.ini and openmw.cfg, I tried to launch the game using openmw-launcher.

    I get an error message saying that the TR files require Tamriel_Data.esm, but the data file is called TR_Data now. Okay nice i think, i will just use the file patcher and it will change stuff in my .esm files, easy. Well it seems someone called a class in a jar file from a jar file, which you can't do since it's another classpath.

    Can someone from the Tamriel Rebuilt team provide me with a github link where i can commit a fix? Or did someone manage to change the files with nano vim gedit etc? opening TR_Preview.esp fills 4 cores instantly...

    I am also in the process of writing a guide for installing TR with openmw under linux since the guide on the webpage is confusing and unclear. I want to submit it to the TR team for review.

    This might be a wrong place to post, but I really want to get this to work and imagined that someone might have run into the same issues...

    submitted by /u/dwh_monkey
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    Just download TamrielData, but i can't start a new game

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:09 PM PST

    When i start a new game, i get this error :

    "Expression Error Unable to find dialogue topic/journal "alit hide" in script T_ScGlobal_AddAnimalProdTopsTR.

    Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Mournhold" in script T_ScGlobal_LoopTR."

    And it crashes..

    submitted by /u/LaPoulette
    [link] [comments]

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