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    Morrowind After lurking for some time I'm dropping my first OC

    Morrowind After lurking for some time I'm dropping my first OC

    After lurking for some time I'm dropping my first OC

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:48 AM PST

    This man might have achieved CHIM.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:46 AM PST

    He be lookin’ fresh, though

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Becoming the highest rank in all factions in 42 minutes and 33 seconds (Vanilla, no console commands)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:24 AM PST

    It's not much, but I turned Calvus Horatius into a mage by taking away his sword and using console commands to teach him fireball.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:22 PM PST

    Please help

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:54 PM PST

    I'm new to Morrowind, I booted up the game on my Xbox 360, because I have the XBOX disc, and I cannot get past the cutscene that happens when you start the game for the first time, my 360 just freezes and I have to do a hard reset, and even the it does not work. No matter what I try it won't work. Please help

    submitted by /u/TimmyTomThompson
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    A fitting death

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:58 AM PST

    As he crouched in the shadows, he got that tingle he always felt when he could see others but knew they were unable to see him. He was nervous that he might get caught in spite of his mastery of sneaking, but opted not to delay further. With one smooth motion, he raised his Daedric dai katana out of its sheath and back over his head, then brought it down through the head of Sjoring Hard-Heart. With a single blow dealing critical damage, the fearsome grandmaster of the Vvardenfell Fighters Guild had been obliterated. He booked it back to Ald'Ruhn to ask Percius Mercius, the man who had dispatched him to do the deed, for a promotion. To his gleeful relief, Mercius was already treating the succession as an accomplished fact and treated him with an obsequious "What can I do for you, master?" Satisfied, he decided to get back to Balmora and get on with his fate.

    The hero had taken the advice of Caius Cosades to go out and do some independent adventuring after the mission to Vivec quite seriously. Besides being the leader of the Fighters Guild, he was already the Primate of the Imperial Cult and Archcanon of the Tribunal Temple, and within a single rank of the top job for all of the other non-House factions on Vvardenfell. He'd been to the depths of Dagoth Ur to retrieve the Crosier of St. Llothis the Pure and he'd danced with hundreds of Daedra. His collection of artifacts was more extensive than any other and he had 1.6 million drakes in cash. All of his attributes except luck had reached their maximum of improvement, he had as much health and stamina as three Ogrim Titans, and he was as advanced as a master trainer in a number of his skills.

    So when Caius Cosades told him to go find the Urshilaku Ashlander tribe and ask their leaders about the Nerevarine Cult and Sixth House, saying that he might be the one to fulfill their prophecies, the hero was nonplussed. Having accomplished all that he already had, it was obvious that he had big things in his destiny. With his world class speed and mastery of acrobatics, it would only take a couple minutes to jump over there from Maar Gan.

    Being a bit of a perfectionist, the hero decided to clean out all of the dungeons lining the foyada along the way. After all, it was as convenient a time as any. The first one was Shishi, a Velothi tower full of corpses and hostile Redoran warriors. It took less than two minutes to dispatch the lot of them. He took a few hits, but with his fortitude the hero might as well have been a mud monster. They didn't come close to making him stagger, much less stopping him.

    With the last living breath extinguished in Shishi, the hero noticed a solitary Dwemer tower up ahead on his left. He entered it and found an extensive underground ruin. He spent quite a long time going through room by room, searching every steel keg for gems and swimming through the flooded corridors. It connected to a cave called Yasamsi where there were a handful of bandits, but nothing challenging. There was a moment of discomfort when he forgot to recast a spell of water breathing at one point while in a flooded area, but he was out of the cave and back into the foyada before too long.

    There was another Dwemer ruin just ahead, Bthungthumz, but it was even simply. Just a few ghosts and automatons: Nothing that couldn't be dispatched in a single blow, and no treasure of particular notes. After that it was a slaver's cave, Sha-Adnius. The hero took a hit or two from the tall armored Nord with a warhammer, but the only thing that was challenging per se was finding the slave bracer key that somebody had placed on a dark-colored bench.

    By the time he got out of Sha-Adnius, it was already dark. The hero didn't like running around at night so he thought about resting, but there were too many enemies nearby. Mostly, it looked like a bunch of cliff racers. The hero shot a couple of superheated fireballs at distant ones, killing them instantly, and then went into the last dungeon along the foyada before the coast: The large Dwemer ruin of Druscashti.

    On closer inspection, it turned out to be a vampire den. He went through it room by room, ignoring the cattle and killing the white-eyed vampires one by one as he found them. They were a bit tougher than usual enemies, taking two or three hits to kill instead of the usual one, so most of them were able to get a spell or a hit of their own in before they fell, but they were all very poorly equipped, except perhaps for their generic enchanted weapons, and none of them were very challenging. The hero made sure to grab vampire dust from all of their bodies. Just like he was doing with the gemstones, he was making a bit of a collection, seeing how much he'd be able to stuff into Ralen Hlaalo's body over the course of his adventures.

    On the lower level of the ruin, he found what looked like the leader of the vampire clan. It was a tall Nord clad in a full suit of Ebony plate armor and wielding an Ebony mace. He was able to soak up quite a few hits and dished out a good few of his own, but the Nord would have done well to study up on the lesson that his subordinates had learned the hard way: All resistance is futile. It was ironic that the Nord had been named Siri, because he definitely didn't have all the answers. With Siri dispatched, the hero pried his valuable weapon and armor from his corpse. He set a Mark and used Intervention spells and guild guides to drop his prestige items at Hlaalo Manor in Balmora and dump all his heavy loot at Ghorak Manor in Caldera. Then, he Recalled back to the Dwemer ruin in order to explore the last room.

    He was surprised to see a female vampire in a full suit of Glass armor standing in the corner. It was rare that one dungeon would have more than one foe with high level gear like that. Still, loot like this was worth good money so the hero started toward him wthout hesitation, raising his Daedric dai katana over his head. The two struck blows back and forth a few times. The hero realized that his vampire was a tougher enemy than she looked like, and then noticed with a start that the attrition of fighting through five dungeons and two high level boss enemies without resting had left him very nearly dead. His mud monster-like health was all but used up. He thought about casting a healing spell, but he'd used all his magicka on water breathing spells in the flooded Dwemer ruin and shooting fireballs at cliff racers. The vampire was almost done for too, though. He decided to bet on the next blow being enough to dispatch her.

    Alas, the vampire matriarch was stronger and better equipped than he thought. She was able to survive his next strike, but he didn't survive hers. Yet another false incarnate had fallen at the hands of Volrina Quarra. The thread of prophecy was severed, and a doomed world was created.

    submitted by /u/Janbiya
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    I'm an Nwah in need of help!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:05 PM PST

    So I started playing morrowind and I knew going in that I'd need to look up some stuff but I feel like everyone gives differing advice on what skills to choose and what style to play and whether to use alteration or security and should I level enchanting or pay people to do it for me or even what birth sign to choose I'm pretty overwhelmed here I absolutely love the amount of freedom in this game and ways to play but I don't want to try doing everything and achieving nothing I'm not too focused on doing magic I'd prefer to be a basic warrior thief character but I want to do the mages guild aswell but I would like to get some spells like levitate and a little illusion to help boost my stealth so can I do that through enchanting and if so how long before I can viably enchant my gear with decent spells? Also should I go with alteration or security because since I'm not gonna have really any magic security seems like the best bet unless there are other ways to go about it any and all advice is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Irishwolf137
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    Random Npcs Attacking in Town.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:12 PM PST

    I notice some npcs in towns are starting with 0 disposition and instantly attacking me without any provocation. haven't spoken to them, and if i get up to them in time, i can talk and bribe them to keep them from killing me, but this doesn't seem right. is this supposed to happen, or is it a mod problem. i'm using the 2019 list with a couple additions.


    edit: upon testing a couple new characters, this doesnt seem to be a recurring issue, so i'll just have to restart i guess.

    submitted by /u/Zamb97
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    Is this RP back story lore friendly?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Is my first back story. An Argonian born in Gideon, Black Marsh by the name of the Dar-Gei.He learned combat with the spear and from his father.He was hated by everyone because he had a broken horn so he was not very sociable. At the age of 16 his parents were killed because they were caught stealing from a caravan.He ran in the woods but after a day the Imperials found him. He tried to fight with the Imperial guards but in vain they were too strong.He was sent to prison in the Imperial City.He spent 4 years in the prison and developed short blade skills from prison fights.The Emperor Uriel Septim VII saw his similarities with the Nerevarine Prophecy.The first time wasn't sure that he could be the Nerevarine.How could a normal Argonian be a incarnation of a long dead hero. He asked a Dunmer from Morrowind about the prophecy.The Dunmer said "You can send him there you have nothing to lose.It will be very hard for him to make a name as an Argonian.But if he is the one he will survive." The other day the Emperor sent him to Morrowind.Dar-Gei was confused and a bit scared. After he arrived in the port and he saw the slaves he sworn to free as many as he can and kill every Mer and Men who encourges the slavery. I want to know if is lore friendly because i like the Argonians, no i am not ironic. They are so interesting and cool. So this is supposed to be a Nerevarine Argonian. He is supposed to be traveling in the Oblivion Crisis. So he will not fight for the Argonians or the Dunmer.

    submitted by /u/danut2205
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