• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    Morrowind I punched my first Cliff Racer to death.

    Morrowind I punched my first Cliff Racer to death.

    I punched my first Cliff Racer to death.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    The Clap master

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:57 PM PST

    Alm "Almalexia" of the ALMSIVI, me, digital, 2019

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:07 AM PST

    Balmora during winter event on a popular TES3MP server

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:22 PM PST


    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:34 AM PST

    How do you buy Morrowind for Xbox One?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:51 PM PST

    I'm trying to buy Morrowind for the Xbox One, but on the Xbox store it says it downloads to your Xbox 360. Doesn't appear to say anything about downloading it on your Xbox One. Does anyone know if, where and how you can buy a digital GOTY version of Morrowind for Xbox One?

    submitted by /u/callumc183
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    A noob who try not to be one

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:33 PM PST

    Hello guys, i decide to try Morrowind, why not? and after 12 hours i just love the game, and my character, everything i read on fb, tw and reddit in another TES games forums, were right, the game is a true challenge for an elders scrolls fan, why? because the game make you inmerse in a way that you have to understand your character, you are a double axe combat warrior nord, so you just run at your enemies, you just do that, but if you are an altmer mage, you cant run towards them, well you can but you gonna have a bad time, you have to think, what would my character will be doing in x's situation, and after leveling a breton mage and farm the mobs because i have to, i was jsut to weak for the challenges ahead, so i have to train, aand the i just think: "oh god this game was the game i was looking for."

    So, im a breton lvl 7 i already know about spellcrafting, the basics of enchanting and alchemy, i always play a mage/wizard type character, i understand its going to be a little harder, belive me it know already, its hard. I have to save so many times, and im grinding atm, i usually have this spot were mobs respawn so i go there kill them and then go back to my house (i read you only have to kill one npc to get one house :P, it was a quest so its fine), as im getting more involve in the mage guild quest line, i had understand that you had to belive what the npc is telling you, once told me to dont disturb her colleges and i curius as i am i got my ass kicked by a lot of wizards, they really dont wanna be disturbed lol.

    I understand that this game is not a race, is a journey but im tired of just kill 3 rats and 11 mudcrabs once and over, just to keep my lvl up, i do collect misc items on the way so i can make better potions, but once i get out i got my ass kicked, i got a mission were i got to kill 4 dunmer and when i arrive to the place, there are 5 and more quest has been like that, i think im going to make it but nop, i know i need more level, but how? im farming but its to slow, should i just keep sumoning and attacking my mobs? and you may ask why do you want more level well because i wanna see more of the game, anyways thank you for reading this, now i have some questions, if you could tell me what you know i will give you some septims in the after life:

    - Is there a way to level up faster, i mean a place with a lot of mobs for my level, like were are the places to hunt as you are low, mid and high?

    - besides of the cliff reapers is there a mob that i shoulkd run inmediatly after i see one?

    - which is the healthiest mob? (if it has more hp it will give me more exp, right?)

    - what is the max amount healt, stamina and magicka you can get?
    - whats the max lvl you can get?
    - I keep getting from time to time assasins to try murder me, but they are a joke, i see as a moneyfarm, i kill them and go to caldera with the goblin and sell the stuff for 3200, how do i make them stop coming?
    - Is there a way to reduce the cost of the spells without reducing the damage?
    - whats your favorite potion?

    As i said, thanks for reading, the game is making me so happy, after hitting 500 hours with skyrim on the pc i was getting bored, happy holidays.

    Pd. i would love to keep my game whitout glitches and as stupid as you might think i would like to play the first time free mod, i got the GOTY on steam and a "decent" pc so after i finish the first time full vainilla i would not install mods, again thanks.

    submitted by /u/El_Veteriz
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    What is the worst manner in which you screwed up the main quest, and/or the game in genera.?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:22 AM PST

    Did you kill an essential NPC by accident and then go 'screw it, I'll kill them all?' Did you try to mod the game and screw up the game? Did you make an ironman character with permadeath and then get slaughtered by a cave rat?

    submitted by /u/Anos-Seloth
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    Sadrith Mora [Morrowind 'Hotel California' Parody]

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:13 PM PST

    On a dusty ash walkway, corkbulb roots in my hair,

    Oversized mushrooms, rising high through the air,

    I needed assistance, my heart was tight,

    My vision burning from a racer bite,

    I had to stop for the night,

    He stood alert by the doorway,

    Hearing what he did tell,

    I then muttered to myself,

    There could be pleasure, who can tell?

    He gave me my papers, taking my pay,

    There were voices through the hollow walls,

    And I heard them say:

    "Welcome to Sadrith Mora

    A Telvanni Place (Telvanni Place)

    A Happy Place

    We've No More Rooms in Sadrith Mora

    'Lest you're kin (you hear?)

    You won't find it here.

    His mind ain't really inflicted, he just has no friends,

    He's simply too, too, busy to go achieve his own ends,

    Annoy him, he'll hit you hard - don't pull his sleeve,

    Get away while you still can - else you'll regret,

    Go call upon Miraso Seran,

    She's say your souls doing fine,

    She says, "We haven't seen an outlander this rich since Third Era 319",

    Since we heard the voices calling from far away,

    Waking me up in the middle of the night,

    Just to hear them say,

    "Welcome to Sadrith Mora

    A Telvanni Place (Telvanni Place)

    A Happy Place

    Questing here in Sadrith Mora

    'Lest you're kin (you hear?)

    Disbelieve Hlaalu lies.

    Giant Fungi ceiling

    The Greef is chilled on ice,

    He said to me "Out outlander, I won't ask thrice."

    In the Council Chamber,

    Mouths needing a relief

    Else they'd live pointless lives

    Or a short one at least.

    The last thing he remembers

    As he was watching the dawn

    Blade of your dagger and falling to the floor,

    "Relax, you N'Wah"

    I was employed, this life you will leave,

    Then I'll check out, take a hike,

    For you no-one will grieve.

    *If anyone would like to make a audio/visual parody, simply give credit due where it is.*

    submitted by /u/Anos-Seloth
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    Experiencing a visual bug.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:47 PM PST

    Whenever I open Morrowind, the windows icon bar can be seen, squashed, at the bottom of my screen. I cannot interact with it, but it makes things like my healthbar hard to see, it is also extremely immersion-breaking. I'm not sure how to fix it. Has anyone else experienced this bug and know how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/Aarakokra
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    First playthrough help

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:18 AM PST

    So I just bought Morrowind for Xbox, meaning I can't download mods and can only play vanilla. So this is my first time delving into "the best elder scrolls game to exist" can I have some help/advice as to have the best experience on my first playthrough? I really want to get the most out of it and not be repelled away by graphics that existed when I was only two. I want to enjoy Morrowind.

    submitted by /u/zapaain
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    After ONE ENTIRE DAY modding (I will post the warning in the comment)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:18 PM PST

    How to level magic schools skills up without cheating

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:51 AM PST

    Hi there, guys! I have a level 20 something mage who does not steal, nor kills unless needed - also, I don't like to summon minions (they sound like supernatural slaves, and I'm no slaver), only items. I'm trying to figure out a way to improve my magic schools skills without cheating. I'm using MCP, fair regen mod and that's it. I'm a pure mage.

    I've leveled my destruction to 105, alteration and mysticism to 90 something using 1 pt spells. I'm so used to walk around casting nonsense spells that I don't even realize it any longer. This feels like cheating. Is there any way to improve magic skills consistently without doing so?

    submitted by /u/lp-lima
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    A Light Spell recolour

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:28 AM PST

    I'm looking for a way to change the colour of the spell effect to something less disgusting. A mod or the Construction Set solution will do.

    submitted by /u/Necroballs
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    Are the official plugins worth downloading and installing?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:53 AM PST

    Should I get the official plugins? Which is the best/worst/etc? Or are they quite 'meh'?

    submitted by /u/Anos-Seloth
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    Can I kill Dagoth Ur legitimately?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:44 AM PST

    I'm an extremely strong mage but i don't think I'm strong enough to take him down. Can I stop his regeneration? I don't want to do the potion glitch at all. If I didn't know his regeneration was so good i would be using a 100dmg for 3 seconds ring.

    submitted by /u/C_Alcmaeonidae
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