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    Wednesday, December 11, 2019

    Morrowind CHIM sock

    Morrowind CHIM sock

    CHIM sock

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:10 PM PST

    Found Vivec's cat

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:05 AM PST

    Would any of you N’wahs be interested in a Morrowind let’s play?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:59 AM PST

    I've never done a let's play but I want to try it and I think Morrowind would be a lot of fun. I've been itching to get back into Vvardenfell... and it's been awhile so I feel like an outlander. It is time.

    I was thinking of recording with some light commentary and posting the experience to YT. Morrowind was my first rpg of any sort so it would make a fitting first attempt at a let's play. Let me know if you have any fun suggestions for rp, mods, character design, etc...

    submitted by /u/RoastedCatShoes
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    i will NEVER do that again

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST

    Playing Morrowind for the first time and just realized at the very least 4/5ths of my income come from Barbas. Does this mean the Nerevarine is a Daedra project?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:54 PM PST

    Of course, there's also the Mudcrab but there's no fast travel route to him, unlike Barbas who is in Caldera which is super convenient. And if you set your Mark at the crab, you lose the ability to Mark in the middle of a dungeon. Also, the crab doesn't buy some item types. So I assume most players will use Barbas' services instead of the Mudcrab's.

    And consider just how important gold is in this game. A single enchantment can more than double your offense or defense, and as far as I understand it, there is no legit way to make high-end enchants yourself, you have to pay hundreds of thousands of septims for it. Not to mention the easiest way to level up being buying all your skill points from trainers. So gold is deliberately meant by the developers to be a pay-to-win thing. And isn't it a bit strange that they made it possible for the player to join both Telvanni and the Mages' Guild, even though Trebonius openly calls Telvanni the worst enemy of the guild, and other mages seem to agree, and there are quests where members of both organisations kill each other? I guess devs had to make both of them joinable for the sole reason of making it possible for any player to teleport to Barbas.

    Which is why I got this conspiracy theory of the Nerevarine being sponsored and most likely outright created by the Daedra princes who don't want mortals to become demigods.

    (Not posting to /teslore/ because this is too heavily based on the Morrowind gameplay mechanics to be a general lore post)

    submitted by /u/aleeque
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    Tribunal Temple Public Service Announcement - 'Know Your Heresies'

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:22 PM PST

    Be on the look-out for these dangerous heresies:

    1) You see a Dunmer claiming that they are Saint Nerevar Incarnate. Report them to your friendly neighbourhood Ordinators…. we're watching you, scum.

    2) You suspect that somebody is practicing necromancy in your vicinity - or worse, in a nearby ancestral tomb. Report them to your friendly neighbourhood Ordinator's so they can make this official and get the stake.

    3) You suspect that there is a vampire in your midst. Contact your local Ordinator's. Do Not Approach a Vampire.

    4) You have any information concerning the so-called 'Sixth-House'. Report any information to the Ordinator's. If you have caught the divine disease, you shall be imprisoned in the Corprusiarium until a cure can be found, or you die. Most likely the latter.

    You owe everything to the Three, their spirits and thy Lords. Praise the ALMSIVI, Blessed be there names.


    submitted by /u/Anos-Seloth
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    I could use some help with crafting custom spells. (and sharing a few ideas)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:37 PM PST

    Even though I've owned Morrowind since a big Steam Sale (right around the release of Skyrim: GotY version) this is my first time playing it. I really like the custom spell system, but I don't quite understand how it works. I've read through some of the formulas and stuff online, so I kind of know a bit more than I did before, but I still have a few questions. I may not have the same priorities as some of you with said questions, but I'm hoping you guys can help out.


    Least important question (for me):

    Is there a way to get rid of custom spells you've bought? There are a couple I've made, that didn't work well at all because I didn't fully know the mechanics. I'm not afraid to use console commands for correcting mistakes like that. If there isn't an easy way to do it, I have enough gaming patience to go WAY back in my saves. lol


    Medium-Important question:

    How do spell percentages even work in the regular spells. If I can understand those, I might understand how to work with the custom ones. I looked at some of the formulas, but I couldn't make heads or tails out of them.

    And (more related to enchanting but I still wonder) how can something have a negative chance of succeeding, if you are with in the enchantment level of the item and/or soul you are working with... Like a water-breathing face-mask.


    Main reason I've made this post:

    When making a spell that is both beneficial and dangerous... is there a way to make it register as a 'good' spell when you hit an NPC with it. I've created a custom class called a Trickster who gets in trouble often, but he's mostly good-hearted. The spell idea I had is a "Joy Buzzer" that's mostly healing, and calming, but it delivers a tiny 1hp shock. It doesn't go well with friendlies, for some reason.


    Other ideas I have that seem to work better were:

    "SCUBA Spell"

    Combines water breathing, and swift swim (30 seconds, light magnitudes)

    "Stinging Blast

    "Calm+Paralyze+Absorb health (3-foot radius, over 5 seconds)


    Which will include water walking and either speed or athletics

    and "Flubber"

    Which I hope will combine jump, levitate, and maybe some speed boosts, or featherfalls too. Haven't got the magicka for this thing yet, but I will.

    PS: What are some of your custom spells you've worked out.

    submitted by /u/1wolffan
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    need help with mods for morrowind

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:16 PM PST

    Hello guys, so I decided to play morrowind and I want to use mods for better experience. I don't know much about modding. I have downloaded vortex from nexusmods, Modding guides available on Internet has too much mods. so can anyone give me a list of mods that are really good for gameplay experience.

    submitted by /u/riderofwildhunt
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    We're watching you, scum

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:07 PM PST

    We're watching you, scum

    I want to play a dunmer who was raised by a retired Temple priestess outside of Morrowind. She would be a fanatical devotee to ALMSIVI, who seeks to convert nearly everyone she meets. My idea for her class is that she idolises Ordinators, and wanted to be one ever since she was a child. I am looking for class name that would show that she is trying to imitate the Ordinators, without actually being allowed to join them. My first idea was "Inquisitor", but I am open to other suggestions.


    Major; Long Blade, Medium armour, Conjuration, Restoration, Block

    Minor; Alteration, Mysticism, Short Blade, Speechcraft, Heavy Armour

    Factions; House Redoran, Tribunal Temple, Mages Guild, Fighters Guild, Imperial Legion.

    Also, if there are any mods people could recommend for this type of character, that would be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/PrinceProspero9
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    Leveling Different Armor Types

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:10 PM PST

    How does leveling skills work when I cast bound_helm, bound cuirass, bound gauntlets and bound boots while wearing heavy grieves and heavy pauldrons?

    Since there is no bound grieves and bound pauldrons, I want to wear daedric armor to match my bound armor. I know bound armor increases light armor skill when struck, and daedric is classified as heavy.

    Do both level up at the same time?

    Would the unarmored skill be completely useless in this situation?

    submitted by /u/b1sh0p_r4c1c0t
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    Morrowind Character Guide Series: The Scout

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:04 AM PST

    What are the nice little tweak mods that you have created for the game?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:25 AM PST

    For me, a working safe Ordinator armour and making it so Desele buys Skooma and Moon Sugar - what mods have you made that have tweaked the game that have been useful?

    submitted by /u/Anos-Seloth
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    Every time I encounter a rat

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:38 PM PST

    I'm going through morrowind again on the xbox and found this typo. Has anyone else found it?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:53 AM PST

    Who is your favorite Non-Main-Quest NPC and why?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:46 AM PST

    As we are to exclude the likes of Dagoth Ur, Vivec, Caius Cosades, etc., who is your favourite [misc] NPC and what is the reasoning behind said choice?

    submitted by /u/Anos-Seloth
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    Whats the better birthsign for my character?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:31 AM PST

    I want to make a character that can have a lot of sanctuary. Should I use the lady so I can have more personality faster and be able to cast better sanctuary spells, or should I go with the thief to have bonus sanctuary? Sorry if this is the wrong sub for this kind of thing.

    submitted by /u/SlapsMilkW430
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    Is there any weapon that you always carry around, even if you hardly use it?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:34 AM PST

    For me, it is the dagoth dagger, (for non-dunmer characters) because it is so cool.

    submitted by /u/Anos-Seloth
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