• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    Morrowind Warlord Jeebilus does battle with the legendary Udyrfrykte!

    Morrowind Warlord Jeebilus does battle with the legendary Udyrfrykte!

    Warlord Jeebilus does battle with the legendary Udyrfrykte!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    The Tribunal are the most subversive villains in TES, change my mind

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    I posted this artwork to couple other places but never to the homeland. Here’s a non racist dunmer.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    Still amazed by this game.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Anime filter jiub.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Scrib - Day Five

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    How’s the fit?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Although not as realistic as the one I posted earlier, here’s another portrait of a dunmer. Telvanni style.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:03 PM PDT


    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    I mad a label and cork stopper for this bottle I bought at home goods. (Banana for scale)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Armored Mage Geryk Takes a refreshing Jog near the Odai River

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Make Dark Brotherhood Assassin attack again

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Is there a way to make DB assassin attack again after talking to the guard in ebonheart? i really need those armor for sell

    submitted by /u/OakLizard2047
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    Warlor Jeebilus wearing Ornate Fishscale armor Michael Kirkbride style! (Hope this gets noticed by the original creator of Warlord Jeebilus.)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    Fuck that one dark elf in the underworks of St. Olmes, all my homies hate that one dark elf in the underworks of St. Olmes

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Seriously though. He has some sword that temporarily removes all of my agility so he can knock me down over and over.

    submitted by /u/Gph8820
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    Help me find a sound effect please.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    In Vanilla Morrowind, there's a sweet piano-ish sound that plays when you're just roaming around. I remember hearing it in Balmora and maybe Seyda Neen. I went through the soundtrack on youtube, bit couldn't find it.

    I know this will look childish, but in my mind it goes something like this:

    ta tun tuntun ta tun ta tun

    ta tun tun tuntun

    submitted by /u/MissedByFiveDays
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    The game can change do much with just a few rule changes

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    So I've decided to replay morrowind (again). This time as a pro-empire (because of anti-slavery) argonian scholar. Since I recently completed a mostly vanilla playthrough I've modded this run a bit more plus imposed some role-play rules. And boy, the first few hours are now so much more difficult.

    For starters, my argonian does not trust the mages guild at all so as a rule he won't even step into their guilds. That means no mage travel (and also no buying spells). I may end up making a few exceptions for quest reasons.

    Second, no stilt strider travel as my argonian thinks it's animal abuse so he refuses to participate in this cruel practice.

    But no, I haven't completely eliminated fast travel. Boats are okay. However, I got the price balance mod which makes all fast travel 4x more expensive. Given that water travel was already more expensive that makes it a really significant expense at the lower levels.

    Currently I'm running from Gnisis to Ebonheart as I'm too weak to face the kwama foragers in the egg mine for the legion quests and the imperial cult quests are in Ebonheart. I don't have enough money to take the boat as they're more expensive now. Furthermore, one of the things the price balance mod also does is to set the value of home made potions to 0 (as you are not licensed) so even though I took alchemy it's not a get rich quick scheme anymore.

    Another rule that really changed the game is no resting outside of a bed (enforced by a mod). So now land travel gets even more dangerous. I've nearly died so many times and have to really keep an eye out on creatures.

    I feel so refreshed. I can relive the challenge of the early levels once again :)

    Additionally some other rules and mods:

    • I'm playing with the rebalance mods so expect the sixth house to be more of a challenge.
    • No training. Skills can only increase by using them.
    • No stealing. As a pro-empire scholar, my argonian is an honest character.
    • Creeper and mudcrab have been disabled.
    • Also distrust the temple so won't be using their services.
    • No using miscellaneous skills just for efficient leveling.

    I thought I'd share as some inspiration. And also anything anybody would care to add to the list?

    I'm currently also debating if I should join a great house. Even though Hlaalu is most pro-empire I don't want to join them since they have lots of slavers. Telvanni is completely out of the question. This leaves Redoran which is great because I've never done their quests. Would it fit with the character though? I think by virtue of the strong mutual respect between the legion and Redoran I think that's fine.

    submitted by /u/FOSHavoc
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    Does anyone know how to fix this issue. First game I've modded so im newbie

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    Two Wrathguards*.*

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Soo...i just beat the main quest line again! This time around though, im thinking of killing Vivec for a second wrathguard. My question is..can you wear two at once?? Thanks for any info:)

    submitted by /u/QuaziBrodo
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    Would you like to see a Morrowind movie one day? How do you think should the Nerevarine be shown? Jump between realities? Or stay with one incarnation?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    Had a little run-in with a local group of thugs. Turns out my Nerevarine is the perfect knife block.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:36 AM PDT

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