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    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    Morrowind Diorama "Seyda Neen. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    Morrowind Diorama "Seyda Neen. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    Diorama "Seyda Neen. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Diorama "Seyda Neen. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    ![img](k2c7lpjef1n41 " Materials: Polyvinyl chloride, cardboard, stone, wood, penoplex, epoxy, PVA glue, polymer clay, various dry plants, acrylic, gouache, hay, sand. Dimensions: Length: ~100 cm Width: ~50 cm ")

    I've been craft it for half a year.

    More photo: https://imgur.com/gallery/NwTTONo

    submitted by /u/Deloto51
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    Family Group Chat

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Morag Tong assassin. Dunmeri aesthetic still one of the best

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    My flowerbed. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    My flowerbed. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    ![img](nm2tt4zxi1n41 " Materials: Polyvinyl chloride, wood, silicone, penoplex, epoxy, PVA glue, superglue wood, stone, cardboard, polymer clay various dry plants, acrylic, 5 types of luminophore , varnish. Glows in the dark. ")

    Dimensions: Length: 92.5 cm Width: 42 cm Height: 78 cm
    More photo: https://imgur.com/gallery/FUWyOTR

    submitted by /u/Deloto51
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    How many NPCs are in Morrowind?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Counting the base game plus expansion packs.

    I remember reading it somewhere before, but I can't remember where or what the figure was.

    Also, if the answer's available, how many NPCs do the Tamrial Rebuilt mods add?

    Cheers, and thanks.

    submitted by /u/OlorinTheOtaku
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    Mods: A Facelift Story

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    Hlaalu architecture. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    Hlaalu architecture. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"


    Materials: cardboard, putty, wood, glue, glass cardboard, polymer clay, metal, acrylic, varnish.

    And picture is my too. Material: tinted paper, pen.
    More photos: https://imgur.com/gallery/tvsrJFZ

    submitted by /u/Deloto51
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    New player build - two options

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    I was fortunate to receive a lot of great feedback from my previous post ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/fcifww/my_tes_journey_starts_here_suggestions_no_spoilers/ ) and have been playing around the opening a bit. I have found I am at an impasse between two starting sets/ideas, and was hoping to get some ideas with them.

    In both cases, my character will be a male Redguard born under the sign of the Lady. He is a adventuring swordsman who has survived by his skill with a blade and quick wit. Pragmatic with a cosmopolitan background, he knows that some minds can be converted with wisdom while with others the best course is to splatter them on the ground.

    Build 1:

    Combat specialization, with strength and endurance as favoured attributes.

    Major: Long blade, marksman, heavy armour, block, restoration

    Minor: Mysticism, alteration, athletics, alchemy, security

    The focus of this build is having an easier go at the start, while having a basis to learn the ropes with magic down the line. This build will ignore luck to hopefully achieve 5/5/5 level ups, however since I am ignoring luck I am not that worried about "non optimal" level ups.

    Build 2:

    Stealth specialization, with luck and endurance as favoured attributes.

    Major: long blade, marksman, speechcraft, mercantile, security

    Minor: heavy armour, block, alchemy, mysticism, athletics

    The focus of this build is on having a core fighting ability (long blade), while pushing luck and people skills. Overall, I would aim to level up 5/5/1 and make the choice to grind magical skills while walking to help with willpower (first) and intelligence (second).

    In this situation, having optimal level ups will be easier (only two attributes), plus I hope to be much better off financially so I can use trainers to make sure I get those 5's.

    The second build is closer to how I envision my character, but as a first time Morrowind player I am concerned I will need the support that comes with the first build.

    As a separate question: once I hit a level up, can I then train the "other" skills to get the +5 bonus, or do I need to have already trained them?

    submitted by /u/Malbethion
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    Uncolored version of the pic I posted yesterday.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Vampirisarium Update

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    TLDR: Irvin Theodorn successfully relocated the vamps in Druscashti to Vos.

    Recently I inquired about settlements that weren't particularly important to many quests in order to create a Vampirisarium and while I was originally going to use Seyda Neen, I ultimately decided on Vos.

    There are plenty of houses to store vamps in, no quests are tied to the place, and the only quest that's sort of relevant to the place is kinda vaguely related to Marara so it all works together. Plus there's a wizard in a tower just outside of town and he's been growing buildings so I still get the mushroom vibe that the Corprusarium has as well as some extra defense in case of some sort of vampire rebellion or something.

    • To start off, I went to Tel Aruhn and convinced Daynas Darys, shipmaster of the boat, Saucey, to work for me and help transport Vampires to Vos. By this I mean I bribed her a few grand and used my Stone of Command to move her to the Mage's Guild in Ald'ruhn.

    • Next, I went to Balmora and in the exact same manner hired Masalinie Merian only she accompanied me to the Dwarven ruin of Druscashti. She waited outside while I pursuaded the vampires inside to chill tf out and relocate to Vos for the purpose of potentially curing them and a life where they don't have to worry about being hunted by any self righteous bigots or try hards and instead would be protected by various characters. (Ordinators, High Ordinators, the Master Restoration Trainer (because that's relevant to curing stuff, right?))

    • Thirdly, after paying each of the 6 remaining vampires (RIP Kjeld) of Druscashti a few grand for relocation fees and we worked out the details, we waited until night time and went outside to get the instant mage transport from Masalinie to Ald'ruhn to meet with Daynas Darys whos Saucey boat was Mage'd to transport us from Ald'ruhn to Vos. Because wizards. I left the Vampires at the Vos tradehouse while I figured out the next step.

    Things worth noting are:

    1) for some reason, the vampire named Areas is absolutely not ok with the Mage's Guild transport because he just dies on arrival no matter where you take him.

    2) I had to leave Masalinie outside because if I tried to travel or buy spells from her while she was inside Druscashti she gave me the generic message that the vampires of your clan give you before you're cool enough to be able to use their services. She called me a new blood and I wasn't even a vampire anymore. Also, 3), that's why Kjeld was dead. I did the vampire quests to get Ano Vando to show up so I could take his shield. I plan on having Ano patrol my Vampirisarium so he's not dead, I just wanted his stuff before I trust him to not go on a murder spree at his new job.

    4) Siri disappeared after I left the vampires in the tradehouse to move residents of Vos. She might have spawned in the coords 0,0 but I'm not looking yet. I justify her leaving because Areas kind of imploded and her clan sorta sold out. I'll either find her later or she'll maybe be gone forever.

    • Fourthst, I implored a few residents of Vos to retire from farming and move to Sadrith Mora to enjoy not having to work ever again. Dreynos Elvul, Runethyne Andas, and Thilse Aralas have moved out of their homes and the vampires Knurguri, Igna, and Pelf have replaced them inside of those respective homes. Volrina Quarra will be staying with Yakin Bael in the Chapel. My goal will be to have the head of each of the three clans in there as well as a few high ordinators, or regular ordinators if that's not possible.

    That's an update on what's up so far. I've been occupied with real world pandemic nonsense so this isn't as progressed as I'd like and I'd have liked to have had presented this in more of a story format with screenshots but this is the best update I can give for the time being. I might still do a story anyway because I made a lot of choices with this character that are specific to that story and nothing else so it would feel like a waste if not.

    submitted by /u/Squagio
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    Skooma. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Skooma. Based on "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"

    ![img](ltsrmsjuj0n41 " Materials: bottle, clay, acryl. ")

    More photo: https://imgur.com/gallery/36ADmmf

    submitted by /u/Deloto51
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    All the enemies do is cast a paralyze spell

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    i followed the thastus guide for morrowind and added a few things after that, and it seems like all the enemies do is cast a paralyzing spell that ive never seen before, and it really gets out of hand, anyone know what this is from? or a way to combat paralyze that hits all the time.

    submitted by /u/Chronoxsoul
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    Is this a common/popular thing to do?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    At first, I was annoyed by the assassin in the game that would randomly come while I was resting. However, I found that the gear you loot from the sells for a really decent amount. So, is farming the assassins something players tend to do?

    submitted by /u/wanttomaster479
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    Enchant as a skill if you're not actually ENCHANTING?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Making up a build for "Quarantine!"(not actually under quarantine, but it's a good time for theorycrafting/being bored at work)

    Anyway, I'm going to try to not do my usual mage, and instead aim for more of an monster hunting, artifact seeking fighter/thief. My actual weapons and armor are up in the air, but I'm more concerned to start about whether it's worthwhile to level Enchant on a character that won't be enchanting.

    I know that in theory Enchant has an impact on how long enchantments last, and recharge from gems, but does it affect the recharge rate over time? HOW MUCH of an impact does it have on how long enchantments last? I wan't a playthrough that's pretty tactical/situational, so I'm hoping for some variety in my items, too.

    Thoughts? Am I just going to annoy myself?

    submitted by /u/MrGenerik
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    Act I, Part XII: The Hero of the Union (The Telvanni Girl) (Morrowind Fan-Fic)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Act I, Part XII: The Hero of the Union

    By Dravyn Balen, Friend of Gandosa

    I found myself sequestered away in a corner with a couple fingers of sujamma in one hand and a pipe of hackle-lo in the other as she gave her speech. Gandosa always was good at talking to people—has that kinda charisma and honest-to-ALMSIVI goodness about her that just warms peoples' hearts, but, they don't know her like I do. Sure, she talks good and she believes every word she's saying, but I remember when she was just a kid running around with Volene and she always had a glass half full way of looking at things and it doesn't look to me like that's changed much. It's not that I don't like her, hell, I love the kid, but she's got these people dancing and cheering and calling her a hero when all she's done for sure is get our issues heard before the Council. There's no guarantees, not even with her father being on the Council, but I'm not going to ruin a good thing—this is the first time in months that I've seen some of these guys smile and I'm not going to mess that up. Doesn't change though that she's still the naïve little girl that was getting into trouble with Volene all the time back in the day. Doesn't matter though. What's going to happen is going to happen and we just need to accept that. I personally think we're in for some hard times, but nobody cares what a washed up old tradesman thinks these days—I'm just an old man with a body that has lots of cracks and pops these days and not a damn thing more.

    I hope she's right though. I hope her Councilor Athyn does draft the best damn motion they've ever heard in those Council Chambers and I hope those Councilors understand this isn't just a matter of money to my guys or anyone in the Union really. This is life or death. I've got guys in my mine alone who have families with small children; they couldn't survive out here, especially not with the ash storms starting to get people sick with stuff that I've never seen before. They need to realize that you take their homes and you're going to have to drag them out, kicking and screaming, and that's if they don't outright give their lives fighting for them. That's the thing about Gandosa though—she understands that. For all the trouble those kids got into all the time, she wised up quick about life once she got out of Under-Skar and into the real world. I mean hell, she saw me back in the day when I had my own shop and people would come from all over Vvardenfell and the Mainland alike for a chance to own an authentic Dravyn Balen necklace or ring, and she saw what happened when that dried up. She saw me in the streets hassling pedestrians to just take a look at my inventory, because I was on the brink of losing everything I had spent my whole life working towards and she saw when I closed the doors to my shop one last time and when I just tossed all my inventory into a crate outside for anyone to just take. After all, I couldn't give the stuff away after the Hlaalu engineered the Imperial Silver craze of 322.

    Still though, just because she understands what's on the line for these people doesn't mean she's aware of the power her words possess. She's got them drinking and smiling and singing songs together in her honor, because she's convinced them all that everything's going to be okay, but I'm not like these youngbloods in the Union. I know better. I know that until the Writ is signed, it doesn't mean a damned thing to anybody with any power in this town or any other, because after all, I was supposed to get a big order for my wares from the House. I remember hammering out the deal with Councilor Ramoran for weeks; he wanted two-hundred bonemold signet rings made for 61st Redoran Infantry, A Co. as a reward for their deeds at some Sixth House base I suppose. I couldn't believe it. It was a godsend to me as it was going to be the order that was going to save my business and save everything, but, as things like that tend to go, he pulled out at the last minute and opted for Adamantium Signet Rings imported from Mournhold. Just like that, I knew it was over. I knew my life's work meant nothing and that things weren't going to get better for me, but, that's life and that's why I'm worried about her getting all of these men so excited for something that might not even happen, because now they're expecting it, and if it doesn't happen, you're not only going to have a lot of very scared, anxious men, but a lot of scared, anxious, and disappointed men who now feel like they were lied to. I pray everything works out, but I'm worried it won't—things don't tend to in times like these and I'm scared of what'll happen when they don't.

    It'll b a dark time for Ald'ruhn, I know that much for sure, but I'm just hoping it's not bloody. That said, I think it'd be a good idea if I just hunkered down and maybe put a little money away for a good axe I think—things might get scary here soon and I don't want to be unprepared if they do.

    ­-Dravyn Balen, Foreman of Dremma-Maz Eggmine

    submitted by /u/FoxWyrd
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    Mods for bigger weapons?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    I've noticed that many of the one-handed weapons look tiny in comparison to the player. Are there are any mods to fix this?

    In addition, is there anything that adds scabbards or makes weapons visible on your belt or back, as in Skyrim and morrowind?

    submitted by /u/Fortitude187
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    Are Morrowind Rebirth and Vvardenfell and Solstheim Worldspace Remaster compatible?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    I also have a problem with Tomb of the Snow Prince. For some reason the terrain is all wrong and blocks the entrances to many doors and sometimes swallows entire buildings. How do I fix that? I'm using OpenMW btw.

    submitted by /u/_Figure_in_Black_
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    BiPolar Blade stats

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Are the stats on the weapon messed up? The blade doesn't do half as much damage as it claims to.

    submitted by /u/Rajarshi_Acharya
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    Marcel Maurard references MacBeth!

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    His line "I am the poor player who struts and frets for a while on a stage and then has lunch" is a reference to when Lady MacBeth commits suicide, and MacBeth comments with "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more." This game is so awesome! I can't believe I didn't fall in love with it sooner.

    Edit: His dialogue is full of MacBeth refernces! I love speaking with him.

    submitted by /u/RealCrusaderBro
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