• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    Morrowind This is probably common knowledge, but apparently the Bonemold greaves match the look of Indoril set perfectly, so you can just wear those instead of installing a mod

    Morrowind This is probably common knowledge, but apparently the Bonemold greaves match the look of Indoril set perfectly, so you can just wear those instead of installing a mod

    This is probably common knowledge, but apparently the Bonemold greaves match the look of Indoril set perfectly, so you can just wear those instead of installing a mod

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:22 AM PST

    Love that nostalgia

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:32 PM PST

    The seemingly infinite Sheogorad

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:10 PM PST

    Telvanni stairs irl

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:56 AM PST

    How baar dauu was made (colorized)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:41 PM PST

    Roleplay Tips - Modeling a Life upon that of the Dunmer Saints.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:15 PM PST

    Do you have any additions?


    St. Nerevar the Captain:

    1) Dedicate your life to the policy of leadership - as a statesman and a warrior - with the weapon, armour and speechcraft as major skills.

    2) Join an honourable warrior faction, such as Great House Redoran and/or the Tribunal Temple.

    3) Pledge your life and death to protect the Dunmer against the Fallen Sixth House Influence.

    4) Regularly pray at his Shrine.

    St. Veloth:

    1) Follow in the footsteps of this saint, and dedicate your life to pilgrimages and spiritual fulfilment.

    2) Train for the Priesthood in the Tribunal Temple, or become a wandering prophet

    3) Reinforce his teaching of distinctions between the Good and Bad Daedra. Respect both, and deal with them and their followers accordingly.

    4) If ostracised, embrace being cast out, for it will bring you closer to the ALMSIVI.

    5) Regularly pray at his Shrine.

    Saint Rilms:

    1) Never wear shoes.

    2) Always give charity to those in need, especially beggars.

    3) Do not possess money for its own sake, but use it for the aid of the poor.

    4) Regularly pray at her crime

    Saint Aralor:

    1) Repent for the crime committed against Mer and God.

    2) Do not commit further crimes.

    3) Take up a noble cause, such as mining.

    4) Make regular pilgrimages on your hands and knees.

    5) Regularly pray at his shrine.

    Saint Seryn:

    1) Heal the afflicted of disease.

    2) Dedicate your life to the School of Restoration and Alchemy.

    3) Practice the gift of Mercy

    4) Regularly pray at her shrine.

    Saint Felms:

    1) Be Bold in action

    2) Drive out invaders from the home, community and country.

    3) Join a warrior guild such as Great House Redoran.

    4) Never read or write., instead learning and preaching through voice and song.

    4) Regularly pray at his shrine.

    Saint Roris:

    1) Transcend physical suffering by having high willpower.

    2) Never renounce your faith.

    3) Pray regularly at his shrine.

    Saint Olms:

    1) Join the Ordinators and wear their holy armour with pride.

    2) Always deliver Justice.

    3) Learn of the principles of testing, ordeal and repentance and apply it to your everyday life.

    4) Regularly pray at his shrine.

    Saint Delyn:

    1) Learn wisdom and have a high intelligence.

    2) Join House Indoril / Tribunal Temple

    3) Learn the law of the land.

    4) Author works upon the holiness of the ALMSIVI.

    5) Regularly pray at his shrine.

    Saint Meris:

    1) Take up the role of the farmer or general labourer.

    2) Never make violence.

    3) Always strive for Peace.

    4) Heal all, regardless of their faction loyality.

    5) Dedicate yourself to the School of Restoration.

    6) Regularly pray at her shrine.

    Saint Llothis:

    1) Live a pious life.

    2) Train to the Priesthood of the Temple and learn of the Temples rites.

    3) Be the bridge between God and Mer, and learn the arts of Mysticism to do so.

    4) Regularly pray at his shrine.

    submitted by /u/Anos-Seloth
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    A beginner's really dumb question about race choice

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:44 PM PST

    Greetings. I'm fairly new to The Elder Scrolls, having played Oblivion and Skyrim before, now about to start my adventure in Morrowind. I am a huge fan of Argonians, but for Morrowind, I have been thinking about mixing things up and going for a Dunmer character (since I really like their apperance in this game, unlike the weird yellow-skinned Argonians I've seen online). However, it's a very hard choice for me and I don't want to spend hours playing as a character I'm unsatisfied with. So this is mostly a question for the race-loyal people out there, did you ever have a similar dilemma? What choice did you make?

    submitted by /u/Kadasha
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    Beginners Tips

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:21 AM PST

    So I just recently started playing Morrowind and I absolutely love it! That being said, does anyone have any tips to help me start out the game easier/better? I would love to hear some suggestions for quests, items, spells, and such.

    submitted by /u/Magicalhalfman
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    Is there a mod that adds quest markers?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:28 AM PST

    Like they have in oblivion and Skyrim?

    submitted by /u/videogamealtaccount
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